Soy Cycle Buddies 2019 <3 1BFP on second soy cycle 2 BFPs Non-soy cycle

Yeah I seem to be saying I'm out then in then out, it's been a bit of a up and down cycle this one so far! ooh sounds exciting for you hopefully wont be long now!

We have finally managed to BD now so even if ov was yesterday/today I'm sure I'm still in now lol

Luckily I wont have much time to stress about it all now as It's my daughters birthday over the weekend and we have bought her a pony so been busy all week at the stables (I have my own horse anyway) and trying to keep it from her, cant wait to see her face when she sees all the balloons etc on the stable <3
Yay Ana glad you got to bd! At least you’re still in with a chance this cycle.

Afm we dtd at about 5pm today, and although my cervix was very slippery and wet, high and softish it still didn’t feel open really.

I don’t have any more opks but on my bfp cycle I had two days of positive solid smileys on cd12 and cd13 and ovulated on cd14. I wonder if it that may happen this time around as well. I’m just going to wait for my temps to confirm ovulation now. I doubt I’m going to get a rise tomorrow, but may get a rise Saturday or Sunday.
Awhhh what an awesome gift Anababe! And so great you got to bd and your with us on this cycle!

Tesh I’d just keep BDing now until you get a rise, based on your opk that should be soon!

Tested again and still flashing. I got insane cramps/twinges for about an hour earlier. I looked at my cycle with dd and got those about 2 days before Ov so hoping for solid tomorrow or Saturday! I’m going to say to OH we really need to try to BD Friday, Saturday and Sunday, but if he is up for it tonight too! I could BD everyday, but I know it’s a bit different for them! Trying to put more of the planning in his court with the timing this cycle
How is everyone’s opks this morning?

My temp is still low so likely will ovulate today or tomorrow. Still have slight cramping and lower backache.

I’m so paranoid about the sperm not getting in there, even trying to conceive ds that was one of my major concerns lol. Hoping my cervix is more open today and tomorrow.

How is everyone’s bd schedule looking so far?
The sperm will get there don’t worry! There is millions of them and it only takes one to get there!

My OPKs are still flashing smiley. I’m a bit confused now to be honest as my CM has gone a bit more sticky and my cp is high, firm and not fully open. I’m trying not to go on CM as I know it dried me out last time. I found a little glob of what looked like EWCM but it was a bit white- not its usual clear colour. But I had to go searching- sorry if tmi! My temp has gone even lower today (might be because DD is finally back to sleeping in her own bed through the night) so doubt I’ve Od.
Ahhh I’m stressing so bad now. We definitely will BD today but thinking maybe we should focus on every other day until I see more signs and get a peak. The game plan was everyday from today as I guessed I’d O on Sunday but now I’m worried the soy gave me early high reading on the estrogen part of these OPKs.... I did get two low readings to start though
Doesn’t sound like you’ve ovulated yet you’re right. My cervix position and opening also really bothers me because I was show for 3 days when I conceived ds which had never happened before. Praying it changes through the day. They say not to go on cp but rather work on cm. It feels very wet and slippery inside esp my cervix bit the opening only feels slightly open if I can even call it that.

My cm is very watery today with a tiny bit of ewcm not sure how I should record it on FF.

Do you think your cm will change throughout the day? That has happened to me before. How many days of flashing smileys have you had now?
It’s so hard with figuring out exactly what CM is. I’d go EWCM if you have some!

This is day 5 flashing. Last cycle I had 6 flashing and then day 7 solid. It kind of makes sense as I normally get like 2 days watery and then 5 days EWCM. The thing is normally I have loadsssss of EWCM 3 days before O. Like sorry if tmi but it literally falls out when I pee! So it’s scary for me when I’m so dry.

I’m going to try and still go with the fact going off last cycle I should get peak and ovulate on Sunday. Although maybe peak tomorrow as I’ll test in the afternoon too.

I looked at my last soy BFP and then I didn’t record anything 2 days before O, and I’m guessing that’s because I was annoyed that my symptoms weren’t ideal. So maybe that’s what’s happening now....

Trying to go with we will figure it out if I don’t O by Sunday but let’s go with the fact I will! Easier said than done though
Sweden the good news is at least you haven’t missed ovulation. I think bd tonight and then every other night IF you don’t get a solid smiley today or tomorrow. If you don’t get a solid smiley tomorrow then take a break from bd and start again on Sunday. That way if you do get a solid by Sunday like you suspected then it will still be well timed.

Cm can be because of the soy and can also change quiet quickly too as can cp so there’s still time for that.

When will u test again with opks?
If you’re worried about the cm I would try upping my omega 3 dose by double just for these next couple days. Omega is something that you can’t really overdose on and I’ve been having 1800mg - 2100mg a day! That’s about 6000-8000mg of fish oil a day. But no real side effects (doubt it’s affecting my cervix) other than good fertile cm and glowing skin lol. My cm this cycle is the best it’s been so far ttc #2.

