Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Apologies in advance for the TMI nature of this post!!
Well, I was getting quite hopeful this month because of my weekly acupuncture and Chinese herbs... yesterday was 5 or 7 dpo (not quite sure because I had a temp above the coverline, then a dip below, then a rise above) and usually I start to spot very pale brown at 5 dpo and nothing... in fact I had wet/creamy CM... not loads but more than I ever get (I seem to go straight from EWCM to nothing at all to brown).
Then, just as I turned in for bed I wiped after the loo and there was bright red blood on the tissue. WTF? Have never had bright red before until AF comes after 4-5 days of spotting brown. So, I put on a sanitary towel, thinking great - luteal phase this month has reached an all time low of 5-7 days!!!
This morning, there was a tiny bit of brown on the towel, and this morning I've been to the loo and again, am wiping away a bit of brown.
Really WANT to believe its implantation bleeding, but know it probably isn't. I've just never had the red blood first - weird.
Am due to see my acupuncturist today - I always told myself I'd give it two cycles to see if it made a difference - so onto the next cycle I guess!

am wishing you all the luck that it's IB but I had this 2 cycles ago, a smear of bright red blood then changed to brown spotting then af came. Never ever had this before mid cycle, was very strange :shrug: x
Can I ask you ladies for your thoughts please?

So, I went to see a gynae today. It was all a bit spur of the moment as she had a cancellation and could fit me in. She went through all my history.
She has decided based on the bleeding and my last ultrasound also showing fibroids that she should do a hysteroscopy. She'll do this under general anaesthetic, while under she'll look for physical abnormalities and take an endometrial biopsy and have a good 'clean up' of my lining (not sure what that bit is).

Anyway, i'm on cd6 today and she only does wednesdays, next week will be post O. Ideally this is done after AF but before O. For a moment she was going to do it this evening, which suited me as no time to think about it and it'd likely still mean post op we could still try this cycle. Then the only theatre slot was late evening so she opted not to and has suggested next week and therefore no sex until afterwards and therefore this cycle will be 'wasted' TTC wise. I'm on holiday pre O next cycle so that isn't an option.
(she also did an AMH test and mentioned that if the hysteroscopy is clear then we'll likely look at pre O meds - clomid surely??? to correct my luteal phase spotting)

I've come home and despite how stressed I get with my spotting, i'm just not sure I'm ready for this next step yet. It's not a big deal procedure wise, but *if* I can get pg on my own then it's un-necessary and we'll likely max out our insurance for the year with it AND have to pay a little towards it ourselves - there's a chance they won't pay at all since we're TTC, although techincally this is not fertility related.

Part of me wants it out of the way and a big part of me is all geared up and positive for THIS cycle and my next cycle while relaxing on holiday and wants to wait 6 weeks and 2 more O's until after my holiday. Waiting until after my holiday will also mean we've done the full 12months trying, so psychologically I don't feel I'm rushing.

What do you think? I'm all in a muddle and I wasn't expecting to be.
Can I ask you ladies for your thoughts please?

So, I went to see a gynae today. It was all a bit spur of the moment as she had a cancellation and could fit me in. She went through all my history.
She has decided based on the bleeding and my last ultrasound also showing fibroids that she should do a hysteroscopy. She'll do this under general anaesthetic, while under she'll look for physical abnormalities and take an endometrial biopsy and have a good 'clean up' of my lining (not sure what that bit is).

Anyway, i'm on cd6 today and she only does wednesdays, next week will be post O. Ideally this is done after AF but before O. For a moment she was going to do it this evening, which suited me as no time to think about it and it'd likely still mean post op we could still try this cycle. Then the only theatre slot was late evening so she opted not to and has suggested next week and therefore no sex until afterwards and therefore this cycle will be 'wasted' TTC wise. I'm on holiday pre O next cycle so that isn't an option.
(she also did an AMH test and mentioned that if the hysteroscopy is clear then we'll likely look at pre O meds - clomid surely??? to correct my luteal phase spotting)

I've come home and despite how stressed I get with my spotting, i'm just not sure I'm ready for this next step yet. It's not a big deal procedure wise, but *if* I can get pg on my own then it's un-necessary and we'll likely max out our insurance for the year with it AND have to pay a little towards it ourselves - there's a chance they won't pay at all since we're TTC, although techincally this is not fertility related.

