
I just ordered these from, and was wondering if any of you ladies have tried these? The reviews I read are really good! they say they have gotten pregnant after using these in the 1st month!

I just placed my order on that site for softcups. I hope they work!!!! I have been reading so many good reviews about them.
Congratulations Amanda09 I see you got your BFP!!!! :thumbup: :hugs:
Laura-I agree, you deserve that BFP anytime now. You girls are constantly in my prayers.. :flower: I'm doing okay today.. just trying to stay occupied to pass the time. Thanks for asking :hugs:

Minimin-:hugs: Giirl where have you been! I'm doing okay.. I had my self-pity fest, and now I'm just anxious to get back in the game ;) AF was brutal the first 2 days, and today she's pretty much gone.. Major wtf moment for me because she usually sticks around for a week.. Not that I'm complaining :) How have ya been the last few days?
Belle I admire your PMA so much it's unreal, particularly right now when I can't seem to see the light and I see you talking as you do... It's just PURE strength...

I just had an awful fight with OH on msn... eugh, been in tears for the last 2 hrs, cramps still there, keep having to go to the toilet to see if AF has arrived. I have been focusing on the cramps to see where they are and they are like where my hips are, only on the inside of my hips.. like in my uterus but at both sides inside my hips... does that make sense?!

Laura the coldsore could be down to low immune system brought on by pregnancy - a lot of people get colds and that because your body lowers it's immune system to stop it kicking the baby out as a foreign object
:( Sorry to hear about the tough time with OH hunnie, Men are such pains sometimes. Did you guys get things worked out? I know what you're talking about inside your hips, kinda close to the inside of your pelvic bone? That's strange though, period cramps are usually a bit higher up though, on me at least :) keep on keepin' on Aaisrie. Thank you.. about being strong. Everyone has their hard days, especially right now for you.. you're bursting with emotions between wondering what is up with your body and trying to deal with your relationship at the same time. It's no wonder you're sad luv, but every single one of us is tough. We're women.. ;) And not only that we're TTC women. You don't get a much more determined group of gals. So, you know what I always say.. Chin Up. :hugs: you'll get through it. I promise :flower:
Awww Bella you are making me cry again... not again, even more, I haven't stopped crying. No we didn't get things worked out, this has been going on from last week and I thought he wanted to sort it hence him asking me to come onto MSN and he just said some horrid things, really horrid. I feel really horrible about myself and I'm trying to deal with these cramps and I don't know what they are and I'm trying to remember the pains I had with DD without success... The pain is coming and going, it's not there right now. It stopped for a good while this afternoon and I relaxed only for it to return... I just... wish I knew, I mean don't we all? But I just think with EVERYTHING (and there is SO much more than I posted about) going on with my I couldn't deal with the disappointment this month... I'm actually thinking the pain is a bit round the back now too?? FFS Eve stop symptom spotting... seriously... STOP gah!
Well your OH is lucky I'll never meet him on the street then, no man should make his OH feel bad about themselves. Even while fighting. :( What a ___head. But needless to say I hope you guys get things figured out. And no shame in symptom spotting, just don't drive yourself too crazy =] If you need to vent or talk, you can write me a novel in a PM, I don't mind, and I'm here to listen! :hugs: I'm very anxious to see where these cramps lead.. If AF does happen to show up. Pinky promise that you will be a tough cookie and stay determined? Pretty please :flower: ..
Morning lovelies!!! :kiss:

8dpo and tiny pains but most have gone, thought AF was coming a week early but they have subsided now hoping they were implantation cramps because im gonna look like a right ARSE if the :witch: turns up with me giving all these symoms :rofl: i promise i eint making them up! :flower:
morning me lovelys,

Aaisie. Im so sory your having such an awful time. And your OH needs to open his eyes and see what a lovely Partner he has. He has no right making you feel like that as belle said. i hope the cramps have subsided today and your feeling better.

Bella, i too admire your strength, and your right we are all strong as we ave to go through the things we do.

Morning M2K- glas to hear the cramps hve gone. Fingers crossed thy dont re appear and that they we implantation cramps.

well i had another high temp this morning abeit being a bit confused. my thermometer didnt bleap when it was ready to read but it did stop flashing so took it again and i had dropped .1 so i stuck with the first temp.

