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Soy Isoflavones Poll

Thanks, but can i take it now even if I haven't had a period since June? It should bring my af on yes ?
Hi ladies, I would really appreciate a quick answer to my question as I'm hoping to start soy tommorow. I havent had a period since I came off the pill in June. Would it be ok for me to just randomly take soy for 5 days and see what happens? Will it cause more problems? I've never had regular cycles maybe only 3 a year so I'm so impatient to wait any longer.

to bring ur af i thing there i s a tab progestrone whch is take for 5 days two ties a day,y du u consult a doctor?
Just wanted to pipe in here since I decided to start taking soy isoflavones this cycle and it actually brought my OV day forward by 2 days! I didn't expect it to work becaues of so many women saying soy messes up anyone's cycle that is regular and ovulates on their own. I normally ovulated on CD 17 with a 27/28 day cycle so my LP is quite short so I decided to take soy in hopes of bringin my OV date up and it did to my shock! Will continue to take them next cycle once AF shows.
The :witch:got me this morning :sad2::cry: but i guess i expected it. I've done all my crying for this cycle & Soy journey no2 starts on CD3-7 this cycle,going to take 200mg a night :dance::dance:.
FX this cycle i get my :bfp:this time:cloud9:

ONWARDS & UPWARDS NOW:happydance::happydance:

200mg a night Ooooooooooo shellie your brave :haha: sorry the witch got you :hugs:
Thanks, but can i take it now even if I haven't had a period since June? It should bring my af on yes ?

I wouldnt if i was you. it could make things worse. First go to your doctor and when you have gotten your AF take the soy. I dont think the soy would bring on AF at all.
Shellie31...my first Soy cycle didn't work for me either. I had taken cd2-cd6 100mg. I'm doing the same as you now, been taking 200mg at night w/ water since cd3. I'm just staying hopeful that I may get what I want. Baby dust to you, me....well all of us!
200mg a night Ooooooooooo shellie your brave :haha: sorry the witch got you :hugs:

Hi Poppy:flower:
D'you think 200mg a night is too high a dose? I thought that with me having DOR that a higher dose might pop out some good eggs :pop:.
No shellie once im ready to ttc again im going to take same amount on cd3-7 :hugs:
Can i join you ladies, i took soy 120mg cd 3-5 then 160mg cd6-7. I'm now on CD30 with no ovulation just some stretchy cm now & again but no positive OPK's. I hope i ovulate. Has anyone had a long wait on Soy for ovulation. I have PCOS
No shellie once im ready to ttc again im going to take same amount on cd3-7 :hugs:

Thanks Poppy:hugs:. I was also wondering does it matter if you take your soy in the morning or does it have to be at night?:shrug: I'd rather take mine in the morning with all my other stuff:thumbup:.
How are things with you anyway hun?:hugs:
Shellie, I took soy in the mornings, and it was fine, no side effects at all - good luck
Hi shellie i really dont think it matters what time of day sweetie :hugs:

asm im as well as i can be :kiss:
Your in my thoughts & prayers right now[-o<[-o< :hugs:
Hey girls

Shellie - so sorry it didn't work out for you last cycle, but sending you loads of :dust: for this one. The first couple of days are the hardest, but I hope you're starting to feel optimistic again for this next cycle. FX for you, sweetie.

Poppy, simply :kiss:and :hugs:. Words sometimes just can't express these things. Give your baby an extra big squeeze tonight and tell him that he will be a big brother - he's just gotta believe! X

I reckon I'm ovulating already - lots of lines on my OPKs and temps up today, which would make it early, but we're gonna go for lots of BD just in case. :winkwink: Hubby is being a trooper despite the bad back - just love him for his stoic attitude! My cold is loads better and the acupuncturist got something going yesterday for sure! She told me I'd feel exhausted afterwards, which was a good sign that things were working, and she was right. I was almost asleep for the rest of the day, except I still had the wee fella to sort!

I had some horrible news today. An old school friend died in her sleep on Tuesday - she was only 34 like me and had a daughter of 14 and a 2 year old son. I hadn't seen her for years, as we gradually drifted apart after our school days, but we always got on well when we were younger and she was a lovely friendly gentle person. This news makes me value what I have sooo much. God bless to you all.

