Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

I think the YI is gone, but now I'm feeling so down about TTC. Figures - this is my week of PMS. It really is God's cruelest joke, isn't it? The final stretch of your tww (even when not ttc), is such a miserable week. I'm crying, I'm mad and I can't stand that every single person we know has a little one. I hate that now, at every family function, we're asked.

It's 6 dpo and I don't have any spotting yet. Last month, I small the tiniest littlest speck of a spot when I wiped at 5 dpo, then didn't see it again for a couple days.

Oh hon. I know totally how you feel. Does anyone ever learn that asking people about their baby plans is SO not cool? Good news that 6dpo and no spotting though! Hey - perhaps it's your month!
I got excited yesterday (2-3 dpo - not too sure as my temp did a funny rise then fall thing so not quite sure when I o-ed this cycle) because I had a massage and my boobs were killing me when I was lying on my front! They're still sore today when I 'handle' them! But logic tells me that it's way too early to be getting symptoms like that and I'll probably get a rude awakening in another 2-3 days time when the infamous spotting will start... sigh :dohh:
Thanks MrsHY!

It's so hard. We've been asked at every family function. At first, I was able to play it cool and say "Oh, it's much too soon for us to start thinking about babies!" now, I'm like a deer in headlights and fumble over my words. I'm sure my face reveals a lot more that what the person expected.

Has your temp ever done that before? I think I had a fall back rise this month - is that what yours did? (check my chart) Maybe your boobs hurt because you had a progesterone surge? I only seem to get big full boobs when I get closer toward AF.

I'm 7 dpo and I've been nauseous for two days now, and keep feeling lightheaded and like I want to be sick. I don't have a fever, and my appetite has increased quite a bit.

Why do we do this to ourselves?

I think my chart went triphasic today, but I also read that it could do that if you have an infection (even one that doesn't give you a fever) (I treated a yeast infection this weekend). My temperatures have spiked to a level I have never seen before, and I've never seen this even when I've had a yeast infection in the past.

Do any of you chart? Can you check it out?
Hi! I had 37.6 once this cycle and it was (what I believe) herpes outbreak. Then last week I had 36.9-37 for a few days and I believe it was seasonal allergy. I think my immune system is total crap this winter. Mind you, this is all BEFORE ovulating for me, so it is possible to have high BBT reflecting infection.

I really hope it's something a lot more positive for you though!! FX!!
Wow that's a big leap! Really hope it's a sign for you. I did have a peak temp in my last cycle and got my hopes up - but then they dipped again and eventually dropped below the cover line (although interestingly, not until I had a full-flow period for two days).
I do find this temping business a double-edged sword - on the one hand it's so useful to know your own body's patterns, but on the flip side I find it quite stressful spotting what's happening and waiting for the inevitable fall! x
Thanks for looking MrsHY. I think it's so weird - never seen it before! I was nauseous and dizzy all weekend - so it could have been from that, or a faulty thermometer. I went to the washroom about an hour ago and had quite a bit of cm with a little pink streak in it, so I know I'm probably just about to start spotting. I'm 8dpo - I have come this far without!

On a happier note, I have a much-awaited for doctor's appt this evening. I finally get to find out what the heck is going on with my hormones.

How was everyone's weekend?
So, the results are in. It’s not good and not bad. Just more tests, appointments, needles, waiting and more tampon purchases.

My FSH and LH are not within proper levels at any time in my cycle. My estrogen and progesterone are great though and are at very healthy levels throughout my cycle.

My GP said that FSH and LH dysfunction are sometimes the result of a pituitary issue and is sending me for an MRI to make sure I don’t have a tumour. My FSH is low, but I’m still ovulating, but nowhere near as well as I should be. My LH level is horrible too. (He showed everything to me and DH, but I was crying the whole time)

If I have a tumour, there are meds to help kill it and try to restore my pituitary to normal. Apparently, pituitary tumours are quite common and most people go their whole lives not even knowing that they have one.

In addition to booking me an MRI (which can take months), he no longer thinks that he can help me and is sending me to a fertility specialist who he highly recommends. He wants to make sure this is moved along and is pushing to get appointments for me asap. As my GP he wants me to get an MRI so that if I have a tumour, I will be physically ok to get pregnant, but also so that I can be monitored for the rest of my life to make sure it doesn’t physically affect me (vision loss, loss of taste, numbness, plus other side effects).

On the bright side, he said my reproductive system is very healthy and that if I don’t have tumour, I will be in great hands at the fertility specialist. He said if my MRI comes out good, I will most likely be treated with clomid or injections.

