Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Greenleaf: I'm sorry I do not know much about e2 levels. But I actually just ordered organic royal jelly/pollen in honey. I found a link on some IVF forum about how much it improved egg quality and it was proven in the bloodwork. A lot of women reported BFPs. It could have just been coincidence but I figured it couldn't hurt and one person said it is great for the complexion. I'm still learning about the different levels of hormones throughout the cycle. My main concern prior to now was always the 21 day progesterone level. I still have so much to learn.

I think today is actually 9dpo for me, thought yesterday was. I don't temp anymore, just go off of cm and opks but with the two different lh surges 4 days apart I don't really know when to expect AF. Spotting seems to have lessened today, which is very odd. I wish my body wouldn't always play these tricks when AF is on her way from the start.
Cat, how exciting to hear the heartbeat and thanks for sharing what your dr. said about a sensitive cervix causing spotting. Also, sorry about the bv. I've had it on and off again since we started ttc. I have never heard of it before. Luckily, I don't have any symptoms either. I've found a good probiotic called Fem Dophilous that is great. I've read about a lot of women who treat bv with it in lieu of antibiotics. I'm afraid bv is the reason I can't get pregnant, but my dr. says women concieve with it all the time.

Greanleaf, I don't understand any of those numbers. They didn't give you a write up with the results to explain them?

Cupcake, good luck with the appt. Thursday! This can be a scary step. I'm about to call to schedule my first fertility appt. We've 'only' been actively trying since June, but have been off the pill since April. The NP I saw last (at the same office as the fertility specialist) said I could make the appt. a little earlier because of all the spotting and occasional bleeding during bd'ing. I did meet with the fertility specialist once (she administered dye into my uterus to check for polyps) and she didn't seem concerned and was pretty adamant I wait a year to make an appt. I'm scared I'll meet with her and she'll be mad I didn't listen to her and wait until April. Part of me wants to wait, but part of me really thinks something is wrong so I want to get things started.
Moonpie, I know what you mean about your body playing tricks. I had just a tiny bit of spotting, then nothing for a day, then a little more yesterday and nothing this morning. Make up your mind dammit and stop making crazy.
Ladies in the UK - is there any chance my GP will do any kind of internal examination at my first appointment? I ask because going by my bd every other day we are due to bd the night before but I wouldn't want to if there was going to be an examination.....

Your dr might do an internal but is this at your GP or hospital? My GP did a quick internal and said everything felt fine and at my first Acu appointment I had no examinations.

I might skip the bd that night if you can though as I believe it is apparent you have bd'd when they examine.
In my approach to be more natural etc ive had reiki (definitely recommend) and I'm having reflexology on Thursday. I also had a spiritual reading (know its not everyones thing) last night and my gran came through saying this is my year and that I need to make more time for myself. The spiritualist did 5 different card readings and the common theme was a decision is looming but that a big wish will be granted soon....I think the decision is that I shouldn't do the lap and dye for now and go with the flow a bit!

My appointments next week so it's been playing on my mind a lot but last night definitely gave me a lot of positivity!

Anyone tried aromatherapy? Ill post a link if I can which claims the mix stopped/ reduced spotting!

I'm going to give it a go!
I finally worked up the courage to trace my test results. I'm staring at it but it doesn't make any sense to me :( Perhaps some of you can shade some light on it?

CD2 results:
Estradiol = 100 pmol/L
FSH = 8.4 IU/L
LH = 4.1 IU/L

Reference Range
Follicular phases: LH: 2-12 / FSH: 3-20 / Estradiol: 143-694
Mid-cycle peak: LH:22-105 / FSH: 9-26 / Estradiol: 345-1864
Luteal phase: LH:0.6-19 / FSH: 1-12 / Estradiol: 176-1134
Postmenopausal: LH:16-64 / FSH: 18-153 / Estradiol: < 150

CD22 result:
Progesterone = 25.80

Reference Range
Follicular Phase: 0.6-4.7
Ovulation Phase: 2.4-9.4
Luteal Phase: 5.3-86
Menopausal: 0.3-2.5

What do they say? Is there anything wrong? Am I going into pre-menopausal with the low estradiol level?? Are my eggies okay? :confused: Will greatly appreciate some feedback. Thanks! :hugs:

Sorry I don't understand the numbers - can you see anyone/ call anyone to have them talk them through?
Hello all, I've been away on vacation for awhile, but I'm back today.

