Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

I am also a serial spotter. I always spot for 2-5 days pre-AF and about 5 days after. AF is light and only lasts 2-3 days. TTC#1 for a year. I did fall PG in May 2012 but sadly MC at 10wks. The month that I conceived I still spotted from 7-10dpo but it was lighter, pinker and more watery than usual. It then tailed off and I had non of the usual pre-AF symptoms so I suspected I might be PG and got a BFP on 12dpo. I then had no spotting until 9wks which turned out to be the first sign that I was about to MC.
Since the MC I have found that my spotting seems to get earlier and my LP has got shorter - from 14 days down to 8 days! I have a suspicion that it is related to stress. Still, I fell PG pretty quickly the first time and wasnt monitoring my cycles as thoroughly so it is possible they were always that way, I just didnt know. I fell PG once so surely I can again? My main question is that I thought your LP was always supposed to be the same but mine seems to vary! I wonder if it is related to the quality of my ovulation and therefore how much progesterone the corpus luteum produces. I also have polycystic ovaries on US but no other real symps of PCOS other than acne and moderately irregular cycles (28 - 39 days) (I am slim, no excess hair, charts show I ovulate every month). Anyway this month is 1 year TTC so I have just been to the GP to start the fertility referral process. If I get any answers from this I will update! Good luck everyone and please post when you get a BFP - I find most threads on spotting don't end with positive stories of PG!

Welcome Pigeon! So sorry for your loss :hugs: I hope your cycles regulate soon. Are you trying anything to help? Not sure about LP always being the same but think it has to be a minimum of 10 days to help support chance of getting pregnant!

I love this thread as there really is some great positive stories! Hope you get your BFP soon x
Just wanted to introduce myself. I am a serial spotter, pretty much have been since going off the pill in April 2010 which is when we started ttc. I spotted between 2-4 days before AF and went to the dr to have my hormone levels checked in March 2011. Dr said my progestesterone was 10.4, which indicated ovulation but it was on the low side of nomal. Dr said that clomid could possibly help but she wanted DH to have an SA first. That came back horrible and I remember bawling my eyes out on the way home from work because she said a natural conception was slim and we would need IVF with ICSI. His morphology was 98% abnormal and 2% immature, I recall his count being around 12 million, which I thought was low but she said that was not a big issue, it was the morphology.

The first week of April 2011 we had an appointment with a fertility specialist, which the 10 minute office visit alone was $180, so I knew this was going to be an expensive venture. He recommended a few vitamins and believe it or not, clomid for DH and also going off of his cholesterol medication for a short time to see if that effected morphology. We didn't get that far, we went on vacation later that month and returned home to find out that we were pregnant, due January 7, 2012. Our beautiful daughter was born on January 13, 2012 and will be one in exactly one week.

The difficult birth brought on some other issues, as I now have a rectocele and a cystocele (rectal and bladder prolapse) and I strongly believe that was from over two hours of pushing and forceps.

Now I will get to the current spotting issues......because with the return of AF, the spotting has also returned. My period returned two months postpartum, in March 2012. I now spot anywhere between 2-8 days before AF, averaging on the higher side of that figure. We know we want another child and due to my existing issues, we would like to have another sooner rather than later. I just made an appointment to see my OB/GYN and got in on January 15. But after reading this thread, and all the resistance that seems to come from the medical field regarding spotting and talking to the nurse at the dr office, I'm already losing hope. The nurse kind of had a "what to you want me to do about it"attitude and told me she could get me a prescription for birth control. I told her that might solve the spotting but hello, that totally prevents pregnancy, as I had already explained we were ttc. The she tells me well, you are only 30 and clearly not menopausal but you are still having a period so I doubt they will do any bloodwork. She tried to shove me off on a nurse practioner, who will probably not be able to help so I told her I wanted to see the dr. Now I'm wondering how this dr appt will go, since most drs dont see spotting as an issue.

I see that some women got a BFP even with spotting but just as many, if not more said that no spotting pretty much tipped off the BFP. When I got my BFP with my daughter, it was postive at 10dpo, which is when I usually started spotting but I didn't that day and got exited. Then 11, 12 and 13dpo I had the watery brown spotting. My hcg went from 21 on 10dpo to 81 on 12dpo but progesterone was 13. Dr prescribed progesterone and my spotting stopped, but honestly I think it was a coicidence that the spotting stopped the same day I started the pills.

Now it seems that my spotting is the nasty stringy brown cm for 4-8 days before AF (12-13day LP) but I will have bright red spotting after a bm at 8dpo (tmi). Sorry, this is so long. Thanks ladies.
Welcome Pigeon & Moonpie!

I am pretty new on this thread too. Your spotting sounds a lot like mine, Moonpie. I haven't asked my doc about it yet. Planning on going in late Feb. & will keep this thread posted if I find anything interesting.
Welcome Pigeon & Moonpie!

