Sperm Meets Egg Plan Chatter thread!

chunky monkey!! that made me giggle

How are you feeling being CD15? are you in the 2ww also now?
ha! i wish! i have a feeling i'm not going to o till cd18 again, :( i did have some short cramps today so possibly o, it's always cd15 or 18.. so i guess my temp tomorrow will tell! either way i'm bd'ing tonight since that's the plan, i'm not very happy with the grapefruit juice, didn't seem to make a huge difference in CM and i drank 6 cartons in two weeks. maybe i'll see a difference if i o cd18.
Elvis--being in missionary position just optimizes the chances of getting pregnant. So DH and I stick to missionary for the day of ovulation and the two days after....but the other times any position is fair game! :blush:

As long as sperm is released inside you there's a chance of getting pregnant.

DH did say last night that he couldn't wait until these two days were over so we could *ahem* utilize different positions :haha: :blush:

LADY - that's a good idea! So simple -- why didn't I think of that?! We totally thought that we'd get preggo after a month or 2. We've can't believe how "hard" it's been to try to get pregnant! But switching it up -- except around O time -- will make it so much better. THANKS!
I'd like to add that I like the SMEP. The past three cycles DH and I just BDed every day for five days up to ovulation and then three days after and we were just knackered by the end of it. And of course on a schedule like that there's little room for romance :blush: Now with BDing every other day we're both less stressed and able to enjoy ourselves more.

Yeah I feel the same I hate just going at it like a machine haha! It takes all the romance out of it and sometimes I just feel like I want the romance and could do without the :sex:!! I don't think that's a bad thing though. I do like the :sex: don't get me wrong but it seems when you are TTC that it becomes mechanical and psychologically you are both aware that this is the reason you are doing it. Sort of takes the passion out of things. :-(

Before we TTC we had :sex: whenever we wanted and we were really ready for it when we did but we never really left it long naturally this way I would say we did it on average around 3 times a week when not TTC which isn't so bad haha!

I have been seeing posts on here from some girls where their DH are saying they don't wanna :sex: and they get really upset. One girl was in tear the other day saying that her DH spoilt here SMEP because he was too tired to :sex: . I must admit though for some strange weird mad reason that I am always more horny when I O. I don't know about the other girls on here. Are you the same? Or am I a bit weird haha

I've talked to my girlfriends about it and we all confess to feeling like we're in heat at O time. Has anyone else ever seen the TV series "Dark Angel" that was on about 10 years ago starring Jessica Alba? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Angel_(TV_series)

Her character would go into heat and she'd have to lock herself in a room to avoid men. I'm not that bad, but I can totally relate.

The whole SMEP thing does take some romance away though. Also, don't want to get too into everyone's business but I'm bored with always being on bottom. Does it really matter that much? That makes it more of a chore as well.:dust:

I think from behind or spooning is ok too.

It does take the romance away. x
arein, you're a smoker too?! fab. idk i think the cigarettes have been giving me the migraines lately, don't know why cause i've been smoking for 5-6 years but every time i light up i get this horrible burning migraine.. which is definitely helping me quit right now. plus i'm overweight, not morbidly i'm just a chunky monkey :haha: and that's not helping either, trying to eat healthy (which has been succesful the last few weeks, besides my pizza yesterday and CHICFILA TODAY!! but no one can say no to chicfila).
i don't know, i just want to be able to run around with future kids and play and i can't even run around with my dog i get so winded. plus i don't need anything else hurting my fertility.
nix, thanks for the advice! i think i'll hide one around the house somewhere.

Whats chicfila? x
Hey girls just wanted to say good luck to those who are catching the egg this weekend going to stay with OH tomorrow untill sunday to catch eggy!! try catch up with you all friday or sunday need to go get my bath now and catch some zzzzz happy BDing!! xxx :dust:
Alright, so after my big rant last night about being too scared to test, I just tested. Guess what? :bfn: :growlmad:Could be too early to test, but started having cramps and PMSy signs (like, I'm turning evil) so think I'm out for this month. Will definitely know by Tues.:nope:
im 10dpo, all symptoms have gone. dont even have sore boobies. if the witch shows up on monday i am going to have a breakdown. then im going to buy a cbfm, maca, and preseed because i will be an official tt warrior.

