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Soy Isoflavones Poll

Hi everyone

Just wondered what you all thought of my chart. Although I've been getting good lines on the OPKs for a few days, today's was waaaaay darker than the control line. The problem is that my chart already has the look of a post-ovulation pattern with a dip and then big rise over the last few days. What do you reckon? Ovulating tomorrow or Monday would fit in more closely with my usual ovulation date, but I'm confused. Maybe the high temps the last couple of days are related to the cold that I'm getting over.

We will BD tonight just in case (didn't last night as DH's back was very sore and I already thought the eggy had flown :dohh:).


Sorry Minky im not too cled up on charts only did it the once last cycle but im sure if you dtd tonight you'll be covered sweetie :thumbup:
I think I finally ovulated last night or this morning as I got a big fat OPK ++ yesterday after 2 days of 'nearly there' results and my BBT reading showed a dip today, which hopefully means it will shoot up tomorrow. :thumbup:

My bestest oldest friend had a baby girl this morning, making her young lad a big brother - :happydance::happydance::happydance: Now ain't that sweet?

Minky X
Minky what dosage of soy did you take this cycle?

Hi Hoping

I took 120mg CD2, 160mg CD3-4, 200mg CD5-6. This was quite a bit more soya than I took last cycle (when I started at 80mg on CD4 and finished with 160mg on CD8). Let's hope that it does the trick!

What dosage are you on, Hoping? Good luck and :dust:

Minky X
what doseage did you ladies take that worked for you and how many days did you take it for? i have tried it twice now at 120mg for 5 days and it hasn't worked so this time i'm trying 160mg for 3 days and 200mg for the following 2 days x
Thats same dosage i took on cd2-6 sweetie, gl xx
I have been retaining massive amounts of water since SI! Bad. I had a postitve O test a few days ago and starting yesterday cramps like AF all day/night down low. Hope something happens this month.
Hey guys, I've been lying low here for a while, waiting to see what would happen on the S.I. :witch: arrived today, as expected. My temps had been gradually going down so I knew it was coming. The differences I experienced this cycle are ew cm. I havent had any of this since being on the pill so happy to see it! I had killer cramps at ovulation. Havent had that in a while since going on the B complex. But the best thing is 14/15 day luteal phase and no spotting! Since going on the b6 4 cycles ago I've had spotting every month and only last month managed to get to 14 day luteal phase. Never had spotting before that ever. But this month - nothing! The only bad thing - the killer AF cramping today.

All this time I thought I had a progesterone issue when maybe it was an estrogen issue instead?!?

We have apt with fertility consultant on Tuesday. 1st meeting and we've had lots of tests done so it should be productive. Im terrified they tell us something is wrong and Im terrified they tell us nothing is wrong. Need some advice - Tuesday will be cd4. Should I take the SI this month? Is the cycle a bust for fertility meds if I see the Doc on cd4? I dont know what to do and dont want to waste another month. I know you guys know how long a month can feel and how powerless it seems when you are doing nothing.

Anyone any thoughts?
Im sure the fertility specialist has heard of Soya Isoflavones GillAwaiting and its only a natural supplement, in Africa its known they have about 200mg of Soy daily in their diets ( so ive read) :haha:

Totally personal choice sweetie :hugs:
Hi all,

Just thought id share some news with you.

I have tried Soy this month for the first time..normally i ovulate around day 20 which is quite late in the cycle. This month i took Soy from day 4-8 and took 80mg per day, and i ovlated yesterday which is on day 17 so i was 4 days early which is great!! I presume this is down to Soy as its the only think i have done differently this month... So ive just got to wait until 1st Jan now as she is AF shows up, FX'd it doesnt...

Awww what a great day to get your BFP nicky84 fx for you :dust::dust:
Hey guys,
I just wanted to share something with you. I had a 21 day test (7dpo to be more exact, I lied a little to the nurse as I didnt want to argue the point with her) when I was just taking the B complex and it was a good result with that - 45. I had it taken again last week (at 7 dpo) after my first lot of soy and just got the results. It went to 102.7!! :happydance: I knew something was rocking better when there was no spotting but now Im really sure that there is a link between spotting and progesterone levels. So the S.I. is good for both estrogen and progesterone??

There I was thinking that I needed to up the levels of the b complex but perhaps that wasn't the key at all.:nope:

LisaF, is this what clomid does? I have apt with fertility consultant tomorrow and would like to go down the clomid route or whatever medication might work rather than let anyone push us into invasive treatment.:wacko:
Hi everyone

I've been trying to stay off the forums over the last few days to stop me obsessing about the 2ww, but I couldn't stop myself popping back in tonight. :blush:

Poppy - I hope you are OK. Have you got an appointment date to go into hospital yet? :hugs: I keep worrying about you, sweetie. I hope that it is all over by Christmas so you can have some well deserved r&r with your nearest and dearest.