Congrats, pigeon! Excellent news.

Sorry to hear about spotting and AF for everyone :(

AFM, I just got back from my first midwife appointment and wanted to share some spotting info. I have been spotting off and on (off right now, but I was spotting as of mid-week last week). I told the midwife and she did a physical exam and a pap smear. She said that my cervix looks irritated, which is likely the cause of the spotting, since when she touched my cervix, she said it started bleeding right away. She said it's nothing to worry about, that sex may cause it to bleed a little, but that doesn't mean I can't have sex. She says the blood comes from the cervix itself, and not the uterus or anywhere else, so it has nothing to do with the pregnancy. She also said that I have very mild bacterial vaginosis, which can also cause spotting, but she doesn't want to treat it until I'm out of the first tri, unless I start getting bad symptoms (I don't have any now).

In other very exciting news, we heard the heartbeat! She said it was around 160. I was amazed. I never expected to hear the heartbeat today!

Hi Cat,

Great to hear your update and that's amazing you heard the heartbeat!

I've been told I have an ectropion on my cervix and that they cause spotting so I'm interested to hear how you get on with that too! It's not nice to have but it's good to know its the likely cause of spotting.
Ladies in the UK - is there any chance my GP will do any kind of internal examination at my first appointment? I ask because going by my bd every other day we are due to bd the night before but I wouldn't want to if there was going to be an examination.....

Your dr might do an internal but is this at your GP or hospital? My GP did a quick internal and said everything felt fine and at my first Acu appointment I had no examinations.

I might skip the bd that night if you can though as I believe it is apparent you have bd'd when they examine.

It's with my GP. Maybe will skip bd that night. Everyone seems to have slightly differnet experiences with their first appointment, I guess it depends on what issues their are. Worried GP will tell me off for letting my smear test go overdue, kind of hoping if she does do an internal she will do that at the same time, I know I'm naughty not going for it but I know you are meant to go in the middle of your cycle and not bd for a day or 2 before, when ttc I want to bd in the middle of my cycle so I haven't been! Lol

I'm going to give it a go!

Some interesting points made in this paper. Still seems a bit confusing to me though. A new vitamin I'm taking has vitex in it. Maybe that will help my spotting and short LP.
Ladies in the UK - is there any chance my GP will do any kind of internal examination at my first appointment? I ask because going by my bd every other day we are due to bd the night before but I wouldn't want to if there was going to be an examination.....

Your dr might do an internal but is this at your GP or hospital? My GP did a quick internal and said everything felt fine and at my first Acu appointment I had no examinations.

I might skip the bd that night if you can though as I believe it is apparent you have bd'd when they examine.

It's with my GP. Maybe will skip bd that night. Everyone seems to have slightly differnet experiences with their first appointment, I guess it depends on what issues their are. Worried GP will tell me off for letting my smear test go overdue, kind of hoping if she does do an internal she will do that at the same time, I know I'm naughty not going for it but I know you are meant to go in the middle of your cycle and not bd for a day or 2 before, when ttc I want to bd in the middle of my cycle so I haven't been! Lol

She probably will do the smear at the time if you're overdue one and it might prompt a quick internal. I found my GP very helpful as she had just done a diploma in family planning so hope yours can get the ball rolling for you :)

I'm going to give it a go!

Some interesting points made in this paper. Still seems a bit confusing to me though. A new vitamin I'm taking has vitex in it. Maybe that will help my spotting and short LP.

Ooh that sounds interesting I've not seen anything like that! Swaying with giving it another shot this month once AF is done with just to see how it goes
Greanleaf, I don't understand any of those numbers. They didn't give you a write up with the results to explain them?