Minky X
Minky. :hugs:
Thanks & you're right the 1st day is always the worst:sad2: but then i pick myself up again & get ready for the next cycle:wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:. I'm quite a strong person & i don't let things get me down for too long:thumbup:
YAY for ovulating:dance::dance::dance:you'd better get busy :sex: :winkwink:.

So sorry to hear the sad news about you're friend:hugs::kiss:. It really does make you value what you've got a lot more:hugs:.
I'd like to join :) First time trying SI.


I'm 33. I have cycle that ranges from 26-36 days w/luteal phase of 12-18 days.

I have a history of what I believe to be early chem. pregs. I have had one successful preg. (16y/o son) but had a strange issue of blood/urine tests not being positive until almost 4 mo. preg. and during that time I continued to have a regular (expected time and normal flow) AF. Leads me to believe I have some kind of hormonal issue. We have been TTC for 5 months following 1 yr. of NTNP.


This month: CD 7 120, CD8 120, CD9 160, CD10 200, CD11 200.

Took SI @ night before bed with the rest of my supplements (baby asprin, B50 complex, multi-vit., vit.C) Started 400mg Guaifenesin CD11 in eve (before DTD). Useing SMEP in addition to Pre-Seed during OV window. I also only allow myself caffine/alchohol for 1 wk. post AF and am limiting pain meds. to Tylenol.

Only side effects since starting SI I have noticed is retaining a LOT water and not sure if it's related but my hair feels different, usually desperately in need of conditioner in shower and now it's not. Weird.

On CD 13 Today and haven't noticed ANY signs of ovulation (my typical is CM and noticable OV pains) so far. Still early for me however.

Started CBE OPK's (smiley's) CD10 (mid-day) & will continue until I get a + or AF.

I plan to take SI CD3-7 next month in similar pattern.
Hi everyone

Just wondered what you all thought of my chart. Although I've been getting good lines on the OPKs for a few days, today's was waaaaay darker than the control line. The problem is that my chart already has the look of a post-ovulation pattern with a dip and then big rise over the last few days. What do you reckon? Ovulating tomorrow or Monday would fit in more closely with my usual ovulation date, but I'm confused. Maybe the high temps the last couple of days are related to the cold that I'm getting over.

We will BD tonight just in case (didn't last night as DH's back was very sore and I already thought the eggy had flown :dohh:).

I'd like to join :) First time trying SI.


I'm 33. I have cycle that ranges from 26-36 days w/luteal phase of 12-18 days.

I have a history of what I believe to be early chem. pregs. I have had one successful preg. (16y/o son) but had a strange issue of blood/urine tests not being positive until almost 4 mo. preg. and during that time I continued to have a regular (expected time and normal flow) AF. Leads me to believe I have some kind of hormonal issue. We have been TTC for 5 months following 1 yr. of NTNP.


This month: CD 7 120, CD8 120, CD9 160, CD10 200, CD11 200.

Took SI @ night before bed with the rest of my supplements (baby asprin, B50 complex, multi-vit., vit.C) Started 400mg Guaifenesin CD11 in eve (before DTD). Useing SMEP in addition to Pre-Seed during OV window. I also only allow myself caffine/alchohol for 1 wk. post AF and am limiting pain meds. to Tylenol.

Only side effects since starting SI I have noticed is retaining a LOT water and not sure if it's related but my hair feels different, usually desperately in need of conditioner in shower and now it's not. Weird.

On CD 13 Today and haven't noticed ANY signs of ovulation (my typical is CM and noticable OV pains) so far. Still early for me however.

Started CBE OPK's (smiley's) CD10 (mid-day) & will continue until I get a + or AF.

I plan to take SI CD3-7 next month in similar pattern.

Hi DeniJames

You're not the first person I've come across who continues with AF way into pregnancy. I know one girl who didn't find out about her baby till she was 5 months in. She only found out at all because she went into casualty about a random accident. She now has a bouncing and beautiful three year old daughter!

Like you, I've had one definite chemical pregnancy (end of Sept) and a few other strongly suspected ones this year (12 months TTC now). I truly believe soya is the magic ingredient. FX for you this month. :dust:

Minky X

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