I’m not coping very well. For the first time in my life, I’m trying to mentally block something. Everything to do with babies, pregnancies, my period, TTC…

I am relieved that I finally have some answers and I know why I haven’t become pregnant in the last 9 cycles, and why I spot (even though my progesterone levels don’t explain the common reasons as to why I spot) – perhaps it’s related to my FSH or LH during that time or estrogen dominance.

I’m feeling horrible that there is a potential new issue with my pituitary gland and that this is going to take longer and I have to continue being so envious of pregnant women and feeling like a complete reproductive failure.

Ladies, when you feel like something is wrong, be sure to push, push and PUSH your doctor harder. This is the third doctor I’ve seen about my spotting (including a gynaecologist), and he has come the closest to finding the problem and a solution.
cantwaitforu, do you have actual numbers? What's your FSH and LH? I have all of mine in hand and still waiting to show them to doctor. My FSH was 6.8 and LH 14.4. I also got prolactin tested and TSH, T3, T4. I believe all of then came out within normal range. I think prolactin is the one they do exactly to rule out pituitary tumor.

The downside of seeking medical help is that you suddenly get bombarded with all sorts of procedures and possibilities of scary diagnosis. When I went to my doctor in the end of February, I wanted to find out why my cycles are so long, I didn't even consider I might not be ovulating at all or there could be something wrong with my tubes. Now there's all those questions in my heads, too many things could be wrong, it's really hard to wrap your head around it. The day I came from doctors with bunch of papers in my head for tests to do, I was all for it. Gonna go, gonna do this and that. Next day I broke down and cried the whole day. It took a while to find a place where I would still be looking for answers, but know that in the end it's MY decision which tests I do and what treatment I get.

Take time for yourself. Do what feels right for you now.

Major hugs!!!
can't waitforu - :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Gosh what a shock for you, but re -reading back your own words do try to focus on the 'sometimes' and 'making sure you don't have' a tumour. I know that must be near impossible right now.

Like soili I was thinking of prolactin in connection to pituitory tumours.

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say this, but there's another forum i visit and just today there was a thread with a woman, who like you had bloods (high prolactin though) and is awaiting an mri scan. A few others have replied who have been through similar. It's not a scary negative thread, i'll see if i can find a way to private message you the link in case it would help you to hear from other women. If not, then obviously just delete it.

It might be worth asking for copies of your blood results in a few days time, I expect you didn't have chance to absorp much in your consult. There is a very wide range for FSH and LH I think (wikipedia has some range graphs for a full cycle.) and I sincerely hope yours prove to be nothing nasty.

Keep posting, we're here for you :flower:
So, the results are in. It’s not good and not bad. Just more tests, appointments, needles, waiting and more tampon purchases.

My FSH and LH are not within proper levels at any time in my cycle. My estrogen and progesterone are great though and are at very healthy levels throughout my cycle.

My GP said that FSH and LH dysfunction are sometimes the result of a pituitary issue and is sending me for an MRI to make sure I don’t have a tumour. My FSH is low, but I’m still ovulating, but nowhere near as well as I should be. My LH level is horrible too. (He showed everything to me and DH, but I was crying the whole time)

If I have a tumour, there are meds to help kill it and try to restore my pituitary to normal. Apparently, pituitary tumours are quite common and most people go their whole lives not even knowing that they have one.

In addition to booking me an MRI (which can take months), he no longer thinks that he can help me and is sending me to a fertility specialist who he highly recommends. He wants to make sure this is moved along and is pushing to get appointments for me asap. As my GP he wants me to get an MRI so that if I have a tumour, I will be physically ok to get pregnant, but also so that I can be monitored for the rest of my life to make sure it doesn’t physically affect me (vision loss, loss of taste, numbness, plus other side effects).

On the bright side, he said my reproductive system is very healthy and that if I don’t have tumour, I will be in great hands at the fertility specialist. He said if my MRI comes out good, I will most likely be treated with clomid or injections.

I’m not coping very well. For the first time in my life, I’m trying to mentally block something. Everything to do with babies, pregnancies, my period, TTC…

I am relieved that I finally have some answers and I know why I haven’t become pregnant in the last 9 cycles, and why I spot (even though my progesterone levels don’t explain the common reasons as to why I spot) – perhaps it’s related to my FSH or LH during that time or estrogen dominance.

I’m feeling horrible that there is a potential new issue with my pituitary gland and that this is going to take longer and I have to continue being so envious of pregnant women and feeling like a complete reproductive failure.

