Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Jodspods - that's interesting as I get about 8days of highs before the peak I did wonder if that was a bad thing!

I'm 6dpo (I think - didn't use cbfm this month) and no spotting yet. This is the day it started last month so at leat it isn't any worse! Trying to to symptom spot or think aboutit but it's so hard!!
I've been reading about the estrogen and if too high it can lower progesterone (something I think I may have). I didn't think much about it until I used my monitor on days 7-9 and haven't had a high. Looking at the instructions this is normal therefore my previous 3 cycles may have been estrogen dominant as this picks up just before O not 7 days before! I don't know if its coincidence but reflexology is supposed to balance your hormones and I've only had one session but you never know! Can't wait to see if I get my high tomorrow or Wednesday!

Aromatherapy oils just arrived today so off to try the mix in the article I posted!
Hi gobolino, I used the clearblue ones, fmu is ok though for that particular brand, I think it says somewhere in the instructions any time of day. They're pretty expensive so what I did is used IC's and once I started getting darker lines used the clearblue til I got my smiley. I used to use prob 3 of the cb ones a month so saved loads :thumbup: x
AFM I'm CD9 and still using CBFM. Strange thing this month though in that I've not had a high yet! Last 3 cycles I've had highs on CD7. On reading the instructions the highs pick up the increasing estrogen and this could mean I've had some estrogen dominance! It should only pick up 2 or 3 high days before peak and I was getting up to 7!! I hope this is a good thing as estrogen dominance can mean you're low on progesterone (I've been doing a lot of googling).

Aromatherapy oils have arrived too so a few days to use them
until I O and until my appointment on Thursday!

My estrogen level is quite low on CD2. My progesterone on CD22 is within normal limits but on the low side. Not sure what that means. FSH and LH within normal limits but when I googled, it says even when the FSH and LH are normal, it could still mean poor egg reserve or quality. Wha?? What's the point of putting a normal range then?

Quick update: Just had my HSG. My tubes are clear! The procedure was kinda scary and awkward too as I got a very young male doctor. And he had problem inserting whatever he was inserting because I had an inverted cervix. And there was some bleeding due to a cervical erosion which he was concern that would lead to infection and had to consult with his senior which in turn wanted to consult with my gynae whether to continue with the procedure or not. So I got poked a total of 3 times. Ugh! :dohh: But to get the all clear result, everything was worth it! I don't have much pain, just a bit sore down there and slight cramping/bleeding. Guess i'm lucky :)

So good luck to those who are going or planning to do HSG!

AFM I'm CD9 and still using CBFM. Strange thing this month though in that I've not had a high yet! Last 3 cycles I've had highs on CD7. On reading the instructions the highs pick up the increasing estrogen and this could mean I've had some estrogen dominance! It should only pick up 2 or 3 high days before peak and I was getting up to 7!! I hope this is a good thing as estrogen dominance can mean you're low on progesterone (I've been doing a lot of googling).

Aromatherapy oils have arrived too so a few days to use them
until I O and until my appointment on Thursday!

My estrogen level is quite low on CD2. My progesterone on CD22 is within normal limits but on the low side. Not sure what that means. FSH and LH within normal limits but when I googled, it says even when the FSH and LH are normal, it could still mean poor egg reserve or quality. Wha?? What's the point of putting a normal range then?

Quick update: Just had my HSG. My tubes are clear! The procedure was kinda scary and awkward too as I got a very young male doctor. And he had problem inserting whatever he was inserting because I had an inverted cervix. And there was some bleeding due to a cervical erosion which he was concern that would lead to infection and had to consult with his senior which in turn wanted to consult with my gynae whether to continue with the procedure or not. So I got poked a total of 3 times. Ugh! :dohh: But to get the all clear result, everything was worth it! I don't have much pain, just a bit sore down there and slight cramping/bleeding. Guess i'm lucky :)

So good luck to those who are going or planning to do HSG!


Yay Greenleaf!!!! Glad to hear all clear!! What's the next step? Sorry...had a bit of a giggle with your story....poked three times...a bit humiliating sometimes, isn't it! Oh well...all for that BFP!!!!
AFM I'm CD9 and still using CBFM. Strange thing this month though in that I've not had a high yet! Last 3 cycles I've had highs on CD7. On reading the instructions the highs pick up the increasing estrogen and this could mean I've had some estrogen dominance! It should only pick up 2 or 3 high days before peak and I was getting up to 7!! I hope this is a good thing as estrogen dominance can mean you're low on progesterone (I've been doing a lot of googling).