Pigeon: sorry for your loss but I always believe there will be a rainbow after the rain so have hope :hugs:

Gobolino: AF came on Sunday so I'm on CD2 today. LP 13 days. Seems like our cycles together with jodspods are almost the same. Went for my CD2 hormone test this morning and scheduled for HSG next Tuesday. Let's see what happens...
I can't believe it. I just got a BFP this morning! Very faint line on an internet cheapie then a clear Pregnant 1-2 weeks on CB digital. I am 11dpo. Pretty much exactly a year since I had my IUD removed and starting TTC.
However I am holding back the huge rejoice as I have been spotting quite significantly for the last 4 days. Exactly the same as I always do pre-AF, stringy, brown with some red spots after BM. Honestly no different from every other month. I also have the usual pre-AF cramps. I had BFN's from 5dpo - 9dpo then after the spotting started on 8dpo I kinda gave up hope. That's what prompted me to join this thread. I have no idea what made me test this morning but I did and there it was. I feel terrible because after I started spotting on 8dpo I had a drink on Sat night (9dpo). I was so sure AF was here. It's wierd though because I was so hungover yesterday, I was sick all day. Even DH remarked that I didn't drink enough to warrant that kind of a hangover so perhaps it was a sign.
Anyway as long as this spotting is going on I'm nervous but there is a glimmer of hope. Even if this one doesnt stick it proves I can get pregnant despite the spotting. I was meant to be getting my progesterone levels etc checked this month - lets hope I wont need to!
Love to all, and remember (although I doubted it so many times myself) it really isnt over until the witch truly arrives.
Oh and also things I did differently this month - we used pre-seed and I had acupuncture! Only got 2 sessions in and I have another one this afternoon. I don't know if it helped but I found it relaxing and it improved my positivity so it cant have been a bad thing.
Pigeon that's absolutely fabulous!!!!!!! I love, love, love to hear about a BFP! Congratulations and H&H 9 months!

With my BFP with my daughter I made a huge deal with the dr office about getting in for bloodwork and they checked my HCG and progesterone. I was really paranoid since the dr had just told us natural conception most likely wouldn't happen. Then the next day I called and told them I started spotting and they scheduled me for a 6 week ultrasound. My spotting only lasted for 3 days but they kept the ultrasound date and we heard the heartbeat that day. Just an idea if the office will let you in for anything.
Thanks Moonpie. After my MC last year the NHS told me that they will give me an early scan if I wish next time to put my mind at ease. Before my MC I did have an early scan for dating due to my irregular cycles at 8 weeks where we saw the heart beat. However DH and I feel that seeing that heartbeat and then losing the baby a week and a half later was extra hard and we decided that we wont have an early scan this time. I may change my mind in a few weeks time of course. I am planning to take each day as it comes this time round. Hoping the spotting will tail off and not come back. If it doesnt and it's a chemical then I am determined to take the postitive view that at least it proves I can get pregnant with a short LP, spotting and irregular cycles. Which means everyone else can too! I'll update with what happens!
I'm taking vitamin E, b6 100, vitamin b complex, fish oil, prenatal, D3, baby aspirin and occasionally I will try some soy 5-9 and EPO from AF to O and mucinex before O. I know that sounds like a lot, sometimes I think I do too much but even if I cut things out, the spotting is still there. It was there when I didn't take anything.....b6 didn't seem to make it better or worse but I have stuck with taking it.

No idea what the dr will say but I have a feeling he will tell me we have too many problems to even look at an ultrasound or take clomid/progesterone. He will probably send us to a specialist, which is out of pocket and we are in no way ready to fork over thousands of dollars. DH is of the thought that if it happens, it happens and will be just as happy with one child. I on the other hand would want to take out a second mortgage to do IVF. I am ready to get this show on the road because if we end up with IVF we will need at least a few years to save. I know that we *can* conceive naturally but I don't think lightening will strike twice.

I just wish there were certain things I didn't know, ie about DH's SA results. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
That's so true Pigeon, I didn't realize that. I'm so sorry for your previous loss. I wish the medical field understood why these things happened but there is so much they don't understand about the reprodutive organs. :nope:
Pigeon that's amazing news! Congratulations! Sometimes just trying something different is all you need!

Have you called your dr? I hear so many different things between here and USA etc about what drs will and won't test or do. When I was pregnant I kept being told spotting is ok so keep thinking positively! H & h 9 months to you! X
I know I have been pretty unactive on this post-but I have been out of the country or a while. I always love to pop in to check for BFPS! Congrats pigeon! SO exciting!! they still may want to get your prog. levels checked to make sure they are the right level-if not they may have you take progesterone suppositories or shots for first tri or so. GL!!!! =)
Congratulations, Pigeon!!!! How exciting. I wouldn't worry about the drinks.

