
I'm not as strong as I put out to be ;) I was just always taught to put my mind elsewhere, and helping others makes me feel better about things I'm going through as well.. If that makes sense. It's a hard day today, missing my family like crazy back in the states. But, what can you do? Wallowing doesn't change a thing. And the amount of time you spend doing it is an amount of your life that you will never get back. :hugs: thanks hun.
I'm not as strong as I put out to be ;) I was just always taught to put my mind elsewhere, and helping others makes me feel better about things I'm going through as well.. If that makes sense. It's a hard day today, missing my family like crazy back in the states. But, what can you do? Wallowing doesn't change a thing. And the amount of time you spend doing it is an amount of your life that you will never get back. :hugs: thanks hun.

Well said! I wish i had the same view, but after reading that i am going to try.

Thank you :happydance:
Where about's do you live Bella? I do the same thing - I also noticed your a Christian, Ditto! I was just reading Eskimobabys thread :)
We're overseas right now, we'll be stationed here for 3 years..and my family is very tight knit. :shrug: so i'm trying to cope. I've never been so far from family for long, and we've been here for 6 months! Hearing my dad tear up on the phone always gets to me :cry:. I can't wait to visit home, we're going in may :) And Yes! I'm a christian.. I don't go to church every week or anything.. But I'm def. a believer.. and I think prayer works wonders :flower:
Where in Germany?? I spent a good while in Germany! I was at Church last week for the first time in months - I used to do Christian youthwork and seeing the inner workings of the Church put me off. Being a Christian isn't going to church, it's having a relationship with God :)
aaisrie im so sorry she got you hunny. :hugs:

Belle- you really are such an inspiration, i wish i was strong like you. I wouldnt be pulling my hair out now perhaps.

Aaisrie- darn that stupid :witch: lots of :hugs: to you.

Bella- Hope your feeling better. I lived in Maryland for 5 years for work- all on my own and didnt know anyone when I moved there from home (England)-Trust me when i know how hard it is. I missed home soooooo much! I hope May comes around for you quick honey!

Things do come our way to make us stronger. Your a wonderful strong and inspiring woman. I hope you get lots of health and happiness in your future babe.


! :) Where were you? It's beautiful here, no doubt. I'm glad that we're getting to experience being in another country! But it is, indeed tough sometimes. I agree, I think that thinking you're a christian just based just upon going to church, is like thinking you're a car just because you're standing in a garage. It's all about the relationship you have with him. :hugs: :)

Thank you thank you. Laura, no pulling out the hair honey. It takes longer to grow back that way! ;) You're stronger than you give yourself credit for.. after 2 years of TTC you're still at it. In my book that counts for something. :flower: You haven't given up.. that defines true strength.

Minimin~ I can't imagine being all alone like that away from home! I'm fortunate to have my husband.. for sure. He tells me that he isn't homesick like me because.. here, he has all he needs. Me :) What a sweetheart he is.. lol. But thank you so much, yes I can't wait for may and I hope it comes quickly as well. :hugs:

You girls are nothing short of amazing!
girls i have started a thread in TTC section and im getting no answers. Would you lovlie ladies have a look for me and see what you think. I would really appreciate it. Its a charting question.

Ohhh Stuttgart is lovely, DH has a couple of Architect mates out there and we had to go to a wedding there back in 2007- one our first dates where he flew me back from Baltimore, to London to see Mum, and then to Stuggart- those were the days! LOL- Now I have to get the bloody bus myself! LOL

We keep meaning to fly over to meet them- maybe we will- I will definitely look you up then!!! Are you also working there? How is your German??

Your DH sounds adorable! I hope you hug him extra tight this evening! What a gem!

I got my Peak on my CBFM this morning- after a 9day run of mediums I thought my CBFM was messed up after MC. This morning's Peak means I should be OVing sometime in the next 24 or so hours. DH got his urgent text this morning. I popped out to M and S to pick up some new underwear- (ttc is taking its toll on our sex life and I need to spice up the :sex:)and I am ready and waiting :rofl:
yey mimimin on the peak. Thats fantastic news. Get :sex: girl. :happydance:

I've been to Stuttgart a number of times - I was in Heildeseim, Soest, Detmold & Bielefeld. I totally agree about the car analogy!! I think I hate Christians more than most non-Christians!! There are so many pharisees and do-gooders who are as Christian as my dog is!

Laura will check that post out now!
:rofl: aaisrie you crack me up. first time ive laughed all day. thank you.

Laura I really really really REALLY don't want to say this but my chart dipped on 11DPO too right before my AF.... I don't want you to lose hope, just be prepared because I took the fall HARD because I wasn't prepared.... *hugs*
Laura- I'll look honey :) But I'm not that great with charting yet so I don't know if I'll be much help :shrug:

Minimin- Most def. look me up if you come here! No I don't work here (yet).. I'm getting a job when we get back from visiting home, but figured that I shouldn't get a job now since we'll be going home for a few weeks anyways. :) I'm taking college classes though, to pass the time. My bi-lingualism is awful. :lol: I know how to say, Please-Thank You-Beautiful-and Beer. Goodness. But since we don't really live on the "economy" here I'm not exposed to as much of the language as I could be.

Yay for Ovulating Mini! Get it :) Have fun underwear shoppin' honey, thats alllways fun ;)
Bellablu- makes sense not to work if you are off in May. Are you guys planning a long trip? I loved the US. Miss it and my American Family so much! I went back for my Roomies birthday and it was soo good to be back. If DH had not booked Egypt for 6th Feb I would have gone over. I am also sitting at home- looking for a job- but also looking for a career change- so not rushing back. Are you following the Football? Sad the Bawlmer Ravens are out :cry:

Got myself a lovely blue polkodot number- never really got into coloured underwear so I thought I could do with a change.. hey who knows- blue- boy???eeekekkkkk

Back to the lunatic asylum for me.

Laura- just checking your post now xx
:rofl: Aaisrie. I agree 100%!

Minimin- Yeah, were only planning on going home for about 3 1/2 weeks since you can't take longer than a month of leave with the military. (booo) My DH follows the football religiously, I don't watch it as much. lol. Ooo blue polka.. sounds cute! :) Change is always good. :hugs: have fun conceiving this month.. hehe*
^ And I have no idea how to do the cute lil guy rolling around laughing. But that's what I meant. lol

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