Nicky and Gill - that's great news from both of you about the positive effects of soy. :winkwink:

Gill - I'm really excited by your stonking progesterone levels!:happydance:. Let's hope that this is the start of something beautiful. I'm really sorry the :witch: came, but lets hope that your body will be in perfect hormonal balance this cycle, making it a better home for a sticky bean. Only you can decide whether or not to take the soy this month. FX whatever your decision...

Nicky, you seem to have had a similar experience to me with the soy - it made me ovulate earlier too, but I'm actually unsure whether Fertility Friend is right and it was 4 days earlier at CD15 (I had a fairly dark OPK that day), or my darkest OPK was right and it was 1 day early at CD18. :wacko: Whatever happened, I definitely ovulated and it was earlier and stronger than before, so :happydance:

So here I am, 11dpo or 8dpo, with temps still increasing, dizzy spells, sore boobs and tingly nipples, headaches coming and going, nausea first thing, metal mouth some days, backache and a feeling that this may be my month... :blush: Just praying that if I have caught, I don't get another chemical. I'm going to hold out at least 2 more days to test (or maybe even 3) as that would make me at least 10dpo (and potentially 13dpo). Hope AF hasn't caught me by then.

Wish me luck,

Minky X :thumbup:
Hey guys,
I just wanted to share something with you. I had a 21 day test (7dpo to be more exact, I lied a little to the nurse as I didnt want to argue the point with her) when I was just taking the B complex and it was a good result with that - 45. I had it taken again last week (at 7 dpo) after my first lot of soy and just got the results. It went to 102.7!! :happydance: I knew something was rocking better when there was no spotting but now Im really sure that there is a link between spotting and progesterone levels. So the S.I. is good for both estrogen and progesterone??

There I was thinking that I needed to up the levels of the b complex but perhaps that wasn't the key at all.:nope:

LisaF, is this what clomid does? I have apt with fertility consultant tomorrow and would like to go down the clomid route or whatever medication might work rather than let anyone push us into invasive treatment.:wacko:

Yeh ive read that it helps estrogen and progesterone but mainly estrogen Im taking a thing called Flaxseed oil this month as ive heard that it helps balance your estrogen and progesterone aswell :) GL x
Awww thanks Minky :hugs:

I go in for surgery tomorrow morning, ive already started spotting since Sunday on & off so tomorrow cant come any quicker for me cos im that scared of doing it naturally, been praying it holds out till then :cry:

Awww thanks Minky :hugs:

I go in for surgery tomorrow morning, ive already started spotting since Sunday on & off so tomorrow cant come any quicker for me cos im that scared of doing it naturally, been praying it holds out till then :cry:


Hey Poppy

I can understand that you are scared: it's a very hard thing to have to deal with. :hugs: I hope that it all goes smoothly tomorrow: I will be thinking of you. X
Thank you Minky i hope so too :hugs:

Btw your charts looking good.. maybe a IP dip? :kiss:
Hi girls

I think that my OPKs were the most reliable guide to ovulation date this month, so I'm only actually 9dpo. Temps a bit down this morning and caved in - BFN on internet cheapie. :cry: Hoping that it's because it is still too early: definitely feel different this month. Slight chance that dip today could be an implantation dip as I had burning cramps in my uterus yesterday. What do you all reckon?

Minky X
LOL Minky i just said maybe that in above post 'great minds' :happydance: If its your IP dip test on 11dpo/12dpo give hCG time to go through your system :hugs:
Yes, here's hoping, Poppy!!!

I am a little worried this month. My latest smear results came back a couple of days ago with 'minor Mild Dyskaryosis' (abnormal cells), so I have to go and have a cervical examination in January to check that all is ok (a colposcopy). :cry: The letter states that this procedure can be carried out if I am pregnant, but any treatments I might need following the examination would have to wait till afterwards. I can't help feeling a bit anxious whatever happens with baby-making this month. I had a result with borderline changes 6 months ago, but I was told this shouldn't stop me TTC so we just got on with our 'mission'. This one seems slightly worse rather than better. :sad2:

Another spanner in the works and a scary one at that, though the treatments seem to be fairly straightforward and effective. The fact that the health professionals are on the case means that it won't be left to develop into something nasty.

Minky X

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