Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

_Nell, my spotting is similar to yours. It was different last month. But typically, it starts at around 7/8 dpo with a few brown specks when I wipe, then a little bit on a my underwear, then I might not see any when I wipe, but then I check internally and it comes out. As I get closer to AF, the spotting becomes heavier, tissue-like and very brown, I then need a liner, then when I get full flow, it's pure red (no brown).
Hi Glitterball :flower:

I've read that the NHS are very anti clomid for women who are already ovulating, although like you I think it's worth a try. It sounds like you have a good specialist though to have put you forward for the investigative lap - I really hope it gives you some answers.

My cycles like yours are around 24 days, I think it's really interesting the month you stopped your supplements you had no spotting - a 9 day lp is short but still possible for implantation and seems preferable to starting spotting at 6dpo. I hope pre the lap the spotting stays away for you.

I've been googling today, in fact I think this is becoming my LP obsession, googling brown spotting/discharge. I'm cool all cycle and then when it hits I just desparately want answers.
Anyway, today I noticed several sites describe 'spotting' as a small amount found only on wiping.
Is this what everyone gets?
Also, do you ever check internally on days with no external spotting to see if there's anything lurking internally?

It's made me wonder if mine is spotting or actually regarded as bleeding. Mine is there everyday, if not externally then there's plenty internally when I try check my cervix (sorry if TMI). When it's a discharge, it's enough to mark underwear/a liner. It also changes in colour, thickness, wateriness/dryness over the week.

Boo, I hope my consultant at Kings gives me Clomid as I'm sure if I o-ed later it would help! Oh well - if he won't it'll be private for me... (sucks breath in and winces).

TMI right back atcha - no, my spotting is more than wiping. It starts (5/6 dpo) as a light brown stained watery discharge. Then over the next couple of days it gets thicker, but no more than enough to streak a pantyliner, and darker brown. Then weirdly, for the last two cycles I've observed, it goes away for a day entirely. Then it goes a bit reddish brown and might have some stringy bits in it. Then full AF.

I'm REALLY sorry about the level of detail but I figure we can share these things on here! :haha:
LOL MrsHY! We need to know and share this information!

I want clomid too. I want to ovulate like a 15 year old girl and get pregnant just by cuddling on the couch with DH!

On a side note, I'm watching Dr. Oz and he has a real uterus in his hands!!! Wow!
LOL MrsHY! We need to know and share this information!

I want clomid too. I want to ovulate like a 15 year old girl and get pregnant just by cuddling on the couch with DH!

On a side note, I'm watching Dr. Oz and he has a real uterus in his hands!!! Wow!

Who the heck is Dr Oz? I'm not sure I'd want to see a uterus! How big is it? What does it look like?!? x
hello ladies:hi:
i'm new here & posted abt my prespotting issues & cantwait4ru directed me here..sorry 4r long post..
thankyou cantwait4ru..its gud to know i'm not alone..:boat:
i'm 31 yrs old & all this spotting strtd after going off of BCP 4 yrs ago( hell of long 4 yrs)i spot abt 3-4days which goes into AF.had a cervical polyp removed in oct'10 along with hysteroscop on day 16 & doc found everythin aok ready 4r O & said the same wen i had my TVS earlier which discovered my cervical polyp..i really like my obgyn but i got so mad wen she said "i'm gud& spotting is just who i am"..i beg to differ b'coz i dint have it earlier to using BCP..i got my prog blood test on day 21 & it was 30.bummer! i know how it sounds but i really wanted them to find somethin so i can b fixed but huh..i got my tsh, ,fsh,estradoil on day 3 & all gud.
i strted RRL tea & strted temp last far the tea made my teeth
i want to try the vit b6 & progest natural progesterone cream..i went thru this thread but it left me :confused:
i'm on day 4(or3) & i want to try the b vit..can someone help me with dosage & days i shud take these? i feel the same way as rainbow32 & want to try progest cream too..

if anyone is interestd, u can go thru my detailed post here

gud luck to all :dust:

thankyou 4r all the support here !

Hi Yum,

I'm glad you found your way over here! I can't believe you have gone through the full work-up of tests and they didn't find anything that would cause the spotting. It really is the most annoying problem and all of us seem to get so many different reactions and opinions from our doctors.

I was on B-100 complex for a couple months, along with AC, but it didn't help me. I've heard other ladies on here start with B-50 complex, then bump it up to 100 if they didn't see a difference. Are you taking a pre-natal? There are many B vits in that too, so make sure you aren't overdosing on it.