Me too, Honeybee...really anxious to try the maca, anyway! I might try to order some softcups, too, but I know DH is going to be like, whaaattt???
the only problem with the spoon position for me is getting the softcup in before the stuff runs out.
oh & girls talking about sex drive.. i have had NONE, just doing it to do it since starting TTC until i started maca, for the first time in MONTHS i was tempted to cheat on SMEP the other night! i didn't, but it was a close call. i would definetely suggest maca to anyone who needs to up their drive (and OH's too!)

I really need to get me some maca! :haha: Seriously, you just sold me on it.

May sound stupid but what's Maca? lol

Not sure if anyone's answered this, yet, but definitely not stupid! Took me reading like 1,000 posts to find out, and am still not entirely sure, :haha:but it's some kind of supplement. I just know I definitely need some help in the sex drive department!!:dohh:
Mama, have you thought about the CBFM? I know it's expensive, but I think (so far) is worth it. I honestly would've missed this LH surge because I never started testing that early (although SMEP says to) because O has been shown to come later in the past.

How does the CBFM work different to IC? I know it does work better from reading on here, but was just curious how? x

To be honest, it's kind of the same thing :haha: It's just like a little computer that stores all your personal fertility info and tells you exactly when to use the OPK sticks and all that. I'm really bad a temping and remembering what day to use OPK, so for me it seems to work. Takes out lots of guess-work. You have to use special OPK sticks, though that the machine reads (you cannot read them yourself)...then it tells you whether you are at low, high, or peak fertility for that day.
im 10dpo, all symptoms have gone. dont even have sore boobies. if the witch shows up on monday i am going to have a breakdown. then im going to buy a cbfm, maca, and preseed because i will be an official tt warrior.

Me too, Honeybee...really anxious to try the maca, anyway! I might try to order some softcups, too, but I know DH is going to be like, whaaattt???

ive bought softcups but im too scared to use them yet!! Im not sure whether to be a ttc warrior next month or chill out and ntnp. hubbys gonna be away for 3 nights around ov time so it would have to be a miracle either way lol.
fx the witch stays away for you, i feel really pms-y too blaah
Just worked out how to do multi-replies!!

ugh i wanted to try SMEP so bad when DH is in germany for training, but i just don't think i will see him CD8 through when I usually O (CD16.) :( he is going to be two hours from where i am, so i plan on getting a hotel there and his command MIGHT let him see, but the days, times, etc, aren't guaranteed. ugh. i'm going to try to get at least be able to see him CD13 - CD16..you think there is still a chance with just those 4 days?? have my FX'ed!!

If you are able to see him for those days and go like rabbits (which I am sure you will because you haven't seen each other for so long) I think you will be in with a real chance!

awwwww i just checked my cp and im spotting! red. and a bit of brown. that fecking witch is clearly on her way. im 10dpo but checked back through my diary and i got spotting this early a few months back so she'll turn up sunday/monday for sure.
i could cry.
and also, every other cycle i have is 35-38 days (every other one is 31 days), and my next one will be a long cycle, so if this coming cycle is 38 days i wont be due until 3rd JUNE!!!! How far away does that sound. grrrrrrrrrrr.

hope everyone's feeling better than i am right now!!xx

Honey, I'm feeling really sad for you right now. Please, please keep the witch away from my friend.

Warrior Wisdom of the Day

Myth: Ovulation occurs on the day of the drop or the day of the rise in BBT.

This is one of the most common myths perpetuated by the medical community. In reality, the exact day of ovulation cannot be determined by the basal body temperature. Only about 10% of women even have a drop in basal temperature. And once the temperature has risen, it is virtually certain that the egg is already gone (assuming conception hadn’t occurred beforehand.) This is because an egg only lives 12-24 hours, and by the time the temperature has risen, the egg is no longer viable. Therefore, if a couple wants to achieve a pregnancy, the sign to focus on is not the basal temperature, but the cervical fluid.

Hmmm, this is assuming you HAVE cm to go by.... LOL
Here's hoping the epo and grapefruits actually make a difference this cycle, because they didn't last one!

yeah it all depends on the opk you're using!
so confession time.. how many of us are smokers? i hate to say i am. but i'm quitting today! i have three more cigarettes and i'm DONE! it's such a hard thing to quit while ttc because every time the witch shows i just have to have one, but it hurts fertility and increases chances for miscarriage so i have to quit. OH is so happy, he hates that i smoke. plus cigarettes are so expensive now that i spend around $60 a week on them and i can't afford that, quitting smoking for a month would pay for a new cbfm!