Part of me wants it out of the way and a big part of me is all geared up and positive for THIS cycle and my next cycle while relaxing on holiday and wants to wait 6 weeks and 2 more O's until after my holiday. Waiting until after my holiday will also mean we've done the full 12months trying, so psychologically I don't feel I'm rushing.

What do you think? I'm all in a muddle and I wasn't expecting to be.

hi nell, i understand ur confusion ! i had this for removal of cervical polyp & endo biopsy ! its good u get it done wen u feel comfy ! generally done b4r o & no sex till after u go 4r a visit after's a gud procedure as u can get rid of fibroids & ur spotting should'll b nice b'coz u dont hav to worry abt anythin once u get pregs..she'll b able to luk clearly & c even the tiniest things & remove any( i'm not sayin u have any but this is wat my doc told me)which can b misssed in utr sound..

i was in dilema too but i thought it's better to get it out of way..i'm not sure abt the general anest but i was given conscious anest which is basically like deep sleep & will b up within 1 hr..i was in & out in 3 hrs total..had bleeding 4r 3 hrs( depends on amt of d&c) & light spotting till a week.
as for me i'm glad i got it donei as i know 4r sure everythin is good ! no more guessing atleast 4r uterus part..:flower:

i think ur doc meant she would do d&c to scrape lining 4r test ..i think ur insu should cover b'coz its 4r removal of fibriods.ur gyn should say its 4r removal & not fertly test! mine was cald polypectomy..
consider all options & make a right decison ! watever u decide, wish u gud luck dear !
Can I ask you ladies for your thoughts please?

So, I went to see a gynae today. It was all a bit spur of the moment as she had a cancellation and could fit me in. She went through all my history.
She has decided based on the bleeding and my last ultrasound also showing fibroids that she should do a hysteroscopy. She'll do this under general anaesthetic, while under she'll look for physical abnormalities and take an endometrial biopsy and have a good 'clean up' of my lining (not sure what that bit is).

Anyway, i'm on cd6 today and she only does wednesdays, next week will be post O. Ideally this is done after AF but before O. For a moment she was going to do it this evening, which suited me as no time to think about it and it'd likely still mean post op we could still try this cycle. Then the only theatre slot was late evening so she opted not to and has suggested next week and therefore no sex until afterwards and therefore this cycle will be 'wasted' TTC wise. I'm on holiday pre O next cycle so that isn't an option.
(she also did an AMH test and mentioned that if the hysteroscopy is clear then we'll likely look at pre O meds - clomid surely??? to correct my luteal phase spotting)

I've come home and despite how stressed I get with my spotting, i'm just not sure I'm ready for this next step yet. It's not a big deal procedure wise, but *if* I can get pg on my own then it's un-necessary and we'll likely max out our insurance for the year with it AND have to pay a little towards it ourselves - there's a chance they won't pay at all since we're TTC, although techincally this is not fertility related.

Part of me wants it out of the way and a big part of me is all geared up and positive for THIS cycle and my next cycle while relaxing on holiday and wants to wait 6 weeks and 2 more O's until after my holiday. Waiting until after my holiday will also mean we've done the full 12months trying, so psychologically I don't feel I'm rushing.

What do you think? I'm all in a muddle and I wasn't expecting to be.

Hello lady

I've got a similar countdown conundrum except mine isn't really through choice - I'm fairly sure the assisted conception unit at Kings is going to want me to go in for an ultrasound despite my PCOS diagnosis - it's just part of the standard work-up they do. Trouble is, they need to do it on cd1-4. I think I'm about to start AF and I haven't had the greenlight from Kings yet, so won't get to see anyone this cycle. Then next cycle, I'll be on holiday with hubby like you! So it'll prob be June before I have the ultrasound and July (at least) til I get any form of treatment.

