Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Hi Jenny

All I can tell you is that I saw three Drs. My Dr (who I love) said I had a small polyp, didn't really confirm that it was the reason for spotting, and was totally unconcerned about the polyp. He's very good (he found out I had CIN III- HPV at an early stage and was very efficient in all what I had to go through).
The second DR was a infertility specialist in Hong Kong. He wanted to get rid of the polyp, look for endo, etc. He was so "let's start now" sort of thing, that he frightened me, and on a visit to Spain (my home country) I visited a 3rd Dr (another infertility Dr) and she said that the polyp wasn't the cause of me not getting pregnant, didn't know about spotting (does anyone????) and didn't agree about operating the polyp/having a lap looking for endo...she said best to leave it alone, if it's not serious. Sorry, I don't know if you follow me.... I did have a HSG, clear tubes. And then she said just to keep on trying, all was fine.
The fact is that shortly afetr I was diagnosed again with CIN III (which meant another operation and delaying TTC) I was so frightened of loosing more cervix and getting cancer, also so upset about not been able to TTC, that when all the results before op came back as negative (meaning no need to operate) that when I got back to Hong Kong (and hubby) we forgot about TTC and just plainly made love. And THAT was the day I conceived.
All this story is because I'd like to show you that, even having some problems (minor), we where still able to conceive. It took time, but it happened. And I'm so sure that it happened because I wasn't obsessed that month about ttc....just truly relieved I was well (and I was also sure that I had O whilst in Spain). So I guess the mind does play tricks with our body. Bun says, don't loose faith. Do look after yourself, but don't obsess, and it will happen. Fingers crossed.
Big hug to all the ladies out there! Hope you're doing well!
Its getting very quiet on here again. I hope everyone is ok. Fingers crossed we get some festive BFPs on here soon :)
I had my laparoscopy this week. I'm in quite a bit of pain and still feeling very sick and drained from the anaesthetic.

After the op I was told by the doctor who did the operation that they found no endometriosis or adhesions or cysts which I'm really pleased about. But they did say that when they did the dye test they found that that although the dye went through both tubes, it was markedly slower in the left tube than the right and that there had been a lot of pooling of dye in the left tube. I asked her if this is what had caused my problems and she said she thought it was. I asked her if they had been able take a look inside the tube to establish the cause and she said they were not able to do this.
Hi, I came across this thread while doing a google search. I started reading from the beginning but then saw there were hundreds of pages so apologies if I didn't read through everything... I also start spotting early in my LP (starts as brown spotting, if I have a BM it is a bit more heavier) and my LP is in the shorter side maybe around 9 days. I have one DC that I conceived with help of a fertility specialist, since I did not ovulate on my own the first time around TTC (prior to that I was on BC for 10 years). I do ovulate now (based on temps and OPK tests) but it seems like my cycles are very short (average 23 days) and I spot maybe 5 or 6 days before AF actually comes. I know it must be a progesterone issue, so I was wondering what was used to remedy this? Would like to TTC for #2 on my own in the future if possible without going back to the fertility specialist, as I do not have the time or money to go back. Thanks so much!
I had my laparoscopy this week. I'm in quite a bit of pain and still feeling very sick and drained from the anaesthetic.

After the op I was told by the doctor who did the operation that they found no endometriosis or adhesions or cysts which I'm really pleased about. But they did say that when they did the dye test they found that that although the dye went through both tubes, it was markedly slower in the left tube than the right and that there had been a lot of pooling of dye in the left tube. I asked her if this is what had caused my problems and she said she thought it was. I asked her if they had been able take a look inside the tube to establish the cause and she said they were not able to do this. She said to keep trying (uh, we'll that's what I have been doing for the last 3 years and I haven't got pregnant?!).

A short while later, while I was still in recover the consultant came out to speak to me. He just said everything was fine and that they had found no problems, so I said well actually I had been told there was an issue with the left tube. He said that this would NOT cause any problems getting pregnant.

