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Soy Isoflavones Poll

Back for an update. Ovulated yesterday, worst pain ever!! I always get slight pain that lets me know what's cooking but last night took out. I was doubled over walking around. BD with DH and oh lord, I thought it was going to kill me!! No pain no gain huh! :) :wacko:

Ovulation seems to have come forward a day too.

Wonder if the soy is working some magic. Fingers crossed!

Anyone else get the excruciating cramps?
Thanks Poppy, Im afraid to even think about the possibilities. Your Christmas Bear is lovely! Just think, this time next year you will be getting a bear for your own little bean. :happydance:
I know :hugs: Its my LO's 1st xmas this year he's 8mths n just bought his xmas stuff 'not that he knows any different' but still costs a fortune every year :dohh:

Hope this time next year you too will be buying a bear for your beanie :hugs:
Can't find any soy at asda! Booo.. Tescos????? Bloody snow! Doing my head in!! xx
Hey Gill,

ur post has made me nervous. First month on soy. Poppy gave me the guts to go for it and took 160,160,160,200,200. Nothing yet but O due tomorrow. This my twelve month, fingers crossed for me and for u and for all of us.
Hi ladies. Today is a sad day for me. I did try gnc natural brand soy iso cd 2-6 last cycle days 2,3,4 100mg days 5,6 160 mg...I really thought I felt ovu. cramping and I was so positive and today right on time cd 26 af is here. This is so hard, I'm 24 yrs old it seems like everyone I know is preg. I'm at work in tears can't even find the strength to call my dh. I feel so low no more positivity left...wondering if I should even try Iso again...it seems it works for everyone the first month
Hi girls

Sorry to hear about your ovulation pain, Gill. I hope that it's a good sign that something major is happening in those ovaries this month!

A wee hug to 'Trying to cope' - hang on in there, darling. I also took big doses on days 2-6 this month (120mg, 160mg, 160mg, 200mg, 200mg) and totally peed my pants about it at the time, but I figure that the only option now is to relax and hope for that BFP. I took soya last month and didn't have very bad ovulation pains, just the odd tweak, but I didn't get my BFP either. Good luck to you and to all the soy girls!

Poppy - hope yr pregnancy is going well, sweetie. Didn't realise that your DS was still so tiny!!! Baby's first Christmas is just fantastic, isn't it? My DS was 20 days old on his first Christmas in 2008 and he looked tiny in his Santa suit, but sooo adorable (can't believe he is 2 on Sunday!!!)

Can you believe - 2 birth announcements from friends and another pregnancy announcement since I last posted!!! But I know my time must be coming. My acupuncturist said I should scrub out the last 12 months TTC from my head and see this cycle as the real start of it: I am doing what needs to be done now to put my body in order and make this happen. She reckons that she can kick start ovulation next Thursday if the soya hasn't done the job by then.

I have a weird feeling that I might end up with twins at the end of all this. Dunno why, but it wouldn't be a bad thing.

Minky X
Awww sweetie :hugs:

Yes it works for some and some it dont, maybe try a little higher does the first 3 days? Just take a few days out because i know first day of af is always the hardest :kiss:
Hi ladies. Today is a sad day for me. I did try gnc natural brand soy iso cd 2-6 last cycle days 2,3,4 100mg days 5,6 160 mg...I really thought I felt ovu. cramping and I was so positive and today right on time cd 26 af is here. This is so hard, I'm 24 yrs old it seems like everyone I know is preg. I'm at work in tears can't even find the strength to call my dh. I feel so low no more positivity left...wondering if I should even try Iso again...it seems it works for everyone the first month

So sorry, hoping - CD1 is the pits! :hugs:

Honey, it didn't work for me the first month on soy either, but I'm not giving up yet, so neither should you! If you look more closely at the soy stories, quite a few girls say that they got pregnant on their second or third round. When AF strikes, it seems like you're the only one without the double lines, but that's just the period blues affecting your view of things. There are so many factors in baby-making - sperm, CM, timing, egg quality, general health and stress levels. It's a wonder anyone gets pregnant at all, but it happens! You'll be the one cheering soon, I'm sure.

Minky X
Hi girls

Sorry to hear about your ovulation pain, Gill. I hope that it's a good sign that something major is happening in those ovaries this month!

A wee hug to 'Trying to cope' - hang on in there, darling. I also took big doses on days 2-6 this month (120mg, 160mg, 160mg, 200mg, 200mg) and totally peed my pants about it at the time, but I figure that the only option now is to relax and hope for that BFP. I took soya last month and didn't have very bad ovulation pains, just the odd tweak, but I didn't get my BFP either. Good luck to you and to all the soy girls!