Obviously I'm not going to cancel my holiday (!) as like you, I'm desperate for the R&R. But I have been telling myself that another couple of months won't hurt and I'll be back from holiday relaxed, sun-tanned and ready for the investigations!

It's SO hard to say what I'd do if I were in your shoes, so I won't!! Best of luck with your decision. Oh, and yes - I reckon by pre-ovulation drugs she meant Clomid but they can also give FSH injections I think, to try and induce ovulation?

Are you in London by any chance? If so can you message me who you're seeing? She sounds thorough! x
Can I ask you ladies for your thoughts please?

So, I went to see a gynae today. It was all a bit spur of the moment as she had a cancellation and could fit me in. She went through all my history.
She has decided based on the bleeding and my last ultrasound also showing fibroids that she should do a hysteroscopy. She'll do this under general anaesthetic, while under she'll look for physical abnormalities and take an endometrial biopsy and have a good 'clean up' of my lining (not sure what that bit is).

Anyway, i'm on cd6 today and she only does wednesdays, next week will be post O. Ideally this is done after AF but before O. For a moment she was going to do it this evening, which suited me as no time to think about it and it'd likely still mean post op we could still try this cycle. Then the only theatre slot was late evening so she opted not to and has suggested next week and therefore no sex until afterwards and therefore this cycle will be 'wasted' TTC wise. I'm on holiday pre O next cycle so that isn't an option.
(she also did an AMH test and mentioned that if the hysteroscopy is clear then we'll likely look at pre O meds - clomid surely??? to correct my luteal phase spotting)

I've come home and despite how stressed I get with my spotting, i'm just not sure I'm ready for this next step yet. It's not a big deal procedure wise, but *if* I can get pg on my own then it's un-necessary and we'll likely max out our insurance for the year with it AND have to pay a little towards it ourselves - there's a chance they won't pay at all since we're TTC, although techincally this is not fertility related.

Part of me wants it out of the way and a big part of me is all geared up and positive for THIS cycle and my next cycle while relaxing on holiday and wants to wait 6 weeks and 2 more O's until after my holiday. Waiting until after my holiday will also mean we've done the full 12months trying, so psychologically I don't feel I'm rushing.

What do you think? I'm all in a muddle and I wasn't expecting to be.

That is a bit of a muddle! I guess the term "biological clock is ticking" really has more meaning than what people think. When you're ttcing, every day, every phase of your cycle and every cycle matters and we can't fathom the thought of not giving it our all every cycle.

I don't want to say which way to go, I honestly don't know what I would do, but perhaps just do what you feel is right. In two months or three months, you can still go back to the doctor and do the procedure. You will also have a chance to save money for whatever you may have to pay for.

Free yourself from the TTC pressure and make a decision that's right for you. If I've learned anything this week, its to continue living like you would if you weren't ttcing. I gave up quite a bit because I thought it would be bad for me (hot yoga, cut back on caffeine, cut back on wine), or didn't plan something because I thought maybe I'd be pregnant (only to never be and really just miss out on something).

Just do what feels right for you and your husband.
Yum - thanks for sharing your experience :flower: I'm not sire about a d&c, maybe that is what she meant - will have to read up on that part. She won't be removing my fibroids, just looking at them properly. My fibroids are in the muscle wall of the uterus and so can't be removed via hysteroscopy, I'd need to be opened up and have them dug out, which could leave scar tissue that would give fertility problems. I'm hoping they won't need removing at all.

