Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Thanks, I'm just outside London myself and also 31 :)

I have regular periods and we have been having unprotected intercourse for a year now, but i've only been TTCing with both temp charting and OPK's etc since december.

My GP said this week I'd have to pay and go private - I called hollyhouse in buckhurst hill and they said they do treatments rather than investigations and that my NHS GP should really save me some money and do initial tests and maybe clomid first.

I looked up the NICE guidelines yesterday and I think the doctor I saw this week was wrong - it says (if i understand it correctly) that post 12months of trying everyone is entitled to initial investigations.
I've made an appointment to see a different doctor next week, I won't be rude about the other doctor I'll just say that i'm confused and see if she'll give me a different route.

TBH I didn't really go to ask about a fertility referral this week, I went to discuss the spotting (which I'd be worried about regardless of TTC). I have private medical insurance and I really just wanted a gynae referral to find out 'why' (but my insurance doesn't cover fertility)

I'm finding it all very frustrating tbh. I just want a doctor to not be hurried and take some time to discuss it.
I think you're exactly right - I think it might vary from PCT to PCT but in Southwark (where I am) I know that I was entitled to routine blood tests (which I didn't actually do because I had them done when I got the PCOS diagnosis years ago) and a semen analysis on OH. Has your OH had his semen tested? I think us girls are very guilty of always thinking it's our fault all the time when it might not be!
One thing you could do (and you're perfectly entitled to do this) is book a double appointment with the GP - just ask for a double when you book (or see if you can change the one you've booked to a double appt). Then you get a whole 14 minutes as opposed to 7!
Fingers crossed you'll get some answers with a new GP. How does your chart look? The fact you're having regular periods is great :)
7minutes is that why it's so quick - no wonder they would never do an internal exam on me, they wouldn't have time!!!

Ok, well I think with your help it's all getting a bit clearer - thank you.
I have had bloods (fsh, LH and progesterone, all ok) the female GP did those to investigate the maybe that's why the male GP is saying they've done all they can for me?
The NICE guidelines mentioned bloods, chlamydia testing, HSG tube check and clomid (and then therafter is a 3yr wait for actual treatment if no cause is found).
I wonder if my PCT don't offer the tube check and clomid maybe?

I think i'll still go along and ask for clarity anyway. I'm 99% sure she can refer me for the HSG due to the bleeding and it be covered by my insurance for irregular bleeding (they have already paid for an ultrasound). But if not at least I hope she'll explain what's next and if it is just a 3year wait then surely I can just see a private GP for clomid, because the private fertility clinic say they are really for IVF, IUI and the like.

I envy the US system where you get medical treatment not just adherence to protocol!

edited to add: my charts look good, a clear thermal shift, good LP temps above the coverline and a regular O day of CD11 or 12. Just the spotting. I've pretty much decided to stop charting since i'm so regular though as I find it makes me more anxious about TTC, mildly obsessive and have really disturbed sleep, repeatedly waking to check on the time.
DH is having his SA this week - he'll have to go private for that as he doesn't have a GP since he 'doesn't do sickness' he says.
Sorry - thought I'd strike while the iron is hot - just to say that most NHS GPs are really reluctant to prescribe Clomid, because ideally you get monitored in the early part of your cycle to check the dosing is right - I think there's a danger of over-stimulation of the ovaries which can result in some nasty side-effects (I don't know much about it though - just know that monitoring with Clomid is best practice!)
Hence why more hospital-based fertility/assisted conception units are taking this on.
It crossed my mind a while ago to just go and see a private GP/consultant for a Clomid prescription... but was a) worried about the monitoring (or lack of) and b) wanted to be in the NHS system in case Clomid didn't work so I could pursue other channels.
And don't worry - the 3 yr wait tends to be for a full IVF cycle rather than Clomid. I'm not sure how quickly Clomid can be prescribed.. I should know more once I hear back from hospital in the next few weeks.
Good news about your charts!
Your DH doesn't do sickness... LOL... typical man eh?
hello ladies:hi:
i'm new here & posted abt my prespotting issues & cantwait4ru directed me here..sorry 4r long post..
thankyou cantwait4ru..its gud to know i'm not alone..:boat:
i'm 31 yrs old & all this spotting strtd after going off of BCP 4 yrs ago( hell of long 4 yrs)i spot abt 3-4days which goes into AF.had a cervical polyp removed in oct'10 along with hysteroscop on day 16 & doc found everythin aok ready 4r O & said the same wen i had my TVS earlier which discovered my cervical polyp..i really like my obgyn but i got so mad wen she said "i'm gud& spotting is just who i am"..i beg to differ b'coz i dint have it earlier to using BCP..i got my prog blood test on day 21 & it was 30.bummer! i know how it sounds but i really wanted them to find somethin so i can b fixed but huh..i got my tsh, ,fsh,estradoil on day 3 & all gud.
i strted RRL tea & strted temp last far the tea made my teeth
i want to try the vit b6 & progest natural progesterone cream..i went thru this thread but it left me :confused:
i'm on day 4(or3) & i want to try the b vit..can someone help me with dosage & days i shud take these? i feel the same way as rainbow32 & want to try progest cream too..

if anyone is interestd, u can go thru my detailed post here

gud luck to all :dust:

thankyou 4r all the support here !

