Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

So....who's next???? I thought BFP came in three's!!!!!

Come on ladies!!!


We're working on it!!!

I'm CD10 and still showing high on CBFM! Hoping for peak on Cd12 or 13!!! Christmas BFP here I come!!!

Fx'd for everyone else!! X

You're right behind me!!! I'm on CD13...but don't have opk or anything else....taking it easy :flower:

YES!!! WE WANT CHRISTMAS BFP!!!! :happydance:
:hi: ladies :) wow ive not been on here for about a week n ive missed soo much! Just been reading thru to catch up...

Yomyoms - congratulations :happydance: really happy for u n its amazing for for the ladies still ttc to hear that u can get a BFP whilst spotting! I didnt spot on my BFP month but its great to hear that it can still happen x

Cupcake - welcome back :) I understand how u feel about ur life being in limbo - thats exactly how i felt! My life started to revolve around TTC but i got my BFP on the month that i decided to try n take a step back n relax. I know its easier said than done x

MrsPTTC - its great that u got another cute that ur baby waved at u :) I cant wait for my 12 week scan to see my baby look like a real baby...only 3 wks to go! x

Jodspods - welcome n im sorry to hear about ur MC. I had a MC last year...similar to urs - was nearly 9 wk but measured 7 :( After MC i started to spot from about 11dpo with AF arriving around 14/15dpo. I really believe that the MC had something to do with the spotting and it carried on every month til i got my next BFP 11 months later. I took vitB complex for the 2 months before BFP and that seemed to help spotting and I think it helped me get my BFP. Good luck x

Katie - I used Huggies on my first 2...tried Pampers and really didnt like them - cant remember why tho! That was a long time ago so they prob changed alot now..i'll prob still try Huggies first tho x

Chloe & Daydream - not long left now...u must both be sooo excited! I hope the baby turns around for u Chloe x

Greenleaf - I hope everything works out well at work x

I hope everyone else is ok :)

As for not as anxious now altho i feel like ill really be able to relax after my 12 wk scan which is in 3 wks..cant wait! My bump is already forming...not sure if i can hide it for another 3 wks lol when i get bloated it actually looks like i have a football up my top...baggy tops all the way for me as i defo dont want to tell anyone til after my scan.

Still get MS on and off (still in the evenings tho) n not eating much either...the thought of eating some things really turns my stomach n some smells make me feel ill as well! I feel really run down and exausted by the evening which is why i havnt really been on here...but i cant complain - itll all be worth it in the end :) n im hoping itll be better after 12 wks. This is all new to me...2 full term pregnancies n 1 MC n never had any MS, food aversions or anything else really lol this one is defo making up for it x
Glad all is well bubbles. That MS, while it is torture must be giving you some peace of mind :hugs: I hope 12 wks you feel better. That was when I started to feel better and it gradually improved until about 16 weeks when I felt back to normal
Thanks bubbles. I need to relax and stop obsessing! I have a tendency to obsess over things! Any suggestions how to forget about it and relax!?!
Thanks bubbles!!

Hubby has forgotten half the ingredients for dinner so he's popping to the supermarket and is going to get me vit b complex if they have any.

Do you take it all cycle? I'm on CD10 today so would I benefit taking it now?

Wishing you well and hope I won't be far behind with my BFP!

Thanks bubbles :) Sorry to hear your LO is giving you bad sickness but hopefully it'll be gone soon. 12 week scan is so amazing - but then you'll know that from your other 2 lol x
Cupcake - I didn't totally forget about TTC but I took a massive step back...OH was gettin tired of me obsessing n havin to BD on demand..I stopped temping n banned myself from FF, BD when we wanted, stopped lookin at the calendar on my phone so I didn't know for sure when O n AF due n generally didn't look for symptoms...I did still use OPK around mid of cycle n still took my vitB but that's it...on my other months I totally obsessed about TTC - if OH wanted to go for a drink I would be checkin my calendar incase it was near O or possible implantation, I wouldn't plan to go to a theme park jus in case I might get a was hard work lol I think anything u do to try n relax will be helpful x

Jodspods - I took vitB complex 100 mg for 1st half of cycle so from cd1 til about 5dpo..I know some ppl take them for whole cycle but I think they work best in 1st half...they did delay O by a day or 2 but its worth that if they can stop spotting n get u a BFP! They won't work for everyone but defo worth a try x

MrsP - it's been soo long since I had a 12 wk scan! I really can't wait n this time I think I'll appreciate it a whole lot more than I did with my first 2 :) x
Thanks Bubbles!!

