Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Nell, she's beautiful!!

Daydream, thanks for sharing your story. Harrison's so cute!

Gobolino, what's a chocolate cyst? If the doctors aren't worried, you shouldn't either. That's what my husband always says anyway. Easier said than done.

Greenleaf, did you get your test results back?

Jodspods, good luck with your appt.

Sparrow, did you O yet?

Cupcake, good luck with the stress free approach. I'm trying that too!
Hi everyone! Hope you're all well!!

So great to hear stories from the girls who have got where we all want to be! It definitely makes me feel like there's hope when I'm feeling quite down! Spotting started 8dpo for me this month so that's 2 days later each month since the mc but still not great! Im CD 25 and feel AF is definitely on her way so at least i know my cycle is regular but its reduced to 26 days since the mc. I'm going to use my CBFM this month as ill O around the time of my appointment but I have a feeling we will be going down the lap & dye route and were told that this would mean putting a stop on trying til that's carried out!

I found new year quite hard as someone posted on FB that they're 7 wks pregnant and someone I know is also due her second so I've logged out and DH has change my password so I can't log in til I'm feeling better about things! Finding that people who know don't know what to say and people who don't tend to talk about babies and that's hard!!

Cupcake - is your appointment with GP or at fertility clinic? My GP did a few months of bloods while referring and once I got referred we got pack for DH SA straight away and appointment was the month after. As his SA was good I was referred for the HSG.
Aww Nell how lovely is Layla?! Very cute & great to hear from you. Don't be a stranger! :winkwink:


thanks everyone :)

Mrspttc- i do still read here most days, it's my little bnb home :) but replying is a challenge now - layla is very colicy and spends most the day in my arms, internet use is now one handed with the ipad balanced on my knee and theother hand propping up babybum! I have been focussing my time in the parent club because i sure as hell need the expertise there!! :)

I'm 6 weeks post c section now, the bleeding stopped weeks back or soi though, now spotting!!
Sbmack- how are you doing? Hope you're ok. I've not ovulated yet, just got a +ve this lunch time x

Cupcake- I like your plan to relax, I need to do that :thumbup: When I went to the GP she did blood tests for the beginning of my cycle (think it was day 3 for fsh and lh) and one for progesterone. She also referred me for a trans vaginal scan and after those I had a lap & dye. Hope it goes ok for you x

Jods- I think fb can make us feel worse sometimes, I came off it for a few months and it made me feel better. Just been back on this week and found it ok to deal with. Hope your ok x

Hope everyone had a good Christmas and new year :flower:
:hugs: jodspods.

Ah Nell sorry about layla's colic, a couple of friends babies had it pretty bad so I've heard how hard it is! A friend used Dr Browns bottles & said it helped... Glad to hear you're still reading :winkwink:

Thanks ladies for the comments.

Just wondered if any of you had a lap & dye? I've been told that's the next step but I'm thinking about asking dr to postpone a few months as my cycles obviously getting back to normal and I'd hate to do something that might jeopardise that. Also I'd prefer not to go down the invasive route. I'm going for reiki and reflexology this week in an attempt to go down more natural routes before restoring to surgery. Of course I won't go against drs orders if he thinks its essential. Just wondered what you thought of me doing this? Should I just go for the op? X
Nell, she is beautiful! which parent thread are you on? I could certainly use any and all advice I can get! I am very familiar with the one handed internet, especially at odd hours of the morning. Thankfully Gabby is not colicy, but she does sleep much better on me, so i'm a sucker and let her :)

Jods, good luck with the natural route...i would try that if it was me as well before anything too invasive. Go with your instinct!

Happy New year to everyone, and I hope 2013 brings you all BFPs!!
Hi jodspods, I had the option of a lap but decided to go for the hsg instead as I didn't like the idea of general anaesethic & time off work. I regretted not having the lap tbh as my later follicle tracking scans showed I have (or had - who knows!) a cyst & if I'd had the lap they would've zapped it! But I totally understand why you'd be dubious, it's a toughie.. :shrug:

Hi Chloe :wave:

