
I thought there was just one hole? The entrance to the cervix is in the vagina which I thought didnt have another opening?hmm? Interesting to know if anyone has more light to shed on this :shrug:
well girls just to update im 2 days late n not getting anywhere testing but not getting lines till after 10 mins even tho they are pink in colour, im going off my head here just want to know so i can get on with it:cry:
Confused27 Which tests are you using. Alot of women dont get a postive until a week or so later. Hope this is the case for you.
hey mini hunny im using superdrug early tests, used a few frer but getting 3 lines on them again so they cant be trusted right now lol how is things with you?
I have used SD in the past- It may be taking a while for the hCG to get going! Never used FRER ones. Seems people have differing experience of them :shrug:

I am doing well- 6dpo- after FF decided to change it. Was originally 8dpo and now 6dpo! Oh well. Due to test next week Thursday- but we are off to Egypt on Saturday so may test early- not good if I am only 10dpo :(

Keep me posted. I hope it is just a simple case of not detecting- silly question- but are you using FMU? Are you planning on testing again soon or going to wait until a week or so after :witch: was due?
Ohhh my gosh. :cry: something is wrong with me. I'm seriously losing my mind right now!

I can't even believe I'm about to say this, but for the last few hours.. I've been toggling at the thought of getting pregnant. I keep going back and forth with myself thinking that if it doesn't happen this month then I'm getting back on birth control. I don't know if it's just because the stress of it all is finally starting to make me lose my cool.. but I just can't comprehend how I've wanted this SO bad for SO long and now I'm having second thoughts?!?! Is this normal ? I don't even know what to think, I feel like i'm going crazy.. I don't even know what I want.. that certainly makes me concerned. Obviously I would be overjoyed to be pregnant.. and if I find out I am I'll be ecstatic! But I don't understand why my brain is going haywire about it all. I've NEVER had these thoughts. Not once! :hissy:
First off you are certainly not the only one. I have had those exact thoughts. Even to the extent of wondering if MC and Ectopic were a sign I dont really want this. I do toggle back and forth sometimes. I do especially now I am in the 2ww. I wonder if this is a defense mechanism so we aren't disappointed with :witch: arriving? I am disappointed when my pregnancies have not worked out and I dont think I would be giving it as much thought and effort if I didnt want to. I think you are probably the same. Perhaps the strain of TTC is taking its toll. I have thought about taking a break after this- perhaps until May or something- but I have the good ole clock ticking so i dont know if I will be able to :(

you are not alone babe.. :hugs:
hey mini yeah been using every kind of urine i can get my hands on lol yes i test every morning then do 1 more thru the day, going to test every 2 days now if shes still not here by start of next week im gonna go to docs, i really hope you get your bfp mini hunni and hope you have a great time in egypt :D

Bella i get these thoughts too sometimes when im stressed out, you just think to hell with the lot of it, but you'll feel different tomoro about it all, its all the waiting and everything really gets to you, if you still feel like this in about a weeks time maybe try having 1 month off trying to get your head straightened out :hugs:
:hugs: thanks so much girls.. that is really great to hear. I was sure that I was losing it and I feel so stupid even saying it. it just doesn't seem rational with as bad as I have wanted it and how hard we've worked towards this. Minimin I think that may be true about it being a defense mechanism, I never thought of it like that. I hope both of you get your much deserved BFP's soon. You'll be great mommy's. *I'm putting off talking to my husband about it, i'm most def. gonna give myself some time* ..
Thanks Confused- if there is a set of girlies who are due a BFP I know we are!
Bellablu- you included- I would have some 'me' time and see how you feel tomorrow. I shall be here.. infact I shall be here all evening LOL :hugs:

I thought i would ask you a question as you are the expert at BBT, I am on day 26 and my temp dropped loads this morning from 35.9 to 35.2 but i was awake at 4.55am tossing and turning (normally take my temp at 6.30) do you think this affected my temp this morning?

Thanks x:hugs:

Hey Yomo - sorry for the delayed reply, I was at my FIL's lol.

Yes, it would affect your temp, the only thing is... technically it should go UP from being awake. Temp can be affected by other things. Sometimes we can just have an odd temp that is out of line with all the others, if you look at my last months chart you will see I had a random really low one which I discarded. It could be you slept with your mouth open which would make it drop too. The best thing to do, which really sucks, is wait to see what tomorrows temp is and then you will know if it's something weird. Give me your chart link and I will have a look :)
Bella I was in "that place" a couple of months ago and it got so bad I started looking up sterilisation online because I just didn't want to have to deal with it anymore. It's normal and it will disappear - it's stress! The trying, the when did I O, the 2WW, the POASing... all of it causes stress!!
makeithappen - I think you might be feeling your cervix and thats the 2nd hole you are finding? What does it feel like?
just catching up with the posts on here.

Bella honey how you feeling?

Gosh I have no idea what I'm feeling up there, I tried to get to my cervix but it's quite high up - don't know if it's closed cos I never felt it when it was open!!

Mine was quite high today, not its highest because I could just reach it

How're you Ness?
I'm ok thanks chicken - feeling a bit down and fed up tonight, no reason why just feel knackered, got thrush which i never get, and feel sicky after my dinner ugh!

how about you? have a nice time at your FIL?? xx
Thanks Girls. I'm feeling a bit better, less panic-y and a bit more sane. I'm going to get my hair done tomorrow and do some shopping this weekend. DH and I are going to go sight-seeing and go out dancing. I think that having a bit of "me" time is a great idea. So I'm just gonna try that. Hopefully I feel more normal in the morning.. I dont like being in "this place" .. I've never been at war with myself before over anything like this. It's bizarre. But I will most def. be on tomorrow to check on you ladies, XxX Have a wonderful night all of you. :hugs:
Well I was with my FIL and my OH, it's his day off. It was nice, same old same old. UNFORTUNATELY my OH can't come down this week as he's technically getting a week off and staying with my BIL in Galway so he won't have to care for his dad this week BUT he does have to stay there and mind the dogs... this is my BD week... AND I can't stay down there because there is no heating in the house and it's SO DAMN COLD that Saraya would freeze....
I so understand Bella, I hope you have a good time tomorrow and that you are a bit more relaxed *hugs*

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