Hi Yum,

I'm glad you found your way over here! I can't believe you have gone through the full work-up of tests and they didn't find anything that would cause the spotting. It really is the most annoying problem and all of us seem to get so many different reactions and opinions from our doctors.

I was on B-100 complex for a couple months, along with AC, but it didn't help me. I've heard other ladies on here start with B-50 complex, then bump it up to 100 if they didn't see a difference. Are you taking a pre-natal? There are many B vits in that too, so make sure you aren't overdosing on it.

Vitamin B is water soluble, and whatever you don't need will come out in your urine, but I've also read that overdosing on it can lead to substantial nerve damage.
thanks cantwaitforyou 4r directin me here, feels gud to know i'm not alone as it really is annoyin but no one actually realize that xcept us !

i'm so sorry it dint wrk 4r u ! r u still continuing with AC,vits??

i know ! i had all possible tests & actually was happy wen i found a cervical polyp but of no use i guess ! some of my otr buddies resolved their issues wen they had uterine polyp/fibroids removed ! i wanted to get a lap but my gyn thinks its unnecessary as she doesn't suspect endo !
i dont take any prenats, just the regular women's vit which has abt 3mg of vit6 & 10 mcg of b12..i'll go get some vit 100 & srt today !
Glad you joined us! There's a small group of us who are keeping this thread alive!

I took myself off AC and vitamin B. It wasn't helping at all.

Last cycle, for the first time, I began drinking organic milk, started taking omega 3, and this cycle, I've added vitamin D to my daily pill popping.

Last cycle had my longest LP yet - 13 days - and my spotting reduced significantly and was delayed.

I was also not as stressed and was taking a lot of time out for myself.

I've heard that vit B has worked miracles for some women - and might just be what you need! My issue is most likely related to low FSH and ovulatory. I'm going for a blood test on 8 dpo, as opposed to 7 dpo like I did last cycle.

I wonder if it's possible that progesterone could be high, then drastically drop the next day and never get back up to a sustainable level?
Last cycle, for the first time, I began drinking organic milk, started taking omega 3, and this cycle, I've added vitamin D to my daily pill popping.

That's my new regime for next cycle. I've decided to ditch the vitaminB50, it's feels like just a stab in the dark and although I didn't expect a 'fix' in one cycle I did expect to see some improvement tbh.
Until I have some bloods that indicate vitamin B would be beneficial i'm just worried I'm messing my cycles up more tbh.

From earlier in the thread i've already switched to organic milk and I've read that both vitamin D (in d3 form) and omega 3 have anti inflammatory properties on the uterus, which logically has to be of benefit and I'm thrilled to hear it was for you on your first cycle :flower:

How much omega 3 do you take out of interest? How much was your spotting reduced/delayed by?

I've wondered about my progesterone crashing too tbh, but then my spotting starts at 5dpo and my blood was ok on the 7dpo draw - maybe it goes up and down:shrug:
Just to let you know another successful month for me, teeny bit spotting 6DPO (which I stupidly thought was IB - only noticed it as was checking cervix) then tiny bit last night (again checking cervix) and full AF came today. Month 2 of taking AC right through the cycle instead of stopping at ovulation and also 2.5 months of Maca. Good luck to you all x
hello ladies:hi:
i'm new here & posted abt my prespotting issues & cantwait4ru directed me here..sorry 4r long post..
thankyou cantwait4ru..its gud to know i'm not alone..:boat:
i'm 31 yrs old & all this spotting strtd after going off of BCP 4 yrs ago( hell of long 4 yrs)i spot abt 3-4days which goes into AF.had a cervical polyp removed in oct'10 along with hysteroscop on day 16 & doc found everythin aok ready 4r O & said the same wen i had my TVS earlier which discovered my cervical polyp..i really like my obgyn but i got so mad wen she said "i'm gud& spotting is just who i am"..i beg to differ b'coz i dint have it earlier to using BCP..i got my prog blood test on day 21 & it was 30.bummer! i know how it sounds but i really wanted them to find somethin so i can b fixed but huh..i got my tsh, ,fsh,estradoil on day 3 & all gud.
i strted RRL tea & strted temp last far the tea made my teeth
i want to try the vit b6 & progest natural progesterone cream..i went thru this thread but it left me :confused:
i'm on day 4(or3) & i want to try the b vit..can someone help me with dosage & days i shud take these? i feel the same way as rainbow32 & want to try progest cream too..

if anyone is interestd, u can go thru my detailed post here

gud luck to all :dust:

thankyou 4r all the support here !

