Hellooo Ladies

Guess who is sane today? Bella is! Woo. I woke up this morning and the sun was shining and the air coming in smelled like spring. Talk about a mood lifter. I spent all day "spring cleaning" even though I know I'll end up doing it again in a month or two. I'm sure it will snow again but you wouldn't guess it with this weather! So I've been in a pretty great mood today

Still gonna go shopping cuz.. well

I love shopping?
On a good note my CM is screaming "Have lots of sex!" you can def. tell I'm about to OV or am today! So I'm gonna have a nice little setup for DH when he gets home.

Anteater-Sorry you've been feeling down sweetie,

I hope your mood lifts soon.. Everything will turn out.
Helly- Lol. I thought about that, But I figure it will motivate me to fit back into them after the baby if I have some nice new clothes waiting to wiggle into.
Ness & Eve & All of my other wonderful girls.. Hope your day is going okay.
Thank you all for always putting up with my bi-polarism! (not really bi-polar, i dont THINK)
The sun is ShiNiNG!