SPD Sufferers! Buddy Group


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2008
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thought id set up one thread to dicuss and hopefully get advice from past suffers:hug:
Good idea.

Im suffering with it. Finding it hard to sleep and walk.

A woman that works with my husband suffered from it and had to wear a brace.

Im going to go to my doctors because the pain is getting me down.

I thought it was a pulled groin at first but 3 weeks laters its still there.
same here, I find getting in and out the car is bad too, also it seems to get worse as the day goes on.

do u work? Ive been off sick with it the last 3 weeks, going to go back monday as it has improved, but I think thats cos I haven't left the house!

Just realised ur not that far in front of me!
ive noticed a few people on here have had it/got it but threads get lost so easy esy if they start off in 1st tri
same here, I find getting in and out the car is bad too, also it seems to get worse as the day goes on.

do u work? Ive been off sick with it the last 3 weeks, going to go back monday as it has improved, but I think thats cos I haven't left the house!

Just realised ur not that far in front of me!

I stopped working a few weeks back due to my boss losing his job. I was a nanny. Worked out well really because i was finding it hard managing to look after the kids and run their home. Hopefully once Roman is born he will have found work and i will be back as a nanny.
You might be interested in this girls. I mentioned it in Viv's thread.

same here, I find getting in and out the car is bad too, also it seems to get worse as the day goes on.

do u work? Ive been off sick with it the last 3 weeks, going to go back monday as it has improved, but I think thats cos I haven't left the house!

Just realised ur not that far in front of me!

I find it gets worse as the day goes on too, I think it must ease it when you are lying down all night then starts to feel worse the longer your up and moving around!

Although the tiredness and pain is really getting me down at the moment, I haven't had any time off work yet and I am self employed so when I'm not working I'm not earning! :dohh:
Hi girls, hope you don't mind me joining you here. I'm not quite sure if I have got SPD, I have a midwife appointment next Wednesday but wondered if you girls could advise in the meantime?
Basically it feels like I have been kicked in between the legs :blush: and when I stand from a sitting position it takes me a while to straighten up properly and hurts! I actually started an ante-natal pilates class 2 weeks ago and this started just after and so I put it down to that, but now don't think so.
I also haven't got a huge bump yet so was wondering if it may be that all the weight is bearing down on me from inside.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! :hug:
Hi girls,

I've had SPD for around 4yrs now. When I was finally diagnosed (think it took ages as I have no kiddies, this is my first) the physio I got was fab. He did all these stretching excercises with me and told me that the SPD had got so bad it had made one leg shorter than the other! I hadn't been able to move for 3 months and was on strong pain killers - it was awful.

No wonder I had been walking round in circles for 3 months! :rofl:

Anyway, with constant excercise I have kept it at bay - yep it's been the only way for me girls i'm afraid - but now it's back with a vengence!!

I'm going to mention it to my midwife when I next see her, March 10th!!

I'll keep ya posted!!!

Love Hayley XX
Hi Hayley:wave:

Suze that sounds like me, esp when standing from the settee. u may have to mention it to her if she tries to dismiss is as normal pg pain. did the ante natal classes work or make it worse?
I think it was coincidental that the pain started after the first pilates class and when I saw the nurse last week she said that had caused the pain but now I know it's not the case. This week when I was there I wouldn't say it made it any worse or better but some of the moves and stretches we did certianly relived it temporarily. The woman who runs the class (who is 37 weeks pg herself!) is going to look up some specific moves that will help if it is SPD - the class is tiny so you almost get 1:1 tuition!

I'm hoping the midwife doesn't dismiss it, she seems quite good from what I've seen of her so far. I'm hobbling like an old woman at times!
Hi girls, hope you don't mind me joining you here. I'm not quite sure if I have got SPD, I have a midwife appointment next Wednesday but wondered if you girls could advise in the meantime?
Basically it feels like I have been kicked in between the legs :blush: and when I stand from a sitting position it takes me a while to straighten up properly and hurts! I actually started an ante-natal pilates class 2 weeks ago and this started just after and so I put it down to that, but now don't think so.
I also haven't got a huge bump yet so was wondering if it may be that all the weight is bearing down on me from inside.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! :hug:

This sounds very like what I have!! I feel like I have been kicked so hard between the legs it makes me cringe to think about it, I also find it hard to straighten up when I stand and ow I'm finding it harder and harder to sleep because I can't get comfy :dohh:

Seeing my MW in Tuesday so I am going to speak to her (Dr did nothing when I saw him).

I'm surprised that excercise helps because I'm in pain when walking but I will try anything quite frankly!!
Hi. Another SPD sufferer here. I had it when pregnant with DS2 (2yrs), and it started early with this pregnancy. I've been on crutches for the last couple weeks (given by physio).

Luckily, because they knew I had SPD last time, they gave me a direct number to the physio when I had my booking in appointment and told me it was a self-refer situation - if I had problems, just call physio. So when it started up again, the physio actually got me into the office the same day! She had me try a number of different things, but the hip pain was best relieved by crutches. So they sent them home with me, after arranging a time for OT to come to my house for a home assessment.