I took my first one last night and got a +ve opk last night and my peak this morning on CBFM!! I'm CD11 so feel good that its come a couple days earlier than last month!! We're going to try SMEP as I'm not sure we BD'd enough after my peak last month (prob cos we did too many days before lol)!!

I met a guy I used to work withs little 10 month old yesterday! Got a shock when our anniversary card last wk came from him, his wife and a boys name! Asked who the boy was and was told they'd just adopted! Found out yesterday she came off BCP had no periods so went for tests after a year and was told one of her tubes wasn't attached and that she had gone through premature menopause! How awful but what a great thing to have come out of it adopting their little boy!

It's made me think a lot this weekend about my situation and how I should, despite everything, be truly thankful!!

Have a great day everyone!! X
Hi Ladies.. I am new to the group.. I started reading the some of this thread yesterday and was very excited to find others out there with spotting before AF. And it sounds like a lot of you eventually became pregnant. My DH and I have been ttc for 13 months now and we have an appointment in December to see a specialist.

On Saturday I started spotting 11DPO so we'll see what happens this month. Just curious if anyone spotted when they were actually pregnant??
Thanks bubbles. I need to relax and stop obsessing! I have a tendency to obsess over things! Any suggestions how to forget about it and relax!?!'s hard...I try not to google...but sometimes do. I'm not into many hobbies, but I've been looking for some that might interest me, say beading, making my own advent calendar, things like that. Don't know if this helps :wacko: But I'm trying to do my best. It's bugging me that I'm on cd15, and as I'm not charting, I have no idea if or when I've ovulated (I did have cramps on the 24th...cd12).
God luck!!
Hi Ladies.. I am new to the group.. I started reading the some of this thread yesterday and was very excited to find others out there with spotting before AF. And it sounds like a lot of you eventually became pregnant. My DH and I have been ttc for 13 months now and we have an appointment in December to see a specialist.

On Saturday I started spotting 11DPO so we'll see what happens this month. Just curious if anyone spotted when they were actually pregnant??

Welcome! This is a great forum...everyone is really nice and helpful. I myself am still TTC, so I can't answer your question, but I'm sure others can. When do you have the appointment?
Hi Ladies.. I am new to the group.. I started reading the some of this thread yesterday and was very excited to find others out there with spotting before AF. And it sounds like a lot of you eventually became pregnant. My DH and I have been ttc for 13 months now and we have an appointment in December to see a specialist.

On Saturday I started spotting 11DPO so we'll see what happens this month. Just curious if anyone spotted when they were actually pregnant??

Hi and welcome! I recently found the group too!!

I started spotting around 2 or 3 days before AF and the month I conceived the same thing happened which is why i didn't think I was pregnant and booked my HSG! I'm finding a lot more people who do spot so it's not totally uncommon!!

Good luck with your appointment x
Hi Ladies.. I am new to the group.. I started reading the some of this thread yesterday and was very excited to find others out there with spotting before AF. And it sounds like a lot of you eventually became pregnant. My DH and I have been ttc for 13 months now and we have an appointment in December to see a specialist.

On Saturday I started spotting 11DPO so we'll see what happens this month. Just curious if anyone spotted when they were actually pregnant??

Welcome, Praying! I spotted per normal from 1-2DPO until maybe 13 or 14DPO and was pregnant. Only difference is when AF was supposed to show, the spotting stopped, which is why i thought to test. Good luck!

oh Jods, i hope this is your month!