MrsHy - have you called Kings to say you'd be interested in a short notice appointment if they get a cancellation - that's how I got my appointment yesterday, literally an hour or so beforehand. I'm not sure about ultrasound day 1-4 , can't they do it at any point pre O to check things out?
I'm seeing a gynae at the bridge centre - I'll PM you the info. Hopefully you will be seen soon, but if not we can pass the wait together :flower:

Can'twaitforU - You're right. I really hadn't felt my biological clock too stongly until I thought this cycle was wasted yesterday, suddenly it just seemed really important. I've also cut things out of my diet and yesterday I drove home and thought,what the hell I should just have what I want. But then I didn't because I sort of feel, for me, I need to just try that to feel like i've done all that I can if you see what I mean.

We've mulled it over and we're going to wait until after our holidays and have 2 more cycles TTC on our own before the procedure. It's sort of been decided for us because my GP receptionist has said she can't possibly type the referral letter before next wednesday :shrug: I could push it, but I'm feeling happier to wait I think - will have to remind myself of that when the brown bleeding starts i'm sure.
So,end of May it should be. I realised that if we went ahead next week and they find nothing and want to start me on clomid then I don't want to start that while on holiday in any case (i've heard there can be side effects). Alternatively if they do find something then I wouldn't have time for a 2nd op before holiday anyway and would probably then be worrying and waiting on no rush either way really it seems.
Hope I made the right choice.
nell-oh, i dint know that abt ur fibriods..someone i know got a lap&hysteroscope done 4r fibroids so i assumed ! hope u wont have to ever get them out ! i'm not sure but u should may b talk to the person incharge of the insur,schedule 4r the procedure at ur doc's office & find out if there is a way they can cover ! sometimes docs dont mention them as ferty but just investigating b'coz of irregular menses..wen u get ur bld wrk 4r harmones they mention it as for irreg menses so that it can b covered by insu..may u can give a try ! after reading ur post abt clomid,i think u made the right decision..

mrshy, i dint know they can do a u/s on day 1-4 ??? my gyn said it has to be done after bleeding stops so that they can c clearly but mine was 4r spotting so could be diff 4r otr reasons !

cantwaitforyou, talkin abt biological clock got me thinkin i'm gonna be 32 this june !
my oh my !
Ladies! My body is playing tricks on me :growlmad:

I'm on cd26 of a 27 day cycle and I haven't started spotting yet. It's possible that my cycle my try to make it a little longer (it was a miraculous 29 days last month).

I had two mornings of red spots, which is from my yeast infection treatment - I always seem to get this, but for the rest of today and all of today, there has been NOTHING.

I hate that this is happening. I was just told this week that I wouldn't be able to concieve with the way my hormones are, and not even a couple days later, I have this stupid small hope that maybe -just maybe - God would give me a break give me a baby.

Oh, and the slap in the face is that my temps have been up for 11 days straight and was even a little high this morning.

I just hope that if AF arrives, she gets here in time for the weekend so I can enjoy a big glass of wine or two or three :wine:

How's everyone else doing? MrsHY, what dpo are you?
Ugh, I totally hate that! We're always torn between hope and lost hope when TTC! One day you're set to think one thing, next day your body throws something new at you and you don't know WHAT to think anymore.

It's because the world is full of stories of people conceiving when they were told they wouldn't be able to. And people ending up pregnant with HPT not showing. That's why the board is full of threads "Can I still be pregnant?". It's really draining.

cantwaitforu, I think the best thing I can tell you now, just act as if nothing is going on. To be honest, I can't help to cheer for you and can't help being secretly hopeful that this is it for you! But you probably don't want your hopes too high up yet. But I'll still be secretly hoping ;) You never know, right??
Ladies! My body is playing tricks on me :growlmad:

I'm on cd26 of a 27 day cycle and I haven't started spotting yet. It's possible that my cycle my try to make it a little longer (it was a miraculous 29 days last month).

I had two mornings of red spots, which is from my yeast infection treatment - I always seem to get this, but for the rest of today and all of today, there has been NOTHING.

I hate that this is happening. I was just told this week that I wouldn't be able to concieve with the way my hormones are, and not even a couple days later, I have this stupid small hope that maybe -just maybe - God would give me a break give me a baby.

