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Soy Isoflavones Poll

Back for an update. Ovulated yesterday, worst pain ever!! I always get slight pain that lets me know what's cooking but last night took out. I was doubled over walking around. BD with DH and oh lord, I thought it was going to kill me!! No pain no gain huh! :) :wacko:

Ovulation seems to have come forward a day too.

Wonder if the soy is working some magic. Fingers crossed!

Anyone else get the excruciating cramps?

Hi Gill.
On CD13 the 2nd day of my peak on my CBFM & a smiley :):) on my CB digital. I woke up with excruciating cramps like this,thay were awful (a bit like mild contractions TBH) i reckon that's when my eggs :pop: We :sex: the next morning cos it was too painful at the time. Hope this helps & you get you're soy :bfp: :hugs:.

Poppy. Your lil :baby: is so cute :kiss:

Minky. Same goes for you're lil :baby:,so cute:cloud9:

Hope all the other soy girls are doing well?


Hey Shellie, So glad Im not on my own with those pains :) Hopefully it means something awesome for both of us. All fingers and toes crossed. Im currently typing this as I hang upside down balancing computer. Very weird things going on with me. I defo ovulated, pains, temp hike the whole shebang and opk was negative yesterday but today I thought to myself, bbs aren't as sore as usually are, sure I'll do another opk to be on the safe side and it came out positive. Two very strong red lines.I can't believe it. Can't be ovulating again surely? I have slight cramping which I pretty much always have so it's back to the bd'ing again! Poor DH is worn out!!! Ovulating twice or just one long up and down ovulation. Strange things indeed! :shrug:
hi poppy--good luck with the scan--im sure it will be fine saying u got a 3+ etc.....u will be fine and your wee boy is gorgeous!!

hi to everyone else---im holding tight at the mo---only cd24---only getting BFN----but iim positive my BFP is just around the corner!!!XXXX
Thanks sweetie :flower: I love it when your positive Brillbride :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:
Awww too cute Minky and he looks very cheeky in that photo lol You'll have to take another piccy in santa suit and post it :kiss:

Nah i know you be happy with one little beanie like everyone... I went for a scan wednesday but they said they seen something but not the fetal pole or heartbeat, ive got to go back Tuesday so been a bit nervous and trying not to think about it so much 'which is hard' i was 5wk 2days wednesday and they said it was too early to see anything, but dont help me with my paranoia :dohh:

Good luck on Tuesday Poppy. We will be thinking of you! Seriously :) You and Minky, two lovely little dotes ye have. And please God that brood will be a-growing!

The stats changed at the top of the page, another bfp out there. Anyone here?? :angel:
I'm out AF got me last night
Think I'll give Soy another shot this cycle but adjust my dose slightly. Think I might have taken too much as I had some ovulation bleeding.

Last cycle I took CD3&4-120mg CD5-7-160mg

Thinking of taking CD3-5-120mg CD6&7-160mg

What do you ladies think?

this was my second cycle taking soy (even tho I messed it up this month)
I only took it like 2 days because I kept forgetting so i think it was like days 4 and 6 and 150mg
I have very long and irregular cycles and last cycle the soy brought my cycle down by a week and this cycle I o'd for sure 100% on cd 20-22 which was amazing, now I think I might be pregnant
Thank god for soy and vacation
After 2 years NTNP and 7 month TTC with PCOS and 2 surgery's, 2 chemicals, maybe soy finally did it!!!
you can check my thread on the prego tests section and see a possible line
Good Luck Girls!!!! :dust: :dust:

I posted this in the soy isoflavones natures clomid as well but, If I can get a clear cut, nice bright pink line, I will be adding to the poll of bfp's because i truly believe it helped, even when I totally messed it up
this was my second cycle taking soy (even tho I messed it up this month)
I only took it like 2 days because I kept forgetting so i think it was like days 4 and 6 and 150mg
I have very long and irregular cycles and last cycle the soy brought my cycle down by a week and this cycle I o'd for sure 100% on cd 20-22 which was amazing, now I think I might be pregnant
Thank god for soy and vacation
After 2 years NTNP and 7 month TTC with PCOS and 2 surgery's, 2 chemicals, maybe soy finally did it!!!
you can check my thread on the prego tests section and see a possible line
Good Luck Girls!!!! :dust: :dust:

I posted this in the soy isoflavones natures clomid as well but, If I can get a clear cut, nice bright pink line, I will be adding to the poll of bfp's because i truly believe it helped, even when I totally messed it up

:happydance: Mindy, good luck!! It's absolutely awesome news :) The best Christmas pressie for you EVER :baby:
GOOD LUCK:cloud9:. I can see a very faint line:happydance: hopefully it'll get darker each morning cos you are still early on. This is great news :cloud9:
Hey soya girls

Hope you're all ok. There seems to be a buzz of activity on these threads now.