I don't smoke any more but I used to. I used patches to quit and it was really easy on them. I am ashamed to say that I smoked while pg with ds. I cut down to 2/3 a day, and was able to quit completely when he was a few weeks old, once I could see that beautiful baby in my arms. I had a perfect pregnancy but my personal life while pg was SH*TE and quite stressful. I am SOOOO glad I flicked the cigs now though, been 9 years! Good luck, once they are gone, you won't miss them.

Missy- Yep, they alternate sides. I should be getting a lefty this month.

Wanting- No smileys and I just spent $200 on that damn OvaCue so I'm not going to buy any either!!! DH would throw a shit fit!

I checked my CP, nice and high and soft! YAY! I'm really hoping this month is it, everything is sort of falling into place. I even have my left sided O pains!

Hopefully by the time you read this you should have Oed already!!!!!

Wanting----- No I still have not got the ring..... ughhhh!!!!! I went from a very light line to a near positive in like 3 hours last night.... then a little closer this morning I am getting ready to go try again......

ttc, you need to play him a bit of Beyonce - if you like it, then you shoulda put a ring on it!

im 10dpo, all symptoms have gone. dont even have sore boobies. if the witch shows up on monday i am going to have a breakdown. then im going to buy a cbfm, maca, and preseed because i will be an official tt warrior.

Me too, Honeybee...really anxious to try the maca, anyway! I might try to order some softcups, too, but I know DH is going to be like, whaaattt???

ive bought softcups but im too scared to use them yet!! Im not sure whether to be a ttc warrior next month or chill out and ntnp. hubbys gonna be away for 3 nights around ov time so it would have to be a miracle either way lol.
fx the witch stays away for you, i feel really pms-y too blaah

I used a softcup after bd last night for first time, it was great! Went in real easy because it was still all slippery 'down there'!! Still a little weird getting them out, but with practice I am sure it will get easier.
SOPH----- then you shoulda put a ring on it :haha::haha::rofl:you crack me up....... I keep poas...... but its not getting darker fast enough!!!! UGHHHH!
WOOOHOOOOO I caught my surge!!! Yippeeeeee!!!! now I have a question....??????

Since we DTD this morning should I wait til tomorrow or have ago every night starting tonight????


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TTCstill- start tomorrow being #2 in the 3 day stretch. He has to build up some more swimmers for tomorrow. What is your name by the way?
arein, you're a smoker too?! fab. idk i think the cigarettes have been giving me the migraines lately, don't know why cause i've been smoking for 5-6 years but every time i light up i get this horrible burning migraine.. which is definitely helping me quit right now. plus i'm overweight, not morbidly i'm just a chunky monkey :haha: and that's not helping either, trying to eat healthy (which has been succesful the last few weeks, besides my pizza yesterday and CHICFILA TODAY!! but no one can say no to chicfila).
i don't know, i just want to be able to run around with future kids and play and i can't even run around with my dog i get so winded. plus i don't need anything else hurting my fertility.
nix, thanks for the advice! i think i'll hide one around the house somewhere.

Yes, I'm not proud to admit it. I could stand to lose a little weight myself and I think that's one of the reasons I haven't quit yet. I need that extra stimulant to keep off the poundage. I get headaches when I smoke too many cigs in a day. I've been trying to quit so I just keep telling DH I have to have a really good reason because I can't make myself stop and pregnancy has been the only thing to keep me from smoking for the last 9 years.
omygosh i forget some people aren't blessed with chicfila's. chicfila is the best fast food type chicken sandwich fast food place EVER but it's actually on the healthier side. i'm obsessed.
well i have two more cigs. haven't smoked one in four hours (which is good for me, i'm a pack a day smoker) and i'm not feeling the need to right now.
soph i know what you mean about cm. i don't have very much at all right now which is a big bummer, i'll be using preseed but i'm almost out. i'm just hoping my temp will jump up tomorrow, i have some light cramping down there. when i napped i had a dream i was o'ing (i know thats crazy, but ttc is taking over my dreams now too, lol) so whatev. we'll see.
girls wondering about maca- it's a good all around fertility herb (or food, technically). balances hormones, lengthens lp, increases sex drive and increases energy!

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