Yes that’s what I remember from soy was the clear ovulation twinges! I didn’t have any other symptoms other than a reduction in EWCM. Hoping the grapefruit helps with this and I’ll force myself to drink more water. Really going for it this month.
My plan daily is this and started today:
Soy CD2-6
2 cups raspberry leaf tea
2 capsules omega 3 and 6 with high DHA
Vitamin D
B50 complex
Prenatal vitamin
30minutes powerwalk by myself or when DD is sleeping for some mindfulness and exercise.
I’ve also got one frer and a digital. And I will not buy more tests this cycle. I will test with FRER on day AF is due which is 12dpo. I’m not doing the crazy testing.
Just hope our timing works out as it’s hard to figure it out when O might move due to soy!
TESH, my estimated due date will be on your birthday! 33333I’m 23 November so first day of Sagittarius haha. My ds is a Taurus like his dad their birthday are 2 days apart. So would love another Sagittarian to even it up!
I think that dosage sounds great. I definitely think with that dosage it will bring your ovulation forward. Cd20 does seem quite late for ovulation. The increase in fsh should mature the egg a little faster.
I think testing from cd10 would be a good bet. Really can’t wait to feel the effects of the isoflavones this time. I never felt them with this last brand I used. I remember feeling a lot of twinges in my ovaries before I ovulated with my ds.
Those are very obvious lines hun!!! GahhH!!!Arrgh why do I do this to myself.. I've been letting the tests get to 3 mins and then throwing them away to try stop myself obsessing over lines.. but I just got last nights and this mornings back out of the bin (I cant be the only one to get that crazy Haha!) And I see lines I even see progression maybe?
Oh I'm going mad I think.. getting tests out of the bin is the final straw in my TTC craziness
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TESH, my estimated due date will be on your birthday! 33333
I get a bit nervous when it comes to trying things I haven't taken before, so prob start off on a lower dose, especially as my cycles are not the longest. I was thinking days 2-6 taking 80, 80, 120, 120, 160.
However I dont think I can class this as CD1 just yet as I'm only bleeding when I wipe not yet a proper flow. I've got awful period cramps so I know shes coming but maybe tomorrow will be CD1 unless it starts properly before midnight.
I cant get to the shops until Tuesday I'll have no time at all tomorrow so it will be days 3-7 if AF starts fully tonight or 2-6 if its tomorrow.
Feeling positive for this next cycle, we didn't get to BD alot last cycle, just once on day before ov, my children were all really poorly with a virus one after the other so ended up every night with a child in bed with me right through all my fertile days. We dont get alot of alone time during the day so made it impossible. Will get in as much bd as we can this time!
I thought so too when you said the date of yours!! That's so cool!!That. Is. So. AWESOME!!!!
I have to share this - there was a friend of mine who I had on bnb before and my son decided to make his appearance on 17 May, she only told me after he arrived that it was her birthday too! I think it’s good luck!!
And fate!!
When are u going for bloods lovey?
Get it girl!!! woohoo!!I took my first dose today at around 4pm. 210mg!
The isoflavones in these are from both red clover and soy so hope it works. It’s supposed to contain the same type of isoflavones... it’s actually stopped my cramping?! Is that good or not lol. Haven’t cramped since half an hour of taking them.
LOL! Yes!! Such a higher chance! We had 6 mature follicles at our last ultrasound so we definitely have a chance at two or more, scary to think about! But I just pray we have a healthy LO or LOs!!Haha Faith that’s my only worry withtaking soy! I’d be happy but still the idea of multiples terrifies me!
I felt my cramps have been less taking soy too Tesh! I was wondering if that’s good or bad...
I thought so too when you said the date of yours!! That's so cool!!
Waiting for doctor to call back now actually. I am guessing they will have me do it in the next couple days. We are so excited. Hubby might be acting happier than me at the moment! LOL
Also, we are sooooo nervous now about possible multiples!! Eeek! Won't know that part until next month sometime!