So basically I have been given two entirely different explanations from the two doctors who did my operation. I now have to wait three months before my next appointment, not knowing what to think, and I will be 34 in the next few months.

Do they care? I'm starting to think not!

I'm sorry to hear, Bun. I hope they reach some conclusion...though having to wait 3 months is sh*tt**.
Keep cool about your age...I'm 38 turning 39 next month!
Hi, I came across this thread while doing a google search. I started reading from the beginning but then saw there were hundreds of pages so apologies if I didn't read through everything... I also start spotting early in my LP (starts as brown spotting, if I have a BM it is a bit more heavier) and my LP is in the shorter side maybe around 9 days. I have one DC that I conceived with help of a fertility specialist, since I did not ovulate on my own the first time around TTC (prior to that I was on BC for 10 years). I do ovulate now (based on temps and OPK tests) but it seems like my cycles are very short (average 23 days) and I spot maybe 5 or 6 days before AF actually comes. I know it must be a progesterone issue, so I was wondering what was used to remedy this? Would like to TTC for #2 on my own in the future if possible without going back to the fertility specialist, as I do not have the time or money to go back. Thanks so much!

Welcome lusterleaf! I'm not sure, but, if it was progesterone, can you not get your ginaecologist to prescribe something, rather that a fertility specialist? I wouldn't take anything on my own device...I'd be too scared to muck things up! Maybe you can try with natural remedies first?
Hi Gobs,

Thanks for your reply. How are you? I can't believe you are already 26 weeks, the time seems to have gone by so quickly. Do you know what the sex of the baby is yet?

I know I'm probably being slightly neurotic, I just want to know what issue it is that I have to deal with and I can't believe I was given two entirely different answers from the two doctors who were involved in my procedure. One saying It will cause a problem, the other saying it will not. Im the sort of person who needs answers. I keep going over and over it in my mind. I sort of wish I hadn't had the op until after Christmas now it will cast a shadow over things.
Hi, I came across this thread while doing a google search. I started reading from the beginning but then saw there were hundreds of pages so apologies if I didn't read through everything... I also start spotting early in my LP (starts as brown spotting, if I have a BM it is a bit more heavier) and my LP is in the shorter side maybe around 9 days. I have one DC that I conceived with help of a fertility specialist, since I did not ovulate on my own the first time around TTC (prior to that I was on BC for 10 years). I do ovulate now (based on temps and OPK tests) but it seems like my cycles are very short (average 23 days) and I spot maybe 5 or 6 days before AF actually comes. I know it must be a progesterone issue, so I was wondering what was used to remedy this? Would like to TTC for #2 on my own in the future if possible without going back to the fertility specialist, as I do not have the time or money to go back. Thanks so much!

Welcome to the thread,
I have had this ever since I came off the pill over three years ago and I even remember having random bleeding when I was still on the pill years before. I still don't have any answers but have had every test you can imagine. I have been given progesterone in the luteal phase and did that for months but I never got a pregnancy from doing that. It did help the spotting but some months even on the progesterone I would still get the spotting, all be it later on in the cycle and a lot lighter. I also took Clomid as well as the progesterone. That also seemed to help but if I had a negative pregnancy test at the end of a cycle I had to stop the progesterone and I would still get spotting for days on end until my actual period started.

In most peoples' experience doctors seem very dismissive of this issue but I find it more than just a coincidence that everyone who has ever posted on this thread, or on any other thread related to this spotting that I have come across have either had to really struggle to get pregnant, or not got pregnant at all. A lot of people ended up finding out that they had endometriosis, some found out that they had a luteal phase defect, but most never found out what the cause of the spotting was. It could be any number of issues causing the spotting unfortunately.

Sorry I don't have any answers, just wanted to let you know that you are not alone in this. If it makes you feel any better, there are a couple of women who have posted on here who have gone on to get pregnant so its not impossible.
Hi Gobs,

Thanks for your reply. How are you? I can't believe you are already 26 weeks, the time seems to have gone by so quickly. Do you know what the sex of the baby is yet?