I really think you will get your solid latest by Sunday. I had a look your chart and your chart from last cycle and the signs are def there!
Haha... I need to take a chill pill. Cervix is back up high, open and medium now. Also a little bit of slippery CM around it. Still not much but some! I’m not normally this crazy in the wait to O. But really have a good feeling about this month and want to give it the best shot!

I’ll test between 2 and 4 today and then again tomorrow morning. I’ll test three times tomorrow I think as think I would have got peak in the afternoon last time.

Sometimes I hate that darn cervix it messes with our minds lol. Glad it’s back on track! I seriously hope mine cooperates soon this morning when I checked it was medium medium and slightly medium to closed. But the cm was on point.

I also have such a good feeling for us this month I will be seriously disappointed if we don’t get our BFP’s this cycle. BUT let’s continue with this positive energy!!!! :happydance::dance:
Nooo FF has put crosshairs on CD9! Nothing much on today's OPK, still a bit crampy on my right side this morning but not as bad as all day yesterday.

Honestly I think when I took that first opk at 6pm on CD10, I think I caught the tail end of my surge and if I'd tested the night before or that morning I would have got a positive and ovulated on CD10 or yesterday. FF has put it as CD9 but I dont use a BBT thermometer just a normal one and because even just half a degree makes a difference it is sometimes a day off with the crosshairs if my temp wasnt totally accurate. If I change that CD10 temp to 0.5 lower than it is it takes out the crosshairs and they will move to CD10.

So basically at some point in the last 3 days I've ovulated and we only BDd once yesterday afternoon will do again today incase I O yesterday.

My cp is medium soft and open but not overly high now.

Ana how is your cm today?

Looking at your previous charts it looks like you ovulate on the last day you see ewcm which makes me think you may have ovulated yesterday?

I would def bd today just in case!! You may still have caught it x
The one second from the bottom looks the most dark- when did you take that? I’m guessing last night?

I guess you’ll know more for certain tomorrow.. I still think you’re in for a shot even if you did O as you bd yesterday!
Dh is a sport, he’s agreed to put the spermies into the soft cup and I’m just gonna insert It in. Just Incase my cervix opens more through the day I figure it maybe wise to just have them right up against the cervix for as long as possible.

The soft cups really helped when ttc ds so hoping it does the same trick this time round. We also don’t have enough time to bd today as we’ve got loads to do so it may be the best choice.

I’ve also had horrible cramping / tightening with bloating in my uterus/abdomen area for about an hour just now not sure if that was to do with ovulation as I usually feel a stabbing pain in my ovaries (left or right) when I ovulate. Does anyone else feel ovulation? This almost felt like a very bad stitch for about an hour and now getting sort of pulling pains
That sounds like what I had yesterday! I don’t normally have any O pains but got them last soy cycle and feeling them again this time. Had them for a few days before I Ovd last time too.

Great that you can do an alternative to BDing today. And great your DH is such a good sport. I think mine would draw the line there and not be up for that- at least right now when it’s not been too long TTC.

I’m high and open now. Not as soft as O day but think everything looks like it will be happening in the next couple of days!
Yeah Sweden the second from bottom was 4pm yesterday, I did test at 10pm amd it was just the same as this mornings, very faint.

Cm today is still very wet but it's more lotiony/creamy white just alot of it which is normal for me in the 2ww. I dont know, not a huge chance for this cycle but dont think I'm totally out. I just wont go crazy with testing I'll try wait til near AF being due.

Tesh sounds like a good plan, seem good them softcups I've never used them.

I usually do feel ovulation but my cramps have been different this cycle, they started earlier, were very strong on CD9 but more of a pulling/twinge in my right side and round to my back, like really achey. Then it went and came back yesterday but it was more of a stabbing pain in my right side yesterday, this morning is still quite painful on that right side to be honest but more in my back again. If I was going off pain alone though it was either CD9 or CD11 yesterday, they have been the strongest cramps I've had.
After the talk dh and I had about a week ago he really seems to be pushing for this cycle to be successful and seems he really wants us to get our bfp this month as much as I do.

Cervix is now high medium to soft and only still slightly open.

No more cramping for me so far just achey hip pain.

Last cycle FF said I ovulated on cd13 but on cd14 I had super ewcm and a high soft and open cervix. Hoping that will be what will happen again this time so get a chance with the right cervix! Lol I’ll just feel better.

I promised myself I wouldn’t test too early this cycle like I went crazy last cycle but I just ordered 12 20miu cassette tests as they were going on special for R5 each lol roughly $0,30.

I’m hopeless.
Haha Tesh... I said the same. I have one FRER from last cycle and said I’d test on 11dpo if AF didn’t show. But I spent the morning on and off the online shop contemplating ordering 3 FRERs for this cycle to test from 8dpo.... I really don’t want to though but I do at the same time. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. This TWW will be hard!

I decided to test at lunch and still flashing. But decided I’m going on Oving before or on Sunday so going to test again this evening.

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