Poppy - hope yr pregnancy is going well, sweetie. Didn't realise that your DS was still so tiny!!! Baby's first Christmas is just fantastic, isn't it? My DS was 20 days old on his first Christmas in 2008 and he looked tiny in his Santa suit, but sooo adorable (can't believe he is 2 on Sunday!!!)

Can you believe - 2 birth announcements from friends and another pregnancy announcement since I last posted!!! But I know my time must be coming. My acupuncturist said I should scrub out the last 12 months TTC from my head and see this cycle as the real start of it: I am doing what needs to be done now to put my body in order and make this happen. She reckons that she can kick start ovulation next Thursday if the soya hasn't done the job by then.

I have a weird feeling that I might end up with twins at the end of all this. Dunno why, but it wouldn't be a bad thing.

Minky X

Evening Minky :flower:

Twins :haha: wow be nice but hard work i can imagine, my other 3 boys are 17,18 &19 and i remember them as babies omg was hard work back then im surprised i didnt end up in a loony bin lol

Aww your DS 2 on Sunday, bless!! terrible two's on the way?

Yes Korben was 8mths last week and i darnt put the cristmas tree up because he crawling all over the place and trying to pull himself up on everything at the mo, he'll have the tree down :haha:

This is Korben x
Hey Poppy, he's absolutely gorgeous! You're a lucky mummy.

Here's my lil fella in his halloween spider suit. I've got another Santa suit lined up for this Christmas. :haha:

Minky X


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Don't quote me on that twins comment, Poppy. I'd be more than happy with one little sticky bean!
Awww too cute Minky and he looks very cheeky in that photo lol You'll have to take another piccy in santa suit and post it :kiss:

Nah i know you be happy with one little beanie like everyone... I went for a scan wednesday but they said they seen something but not the fetal pole or heartbeat, ive got to go back Tuesday so been a bit nervous and trying not to think about it so much 'which is hard' i was 5wk 2days wednesday and they said it was too early to see anything, but dont help me with my paranoia :dohh:
Hey Poppy sweetie,

Hang on in there, darling! I didn't think that they could see anything much on scans so early on, and it must be hard to say anything for certain when the embryo is still so tiny. I'm hoping and praying everything is OK with your little bean. :hugs:

Thanks for your comments about my DS. He certainly is a cheeky chappie and he's been letting me know that the terrible twos are here for a while. He's a sweetie though with his hugs and kisses, the little darling. He's freaking me out recently though. He keeps pointing to nothing and saying 'Issa man' and talks and laughs at nothing. Today, he started running around and getting upset, going 'Why's da a man? Why's da a man?' Scary!!!

Minky x
Another thing, Poppy. You don't get a heatbeat till 8 or 9 weeks in, so no wonder they couldn't see one. It'd be a first for medical science!!!
Thanks Minky :hugs:

I even bought a clearblue digi to make sure my hCG levels were going up 'stupid i know' last time i took one i was 1-2wks today it said 3+... but your right surely they'd not seen anything that early, i just want Tuesday to hurry up lol.

Spooky about your DS tho saying things like that. Maybe an imaginary friend or a cartoon that he's watched thats playing on his mind? :shrug: I hope he's ok tho think you'll have to just keep an eye on him, my middle son Gage use to have an imaginary friend that he talked to, but grew out of it so you never know x
Back for an update. Ovulated yesterday, worst pain ever!! I always get slight pain that lets me know what's cooking but last night took out. I was doubled over walking around. BD with DH and oh lord, I thought it was going to kill me!! No pain no gain huh! :) :wacko:

Ovulation seems to have come forward a day too.

Wonder if the soy is working some magic. Fingers crossed!

Anyone else get the excruciating cramps?

Hi Gill.
On CD13 the 2nd day of my peak on my CBFM & a smiley :):) on my CB digital. I woke up with excruciating cramps like this,thay were awful (a bit like mild contractions TBH) i reckon that's when my eggs :pop: We :sex: the next morning cos it was too painful at the time. Hope this helps & you get you're soy :bfp: :hugs:.

Poppy. Your lil :baby: is so cute :kiss:

Minky. Same goes for you're lil :baby:,so cute:cloud9:

Hope all the other soy girls are doing well?

Hi girls! I have been looking into taking soy also. I typed it into FF and got 33% of cycles ended in pregnancy, and 6% in misscarriage. This is about the same stats as all the other charts of FF (33% pregnancy general charts). I know some were wondering how well it works. That doesnt say anything for the same person trying soy a couple cycles in a row. It sounds like it works for alot of people outside of what I got from the search on FF. so I am sure I will end up using it!

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