I know I'm probably being slightly neurotic, I just want to know what issue it is that I have to deal with and I can't believe I was given two entirely different answers from the two doctors who were involved in my procedure. One saying It will cause a problem, the other saying it will not. Im the sort of person who needs answers. I keep going over and over it in my mind. I sort of wish I hadn't had the op until after Christmas now it will cast a shadow over things.

You're NOT being neurotic! I totally understand!!! I just meant that age-wise you're fine :thumbup:
BUT you need an answer. Gosh I know it's hard, but try and push it to the back of your mind, and don't let it shadow your Christmas. Start anew on the 2nd of Jan!
Maybe...what they both said was true. I mean, if one tube is slightly obstructed, it could mean a problem, though you have another tube, so that's why it shouldn't be a problem. I don't know.....I'm sorry you have to go through this, especially the long wait. :hugs:
Thanks for asking, I'm doing great! time's incredible. Oh! And its a boy!
Thanks ladies. Nice to know others are in the same boat. It is very frustrating to have this problem with no explanation. I go in April to see my OB/GYN for my annual checkup so I plan on mentioning the problem then because I plan on TTC seriously this upcoming summer. Just worried that this spotting might cause some problems down the line. Right now I am on CD24, 12DPO , I'm still having brown discharge (enough for me to have to wear a light tampon) but no actual AF. I have been spotting since 8DPO. This cycle is a little longer than usual because I usually have 22 or 23 day cycles. I do not want to go back on clomid if possible because the last few times the fertility specialist put me on it, I made too many follicles. Hopefully if progesterone is the issue, my OB/GYN can just prescribe them for me while I TTC on my own with no other meds (and hopefully will resolve the spotting issue). I will keep checking this board to see if anyone's dr's have given them possible explanations as to why this happens.
Ok just wanted to update. I decided to make an appointment with my OB today to see maybe if he would run hormone blood work on me (I am CD 2). Instead he did an ultrasound and found cysts on my left ovary, and told me to go on BCP for the next few months.... I am not really convinced that this causes the brown spotting each month, but I am more disappointed that I have to go back on BCP's now.. I have a feeling that being on them for 10 years prior to me TTC#1 was what made me irregular in the first place...
It is so confusing, isn't it? I have heard of people going back on the pill for a couple of months (my best friend), and it worked for her. But she never had spotting, just other issues. Sorry I can't be of help.

Hope all you ladies are doing well. Enjoy the holidays!!!
Just a quick message to say happy new year. I am going to stop posting on here for the time being as I want to try and stop obsessing over trying to get pregnant all the time. Wishing everyone lots of luck for this year x
I will post my story here in order more women to see it .thank you:-) by the way i am jenny28 from greece i had made a post here a few months ago but i lost my details and made new account
To remind you this is my story and these are the things i did differently the month i conceived!!!!!
I used to have pcos took the pill for several years since i was a teenager to regulate my cycles and after stopping it i dealt with pre af spotting up to 7-8 days prior to af!!!!
Me and my husband tried for a baby for 2 years at first without counting the days but for the last we went through a series of tests to find out what the problem was...
My husbands sperm is perfect and noone could explain my pre af spotting...i went to 4 different doctors
Progesterone was great the hsg showed my tubes were hypothyroidism was regulated between 1 and 2which was perfect for conception...
However i felt that something was wrong i always believed and i am sure that i am right now that even if the egg was fertilised there was no way for it to be implanted if i already had spotting 8 days prior to my period...and thats the time of implantation...
So i started looking everywhere for info concerning my problem
I found out that many women have low b vitamins which are responsible for a healthy second phase(after ovulation)these women experience spotting before period and are unable to conceive...these women also tend to have thyroid issues!!!so please if you are trying for a baby have your thyroid checked TSH should be between 1 and 2
My endocrinologist also put me on metformin (the previous month before i conceived)which is proved to be linked with good quality eggs...and to women who have/had pcos even if they dont have the typical syndrome metformin does miracles!!!!!
So the month before i got pregnant i decided to start taking b6 vitamin after ovulation and suprise!!!my spotting appeared 2-3 before af!!!!!!!!!
The next month which was the month i got pregnant these are the things overall i did the same or differently than the previous months and surely these are responsible for succeding...
Took metformin
Had my thyroid tsh regulated between 1 and 2
Took b6 vitamin and continued for 2weeks after having a positive pregnancy test in my hands!!!i am sure it helped my endometrium to be thicker
Waited and didnt have sex until i had a positive ovulation in my hands i am sure in this way the sperm was the best(if you bd daily it weakens and i made that mistake the previous months)
We bded for 4 days in a row after the positive ovulation test
The month of conception was the first month i decided not to get up and go pee or washing after bd i washed and peed before bd and after 30 minutes after bd i used baby wipes but carefully not to kill any sperm
In these 30 minutes after bd i layed for 5minutes with a pillow under my b**t but for the next 25 minutes i turned around facing the bed with the pillow under my belly because i have a tipped forward uterus THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT since i read that women with tipped forward uterus help the sperm move when lying on their belly its because of this uterus anatomy the have ...i had read women who had actually tried IVF without success and had unexplained infertility got pregnant this way!!!!

