Soy Isoflavones??

I'm having some mild cramping and twinging. CM is getting a little stretchier and starting to get clear. :)
My temps arent usually this high before O - I think it is because I had a few small cysts from last cycle. The ultra sound on Wed showed that they are pretty much gone though so that is good. I had some watery cm this morning so I am thinking O is coming soon. Oh please, please please let my eggs have grown and are good quality!!!!! Next cycle I am going to do the soy later so I make less eggs and better quality maybe 4-8 or 5-9. I should just focus on this cycle though and hope I get my BFP!
Kerrbear - FXed you O soon and you too Float!!
Maybe we will end up in the TWW together.
Thanks and good luck to you, too! FXd your eggs are big and strong enough!! :)
My OPK this afternoon was almost positive so I figure tomorrow will definitely be positive and O will be Sunday or Monday. So really my O is quite early for me if you look back at my other charts. Im worried that my eggs aren't mature though:( but if they grow 2-3mm a day then since Wed then they would be 8-12mm bigger now so they are probably anywhere from 14 to 22mm which is good, right. I am really bring to convince myself and it working because I am excited!!
My CM is lotiony tonight/today. But there is a LOT of it.

Also having a lot of small twinges. Hopefully that means I'm gonna have some good follicles.
My opk is now positive. I will test again tomorrow in the early afternoon and see if it is still positive. OH is wiring tonight so we will :sex: in the morning the next two mornings and maybe even the evening. I really want to catch that eggy or eggies, lol.

What cd are you wanna sticky?
I'm CD9. So I have awhile before expecting ovulation. Goin to start OPKing CD12
Well, im in my 2nd month with soy and I was getting worried because last month I felt a BIG difference like super strong O pains and tons and I mean tons of cm. This month I have been nauseous a lot and had a lot of headaches, but haven't had the O pains or cm. So I am very relieved now because I got a peak on my cbfm which means I am ovulating!! So it is on-time as usual! Lets hope there is at least one good egg in there and we are doing r best to fertilize it. So do I have buddies in the 2ww?
Well, im in my 2nd month with soy and I was getting worried because last month I felt a BIG difference like super strong O pains and tons and I mean tons of cm. This month I have been nauseous a lot and had a lot of headaches, but haven't had the O pains or cm. So I am very relieved now because I got a peak on my cbfm which means I am ovulating!! So it is on-time as usual! Lets hope there is at least one good egg in there and we are doing r best to fertilize it. So do I have buddies in the 2ww?

Hopefully I'll be able to say I'm a TWW buddy. I'm really hoping I ovulate this weekend. We'll have to see though.
I will ovulate either today or tomorrow! So TWW wait is almost here and I would be glad to have some buddies to share it. I had a few o pains this morning on the right side but I don't think it has happened yet. We :sex: this morning when OH got home from work and we will again tomorrow morning and probably Sunday night just for good measure. I really want to catch an egg or two this month!!
:dust: to all of us that this is our month!
Wow Kerrbear and Mas, we will be in the 2ww together and hopefully 9 months together fx'd!!! We dtd Tuesday night then Friday and this morning and will again tomorrow. When do you girls test? I will probably start next sunday or saturday hehehe!
Fun you guys! I wish I was Oing.... what CD are you Oing on? I'm really hoping Soy brought my O forward this month - it didn't last month at all, but hey, things change! I'm not having hardly any side effects this cycle, whereas last cycle I felt quite a bit of cramps and indigestion and heartburn and bloating - felt like my ovaries were swollen! I changed the CDs I took them on though, so hopefully everything is still working in there...:winkwink:

I got a small amount of EWCM yesterday - which isn't crazy for me, but it sure confuses FF!! :wacko:
I'm not sure I will ovulate over the weeked, but I really hope so. My husband and I are off this weekend together so it would be great. I use the ovacue monitor and BBT charting so I'll update you ladies in a few days!
Well. Looks like I didn't get away as easy as I thought I did. Constipation has set it and it is making life hard(no pun intended).

This sucks!
Have cramping and headaches from Soy nothing unbearable. Completed Soy cd 7 I'm on cd 10 I'm due to start ovulating cd 12 but today on cd 10 I got a light pink second line on my OPK so excited we will definitely be BDing all this week. Is anyone around the same time period if so please keep me posted on your progress
Oh also drinking producing lot of cm can't wait til the hubby get home in the morning
WannaSticky1- That sucks! Drink lots of water and increase your fiber. Hopefully that will help without you having to take anything. I have IBS and it fluctuates back and forth. I've already taken Colace when needed and it was helpful for constipation.

LeahJ7712- Glad to side effects weren't too bad for you and it's good you're getting lines on your OPKs.

I'm having headaches, mild cramping, and some slight breast tenderness which I had just before ovulation last cycle. I hope I ovulate in the next day or 2. :)
wannasticky - try magnesium citrate - I get the powdered kind you put in hot water then mix with juice. It is a mineral our body needs so it isn't harmful to take. I take one teaspoonful every night for the last week or so and I have poohed every day!!! Which is unusual for me as I am usually bunged up terribly especially in the tww. So I thought maybe because I am constipated things are congested up there and no rm for little swimmers to do there thing. I researched and found magnesium is not harmful and your body needs it and it works wonders for regularity.
Can I join you ladies? I have spent the last 3 days reading this whole thread! I am now CD5 (well early am on CD5, it's 1:30 here) I will be taking my 3rd does of soy tonight (doing CD 3-7, my pills are 100 mg so I'm going to do 100mg CD3-5 and 200mg on 6&7) I got mine from GNC and they have cranberry in them. Will this make a difference? We had a MC on 6.21.2012 so we're hoping to get another :bfp: this cycle or next as I have read that you're super fertile for the first 3 months after a MC. I don't ovulate every month. I have started temping again since my MC, also taking B complex, royal jelly (gotta get some tomorrow, i'm out) baby aspirin (ran outta that too, getting tmrw) and raw honey & cinnamon. I'm hoping this cycle will be it for us! GL and lost of :dust: to you ladies!

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