Sweden, I wouldn't have thought you would be ovulating this early if it's only CD6 but you can have fertile cm for up to a week before ov and especially if the soy is helping with that, so maybe your body is getting ready for it. I'd def start the opks a bit earlier just incase.
Yay Tesh for good ewcm.. so glad the soy seems to be working!
Ok so I started the soy last night I just took 80mg for my first dose I'll do 120 tonight, I've woke up today with awful nausea I feel so sick, will this be the soy? My stomach is not happy at all today.
I'm also a little concerned that my pre ov temps are so high still, they haven't dropped below last cycles coverline once. I cant even say it's the soy as I only started that last night before bed. Will see if it settles once AF has finished.
My partner is a little annoyed I've started the soy, he said it's not natural to manipulate my cycle and I should stop being so impatient and wait til my body is ready itself. I know he means well but he just doesn't understand. Hes not as keen as I am for another, hes only 25, and obviously is on board with us trying but wouldn't bother him if it took another 3 years. I just dont want to be ttc too late I'm 34 this year and it's getting more difficult to carry, I'm not as energetic as i was in my 20s with the others lol
Going to have some lunch now and hope it helps with this nausea!