My doc appointment isn't until 29th January. I just traced my results since I work in the hospital and have access to the system. As the saying goes, curiosity kills the cat :dohh:
Greanleaf, I don't understand any of those numbers. They didn't give you a write up with the results to explain them?

My doc appointment isn't until 29th January. I just traced my results since I work in the hospital and have access to the system. As the saying goes, curiosity kills the cat :dohh:

The paper jodspods posted talks about all of the hormones. It doesn't say what the levels should be though. I hope they're all good!
I finally worked up the courage to trace my test results. I'm staring at it but it doesn't make any sense to me :( Perhaps some of you can shade some light on it?

CD2 results:
Estradiol = 100 pmol/L
FSH = 8.4 IU/L
LH = 4.1 IU/L

Reference Range
Follicular phases: LH: 2-12 / FSH: 3-20 / Estradiol: 143-694
Mid-cycle peak: LH:22-105 / FSH: 9-26 / Estradiol: 345-1864
Luteal phase: LH:0.6-19 / FSH: 1-12 / Estradiol: 176-1134
Postmenopausal: LH:16-64 / FSH: 18-153 / Estradiol: < 150

CD22 result:
Progesterone = 25.80 nmol/L

Reference Range
Follicular Phase: 0.6-4.7
Ovulation Phase: 2.4-9.4
Luteal Phase: 5.3-86
Menopausal: 0.3-2.5

What do they say? Is there anything wrong? Am I going into pre-menopausal with the low estradiol level?? Are my eggies okay? :confused: Will greatly appreciate some feedback. Thanks! :hugs:

i found this online..hope it helps

sorry couldn't find the conversions for units,may b this will help !

sorry 4r lack of personals..will post later !
Well I've just had my doctors appointment. She has ordered bloods, 1st of which I'm having today. Told me to book smear and swabs. And told DH to go for sa.

She wasn't too concerned by the spotting. She said the most likely cause is stress. But she did mention that as my lp is 12 days not 14 there could be a progesterone prob. So I guess it's a month of tests now then...
Well I've just had my doctors appointment. She has ordered bloods, 1st of which I'm having today. Told me to book smear and swabs. And told DH to go for sa.

She wasn't too concerned by the spotting. She said the most likely cause is stress. But she did mention that as my lp is 12 days not 14 there could be a progesterone prob. So I guess it's a month of tests now

Hope that you feel ok after the appointment! That's very interesting about the lp I will mention that at my appointment next week!

Despite all the tests, at least things are progressing in the right direction!
She didn't actually mention the words lp but when I said my peak was 12 days before af she sort of said hmm, sounds like maybe the progesterone isn't sustaining its self properly we could try giving you some progesterone at some point. But she is doing all the tests first.

She also said its important to remember the average time it takes is 7 months and it takes many people longer than that, also my cycles are slightly on the long side. She said she knows how hard it is but try to relax as stress has a big impact on periods and this stuff.
I'm glad the appt. went well and you'll be getting some answers soon, Cupcake.

Jodspods, good luck at your appt.

AF came yesterday for me. I was very upset despite trying not to stress this month. It came early and my cycle was only 25 days with a 12 day lp. I called my obgyn's office to schedule an appt. with a fertility specialist thinking it would take a couple of months to see me, but it turns out they had an opening tomorrow. Now I'm kind of freaking out. I'm worried my dr. is going to be mad that I'm there early. I've only been off the pill for 10 months.
I'm glad the appt. went well and you'll be getting some answers soon, Cupcake.

Jodspods, good luck at your appt.

AF came yesterday for me. I was very upset despite trying not to stress this month. It came early and my cycle was only 25 days with a 12 day lp. I called my obgyn's office to schedule an appt. with a fertility specialist thinking it would take a couple of months to see me, but it turns out they had an opening tomorrow. Now I'm kind of freaking out. I'm worried my dr. is going to be mad that I'm there early. I've only been off the pill for 10 months.

Don't worry about that Sbmack - maybe it's all meant to be especially as they had an opening tomorrow! I went to the drs for the first time after being off the pill only 3 months and they kicked off blood tests etc so perhaps the sooner the better and you might get some answers that hopefully reduce the stress of it all!

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