The home assessment was interesting. She went all over the house, room to room, asking - "okay, what in this room gives you problems?" and then when I told her she said "these are the options of things we can do to help - would you like them?" She ordered a perch-chair for me for in the kitchen, as standing up to do the washing up and cooking literally makes my back seize up. She offered to order another one for me for upstairs, but I felt uncomfortable ordering two chairs - seemed a bit cheeky, if you know what I mean. She also offered to order me a second set of crutches, to keep one upstairs, so I didn't have to lug them upstairs, but we have a spare set in the attic I can use for that if need be. She also made recommendations for an attachment to the toilets to make them taller (easier to sit), but we already have one (FIL has a bad hip and we have it for his use), so no need to order it - if I reach a point that I need it. She would also have ordered me some shaped cushions (wedge or rounded) that I could use as support for our dining chairs and living room - but I turned them down at this point, as extra cushions are doing the trick right now. But at least if I decide further on that I do need them, I can just call and ask for it.

The physio gave a lot of helpful hints - such as:
- wearing slippery pajamas in bed so rolling from side to side and moving about in bed is easier
- putting carrier bag on seat of car, so it is easier to sit down sideways and then swivel to face front with knees together
- putting a small towel rolled up at the bottom edge of pillow, so it supports your neck and keeps back better aligned at night
- sitting on a couple pillows so the angle of the hips isn't so painful when sitting in chairs, on sofa
- scrunching up your bum and pelvic muscles when you sit or stand, so everything is supported (boy, this one took some practice, and I felt silly at first, but it does help)

Sorry - didn't mean to be so longwinded. Hope some of that info helps. I'm looking forward to seeing what other tips people have.
fab idea MrsH!!! i too have the dreaded spd,this is the 4th time for me-i had it with the last 3 so i was waiting for it to kick in and had been doing all the right things (including what was detailed in the post by triggles)since about 12/13 weeks to try and prevent it becoming bad, but it didnt stop it at all-i have it the worst i ever have, and i have been on crutches since 24 weeks and a support belt from the physio!

I cant even stand long enough to cook a meal so dh has been cooking for the last few weeks!!! it is the most vile pain ever,and i just hope that i am as lucky as i have been in the past and it goes after delivery!!

i dont go out unless i really have to,so i havent seen some of my friends as they dont drive so feel quite isolated,thank goodness for the net is all i can say!! and the only way dh will let me join him on the weekly shopping trip is if i use one of the electric carts in morrisons! and the kids school let me use the staff car park so i can park right outside the office and they let the kids come through the office way so i dont have to get out the car!!!!

:hug::hug: to everyone xxxxxxx
Hi SPD girls,

Just wanted to post from the perspective of someone who has been through pregnancy and birth after being diagnosed with SPD.

I developed bad pain and cracking/grinding in my groin at around 28 weeks. I was given a support belt by my physio which I wore at all times until I went into labour.

I found that sleeping with pillows between my legs helped to reduce the pain during the following day. But getting out of bed was the most difficult thing for me, along with going up stairs, getting in and out of the bath/shower and standing from a sitting position. But you all know this.

I would advise that you all write in your pregnancy notes that you have been diagnosed with SPD and tell your birthing partners to inform the midwives when you go into labour. I have to point out though that I ended up having an assisted delivery with stirrups and ventouse as they had to get my baby out quickly due to complications. Now, if anyone had told me during the latter stages of my pregnancy that I would have had my legs in stirrups during labour, I would have cried just thinking about it, but I honestly didn't notice any pelvic pain at all so it must have been drowned out by the pain of the contractions. However, it is important that the team are aware of your diagnosis as, in severe cases, it can result in major damage being caused if the right precautions are not taken.

On a lighter note, the pain disappeared almost completely after I gave birth and I only occasionally experienced the odd click/cracking from my pelvis in the weeks after labour and now I have no symptoms at all. I have been told that it is likely to re-occur in subsequent pregnancies, and earlier, which is not something I am too happy about but not considering any more babies quite yet so I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Good luck to all of you with your pregnancies and wishing you all healthy and happy babies. x
Just wondering has anyones symptoms eased up whilst still pregnant ?

It started for me about 4/5 weeks ago and got so bad I could barely walk or go up/downstairs, tried massage and chiropractor neither worked.

I didn't take much paracetamol as try not to take anything when pregnant but my mw advised me to take the full 8 a day (i took 4) as I might have inflammation to anyway 3 days later the pain literally went overnight.

I went from having to be hoisted out of bed by oh to practically leaping out by myself !!!

I wondered if perhaps baby changed position and this helped or the paracetamol was some sort of miracle tablet ?!

Has this happened to anyone else ?
i hve physio on tues to c if i actually have spd so maybe joining u all then!!xxx

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