Hi Yum,

I'm glad you found your way over here! I can't believe you have gone through the full work-up of tests and they didn't find anything that would cause the spotting. It really is the most annoying problem and all of us seem to get so many different reactions and opinions from our doctors.

I was on B-100 complex for a couple months, along with AC, but it didn't help me. I've heard other ladies on here start with B-50 complex, then bump it up to 100 if they didn't see a difference. Are you taking a pre-natal? There are many B vits in that too, so make sure you aren't overdosing on it.

Vitamin B is water soluble, and whatever you don't need will come out in your urine, but I've also read that overdosing on it can lead to substantial nerve damage.

Were you stopping the AC at ovulation? This did nothing for my spotting, but did help my LP by making me ovulate earlier and has also shortened my cycle. But I've noticed a HUGE difference since carrying on all through the cycle. Might be worth a shot :shrug: x
Last cycle, for the first time, I began drinking organic milk, started taking omega 3, and this cycle, I've added vitamin D to my daily pill popping.

That's my new regime for next cycle. I've decided to ditch the vitaminB50, it's feels like just a stab in the dark and although I didn't expect a 'fix' in one cycle I did expect to see some improvement tbh.
Until I have some bloods that indicate vitamin B would be beneficial i'm just worried I'm messing my cycles up more tbh.

From earlier in the thread i've already switched to organic milk and I've read that both vitamin D (in d3 form) and omega 3 have anti inflammatory properties on the uterus, which logically has to be of benefit and I'm thrilled to hear it was for you on your first cycle :flower:

How much omega 3 do you take out of interest? How much was your spotting reduced/delayed by?

I've wondered about my progesterone crashing too tbh, but then my spotting starts at 5dpo and my blood was ok on the 7dpo draw - maybe it goes up and down:shrug:

Twice a day, I take one pill. Each contains 400 mg EPA and 200mg of DHA. I had much less spotting than usual. It was on and off and it started a little on 7dpo, disappeared for a couple days (so I stupidly wondered if it was IB), then 10dpo, I got a little more. It was very different though - not as much tissue-looking blobs, less rusty brown in colour and was mostly noticeable when I wiped.

I try to eat organic and free range when possible. I'm terrified of the thought of food I'm eating being injected with hormones and antibiotics. My GP told me I should try it for a couple of months - he said he has been seeing so many more people with fertility issues than when he began practicing. There are LOTS of factors for this I'm sure - starting later in life, busy and stressful lifestyles - but diet plays a factor in our health issues.
Just to let you know another successful month for me, teeny bit spotting 6DPO (which I stupidly thought was IB - only noticed it as was checking cervix) then tiny bit last night (again checking cervix) and full AF came today. Month 2 of taking AC right through the cycle instead of stopping at ovulation and also 2.5 months of Maca. Good luck to you all x

Wow! That's great MrsPTTC! Hoping your BFP is around the corner!
hello ladies:hi:
i'm new here & posted abt my prespotting issues & cantwait4ru directed me here..sorry 4r long post..
thankyou cantwait4ru..its gud to know i'm not alone..:boat:
i'm 31 yrs old & all this spotting strtd after going off of BCP 4 yrs ago( hell of long 4 yrs)i spot abt 3-4days which goes into AF.had a cervical polyp removed in oct'10 along with hysteroscop on day 16 & doc found everythin aok ready 4r O & said the same wen i had my TVS earlier which discovered my cervical polyp..i really like my obgyn but i got so mad wen she said "i'm gud& spotting is just who i am"..i beg to differ b'coz i dint have it earlier to using BCP..i got my prog blood test on day 21 & it was 30.bummer! i know how it sounds but i really wanted them to find somethin so i can b fixed but huh..i got my tsh, ,fsh,estradoil on day 3 & all gud.
i strted RRL tea & strted temp last far the tea made my teeth
i want to try the vit b6 & progest natural progesterone cream..i went thru this thread but it left me :confused:
i'm on day 4(or3) & i want to try the b vit..can someone help me with dosage & days i shud take these? i feel the same way as rainbow32 & want to try progest cream too..

if anyone is interestd, u can go thru my detailed post here

gud luck to all :dust:

thankyou 4r all the support here !

Hi Yum,

I'm glad you found your way over here! I can't believe you have gone through the full work-up of tests and they didn't find anything that would cause the spotting. It really is the most annoying problem and all of us seem to get so many different reactions and opinions from our doctors.

I was on B-100 complex for a couple months, along with AC, but it didn't help me. I've heard other ladies on here start with B-50 complex, then bump it up to 100 if they didn't see a difference. Are you taking a pre-natal? There are many B vits in that too, so make sure you aren't overdosing on it.