Poppy - good luck on Tuesday, I'll be thinking of you. X

Mindy - FX, it's looking good for you. X :baby:

Beth_Welshy - I've said it already, but whoop whoop, :happydance: and a big congrats on your BFP. Soya is truly marvellous! X :baby:

GillAwaiting and Shellie - thanks for lovely comments. Hope you are well and that things are happening for you both this cycle. Positive OPKs are a great sign, Gill!

Brillbride - loving the positive attitude. I hope this is your cycle.

And as for me.... Well, don't think I've ovulated yet, gotta start with the OPKs. As usual, spanners keep getting thrown in the baby-making works (ouch!). Took loads of soya days 2-6 and paid through nose for acupuncture. Then, my poor DH did his back in yesterday (nowt to do with me, promise!!!) and I seem to be getting another cold from my wee fella. Can't believe how pants the timing is yet again! Looks like any :sex: over the ovulation peiod will be more business than pleasure, if it happens at all. Hubby siad he felt better this morning after visiting the chiropractor, so FX. He's a stoic fella: despite being in agony, he played the guitar for my DS and his friends at yesterday's party.

Met the newborn son of one of my best mates yesterday (they came to my DS's 2nd bday bash). Her little sweetie is just 5 days old and he's super cute and tiny. I realise that I'm feeling much more philosophical and relaxed about the fact that all my friends have bumps or babies. I reckon that my time is coming too...I can sense it. Years ago, a white witch told my hubby that he would have 3 sons. Let's hope she was right! X

thanks minkysouth---3 sons--i would love that.......im still testing BFN...thought AF would have came today like it did this day last month...no sign...im just asking God for a little miracle :) xx
thanks minkysouth---3 sons--i would love that.......im still testing BFN...thought AF would have came today like it did this day last month...no sign...im just asking God for a little miracle :) xx

Hey brillbride

Don't worry too much if you're still showing BFN at this stage. Beth_welshy was getting BFNs till 15 DPO and has just got her :bfp:, so you're still in with a chance. FX :kiss:
Thanks Minky:hugs:
I'm 11DPO today & did an IC this morning (BAD GIRL i know lol :haha:) & it was BFN. I'm sad :sad1: obviously cos i knew it was too early but the urge to test is so bloody strong lol :rofl:. Mind you i'm NOT out yet :winkwink:
Question ladies... I took 160mg CD2-4 & 200mg 4-6. my cycles are fairly short (25 days) and I usually get a peak on CBFM (10-12). I have just tested on CMFM and I have a high on day 7?!!! Is this because of the soy do you think and do you guys think that is ok? Bit worried taking soy, hope it is helping and wonder if my cycles are short should I??

I'm out AF got me last night
Think I'll give Soy another shot this cycle but adjust my dose slightly. Think I might have taken too much as I had some ovulation bleeding.

Last cycle I took CD3&4-120mg CD5-7-160mg

Thinking of taking CD3-5-120mg CD6&7-160mg

What do you ladies think?


Beth_Welshy, I see your post from a few days ago and now peeps are saying congratulations. What happened with af? Was it just spotting? I hope I have the story right now and all systems are go for you. It's really wonderful news for new, the lovliest Christmas present! Huge congratulations and thank you for giving all of us here some hope. :hugs:
Hey ladies how are you all doing,
i just received my soy today :happydance: but i was wondering if i could still take them today :-k
im on cd 11 & my cycle is anything 36-40 if not more, last mnth I ov on cd26.
Im still bleeding/ spotting @ the moment (sorry tmi):blush:

Maybe just take them for 2-3 days what do u ladies think????:shrug:

thank u for all the advice :hugs:
Hi ladies, I would really appreciate a quick answer to my question as I'm hoping to start soy tommorow. I havent had a period since I came off the pill in June. Would it be ok for me to just randomly take soy for 5 days and see what happens? Will it cause more problems? I've never had regular cycles maybe only 3 a year so I'm so impatient to wait any longer.
I dont really know sparklegirl. i cant see it doing any harm. maybe do a little reaserch online first x
Hi ladies, I would really appreciate a quick answer to my question as I'm hoping to start soy tommorow. I havebt had a period since I cane off the pill in June. Would it be ok for me to just randomly take soy fir 5 days and see what happens? Will it cause mote problems? I've never had regular cycles maybe only 3 a year so I'm so impatient to wait any longer.

Have you been to your doctor? They could check you for pregnancy and then give you something to bring on AF
I wanted to try soy first before going to doctor. Does soy help regulate ur cycle
Baby2010. There's no guarantee that soy will regulate your cycle. Some women benefit greatly from soy, whereby others are affected negatively in the sense of delaying their periods. I am not sure it's a good idea to drink the soy if theres a possibility of pregnancy. I'm sure someone will correct me if what I am saying is wrong. Good luck and :dust:

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