Aromatherapy oils have arrived too so a few days to use them
until I O and until my appointment on Thursday!

My estrogen level is quite low on CD2. My progesterone on CD22 is within normal limits but on the low side. Not sure what that means. FSH and LH within normal limits but when I googled, it says even when the FSH and LH are normal, it could still mean poor egg reserve or quality. Wha?? What's the point of putting a normal range then?

Quick update: Just had my HSG. My tubes are clear! The procedure was kinda scary and awkward too as I got a very young male doctor. And he had problem inserting whatever he was inserting because I had an inverted cervix. And there was some bleeding due to a cervical erosion which he was concern that would lead to infection and had to consult with his senior which in turn wanted to consult with my gynae whether to continue with the procedure or not. So I got poked a total of 3 times. Ugh! :dohh: But to get the all clear result, everything was worth it! I don't have much pain, just a bit sore down there and slight cramping/bleeding. Guess i'm lucky :)

So good luck to those who are going or planning to do HSG!


So glad the HSG went ok and that everything looks good with your tubes! That's one step dealt with and a big one at that!

Interesting about your hormone levels! Everything is so confusing! The ranges for normal seem so large at times it's just so confusing!
Yay Greenleaf!!!! Glad to hear all clear!! What's the next step? Sorry...had a bit of a giggle with your story....poked three times...a bit humiliating sometimes, isn't it! Oh well...all for that BFP!!!!

Yeah, kinda humiliating especially when a guy is poking around down there :blush: Next is to go for my appointment on the 29th and see what the doc says. And get hubby to do a SA.
FX crossed Cupcake. Glad your not spotting yet!

Good luck with the aromatherapy Jodspods. My dr. reccomended that I try acupuncture. Going to call for an appt. today.

Glad the HSG went well, Greenleaf. I am doing one next cycle. too bad about the young male dr. I hope he wasn't good looking :). When my dr. did my endometrial biopsy last week I bled everytime she touched my cervix. She said I have a pliable cervix and that can cause bleeding during bd'ing.

MrsPTTC, good idea to use the IC opk's before the clearblue. I think I'll try that this month.

Good luck this cycle, Gobolino. I'm right behind you in my cycle.
Great news about the HSG Greenleaf! I was lucky too and had no bother with it and it wasn't that painful. Confusing about your hormone levels, hope you get some answers.

sbmack, yeah I found the cb ones good, and loved seeing that smiley rather than just a line! :)

Glad you got good results in your hsg greenleaf

7dpo almost over and no spotting so far. Even if it starts now I'm just glad it's not as early as last month!
Glad the HSG went well, Greenleaf. I am doing one next cycle. too bad about the young male dr. I hope he wasn't good looking :). When my dr. did my endometrial biopsy last week I bled everytime she touched my cervix. She said I have a pliable cervix and that can cause bleeding during bd'ing.

He was young and tender. A bit too soft for my taste :winkwink: LOL!! He said I have an inverted cervix. Not sure what that means though.
Dh's swimmers are great! Next step for me is an ultrasound Friday morning and hopefully an IUI next week.
Dh's swimmers are great! Next step for me is an ultrasound Friday morning and hopefully an IUI next week.

That's brilliant news Sbmack!!! Can't wait to hear how the scan goes!!!
Dh's swimmers are great! Next step for me is an ultrasound Friday morning and hopefully an IUI next week.

Really??? That's excellent news!!!!!!! IUI so soon???? OMG!!!! So exited for you!!!!!:happydance:
Dh's swimmers are great! Next step for me is an ultrasound Friday morning and hopefully an IUI next week.

Really??? That's excellent news!!!!!!! IUI so soon???? OMG!!!! So exited for you!!!!!:happydance:

I hope so. I was kind of overwhelmed with all the information. I'm going in for the ultrasound to check follicle development. I'm not on any meds because as far as I know I've been ovulating on schedule. I told my dr. I'm going on vacation in March and she said I could be pregnant by then. I should have asked more questions, but there was a lot to take in at the first appt. Usually they do an HSG before IUI, but because I had a lap and dye last March, they said I can wait and do it next cycle if needed. I'm pretty confused by a lot of this...I'll just keep showing up at appts. and do what the dr. says. They are jumping right to IUI because I've had reoccuring BV and that messes with Cervical Mucas, which could be why I'm not getting pregnant. I think IUI is a pretty simple procedure. I'm going to ask them to do it this cycle because I don't think there's a reason to wait. Maybe I'm wrong though and they'll need to do the bloodwork on cd21 first. I really should've asked more questions. Maybe I was just hearing what I wanted to. Oh well, I'll know more on Friday!
Dh's swimmers are great! Next step for me is an ultrasound Friday morning and hopefully an IUI next week.