Vitamin B is water soluble, and whatever you don't need will come out in your urine, but I've also read that overdosing on it can lead to substantial nerve damage.

Were you stopping the AC at ovulation? This did nothing for my spotting, but did help my LP by making me ovulate earlier and has also shortened my cycle. But I've noticed a HUGE difference since carrying on all through the cycle. Might be worth a shot :shrug: x

I did take it all through my cycle, along with B100 complex, vitamin e, vitamin c, maca once in a while, zinc, prenatal. My cycles stayed the same. When I started going to my doctor about all of this, I took myself off so that when my blood was tested, they would get a true reading of everything. I am going to my GP on monday for nearly two fulls months of a work up!

Ah sorry it's not worked for you, I hope your GP appointment goes well :thumbup: x
Just to let you know another successful month for me, teeny bit spotting 6DPO (which I stupidly thought was IB - only noticed it as was checking cervix) then tiny bit last night (again checking cervix) and full AF came today. Month 2 of taking AC right through the cycle instead of stopping at ovulation and also 2.5 months of Maca. Good luck to you all x

wooow! thats good news mrspttc !
sorry abt the af !
gud luck with this cycle, hope u c that:bfp: real soon!

Thanks hun, you too! GL x
Thanks Nell and Happy Shopper :) It was around 9ish DPO Nell so I'm one happy lady, just gutted that after feeling pg on Sunday (really REALLY sore boobs and pert nipples so I was getting myself excited) I got a BFN on tuesday and then AF, but never mind, onto next cycle. FX'd for you all x
Nell my spotting was like brown flecks, in the earlier months I've seen it when I wipe and on a liner, but last 2 months (since continuing the AC) just when checking cervix but it's not been like flecks, more just brown discharge. Though cycle 4 gave me a shock when I had red spotting at 11dpo for 1 day only (again jumped on the implantation bleeding band waggon :haha:) x
LOL MrsHY! We need to know and share this information!

I want clomid too. I want to ovulate like a 15 year old girl and get pregnant just by cuddling on the couch with DH!

On a side note, I'm watching Dr. Oz and he has a real uterus in his hands!!! Wow!

Who the heck is Dr Oz? I'm not sure I'd want to see a uterus! How big is it? What does it look like?!? x

He was "found" by Oprah and has his own show. It's quite popular in North America. He has an audience full of women - and all of his topics are mostly around women's health.

It was the same shape as what you see in text books, the colour of very pale white skin, and looked fleshy - picture a hand that's been soaked in water for a long time. Really strange!

he wasn't saying anything about fertility - he was showing the different ways the endometrium works throughout the years. From puberty, to peri-menopause to menopause.
Nell my spotting was like brown flecks, in the earlier months I've seen it when I wipe and on a liner, but last 2 months (since continuing the AC) just when checking cervix but it's not been like flecks, more just brown discharge. Though cycle 4 gave me a shock when I had red spotting at 11dpo for 1 day only (again jumped on the implantation bleeding band waggon :haha:) x

That's the second worse thing about spotting! It plays tricks on you and you think that "maybe this is it!!! maybe it's finally IB and I'll get a sticky bean!!"
Thanks everyone for sharing your spotting descriptions, there's no such thing as TMi for me anymore :haha:
I get a lot of comfort at the moment from this thread tbh, knowing i'm not alone. It does sound like our progression from watery to thicker and darker and tissue like is quite similar.

Boo, I hope my consultant at Kings gives me Clomid as I'm sure if I o-ed later it would help!
Ooh what day do you O MrsHY? I o'd on CD 10 but usually CD11/12, it cranks up so fast after my period that I too feel if i could just get a couple more days in before O then I might be ok.

Then weirdly, for the last two cycles I've observed, it goes away for a day entirely
I had that last cycle. 2 days before AF all the brown stuff went and I just had a little creamy, slightly tinged CM. It got me all hopeful.
I want clomid too. I want to ovulate like a 15 year old girl and get pregnant just by cuddling on the couch with DH!
Me too. I can't believe earlier in this thread I thought I didn't want drugs, I'd give anything to be rid and be pg right now.

That's the second worse thing about spotting! It plays tricks on you and you think that "maybe this is it!!! maybe it's finally IB and I'll get a sticky bean!!"
Yeah, it's that teensy bit of hope that you might be the one in many that has regular early spotting and does get a BFP.

