Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Congratulations Chloe!

Sorry I've not been around for a while. I started bleeding red and brown 3 days ago and don't feel this pregnancy is going to stick around. I spent last night at the Early Pregnancy Unit and they think it might be a chemical. Ive got an early scan tomorrow at 5+3 but things aren't looking good :(

I'm personally worried it's my progesterone level but they won't test it or give me suppositories so don't have any hope left now. I wish it were easier to get hold of over here.

Sorry I haven't read the other posts. When I recover from all this I will catch up. xx
:hugs: yoms sorry to hear that. Why in the world won't they test your progesterone?!
It's not something the NHS 'believe' in. they say it isn't proven that it can cause miscarriage or supplements would help, and they would only give me progesterone if I'd had a low blood result from day 21 tests when not pregnant... which I haven't had tested. :(
I'm so sorry Yoms! I always wondered if the fact that my temps stayed up even when I was spotting meant that my progesterone was OK, or if my progesterone could still be low. Your temps look really good as well. Sending good thoughts your way.
Hello all, just dropping in to close my ttc spotting chapter ( or maybe chronicle even!) and to llet you know i am now a mummy. Baby layla born 21 st november at 38 weeks.

horrific birth unfortunately as i developed sudden eclampsia ( after an otherwise healthy pg) so had 999 transfer with vision issues and seizures, my waters were popped in hospital and i was induced while they tried to stabilise me and then when safe i had an emergency c section. Was really on another planet for a couple of days, still sore and not quite right tbh ( memory and confusion problems) but overwhelmingly pleased and relieved to have a healthy daughter.
Hello all, just dropping in to close my ttc spotting chapter ( or maybe chronicle even!) and to llet you know i am now a mummy. Baby layla born 21 st november at 38 weeks.

horrific birth unfortunately as i developed sudden eclampsia ( after an otherwise healthy pg) so had 999 transfer with vision issues and seizures, my waters were popped in hospital and i was induced while they tried to stabilise me and then when safe i had an emergency c section. Was really on another planet for a couple of days, still sore and not quite right tbh ( memory and confusion problems) but overwhelmingly pleased and relieved to have a healthy daughter.
Oh Nell I'm sorry things didn't go quite smoothly. Glad you popped back by though! I hope over the next week things improve greatly. Congratulations on your little girl! Her name is beautiful!
Nell congratulations on a healthy baby girl and I am so sorry to hear about your horrific delivery. I hope if you have another, it will be a smooth delivery! Take care and relax!! Thansk for the update!

Yomyoms, I hope you get only good news....this sounds like an extremely hard time, I am praying for you and littlebean!
Nell!!!!!!!!! Huge congrats hun! :happydance: You must've had her not long after I messaged you! Sorry you had such a scary time, I'm so pleased you're both ok :hugs: Would love to see a pic if you are ok with posting one though I understand if you don't want to.

Yomyoms so sorry about your bleed hun, GL for your scan tomorrow, fingers crossed everything is ok. Yes my NHS FS also doesn't believe is LPD/progesterone etc..

GL to those in the 2WW! SBmack don't worry about not ovulating yet, I was a later ovulator and still managed my BFP.

Cat thanks for sharing your story and congrats on your BFP :dance:

AFM DH felt LO kick for the first time today! And I saw my tummy move which was also a first! :)

yum, happyshopper, MrsHY how's things? Would love to hear from you again :thumbup:

So sorry yoms, I hope everything works out for you.

Congrats Nell!
Yoms - sorry to hear that. Thinking of you x

Cat -thanks for sharing your story. Gives me hope. I keep thinking like you said about maybe it won't happen if I'm not relaxed which stresses me out more!

Just spent the evening with my 2 day old niece, lovely but did have a good cry when I got home! Just taken my first pregnacare conception vitamin
Hi ladies,

I'm just catching up after studying for my exam tomorrow!

Yoms so sorry about your bleeding - keeping everything crossed for you!

Nell congratulations!!

AFM I think I jinxed myself - some brown spotting on tp but not ruling myself out yet at 6dpo it could be anything! At least I've made it nearly 3 days longer than the last 2 months before spotting! Just taking a what will be will be attitude and know I'm back at ACU in January. I agree with Yoms it's totally different here in the uk where there aren't as many tests or medications given to help you in conceiving. I've been told I'm on list for ivf but having conceived before expected other routes to be explored first!

Good night ladies! X
Hita , not sure if u will all remember me but i spotted for 10 days b4 period and had 70odd day cycles after taking dianette ... Not sure uf any of u remember but my doc prescribed me northesitone or something its normally given to delay af for a holiday etc but he thought ut wud maybe kick start my body into gear seemed it disnt work as af came but never went n i spotted for 5 weeks and the week b4 i was due to start clomid i realised i was actually 6 weeks pregnant and had stopped sometimes heavy with red clots for the begining of my pregnancy ...not that u wud think it was possible! Just seen that so many familuar faces are all pregnant too! Its so amazing im now 18 weeks pregnant and couldnt ve happier! Xx
Great story one dips. Thanks for sharing.
Congratulations nell enjoy this very special time. Such a precious little girl.
Yoms keeping everything crossed.
Yoms, i hope everything is ok. Fingers crossed for you!