Really??? That's excellent news!!!!!!! IUI so soon???? OMG!!!! So exited for you!!!!!:happydance:

I hope so. I was kind of overwhelmed with all the information. I'm going in for the ultrasound to check follicle development. I'm not on any meds because as far as I know I've been ovulating on schedule. I told my dr. I'm going on vacation in March and she said I could be pregnant by then. I should have asked more questions, but there was a lot to take in at the first appt. Usually they do an HSG before IUI, but because I had a lap and dye last March, they said I can wait and do it next cycle if needed. I'm pretty confused by a lot of this...I'll just keep showing up at appts. and do what the dr. says. They are jumping right to IUI because I've had reoccuring BV and that messes with Cervical Mucas, which could be why I'm not getting pregnant. I think IUI is a pretty simple procedure. I'm going to ask them to do it this cycle because I don't think there's a reason to wait. Maybe I'm wrong though and they'll need to do the bloodwork on cd21 first. I really should've asked more questions. Maybe I was just hearing what I wanted to. Oh well, I'll know more on Friday!
I can quite understand you not asking more must be so much to take in. Sounds good though! Any reasons given for your spotting? I've just read up on BV but no spotting in the symptons.
Oohhhh can't wait to hear what they say on friday!
Dh's swimmers are great! Next step for me is an ultrasound Friday morning and hopefully an IUI next week.

Really??? That's excellent news!!!!!!! IUI so soon???? OMG!!!! So exited for you!!!!!:happydance:

I hope so. I was kind of overwhelmed with all the information. I'm going in for the ultrasound to check follicle development. I'm not on any meds because as far as I know I've been ovulating on schedule. I told my dr. I'm going on vacation in March and she said I could be pregnant by then. I should have asked more questions, but there was a lot to take in at the first appt. Usually they do an HSG before IUI, but because I had a lap and dye last March, they said I can wait and do it next cycle if needed. I'm pretty confused by a lot of this...I'll just keep showing up at appts. and do what the dr. says. They are jumping right to IUI because I've had reoccuring BV and that messes with Cervical Mucas, which could be why I'm not getting pregnant. I think IUI is a pretty simple procedure. I'm going to ask them to do it this cycle because I don't think there's a reason to wait. Maybe I'm wrong though and they'll need to do the bloodwork on cd21 first. I really should've asked more questions. Maybe I was just hearing what I wanted to. Oh well, I'll know more on Friday!
I can quite understand you not asking more must be so much to take in. Sounds good though! Any reasons given for your spotting? I've just read up on BV but no spotting in the symptons.
Oohhhh can't wait to hear what they say on friday!

My dr. said that BV can cause spotting sometimes. I had never heard of BV before I started ttc. Luckily I don't have any of the icky symptoms or else I'd never want to bd. She also said I have a pliable cervix and an inverted uterus ?? I asked about vaginal births and she said when you're pregnant the uterus will straighten out. The pliable cervix could cause the spotting, but it's strange that it's like clockwork. Looking forward to my blood results as I think with my short cycles and short LP that it may have something to do with progesterone. You have fairly short cycles too, right?
Wow sbmack - exciting stuff! Glad it's moving fast and there isn't too much waiting around for you! Fingers crossed you will get your bfp soon!!

I think I'm 8dpo and no spotting yet! Yay! October started at 10dpo and that was the latest since the spotting started but I'm pleased! Could be dr was right and stress could cause it as I have been so much more relaxed this cycle. I haven't cried about it for nearly a month (which is an achievement at the moment!)
Wow sbmack - exciting stuff! Glad it's moving fast and there isn't too much waiting around for you! Fingers crossed you will get your bfp soon!!

I think I'm 8dpo and no spotting yet! Yay! October started at 10dpo and that was the latest since the spotting started but I'm pleased! Could be dr was right and stress could cause it as I have been so much more relaxed this cycle. I haven't cried about it for nearly a month (which is an achievement at the moment!)

It is moving fast. I was expecting to wait a couple months for an appt. and then go through another month of testing. I got really lucky that the first appt. was scheduled on cd 3.

Yay for no spotting. The lack of stress really helps. Yay for not crying! Once it starts it's hard to get out of that depressed mindset. FX for you cupcake!

:hugs::hugs: to all of you!

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