Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Congratulations, Chloe! I hope you and Gabriella are doing well!!!
Eeek congrats Chloe!! Wasn't expecting that when I came on bnb! So happy for you hun :wohoo: I know you're not the first birth on the thread but you, Expat & daydream I think were the first to stay on the thread after your BFP's. It's been wonderful following your pregnancy and now your birth! x
Congrats Chloe and beautiful name wow let the birth stories begin.
Katiettc very exciting that baby furniture is starting to arrive.
Scan was great ladies. Our little baby was dancing away. What a wonderful experience and praying that all your ladies ttc-ing will experience this amazing moment soon. Xx
Brill news dreaminghopin, youll have to post a pic if you got one x
Congrats Chloe!! Very beautiful name you chose! Also sorry to hear about having to go through an emergency c-section but sounds like you and baby must be doing well now! =) Nice early arrival ;)
Dreaming - so glad your scan went well. That first dancing is just magical. I go back and watch the video we made at around ten weeks every once and a while. It's crazy they go from moving that much when you can't feel it to the huge movements you feel at the end.
Praying - welcome n hood luck at your appointment x

Cantwaitforu - thanks for sharing ur story. It's great news that ur spotting stopped after your baby was born! I hope it goes away for me too! Congratulations on ur BFP x

Chloe - congratulations! Hope u n baby are doing well x

Dreaming - great news about ur scan x

I'm a prune today!!! I've got my scan in 2 wks n really can't wait! MS isn't so bad now...I seem to have good days n bad days which is defo better than all bad lol As much as I hate the MS I do find that I worry on the days that I don't have it...roll on 2 wks so I can know for sure that everything is ok n then I can relax even more. I'm finding it harder to hide my growing bump as well so ill be happy to be able to tell ppl after my scan instead of relying on baggy tops :) x

Hope everyone else is ok x
hehe bubbles I do not have a scan, but I am counting down the days to my next apt too-to hear baby's hb on the doppler. I only heard it once at 7 weeks along with a transvaginal US and then my emergency viability scan at almost 13 weeks I saw babys hb but they said it was not aloud to let me hear babys hb this early so I cant wait as it is the best sound in the world!! I just hope my doppler will work this time!
I "think" I'm 5dpo.....the suspense is killing me....will I spot in 4 days time??? Pretty please can I be preggers this month????
Anyone else? Greenleaf???
:juggle: "twiddling my thumbs"...
I "think" I'm 5dpo.....the suspense is killing me....will I spot in 4 days time??? Pretty please can I be preggers this month????
Anyone else? Greenleaf???
:juggle: "twiddling my thumbs"...

I didn't want to post anything cos based on the last 2 months I should have started spotting on Friday and its now Sunday!!(bet this post is my jinx) I'm 6dpo but I've only got 2 IC tests in the house so ill wait til Friday at least to test (especially as its my Christmas night out with work). Have you any symptoms Gobolino? X
I "think" I'm 5dpo.....the suspense is killing me....will I spot in 4 days time??? Pretty please can I be preggers this month????
Anyone else? Greenleaf???
:juggle: "twiddling my thumbs"...

I didn't want to post anything cos based on the last 2 months I should have started spotting on Friday and its now Sunday!!(bet this post is my jinx) I'm 6dpo but I've only got 2 IC tests in the house so ill wait til Friday at least to test (especially as its my Christmas night out with work). Have you any symptoms Gobolino? X

Nope, no symptons....I should start spotting around the 5th I think. My bb's are sore, but that's normal, and spots on chin..very normal. :nope:

And NO, not you're jinx!!!!!! FX you'll not be spotting this month....Baby dust!!!
Hello spotters! I've been obsessively stalking this thread and just want to share my story.

I started spotting about 6 or 7 years ago, when I was still on BCPs. As I remember, the spotting happened mid-cycle while I was on BCPs. I tried a few different pills, and finally tried NuvaRing, which stopped the spotting. I went off NuvaRing about a year ago, and I have been spotting 5-10 days before AF ever since - usually 7-9 days. When I say spotting, I don't mean you only notice on the TP. It's definitely heavier than that.

At first I thought my body just needed to adjust post-BC. But I started to get really concerned about the spotting a few months before we started TTC. I would feel totally fine about it most of my cycle, but once the spotting started, I was obsessively googling the issue and not getting any answers.

When I started spotting at 7DPO this cycle, I was so frustrated and depressed. That's when I finally found this thread. I started from the beginning and read your stories from 7DPO to 11DPO (spotting the whole time). By 11DPO, your stories had made me absolutely confident that I COULD conceive, regardless of the spotting. Every time of you ladies got preg or shared a scan or a story about seeing your baby or hearing the HB, I got a little teary-eyed. I was so happy for you all, after the frustration and worry of spotting. And I imagined that that might happen to me eventually.

Because so many of you ladies were open enough to share your stories, which helped me immensely, I want to offer my own assurances. So I want to share that yesterday, at 12DPO, I got my BFP. It was our third cycle trying. Obviously our fingers are crossed that it's sticky, but it seems I have stopped spotting (13DPO today). It's usual for me to have one day off of the spotting before AF, but it still makes me feel better not to have the spotting for now. I also feel better that the preg test was DARK. Not sure if that's logical at all...