Vitamin B is water soluble, and whatever you don't need will come out in your urine, but I've also read that overdosing on it can lead to substantial nerve damage.

Were you stopping the AC at ovulation? This did nothing for my spotting, but did help my LP by making me ovulate earlier and has also shortened my cycle. But I've noticed a HUGE difference since carrying on all through the cycle. Might be worth a shot :shrug: x

I did take it all through my cycle, along with B100 complex, vitamin e, vitamin c, maca once in a while, zinc, prenatal. My cycles stayed the same. When I started going to my doctor about all of this, I took myself off so that when my blood was tested, they would get a true reading of everything. I am going to my GP on monday for nearly two fulls months of a work up!
Just to let you know another successful month for me, teeny bit spotting 6DPO (which I stupidly thought was IB - only noticed it as was checking cervix) then tiny bit last night (again checking cervix) and full AF came today. Month 2 of taking AC right through the cycle instead of stopping at ovulation and also 2.5 months of Maca. Good luck to you all x

wooow! thats good news mrspttc !
sorry abt the af !
gud luck with this cycle, hope u c that:bfp: real soon!
Just to let you know another successful month for me, teeny bit spotting 6DPO (which I stupidly thought was IB - only noticed it as was checking cervix) then tiny bit last night (again checking cervix) and full AF came today. Month 2 of taking AC right through the cycle instead of stopping at ovulation and also 2.5 months of Maca. Good luck to you all x

That's great news! You used to spot from around 10dpo didn't you? That's quite an improvement. :flower:
Hi ladies I just thought I'd come on here and tell you my experience not sure if it will help in any way but its so helpful to hear that its not just me going throug this .....I used to always have 28 day cycles but about a year before I came off the pill I started spotting and the odd bleed before I took my last pill so knew there was something wrong with my hormones.

I have been off the pill for 2 years next month and have been TTC for 20 months and the spotting (and obviously not getting pregnant esecially when most of your friends are having their second!) is really getting me down. My cycles are around 24 days (28 when taking AC and B6 though this just prolongs the spotting before I get my AF as I still start spotting about 7/8 days post ovulation). I really do think this is related to Progesterone as I have never had a hint of a BFP. My DH has been checked and his swimmers seem ok though he has got to have a second test to make sure.

I have had an my bloods done and the result seemed really low for me for my progesterone but the doctors just say this could have been done on the wrong day as could of ovulated earlier or later so they don’t seem to want to investigate that at all and just dismiss this. I've asked about clomid but my fertility specialist doesn’t like clomid as she said it should be taken as a last resort …though I would try anything to be honest

I've had an HSG, internal scan, smear, clomid test to check why I spot so much but they were all normal and Ive got a lapascopy booked for the 3 may (seems like ages away as this date was give to me in end of Jan) to check for any endometriosis even though I don’t have any other symptoms other than the spotting - will let you know if they find anything as this could be the cause maybe??

I have tried reflexology taken bee pollen, AC, B6, conception plus, preseed, red clover, Dong Quai but nothing has helped though I stopped everything this last month and I did not have any spotting just got my AF by day 23 which makes my LP only 9 days but think I will try Accupunture as that sounds as though it helps….

Happyshopper I think I will try the soy as they sound promising for maybe expending my LP or just ovulating more

Hope I can join your discussions and will let you knowif the lapascopy shows anything - once the date finally gets here has anybody else had this done to check?
Hi Glitterball,

I'm sorry to hear of your spotting issues. You've found the right bunch of girls to chat with.

Have you had your Thryoid Stimulating Hormone and FSH tested?
I am trying this month hcg shots. I did test low for Progesterone. But hsg was fine didn't find anything abnormal to explain spotting. I usually spot anyway from 4-7 days before af.
Hi Glitterball :flower:

I've read that the NHS are very anti clomid for women who are already ovulating, although like you I think it's worth a try. It sounds like you have a good specialist though to have put you forward for the investigative lap - I really hope it gives you some answers.

My cycles like yours are around 24 days, I think it's really interesting the month you stopped your supplements you had no spotting - a 9 day lp is short but still possible for implantation and seems preferable to starting spotting at 6dpo. I hope pre the lap the spotting stays away for you.

I've been googling today, in fact I think this is becoming my LP obsession, googling brown spotting/discharge. I'm cool all cycle and then when it hits I just desparately want answers.
Anyway, today I noticed several sites describe 'spotting' as a small amount found only on wiping.
Is this what everyone gets?
Also, do you ever check internally on days with no external spotting to see if there's anything lurking internally?

It's made me wonder if mine is spotting or actually regarded as bleeding. Mine is there everyday, if not externally then there's plenty internally when I try check my cervix (sorry if TMI). When it's a discharge, it's enough to mark underwear/a liner. It also changes in colour, thickness, wateriness/dryness over the week.

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