Oh, and the slap in the face is that my temps have been up for 11 days straight and was even a little high this morning.

I just hope that if AF arrives, she gets here in time for the weekend so I can enjoy a big glass of wine or two or three :wine:

How's everyone else doing? MrsHY, what dpo are you?

I'm with Soili! Blimey, if I was at 11dpo I'd be rolling out the bunting. But you're so right - getting your hopes up only to have them crushed again is SO draining.

I'm out for the month - today was 10 dpo but my temp dropped below the coverline this morning and I got AF - so back to cd1 for me :cry: And that assumes that the first of my raised temps was right - it then dropped and rose again - if we take the second reading then I was only 8dpo which quite frankly doesn't bear thinking about.

To make matters worse - I got my hopes up yesterday because my spotting had gone to nothing at all and I saw a big temp jump (like a SERIOUS jump). And given the uncharacteristic red spotting 2 days previous thought WOW - it really could have been IB! But of course, it wasn't.

I walked in to work this morning turning every scenario over in my mind. Should I stop the acupuncture which is very expensive? Should I go and see a private consultant and not wait for my NHS appointment to come through? Should I stop temping? Should I stop drinking? Should I take the month off TTC completely??? I'm finding it really quite stressful as I like to be in control of situations, and this is something I find utterly powerless to control.

I think where I got to is that the temping thing just stresses me out - it's like a daily reminder of how cr*p my body is - so I'm going to leave it for April. I've done it for three months now so I've got stuff to show my consultant when I eventually get to see him/her. I'll stick with the acupuncture - I always said I'd give it two cycles to see what it did. I'm going on the holiday of a lifetime later this month to Singapore and Bali with DH (almost like a second honeymoon) and I really want to look forward to that and enjoy it fully when I'm there - eat & drink whatever I want and not set a single alarm clock when I'm there to stick a bloody thermometer in my gob - and not think about this baby thing constantly.

So sorry - this has turned into a bit of a self-absorbed rant. And I only came on here to wish you luck cantwaitforu!

I'm sure things will look better after a big glass of red wine this evening... x
Can'twaitforu - I have my fingers crossed for you, whatever happens you seem to have had a good cycle not spotting much which can only be a good thing and a promising sign.

MrsHY - 'I'm finding it really quite stressful as I like to be in control of situations, and this is something I find utterly powerless to control.'
This is exactly how I feel. I took last month off temping, I was finding I was waking every hour almost at night in anticipation of taking my temp. I started again this cycle, but will only do the few days pre O and to see the temp shift and then stop in my LP, there's really no need to temp every day for me.
Enjoy your holiday - I used to live in Singapore and I still miss it (not least because fertility treatment would be top notch there, he he he) enjoy your singapore slings and relax on your break :) temp stayed up this morning - at 12dpo. I went to the washroom to see if I was spotting - and NOTHING. So, I took a hpt, and got a bfp.

I'm freaking out and am going to my doctors this evening. On Monday, I was told I can't get pregnant, by Wednesday, I already had a fert specialist made, and today - I have zero spotting, huge boobs, pee every 5 minutes and a bfp.

DH and I are so nervous about my hormones and everything. We're not letting ourselves get excited yet, but I can't really help it.

This is the strangest thing ever. It was very faint at first, but the second line showed up right away, then it became darker. I took a pic of it but don't have my camera with me to post.

The only thing I've done that has made a difference in my last two cycles is Omega 3, and I started taking vitamin D all throughout this cycle. I also went back to yoga, had a massage and ate organic food at every chance possible.
Wow cantwaitforyou I am so happy for you :happydance:. Congratulations and have a perfect pregnancy. I always wondered if you spot as normal when you get BFP, but I suppose in your case you didn't. Is it our first :bfp: on this thread? I'm off to buy some omega 3
Wow cantwaitforyou I am so happy for you :happydance:. Congratulations and have a perfect pregnancy. I always wondered if you spot as normal when you get BFP, but I suppose in your case you didn't. Is it our first :bfp: on this thread? I'm off to buy some omega 3

Thank you happyshopper! I'm just hoping the little bean sticks. Very, very nervous right now. I honestly don't know how this happened...earlier this week (you'll see in this thread), my GP got me into a fert specialist, and was sending me for an MRI because he was worried about my pituitary - and that it wasn't producing FSH and LH as it should be - but my estrogen and progesterone were great.