If you've stuck with me this far, you'll have noticed that my spotting was as usual for me this cycle. I did notice a bit of pink spotting after we had sex around 8DPO (usually my spotting is brown only). This only made me concerned that my spotting was changing or somehow getting worse. Maybe it was IB or maybe not, but I was never optimistic enough to think any of my spotting was IB at the time it was happening.

My purpose in writing this is the give any spotters reading this assurance that you CAN get pregnant and you can even get pregnant really fast - only 3 cycles for us.

I also want to say something about the "relax and it'll happen" advice, which I'm sure you've heard. I don't necessarily disagree with that, and I would've loved to relax about TTC and the spotting. The bottom line was that it was just not possible for me to relax about the spotting. And when I heard that advice, it stressed me out even more that I was so stressed about it. I thought maybe they're right and I won't be able to conceive when I'm so stressed about this, but how will I relax about it?? So, another assurance that you CAN get pregnant even if you're totally neurotic like me. So if you can't relax about spotting, at least relax about stressing :haha: It's OK!

Sorry so long. I'm going to keep following this thread and update you all if you're interested on how the spotting goes during pregnancy if this one sticks.
Hello spotters! I've been obsessively stalking this thread and just want to share my story.

I started spotting about 6 or 7 years ago, when I was still on BCPs. As I remember, the spotting happened mid-cycle while I was on BCPs. I tried a few different pills, and finally tried NuvaRing, which stopped the spotting. I went off NuvaRing about a year ago, and I have been spotting 5-10 days before AF ever since - usually 7-9 days. When I say spotting, I don't mean you only notice on the TP. It's definitely heavier than that.

At first I thought my body just needed to adjust post-BC. But I started to get really concerned about the spotting a few months before we started TTC. I would feel totally fine about it most of my cycle, but once the spotting started, I was obsessively googling the issue and not getting any answers.

When I started spotting at 7DPO this cycle, I was so frustrated and depressed. That's when I finally found this thread. I started from the beginning and read your stories from 7DPO to 11DPO (spotting the whole time). By 11DPO, your stories had made me absolutely confident that I COULD conceive, regardless of the spotting. Every time of you ladies got preg or shared a scan or a story about seeing your baby or hearing the HB, I got a little teary-eyed. I was so happy for you all, after the frustration and worry of spotting. And I imagined that that might happen to me eventually.

Because so many of you ladies were open enough to share your stories, which helped me immensely, I want to offer my own assurances. So I want to share that yesterday, at 12DPO, I got my BFP. It was our third cycle trying. Obviously our fingers are crossed that it's sticky, but it seems I have stopped spotting (13DPO today). It's usual for me to have one day off of the spotting before AF, but it still makes me feel better not to have the spotting for now. I also feel better that the preg test was DARK. Not sure if that's logical at all...

If you've stuck with me this far, you'll have noticed that my spotting was as usual for me this cycle. I did notice a bit of pink spotting after we had sex around 8DPO (usually my spotting is brown only). This only made me concerned that my spotting was changing or somehow getting worse. Maybe it was IB or maybe not, but I was never optimistic enough to think any of my spotting was IB at the time it was happening.

My purpose in writing this is the give any spotters reading this assurance that you CAN get pregnant and you can even get pregnant really fast - only 3 cycles for us.

I also want to say something about the "relax and it'll happen" advice, which I'm sure you've heard. I don't necessarily disagree with that, and I would've loved to relax about TTC and the spotting. The bottom line was that it was just not possible for me to relax about the spotting. And when I heard that advice, it stressed me out even more that I was so stressed about it. I thought maybe they're right and I won't be able to conceive when I'm so stressed about this, but how will I relax about it?? So, another assurance that you CAN get pregnant even if you're totally neurotic like me. So if you can't relax about spotting, at least relax about stressing :haha: It's OK!

Sorry so long. I'm going to keep following this thread and update you all if you're interested on how the spotting goes during pregnancy if this one sticks.

Welcome CaT1285 :flower:
Thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to write.....really. I'm quite positive this month, but each time I go to toilet, I'm so worried I will start spotting....along with sore bb's and spots on chin...looks like I'm on the way to AF...BUT you have made me feel a lot better, that even if I do spot...I can still get that BFP. Thank you again, really. I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy:hugs:
Hello spotters! I've been obsessively stalking this thread and just want to share my story.

I started spotting about 6 or 7 years ago, when I was still on BCPs. As I remember, the spotting happened mid-cycle while I was on BCPs. I tried a few different pills, and finally tried NuvaRing, which stopped the spotting. I went off NuvaRing about a year ago, and I have been spotting 5-10 days before AF ever since - usually 7-9 days. When I say spotting, I don't mean you only notice on the TP. It's definitely heavier than that.

At first I thought my body just needed to adjust post-BC. But I started to get really concerned about the spotting a few months before we started TTC. I would feel totally fine about it most of my cycle, but once the spotting started, I was obsessively googling the issue and not getting any answers.