Ladies, when you feel like something is wrong, be sure to push, push and PUSH your doctor harder. This is the third doctor I’ve seen about my spotting (including a gynaecologist), and he has come the closest to finding the problem and a solution.

hello cantwaitforyou, i'm sorry to hear abt this..:hugs: i'm sure its nothing.
i'm no doctor here but shouldn't ur progest be low if u r not ovulating??
i think u r ovulating b'coz of the nrml levels of prog..did u get ur thyroid lels checkd too ?
i know how u must be feeling right now but pls try to be strong & positive.i'm sure its nothing..i was in similar situation last yr..i went to gyn 4r spotting & found out i have low platelets & all sorts of related issues like cancer/auto immune diseases could be reasons..had to go to a hemotologist who is basically a oncologist & bunch of tests..i had 4 blood tests in 6 weeks but finally all were good but my disorder will be forever..i'm in remission however but pretty good chances wen i get pregs , i may hav to deal with probs..they can't give me anesthesia or epidural if my levels fall or my chances of m/c r high if i have low levels wen i conceive..
enough abt my rambling story..just trying to say it'll be ok dear ! i cried like u , googling all sorts of diseases..huh..
agree with soli, pls take some time to clear ur head.only then can v make right decisons..i know its hard but try to cheer up hun:flower:...on the brigh side, ur repdctive sys is great :thumbup: u'll be going to a fertly spl who can help u better..pls dont think that way..its only 9 mnths & no women is a reproductive failure..
i'll pray 4r u! FX 4r all of us!
takecare dear !
Cantwaitforyou - sending you lots of big :hug:. I sincerely hope it's not a tumour and the fertility specialist can get you "sorted" very quickly. As you say, if it is, it's very treatable and they are very common. Think positive hunny and wishing you a sticky :bfp: once things are back on track. Take care xxx
Agree with all the ladies cantwaitforu - I know it must be so hard to stay positive when you just want some ANSWERS!
I'm afraid I can't really add anything useful other than to echo the other ladies that we're here for you so please don't let it get you down.
Hugs xx
Thank you so much ladies. It's really so comforting to hear your kind words and sweet wishes. I checked BnB at work today and saw some, and it made me feel so much better!

I told DH about how much this forum has taught me, and how it has helped to go through this with other women who have the same feelings - highs, lows and many question marks - and specifically this particular thread where we all have a very similar problem.

It was hard last night. I sat in my doctor's office, listening to him say all of this, and I thought back to before we were ttc, and how I never thought I would find myself in this situation. And now, I am going through it and more.

I have to go back to the doctor this evening to fill out a form for the MRI, and I'll know soon when I have an appointment. I will also be hearing from the fertility clinic soon. I am relieved to be seeing a specialist. While we were waiting, I told DH that we have to ask the doctor if he recommends we go to one. Well, we certainly didn't have to ask!

Thank you again ladies. We really are a support group for each other and I truly appreciate it.

cantwaitforu, do you have actual numbers? What's your FSH and LH? I have all of mine in hand and still waiting to show them to doctor. My FSH was 6.8 and LH 14.4. I also got prolactin tested and TSH, T3, T4. I believe all of then came out within normal range. I think prolactin is the one they do exactly to rule out pituitary tumor.

The downside of seeking medical help is that you suddenly get bombarded with all sorts of procedures and possibilities of scary diagnosis. When I went to my doctor in the end of February, I wanted to find out why my cycles are so long, I didn't even consider I might not be ovulating at all or there could be something wrong with my tubes. Now there's all those questions in my heads, too many things could be wrong, it's really hard to wrap your head around it. The day I came from doctors with bunch of papers in my head for tests to do, I was all for it. Gonna go, gonna do this and that. Next day I broke down and cried the whole day. It took a while to find a place where I would still be looking for answers, but know that in the end it's MY decision which tests I do and what treatment I get.

Take time for yourself. Do what feels right for you now.

Major hugs!!!

Hi Soili! Thank you so much! I agree with taking charge of your process and doing it your way. I didn't like the way my former GP or gynaecologist handled me. Just because my ultrasound didn't show anything abnormal and my progesterone showed I ovluated, doesn't mean that they had to stop there and scratch their heads. If I didn't chart, or monitor my cycles for the last several years, I wouldn't have much to back me up for when someone listens.

