Hi ladies! Welcome and great to meet you Carla!
Sorry to hear about Ross, Cat. Glad you are doing well in spite of that though.

Good luck with the diet!
Sabrina, it sounds like you and DH are really enjoying the TTC break!
Ness, good luck and FX'd for your OV coming up!
AFM, I am feeling very negative about TTC right now. I don't really know why but I just am. I am getting kind of tired of the pressure and constant disappointment, and I am VERY tired of being so sad all the time. Just tired of it all I guess.
Hope everyone is having a great day!

I agree with you IceFire. It does play on our feelings. Us women who are ttc who every month turn up empty handed after crazy SS (which makes me even more mad

) and the feeling of this has to be it. What helps me get up and dust myself off with a pleasant smile on my face, with good humor might I add

, is the fact that the world isn't going to end because of this. Maybe there is another plan for us, maybe there is a reason we have to wait for our bfp, maybe there is a certain time that he thinks would be best for us. I am unsure, IceFire, but I do know this. I am very fortunate to have what I already have. I may not have any parents or grandparents and my entire family is a complete and utter mess, but I have my husband and our 5 year old DD, and pretty decent health and we have alot of love that alot of people don't 'really' have. We would love to have another baby, heck I would like 3 more (I don't want to push it!!), but I am taking it all in stride and keeping busy to 'try' and help my mind focus on other things. It WILL happen, the question is "WHEN?"
I don't mean to preach I just hope my point of view may help you feel better
Ness, I hope the screaming match is over! Sounds like many people had them this weekend, including me and DH for a few minutes. I just needed a break from DD, she is hyperactive (which I can tolerate) but she has a bloody 16 year old rebellious teenager trapped in her 5 year old body!!!! Makes me want to rip my hair out!

On to O, eh? Have fun with it!
Sabrina, I love the irony of it all!

I am glad you are doing well with your break. Keep in touch a little more love!
Kita, thanks for the dust!

to you as well!
M2K, sorry about Ross but seems like you adapt fairly well, we will be here when you need us!!!

How's Kian? I hope he is doing much better!!
Minimin, DARLING!!! How are you? How are you feeling? When do you go to the Doc's again? Any symptoms to report?
Hi Carly!
Helly how are you?