When I started spotting at 7DPO this cycle, I was so frustrated and depressed. That's when I finally found this thread. I started from the beginning and read your stories from 7DPO to 11DPO (spotting the whole time). By 11DPO, your stories had made me absolutely confident that I COULD conceive, regardless of the spotting. Every time of you ladies got preg or shared a scan or a story about seeing your baby or hearing the HB, I got a little teary-eyed. I was so happy for you all, after the frustration and worry of spotting. And I imagined that that might happen to me eventually.

Because so many of you ladies were open enough to share your stories, which helped me immensely, I want to offer my own assurances. So I want to share that yesterday, at 12DPO, I got my BFP. It was our third cycle trying. Obviously our fingers are crossed that it's sticky, but it seems I have stopped spotting (13DPO today). It's usual for me to have one day off of the spotting before AF, but it still makes me feel better not to have the spotting for now. I also feel better that the preg test was DARK. Not sure if that's logical at all...

If you've stuck with me this far, you'll have noticed that my spotting was as usual for me this cycle. I did notice a bit of pink spotting after we had sex around 8DPO (usually my spotting is brown only). This only made me concerned that my spotting was changing or somehow getting worse. Maybe it was IB or maybe not, but I was never optimistic enough to think any of my spotting was IB at the time it was happening.

My purpose in writing this is the give any spotters reading this assurance that you CAN get pregnant and you can even get pregnant really fast - only 3 cycles for us.

I also want to say something about the "relax and it'll happen" advice, which I'm sure you've heard. I don't necessarily disagree with that, and I would've loved to relax about TTC and the spotting. The bottom line was that it was just not possible for me to relax about the spotting. And when I heard that advice, it stressed me out even more that I was so stressed about it. I thought maybe they're right and I won't be able to conceive when I'm so stressed about this, but how will I relax about it?? So, another assurance that you CAN get pregnant even if you're totally neurotic like me. So if you can't relax about spotting, at least relax about stressing :haha: It's OK!

Sorry so long. I'm going to keep following this thread and update you all if you're interested on how the spotting goes during pregnancy if this one sticks.

Congratulations Cat! That's great to hear you got your BFP and your story definitely gives us hope!!! Happy & healthy 9 months!! X
I'm on cd 16 and according to the Opk's, I haven't ovulated yet :(

I have been more stressed than usual. My mother and her husband are living with us.... They relocated to my town (from 2.5 hours away) to be closer to us when we have children. None of us thought it would take this long (7 months ttc another 3 ntnp). Unfortunately they are not in a position to get a place of their own until they sell thier house. My mother still has to find a job too. I'm learning to deal with it, but none of us thought they would still be here five months later. The stress is likely affecting ttc, but it's not like I can kick them out.
Thanks for your story Cat! Happy and healthy 9 months to you!

I also bleed a little while bd'ing. Not always, but often. Anyone else?
Thanks for your story Cat! Happy and healthy 9 months to you!

I also bleed a little while bd'ing. Not always, but often. Anyone else?

I was diagnosed with ectropion - it's a kind of abrasion around the cervix and a common symptom is bleeding after BDing but I never had that. It was mentioned to me at a smear and then again after my d&c. Dr checked it 6 wks later saying she had seen worse and it doesn't stop you getting pregnant but could explain some bleeding in pregnancy if you get it. It could be something like that?

Hope things calm down for you soon!
jodspods, gobolino, sbmack, and cupcake - I hope you get your BFPs soon! I'll be following you all now, so keep updating us! I truly believe it will happen for each of you in time. I just hope it's SOON!

I also wanted to mention what my doctor said when I told her about spotting. I've read this thread almost start to finish, so I know that pretty much every doctor says don't worry, and mine did as well. The explanation she gave, however, was one that I'm not sure I've read about before. She said that sometimes the hormone surge from your previous cycle wasn't strong enough to completely shed the lining. Don't know if that's right or not, but it gave me some comfort so I thought I would share.

Also, there was some talk of vitamins awhile back. I started taking a different one-a-day multivitamin about 2 months ago and I think it improved my spotting. It was still heavier than just TP spotting, but I don't think it stained the underwear/pantyliners quite as much (sorry if TMI, but I don't really believe in such a thing while TTC). I don't know if it made any difference in TTC, but regardless of TTC, I think we'd all like to make our spotting go away. There were several differences between this MV and my last one, but I think it's down to the new one having a lot more vitamin B. It basically includes a B25 complex, if such a thing exists. I first noticed that because my pee was neon yellow when I started taking it, which it never was with my old one. I was going to try taking a B50 complex with my MV next cycle if I didn't get my BFP.
Watch out Gobolino, sore boobs was my first and only sign of pregnancy! They'd usually hurt day or two before AF, but the month I conceived they were sore way earlier. FX!

Jod, crossing my fingers for you too!

Sorry about the stress, sb :hugs: Hope O arrives soon and you succeed.

Welcome cat and thank you for sharing your story, keep us posted on your progress. Happy and healthy 9 months! :flower:

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