The tests are horrible.. My GP wants me to get bloodtests done every 3-4 days so he can get a good reading of what's going on with my fsh and lh. I didn't get a print out of them. I was going to ask, but I thought I would be better off without them at this point. My last fsh reading on cd3 was 3 or 4. I can't remember my LH, but he showed me a chart with the regular levels I should have throughout my cycle, and my levels were not in any of the "regular areas."

I'm in shock that I have to go to a fertility clinic. The hard part is knowing that conceiving naturally is no longer an option, and that I have a few more steps to go through until I can even go the assisted route. I won't be happy with the tests, but I don't think anything can make me more miserable than I am right now.
cantwaitforu, do you have actual numbers? What's your FSH and LH? I have all of mine in hand and still waiting to show them to doctor. My FSH was 6.8 and LH 14.4. I also got prolactin tested and TSH, T3, T4. I believe all of then came out within normal range. I think prolactin is the one they do exactly to rule out pituitary tumor.

The downside of seeking medical help is that you suddenly get bombarded with all sorts of procedures and possibilities of scary diagnosis. When I went to my doctor in the end of February, I wanted to find out why my cycles are so long, I didn't even consider I might not be ovulating at all or there could be something wrong with my tubes. Now there's all those questions in my heads, too many things could be wrong, it's really hard to wrap your head around it. The day I came from doctors with bunch of papers in my head for tests to do, I was all for it. Gonna go, gonna do this and that. Next day I broke down and cried the whole day. It took a while to find a place where I would still be looking for answers, but know that in the end it's MY decision which tests I do and what treatment I get.

Take time for yourself. Do what feels right for you now.

Major hugs!!!

He never tested for prolactin, but I am going back tonight and am going to ask him to put it on my requisition. Thank you for the info!
Apologies in advance for the TMI nature of this post!!
Well, I was getting quite hopeful this month because of my weekly acupuncture and Chinese herbs... yesterday was 5 or 7 dpo (not quite sure because I had a temp above the coverline, then a dip below, then a rise above) and usually I start to spot very pale brown at 5 dpo and nothing... in fact I had wet/creamy CM... not loads but more than I ever get (I seem to go straight from EWCM to nothing at all to brown).
Then, just as I turned in for bed I wiped after the loo and there was bright red blood on the tissue. WTF? Have never had bright red before until AF comes after 4-5 days of spotting brown. So, I put on a sanitary towel, thinking great - luteal phase this month has reached an all time low of 5-7 days!!!
This morning, there was a tiny bit of brown on the towel, and this morning I've been to the loo and again, am wiping away a bit of brown.
Really WANT to believe its implantation bleeding, but know it probably isn't. I've just never had the red blood first - weird.
Am due to see my acupuncturist today - I always told myself I'd give it two cycles to see if it made a difference - so onto the next cycle I guess!
Mrs HY - I REALLY hope yours is IB, but I also want to share that I had red spotting last cycle, just one small amount on 5dpo last cycle (then onto the brown stuff the day after). I too had never had any red fresh blood before, just brown.
I have my fingers x'd for you :)
Mrs HY - I REALLY hope yours is IB, but I also want to share that I had red spotting last cycle, just one small amount on 5dpo last cycle (then onto the brown stuff the day after). I too had never had any red fresh blood before, just brown.
I have my fingers x'd for you :)

Thank you... I know in my heart of hearts that it's not IB...just the usual pre-AF spotting, but am hoping that it'll stop none the less! Thanks for posting x
Mrs HY - I REALLY hope yours is IB, but I also want to share that I had red spotting last cycle, just one small amount on 5dpo last cycle (then onto the brown stuff the day after). I too had never had any red fresh blood before, just brown.
I have my fingers x'd for you :)

Thank you... I know in my heart of hearts that it's not IB...just the usual pre-AF spotting, but am hoping that it'll stop none the less! Thanks for posting x

mrshy, i hope its implantation bleeding ! FX for ya !
i had this once or twice..on day 1 of my spotting i saw some red blood mostly watery not thick, then i was happy thinkin my spottin was gone:nope: but nothin later just normal brwn stuff 4r nrml 3/4 days ! sorry abt this info but in ur case it could very well be IB:flower:

Mrs HY - I REALLY hope yours is IB, but I also want to share that I had red spotting last cycle, just one small amount on 5dpo last cycle (then onto the brown stuff the day after). I too had never had any red fresh blood before, just brown.
I have my fingers x'd for you :)

Thank you... I know in my heart of hearts that it's not IB...just the usual pre-AF spotting, but am hoping that it'll stop none the less! Thanks for posting x

You never know - every month is different - and I hope it is IB :)

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