I've had a lap and dye but that was only because I was already going under for them to remove a cyst. Recovery wasn't as bad as I expected, but I was out of work for a week. I could've went back after a few days, but my boss is amazing and told me to take the week off with pay. I'm not sure if it will effect your cycle. I had it done in March, which was my last cycle on bcp, any my cycle was normal that month. I may have had some spotting, but I usually do.
I am also a serial spotter. I always spot for 2-5 days pre-AF and about 5 days after. AF is light and only lasts 2-3 days. TTC#1 for a year. I did fall PG in May 2012 but sadly MC at 10wks. The month that I conceived I still spotted from 7-10dpo but it was lighter, pinker and more watery than usual. It then tailed off and I had non of the usual pre-AF symptoms so I suspected I might be PG and got a BFP on 12dpo. I then had no spotting until 9wks which turned out to be the first sign that I was about to MC.
Since the MC I have found that my spotting seems to get earlier and my LP has got shorter - from 14 days down to 8 days! I have a suspicion that it is related to stress. Still, I fell PG pretty quickly the first time and wasnt monitoring my cycles as thoroughly so it is possible they were always that way, I just didnt know. I fell PG once so surely I can again? My main question is that I thought your LP was always supposed to be the same but mine seems to vary! I wonder if it is related to the quality of my ovulation and therefore how much progesterone the corpus luteum produces. I also have polycystic ovaries on US but no other real symps of PCOS other than acne and moderately irregular cycles (28 - 39 days) (I am slim, no excess hair, charts show I ovulate every month). Anyway this month is 1 year TTC so I have just been to the GP to start the fertility referral process. If I get any answers from this I will update! Good luck everyone and please post when you get a BFP - I find most threads on spotting don't end with positive stories of PG!
Sorry to hear about your mc pigeon :hugs2: My LP used to vary, I think its common. I have heard of UK GP's stating the LP is always the same but I know from mine & other peoples experience it's a load of..... GL & hope your post MC cycles settle down soon x
Welcome, Pigeoon! Sorry about your loss.

This thread gives us spotters hope. There have been many BFP's and babies.
Nell, she's beautiful!!

Daydream, thanks for sharing your story. Harrison's so cute!

Gobolino, what's a chocolate cyst? If the doctors aren't worried, you shouldn't either. That's what my husband always says anyway. Easier said than done.

Greenleaf, did you get your test results back?

Jodspods, good luck with your appt.

Sparrow, did you O yet?

Cupcake, good luck with the stress free approach. I'm trying that too!

wikipedia :winkwink: Chocolate cyst of ovary: An endometrioma, endometrioid cyst, endometrial cyst, or chocolate cyst is caused by endometriosis, and formed when a tiny patch of endometrial tissue (the mucous membrane that makes up the inner layer of the uterine wall) bleeds, sloughs off, becomes transplanted, and grows and enlarges inside the ovaries.
It was there 9 months ago, 6 months ago it had gone, now it's back again. So I'll see what the FD says about it. I'm sure it's the reason for spotting...though no dr assures it yet.
Greenleaf!!!!! Open it open it!!!!! How are you doing????? Me, well :witch: came last night, today I would of been on CD 27. So back to CD1, and hoping to get an appointment soon when I get back!

Jodspods....sorry that FB got you down. Two of my best friends are preggie....and it hurts. I love the fact that your DH has changed the password!!!
I'm also thinking of a natural approach, as I'm living in th "mecca" of accupunture, I might give it a whirl. Anyone tried it?

Wellcome pigeon222! :hugs: sorry to hear you're story. I'm sure you'll get a BFP soon!

Hoping to hear good news from of the rest of you girls ttc, and love hearing (reading!) news from those that got that gives me so much hope!
Sorry Gobolino. Didn't know you have Endometriosis. I have a girlfriend that does acupuncture. She's not ttc, she goes for other reasons, but loves it.
Welcome pigeon!

Sorry the witch got you gobilino

Although trying to be more relaxed I was going to use my cbfm but I forgot to order sticks! Guess I don't really need it as it showed same results for 3 months anyway. Just going with bd every other day.
I did acupuncture for a month (I think cycle #9 when I was TTC). For me it was so expensive and I didn't see any difference in my temps so I stopped
Greenleaf!!!!! Open it open it!!!!! How are you doing????? Me, well :witch: came last night, today I would of been on CD 27. So back to CD1, and hoping to get an appointment soon when I get back!

Jodspods....sorry that FB got you down. Two of my best friends are preggie....and it hurts. I love the fact that your DH has changed the password!!!
I'm also thinking of a natural approach, as I'm living in th "mecca" of accupunture, I might give it a whirl. Anyone tried it?

Wellcome pigeon222! :hugs: sorry to hear you're story. I'm sure you'll get a BFP soon!

Hoping to hear good news from of the rest of you girls ttc, and love hearing (reading!) news from those that got that gives me so much hope!

Thanks Gobolino! AF got me too on the same day as you! Our cycle was exactly the same length!

I've just ordered some aromatherapy oils today so I'm hoping they come ASAP as its advised to use them only until you O. The same website advised taking agnus castus all cycle apart from when you have AF so I may give it a shot again this month!

Just did some meditation and the reiki yesterday was great! So much heat came out of my head and back/shoulders - a sign of all the stress!

Onwards and upwards and back to positive thinking xx

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