Morning girls

Cramps have gone, temperature has dropped... BFN... looks like AF will be here today or tomorrow
Morning girls,

How is everyone feeling today?
Hello Ladies! How are you all!
Aasirie- sorry AF looks like she is on her way- I hope she stays away!
Bellablue- Been lurking but dont really know where I am in my cycle so I dont know. Today for me is CD17 (if I could MC as CD1) and I have no signs of OV (which I should be if cycle all back to normal!) TO be honest I need some PMA. Am fed up with wondering and wishing each month away! I know the MC can play with my cycle!!!grrrhh- Wanna share some of your PMA.

DH and I have still :sex: all the time- incase a lil eggy is out! I swear my sense of smell was awesome this morning- does anyone else get that around OV or am I slowly going madder and madder? (dont answer that LOL :rofl:

morning Yomo, Im feeling great thanks hunny. How are you?

Oh minimi im sorry your having a hard time with it. im sorry if i hve already asked this but do you chart? It would give you a better indication of when you do OV. The sense of smell thing i dont get when OV. But.... thats a sign of pregnancy. Any chance you could have OVd and just missed it? It will happen darling i promise. You know you can do it and you have that Sticky ikkle beany soon just hang in there and chin up. :hugs:

Hey Laura- thanks for the comforting words! I am beginning to feel better- slowly! I so chart using MedHelp- the link should be on my siggy! My BBT- is all over the place and I think I take my temps at all times!! My CBFM should be Peak fertility right now but now Medium!
I think I could have OV'd early as I had some EWCM around CD5- which was way early but with MC on CD1 at 4w6d so this may have messed my cycle :(
Morning ladies, not been on for a bit and missed so much!

Titi - so sorry really hope all works out OK for you.

Laura and confused (I think!) the lotiony CM? Ive had that these past 2 days, really weird and alot of it to?! Cervix is closed and was high sat morning but low last night? No idea what that means. Sent off for some 10miu tests so will test maybe Wednesday hehe, not due on til Monday but what the heck lol.

Aaisirie - fingers crossed the nasty AF stays away.

Min - hope you're OK, sounds like your cycle is all over the shop.

Bella - you are amazingly strong, keep going, you will get that BFP soon!

Hugs and babydust to everyone on here x
minimi i have had a look at your chart. I really cant tell whats happeing im sorry hun. May be worth booking an appointment with your GP and seeing if they can do some bloods and hep at all. My heart goes out to you. There is nothing worse than not knowing what your body is doing espec after such a traumatic time already.

Afternnon Helly. Oh fingers crossed for you testing. Let us know how you get on. My Cm seems to have dried up today but CP is back to high. It had started to come down a few days ago but this is my first cycle tracking it so god knows if its normaly for me or not.

Thank You ladies, with all these strength compliments I'm starting to feel like the incredible hulk! :happydance: .. :) But no, really.. thank you all.

M2K- Yay for the symptoms! We know they're not made up.. symptoms are evil.. but hopefully yours will result in a Big*Obese*Positive. =] .. cuz obese just sounds more fun than fat! It sounds super promising though, keep us posted!

Laura- :hugs: Yeah just stick with the first temp, the higher the better right? =]

Eve- Sorry sweet girl, but it aint over till you're riding the crimson tide.. Let us know what happens and if you need some moral support. I'm rather hoping to find out good news and jump around like a banshee, but if not this month.. then soon. We'll both get our BMW's! Don't you worry. :flower:

Helly- Thank You! I sure hope I get it soon, it would be a joy.. We're going back to the states in may, I would love to be able to have my family meet my little bump while we're home for a few weeks.. :hugs:

Minimin- If the mailman shows up at your door with a box the size of a refridgerator, don't worry.. that's just all the PMA I'm sending your way. :hugs:
morning Yomo, Im feeling great thanks hunny. How are you?

Oh minimi im sorry your having a hard time with it. im sorry if i hve already asked this but do you chart? It would give you a better indication of when you do OV. The sense of smell thing i dont get when OV. But.... thats a sign of pregnancy. Any chance you could have OVd and just missed it? It will happen darling i promise. You know you can do it and you have that Sticky ikkle beany soon just hang in there and chin up. :hugs:


I am good thanks, one day closer to testing :happydance:

I see you have been trying for the last 2 years have you been to the doctors? What have they suggested? I am going for my 21 day bloods on Friday, i am nervous as i have never had them taken before.

thanks belle, yeah i have stuck with the higher one. its on .1 degree difference anyway. lol.

Yomo, yeah i have very mild PCSO. not bad enough to stop me from ovulating but its there. I start my second round of clomid next month just to give me a little boost. Its just unexplained infertility really. It sucks! :sad2:
Good luck with your bloods. How long have you been TTC?

Yomo- I missed your good morning up there ^^ :) Good morning!

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