I'm going to test tomorrow and continue to temp. I'm terrified of chemical pregnancies and I just realized I can't see my doctor today because he isn't in on Fridays. If I didn't have all these other issues, I'd feel much more relieved!
I can imagine especially after hearing bad news at the start of the week, it must feel really sureal. I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you and the little bean. Take care xxx
Can'twaitforu - waaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! I literally screamed at the screen in happiness for you when I read your post. I am so ,so , pleased for you and for the hope you will bring to all of us spotters too.
I totally understand you're nervous and I would be too, but you've reached a huge milestone today, a BFP, so you *can* get pregnant.
I am thrilled for you - I wonder if this was why your hormones were a little out of whack when tested even?

I was following your lead with the less dairy, all organic, omega 3 thing so I hope in time it will bring some good news for me too.
Not taking vitamin D though other than in my PNV - but summer should be here soon anyway!

Keep us posted on your pg symptoms and progress :)
Can'twaitforu - waaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! I literally screamed at the screen in happiness for you when I read your post. I am so ,so , pleased for you and for the hope you will bring to all of us spotters too.
I totally understand you're nervous and I would be too, but you've reached a huge milestone today, a BFP, so you *can* get pregnant.
I am thrilled for you - I wonder if this was why your hormones were a little out of whack when tested even?

I was following your lead with the less dairy, all organic, omega 3 thing so I hope in time it will bring some good news for me too.
Not taking vitamin D though other than in my PNV - but summer should be here soon anyway!

Keep us posted on your pg symptoms and progress :)

Thank you Nell!!! I'm in shock and I think this is some big joke someone is playing on me - DH sent me a photo of the test after I left this morning, and it's clear as day. I am so nervous and terrified of everything that could happen. But trying to stay positive. I just can't believe that this has happened!
I had very good feeling about you, hun! :thumbup:

Many many HUGS!! And I hope everything will go just fine!! Told you, sometimes the only thing you need is a good scare and everything just falls into place! temp stayed up this morning - at 12dpo. I went to the washroom to see if I was spotting - and NOTHING. So, I took a hpt, and got a bfp.

I'm freaking out and am going to my doctors this evening. On Monday, I was told I can't get pregnant, by Wednesday, I already had a fert specialist made, and today - I have zero spotting, huge boobs, pee every 5 minutes and a bfp.

DH and I are so nervous about my hormones and everything. We're not letting ourselves get excited yet, but I can't really help it.

This is the strangest thing ever. It was very faint at first, but the second line showed up right away, then it became darker. I took a pic of it but don't have my camera with me to post.

The only thing I've done that has made a difference in my last two cycles is Omega 3, and I started taking vitamin D all throughout this cycle. I also went back to yoga, had a massage and ate organic food at every chance possible.

wooooow !:happydance: i'm so happy 4r you, cant stop smiling @ the screen ! good things happen wen u least xpect them ! totally agree with nell & yes, u r our 4rst bfp ! i'm so xcited 4r u ! fx'd 4r ya ! takecare hun!:flower:
Thanks so much ladies! I'm scared to be honest...It was just so weird that my spotting hadn't started, and that I'm on cd27 of a usual 27 day cycle, and there is no sign of AF. I am feeling crampy right now and can only hope that it's normal! I bought more hpts to take tomorrow and sunday. I'm also taking my temperature to make sure it stays elevated (this is the longest I've had elevated temps for).

There will be many more on this thread - they're just around the corner, I'm sure!

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