Cat, welcome and congrats!

Nell, so happy to hear from you! Sounds like quite an eventful birth, but i'm glad you have a healthy daughter now :)

Everyone in TWW, good luck!

MrsP, so great that you were able to see/feel the movement! That was my favorite part of pregnancy :)

AFM, Here is my birth story: Gabriella Serafina was born on November 28 at 6:01pm weighing 6 lbs 13 oz and 19.25" long (her due date was Dec 16). I went to the hospital for a supposedly low risk version to try to turn her from breech to head down so that I could avoid a C-section, but when doctors were trying this, her heart rate dropped and did not recover, so they had to knock me out and perform an emergency c-section right then. It was quite a scary ordeal, but she turned out perfect and I am healing nicely, so all in all, a good outcome! The doctor who performed both the version and c-section said I was only the second person she has seen who needed an emergency c-section after a version. Lucky me! The version was incredibly painful and I would not recommend it to anyone! Would definitely try acupuncture/chiropractor first and risk just scheduling c-section than to go through this version again. My gut told me not to do it, but the ultrasound doctor made it sound like no big deal with very little risk, said i was a good candidate for success - high fluid levels, smaller baby, skinny, so that is what convinced me at the last minute to just go for it and see what happened. All in all, i'm just happy that she is healthy and home with me, and i'm sure versions have worked well for many people, but based on my experience, i will never try one again!

Sorry for the long winded story! Now i'm dealing with the fun/pain of breast feeding and sleep deprivation :) It's all totally worth it tho.


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Congrats Nell!!! All's well that ends well!!!!! Now enjoy!!

Yoms......fingers crossed....I'm sure it will be fine!!:hugs:

Cupcake, Jodspods....oh I know the feeling....I started spotting last night (teeny-weeny bit....but I can see it), the girls are back to normal...def. not growing! and spots on chin the same. I still have 8 days to go to AF....and I'm feeling so down. WHAT can we do??????:cry:
Yoms, i hope everything is ok. Fingers crossed for you!

Cat, welcome and congrats!

Nell, so happy to hear from you! Sounds like quite an eventful birth, but i'm glad you have a healthy daughter now :)

Everyone in TWW, good luck!

MrsP, so great that you were able to see/feel the movement! That was my favorite part of pregnancy :)

AFM, Here is my birth story: Gabriella Serafina was born on November 28 at 6:01pm weighing 6 lbs 13 oz and 19.25" long (her due date was Dec 16). I went to the hospital for a supposedly low risk version to try to turn her from breech to head down so that I could avoid a C-section, but when doctors were trying this, her heart rate dropped and did not recover, so they had to knock me out and perform an emergency c-section right then. It was quite a scary ordeal, but she turned out perfect and I am healing nicely, so all in all, a good outcome! The doctor who performed both the version and c-section said I was only the second person she has seen who needed an emergency c-section after a version. Lucky me! The version was incredibly painful and I would not recommend it to anyone! Would definitely try acupuncture/chiropractor first and risk just scheduling c-section than to go through this version again. My gut told me not to do it, but the ultrasound doctor made it sound like no big deal with very little risk, said i was a good candidate for success - high fluid levels, smaller baby, skinny, so that is what convinced me at the last minute to just go for it and see what happened. All in all, i'm just happy that she is healthy and home with me, and i'm sure versions have worked well for many people, but based on my experience, i will never try one again!

Sorry for the long winded story! Now i'm dealing with the fun/pain of breast feeding and sleep deprivation :) It's all totally worth it tho.

Chloe!!!! Just seen photo!!!!! OMD she's gorgeous!!!!! And what a story! So glad all's ok, and now you have a beautiful bunny! :kiss:
Hi ladies,

Just a quick hello. Sorry for the long silence. Just had a massive TGA audit last week. Was traumatizing! :shock: Now have to deal with the aftermath. Ugh! ](*,) :(

I "think" I'm 5dpo.....the suspense is killing me....will I spot in 4 days time??? Pretty please can I be preggers this month????
Anyone else? Greenleaf???
:juggle: "twiddling my thumbs"...

I'm at 9dpo and i can feel the evil spotting approaching. :(
Hi ladies,

Just a quick hello. Sorry for the long silence. Just had a massive TGA audit last week. Was traumatizing! :shock: Now have to deal with the aftermath. Ugh! ](*,) :(

I "think" I'm 5dpo.....the suspense is killing me....will I spot in 4 days time??? Pretty please can I be preggers this month????
Anyone else? Greenleaf???
:juggle: "twiddling my thumbs"...

I'm at 9dpo and i can feel the evil spotting approaching. :(

Sorry to hear Greenleaf.....not good :hugs:
I have already started faintly spotting. So really down today. I'm CD 21, no idea when O was, could be 6dpo.

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