As each cyle pushes on this spotting is bothering me more. When i didn't realise it was lilely to hinder a BFP I was mooching along nicely with TTC. Now I fear I'm turning crazy and really not very's starting to really affect me hearing of other people's speedy BFP's and baby complaints. I don't want to be *that* person :wacko:
We've been moved to the TTC Groups & Discussion area!

I need to complain about this - I have a yeast infection. It's not going to interfere with TTC this month as I'm 5 dpo. I'm just annoyed.
hello ladies, i have similar spotting, 1day of brown cm discharge then streaky tissues & at times watery brown blood !
i noticed a diff though..i'm not sure abt this but wen i BD a week b4r my af i got some spotting later on 3rd day which was pink.happnd a couple of times..then white cm 4r 2 days then brwn spotting leadin to af..

i think TMI is good..that way v know wat xactly is happenin & i'm convinced i'm no diff ! thanks 4r that !:thumbup:

nell -- i'm xactly like u..i'm all kool 2 weeks but 4rm the day spotting srts till i get normal cm, i'm like the crazy obsessed lady on the bus ! :dohh:
dont beat urself up ! wat u feel is perfectly normal..v all feel like *that* person sometime or the other !
sorry cantwaitforyou, r u sure its yeast infection ? i heard drinking a lotta cultured buttermilk with some salt is supposed to help !
sorry cantwaitforyou, r u sure its yeast infection ? i heard drinking a lotta cultured buttermilk with some salt is supposed to help !

I don't know - it's kinda weird - but I think so!

I've never heard of that! Does it really work??? I can't try it anyway, I'm lactose intolerant. I have an OTC pill to take (orally). I just hate taking stuff during the tww. It doesn't matter as I know I'm not pg!
We've been MOVED! Lol.
_Nell, I ovulate REALLY late. Around day 25 normally. Which makes me think I want the Clomid even more - to get those eggies out quicker and make them stronger.
Mind you, there's a lovely BFP story on the BFP announcements area at the moment with a woman who Oed on day 28 which made me think positive!
Cantwaitforu - bummed about the yeast infection. Get better soon sweetie x
Thanks MrsHY! I decided to stay home tonight, do some things I've been putting off for a while and get a head start on some laundry - then treat myself with a glass of wine!

I ventured over to the BFP announcements forum for the first time ever today. I saw that one, but didn't read - I will now! I thought I would get a little sad, but it seems the only people I'm happy to hear about getting pregnant are on this forum! I guess because I know that they're here for support and are going through just as much as the rest of us. When I see preggies in real life, I automatically assume they got pregnant right away without any problems. Weird, eh?

I want a better ovulation too! I'm 5dpo today and am so curious to see if my new regimen will change my spotting in anyway. I ovulated two days earlier this month on cd15 compared to cd17.
mrsHY, i'm with ya ! "think positive & postive things come to you":flower:

cantwaitforu, i'm nt sure abt that ! just heard 4rm smeone ! sorry..
hope u r feelin bettr already ! get better soon dear !

have a nice weekend guys !
I think the YI is gone, but now I'm feeling so down about TTC. Figures - this is my week of PMS. It really is God's cruelest joke, isn't it? The final stretch of your tww (even when not ttc), is such a miserable week. I'm crying, I'm mad and I can't stand that every single person we know has a little one. I hate that now, at every family function, we're asked.

It's 6 dpo and I don't have any spotting yet. Last month, I small the tiniest littlest speck of a spot when I wiped at 5 dpo, then didn't see it again for a couple days.
I think the YI is gone, but now I'm feeling so down about TTC. Figures - this is my week of PMS. It really is God's cruelest joke, isn't it? The final stretch of your tww (even when not ttc), is such a miserable week. I'm crying, I'm mad and I can't stand that every single person we know has a little one. I hate that now, at every family function, we're asked.

It's 6 dpo and I don't have any spotting yet. Last month, I small the tiniest littlest speck of a spot when I wiped at 5 dpo, then didn't see it again for a couple days.

oh sweetie, i understand how u feel wen everyone keeps askin the same quest :growlmad: its not ur fault so try to be strong & positive..u can get that bfp this mnth..dont loose hope dear ! may b god wants everythin perfect so, may be u'll get a bfp as soon as ur isuues get sorted out ! so that u dont have to worry abt anythin once u get pregs !
:hugs: hoping u'll get some ans soon & no spotting & :bfp: real soon !
i hate the week b4r af but pms is wat makes us special( women )
keep smiling :)


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