Welcome, Moonpie. What an amazing story. I hope lightnening does strike twice for you!!

Greenleaf, jodspods and Gobolino sorry the witch got you all!

I'm 10 dpo today. Just a tiny bit of spotting yesterday. It seemd like my spotting is starting later than usual the last two months. It could be due to the b vitamins I'm taking now. It's also a little different than it has been. I'll have the faintest of spotting then it will stop for a day or two (enough to get my hopes up) and then start right up stronger.

AF is due the 10th, which would make my lp 12 days, an improvement over the previous few months. The 10th is also my birthday. What an amazing gift a BFP would be.
I really hope the spotting means nothing at all and you get your BFP. I remember when my spotting started as usual, the day after my BFP, I was just sure it was going to be a chemical but then the spotting stopped. Like I said, I was prescribed progesterone but it stopped the very same day I started the pills, probably too soon to actually raise my levels.

It's weird now that I inspect the toilet paper constantly, nearly every day, looking for the color, consistency and amount. I remember I used to look at spotting as just I'm trying to figure out which kind of spotting is a likely indicator of AF? I actually had an lh surge two different times this cycle, first time was 12/24 and 25 but I noticed my cm was really dry and I started to get ewcm again 12/29, took an opk and it was positive. Never had that happen before but I was sick with a cold and worked a lot through the holidays. Confusing. Based on a later ovulation I'm currently 9dpo n sticky brown spotting started 6dpo
It's weird now that I inspect the toilet paper constantly, nearly every day, looking for the color, consistency and amount.

haha. I do the same thing! Such a strange thing to do all the time.
Hello all, I've been away on vacation for awhile, but I'm back today.

Congrats, pigeon! Excellent news.

Sorry to hear about spotting and AF for everyone :(

AFM, I just got back from my first midwife appointment and wanted to share some spotting info. I have been spotting off and on (off right now, but I was spotting as of mid-week last week). I told the midwife and she did a physical exam and a pap smear. She said that my cervix looks irritated, which is likely the cause of the spotting, since when she touched my cervix, she said it started bleeding right away. She said it's nothing to worry about, that sex may cause it to bleed a little, but that doesn't mean I can't have sex. She says the blood comes from the cervix itself, and not the uterus or anywhere else, so it has nothing to do with the pregnancy. She also said that I have very mild bacterial vaginosis, which can also cause spotting, but she doesn't want to treat it until I'm out of the first tri, unless I start getting bad symptoms (I don't have any now).

In other very exciting news, we heard the heartbeat! She said it was around 160. I was amazed. I never expected to hear the heartbeat today!
I finally worked up the courage to trace my test results. I'm staring at it but it doesn't make any sense to me :( Perhaps some of you can shade some light on it?

CD2 results:
Estradiol = 100 pmol/L
FSH = 8.4 IU/L
LH = 4.1 IU/L

Reference Range
Follicular phases: LH: 2-12 / FSH: 3-20 / Estradiol: 143-694
Mid-cycle peak: LH:22-105 / FSH: 9-26 / Estradiol: 345-1864
Luteal phase: LH:0.6-19 / FSH: 1-12 / Estradiol: 176-1134
Postmenopausal: LH:16-64 / FSH: 18-153 / Estradiol: < 150

CD22 result:
Progesterone = 25.80 nmol/L

Reference Range
Follicular Phase: 0.6-4.7
Ovulation Phase: 2.4-9.4
Luteal Phase: 5.3-86
Menopausal: 0.3-2.5

What do they say? Is there anything wrong? Am I going into pre-menopausal with the low estradiol level?? Are my eggies okay? :confused: Will greatly appreciate some feedback. Thanks! :hugs:
Welcome Moonpie! Thanks for sharing your story. It will be interesting to see wht your doctor says about spotting, but it obviously didn't prevent you getting pregnant once so hopefully you will be able to again!

Congrats Pigeon! Hope your spotting stops soon and it's a sticky bean! Keep us updated!

Sorry to those who :witch: got

Sbmack - sorry the spotting started but that's good it's a bit later than norm. Happy birthday for 10th! Mine is a few days later!

Cat - that's great you heard the hearbeat! Yay! Seems like they found a couple of reasons that could have caused spotting so that's good! Hope the spotting stays away for you!

Greenleaf - sorry I don't understand any numbers but hope they are ok for you

I've got my doctors appointment on Thursday. Getting a bit nervous now! Managing to stay a bit more relaxed about things, think I'm just getting to the stage of accepting we may need a bit of help or it may take a while longer. Trying to lower my expectations each month so I don't get so upset! Currently cd20 (I think!) and probably ovulated yesterday or today.
Ladies in the UK - is there any chance my GP will do any kind of internal examination at my first appointment? I ask because going by my bd every other day we are due to bd the night before but I wouldn't want to if there was going to be an examination.....

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