Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Tiny bit of brown spotting this morning. I hate this spotting, I would make it throught the tww so much better without it! It always makes me feel out but then I give myself hope I'm not and get disappointed all over again when af comes! Af due in 5 days

Oohhh chin up!!! Still not out!!:hugs:
Ah sorry about the baby blues Chloe & hope it goes very quickly :hugs:. And hope she starts sleeping better hun x
AF came today as expected. Going to just enjoy the holidays and try to relax next cycle.

Oooh so sorry about AF...:hugs: Lets see if a few holiday drinks gets us a BFP!!

Sounds like a plan!

Daydream, good luck with your delivery!! How do you feel?

Cupcake, I know what you mean about getting through the TWW! I definitely wouldn't stress out as much if I didn't spot.
sbmack - sorry about AF. Enjoy the holidays! New Year's BFP?

cupcake - still got my fingers crossed for you.

chloe - love your new pic!

alices - so funny about the pics on the lube bottles! I can see how a pic of a baby can ruin the mood. Why can't they just not put a picture on the bottle?? Just use something abstract!

AFM - no spotting Friday or Saturday, light spotting Sunday, nothing so far today. I am starting to feel like this might really happen, though. Going to meet the midwives tonight after work. I'll let you know how it goes :)
Chloe - have you spoken to your hv about how you have been feeling? Hormones do take a long time to calm down. After JJ I remember just absolutely sobbing in the shower, think the lack of sleep adds to the strain :hugs:
Cat - good luck with the appointment!

I had a bit of a mini breakdown yesterday, cried for a couple of hours about all this and then had a nap! Lol. The spotting makes it so much more mentally draining as I always feel so out when it comes, then I can pick myself up and think maybe it's ok, then af comes. It's so hard emotionally and the spotting just makes me think how can it happen when I'm spotting!

Having said that I was a bit bored earlier and read some of the earlier posts on this thread and it cheered me up seeing how so many people have babies or are pregnant now and how quite a few even spotted in tww.

Spotting was a bit worse this morning but eased right off this afternoon. All brown
Just quickly checking in after my appt. Got my membranes swept, so hoping this gets things going. As for how I'm feeling, not too uncomfortable given that I'm almost 40 weeks. Just really worried now about the fact that baby hasn't engaged. I'm hoping he will engage when I get into active labor, don't want to have to have a c section.
Cheer up, Cupcake! I know it's hard, and every month i had my spotting i thought for sure I was out and had the same doubts as a lot of people on this thread. My spotting was really bad when I got my BFP, and now i have a beautiful little baby that is proof you can still spot heavily and don't have to count yourself out until AF shows her ugly 'face'!
Well, got the pre-seed. Luckily it's got a picture of flowers, which is much more conducive to romance, instead of humans on the packaging. Haha!

To all you ladies who've had (or about to have) babies near Christmas, will you think about celebrating their 1/2 birthdays (or make it an un-birthday- appropos of The Hatter) in the summer as they grow up? My poor nieces & nephews & even grown friends with December bdays suffer without proper parties & etc. due to the hustle of Xmas and all. I think an unbirthday party would be so cute!
hello ladies,

i was MIA for long ! i apologize for not posting earlier !

chloe- sorry u had to go thru tough labor but congrats on ur little muffin ! she is sooo adorable ! sorry u r goin thru sum blues :hugs:

mrsp- how r u ? hope little p is doin great ! still team yellow ? thanks 4r thinkin abt me in one of ur posts !

almost- hi, i like ur scan pic ! so cute ! wen do u get to find out the gender ?

jelly- hope u both r doin gud ! any ms ?

daydream- sorry u r so uncomfy :hugs: hope harrison gets into position soon ! fx !

cupcake- sorry abt the spotting :hugs: got my fx 4r ya !

cat- congrats on ur bfp ! hope all went well with ur appnmt !

jodspod- sorry abt ur mc ! hope u get ur bfp real soon !

sbmack- sorry af got u ! gl this month & fx !

greenleaf- sorry abt the accident & the witch showin up ! hope he's feelin better now ! ssbd !

katie & exp- hope all 4 of u r doin gud !

sorry if i missed anyone- still tryin to catch up ? anyone heard from yomyoms ?

afm, i'm doin gud & nothin new to report :)

tc !
Good luck daydream. Hope you don't need a c section!

Thanks for the message Chloe, gives me hope hearing that, was your spotting any different the month you got your bfp?

Still spotting this morning, but still quite light. 9dpo today
The meeting last night with the midwives wasn't an appointment, just a meet and greet with other prospective patients where we met the midwives and had an opportunity to ask them questions about their practice. It went fine, and I think we're going to use them. Our first real appointment is Jan 7 - I'll be 9 weeks!
Hi ladies, :hugs: to all!

Alice - good question on the birthday near Christmas...something that I have been worried about. The way we're getting around it, is that my dh is Italian, so we're making sure the little one has a name that also has a 'name day', or 'saints day' that is away from Christmas. That way, we can celebrate it the same as the birthday!

Daydream, I am in the same boat as you -- not engaged, no signs of labour, etc., so we're in it together!!

Keeping my fingers crossed for everyone -- just a note on what happened the month I got my bfp as a spotter:
-Was on first cycle of clomid (low dose) and an oral progesterone supplement to make sure my levels stayed up so a bean could 'stick' (also very low dose)
-Had a yeast infection right before ovulation (!!) so didn't dtd very much at all, and I was sure that I was out
-DH and I had a big talk also pre ovulation since I was so upset about the yeast infection and it was clear that ttc was taking an emotional toll...we decided that it would be our last month of ttc for a while, and that really took the pressure off. Once we had that discussion, not only did the infection go away, BUT we also got our bfp
-Spotting before the bfp lasted only 1 day, not 2-3 like usual before af
-I was taking folic acid through the entire ttc period, but still was drinking coffee and wine as usual, i.e 1-2 glasses with dinner (until I got my bfp)
-A big sign for me that I was pregnant was major cramping about 4-5 days after ovulation. Realllllly painful, like the worst af -- am thinking now it was implantation

Hope that helps some of the new ladies on this thread. So much hope as spotters to get bfps!!!!!!!
Thanks, for the background expat!! Your story gives us hope! Good luck to you and Daydream. Fx for a quick delivery!!

Glad to hear all is well Yum.
Yum surprisingly my evening sickness has started at 13 +4, first tri wouldn't of known I was pregnant its bizarre
Thanks for the well wishes!

Our little boy arrived at 1:27am on 12/18! Waters started leaking after sweep, got pit at the hospital, suffered for a few hours and then got my epidural. From there things flew, pushed for a hour, but my epidural was perfect, could feel when to push but didn't feel any pain. He was 7lb 10oz and 20 3/4 in. I'm recovering well and LO is feeding like a champ so far.

I'll post a photo in my journal.
Congrats, Daydream! Join us on the parenting thread :) Sounds like a nice labor for you!
daydream- congrats :happydance: glad to know all went well !

jelly- never heard of evening sickness ? hope it passes soon hun!

cat- i never knew v had midwives in us ? hope ur spotting is gone ! fx !

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