Went to the doc yesterday and baby is still being stubborn and breech. I'm starting to lean towards just scheduling a c-section and hoping she turns before then. I am giong to have a detailed ultrasound (hoping for 3D!) this afternoon and i hope that it will very clearly guide me as to whether or not to try an ECV or just wait it out. Part of me thinks the baby is probably breech for a reason, and trying to force her into a position that she's not ready to go into is not a wise move. A lot of it is my gut talking rather than the logical scientist in me. Not that i want a C section at all, but something just seems wrong about forcing her to turn. Very nervous about this whole thing!
Hi all, not been on for a few days, just letting it all sink in! I feel very anxious but happy to have gotten this far. Still amazed really! I've got my scan next week after the referral for spotting. I'll only be 5+3 and it's not in the maternity unit but hoping they can confirm there's *something* there at least. Will be interesting to see if I have any cysts etc or whether it really is just hormonal.

Sbmack, good luck for this cycle!

Jodspods, not heard of SMEP. What is it? I took B vits too and think it definitely helped. I took at 50mg complex from CD1 to a few days after ov.

Gobolino, fx for a Xmas BFP!

Thanks bubbles! Glad you're not feeling so anxious anymore. I'm 5 weeks behind you so will look forward to getting a bit more relaxed at Christmas. I thought a BFP would be the end of the worrying, but now it's just another stage of worry! I'm sorry you've got MS, hope it passes soon

Hi Praying, welcome to the thread. I hope you get your BFP soon

Cupcake, I found it hard not to obsess too. I was marginally more relaxed this month and I felt happier... but I think that's because my hormones picked up rather than the other way around (being happier causing my hormones to work better). Either way, being relaxed and positive has got to be a good thing right?

Chloe, sorry your little girl is breech. I hope she sees sense and turns soon x
Hope all are well! Praying I did not have asingle spec of spotting but not sure if my cycle counts as I did ivf did not dtd in the tww and was on loads of progesterone lol welcome and good luck!
Hi all, not been on for a few days, just letting it all sink in! I feel very anxious but happy to have gotten this far. Still amazed really! I've got my scan next week after the referral for spotting. I'll only be 5+3 and it's not in the maternity unit but hoping they can confirm there's *something* there at least. Will be interesting to see if I have any cysts etc or whether it really is just hormonal.

Sbmack, good luck for this cycle!

Jodspods, not heard of SMEP. What is it? I took B vits too and think it definitely helped. I took at 50mg complex from CD1 to a few days after ov.

Gobolino, fx for a Xmas BFP!

Thanks bubbles! Glad you're not feeling so anxious anymore. I'm 5 weeks behind you so will look forward to getting a bit more relaxed at Christmas. I thought a BFP would be the end of the worrying, but now it's just another stage of worry! I'm sorry you've got MS, hope it passes soon

Hi Praying, welcome to the thread. I hope you get your BFP soon

Cupcake, I found it hard not to obsess too. I was marginally more relaxed this month and I felt happier... but I think that's because my hormones picked up rather than the other way around (being happier causing my hormones to work better). Either way, being relaxed and positive has got to be a good thing right?

Chloe, sorry your little girl is breech. I hope she sees sense and turns soon x

Hi Yoms

How are you? Was hoping you'd pop on to give us an update! That's good you have a scan booked. Has the spotting stopped? You will be able to see a sac if not more by 5 weeks!!

SMEP is sperm meets egg plan - it's meant to help maximise chances of conception so fx'd it works!! I'm still taking the vit b complex - was thinking of taking it until the weekend! X
Welcome praying, I recently joined too and really like this thread. Makes me feel more positive about the spotting.

Yoms good luck in your scan!

I'm doing a bit better, feeling a bit less anxious and managing to find other things to do and think about but my sister in law's baby is due soon and I'm not sure how I'm going to feel!
Thank you all for the warm welcome! My DH and I have our appointment on Dec. 19th and am excited to get some answers... It's been super hard over the past year... but we are trying to stay positive which is often better said than done!
Yoms! Glad to hear an update :flower:

We all have to keep hard though. Yesterday I spotted a tiny bit, cd 15, I presume I'm ovulating between the 24th-29th. I had cramps on th 24th (cd12). First time to spot around this time. :cry:

Anybody else??? I'm trying not to worry, and we've been bd'd 20th,24th to 27th, so I hope to catch the eggie. Just worried now. :nope:

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