So you see its a combination of factors...each woman is unique but i am sure i will help many women with my post...dont lose hope!!!
I had lost mine...but you see even i gave up hope i was trying to find info because its the worst thing the doctors to tell you you are fine not be able to find the cause of the spotting...i always wished to tell me you have this problm take this medication and you will be fine...i cried myself to sleep everynight...the worst days were the ones af arrived...and the ones i was informed about other women pregnancies...
I wish you all from the bottom of my heart to get your bfp!!!!!and i am sure you will just dont give up like i did!!!!
I will post my story here in order more women to see it .thank you:-) by the way i am jenny28 from greece i had made a post here a few months ago but i lost my details and made new account
To remind you this is my story and these are the things i did differently the month i conceived!!!!!
I used to have pcos took the pill for several years since i was a teenager to regulate my cycles and after stopping it i dealt with pre af spotting up to 7-8 days prior to af!!!!
Me and my husband tried for a baby for 2 years at first without counting the days but for the last we went through a series of tests to find out what the problem was...
My husbands sperm is perfect and noone could explain my pre af spotting...i went to 4 different doctors
Progesterone was great the hsg showed my tubes were hypothyroidism was regulated between 1 and 2which was perfect for conception...
However i felt that something was wrong i always believed and i am sure that i am right now that even if the egg was fertilised there was no way for it to be implanted if i already had spotting 8 days prior to my period...and thats the time of implantation...
So i started looking everywhere for info concerning my problem
I found out that many women have low b vitamins which are responsible for a healthy second phase(after ovulation)these women experience spotting before period and are unable to conceive...these women also tend to have thyroid issues!!!so please if you are trying for a baby have your thyroid checked TSH should be between 1 and 2
My endocrinologist also put me on metformin (the previous month before i conceived)which is proved to be linked with good quality eggs...and to women who have/had pcos even if they dont have the typical syndrome metformin does miracles!!!!!
So the month before i got pregnant i decided to start taking b6 vitamin after ovulation and suprise!!!my spotting appeared 2-3 before af!!!!!!!!!
The next month which was the month i got pregnant these are the things overall i did the same or differently than the previous months and surely these are responsible for succeding...
Took metformin
Had my thyroid tsh regulated between 1 and 2
Took b6 vitamin and continued for 2weeks after having a positive pregnancy test in my hands!!!i am sure it helped my endometrium to be thicker
Waited and didnt have sex until i had a positive ovulation in my hands i am sure in this way the sperm was the best(if you bd daily it weakens and i made that mistake the previous months)
We bded for 4 days in a row after the positive ovulation test
The month of conception was the first month i decided not to get up and go pee or washing after bd i washed and peed before bd and after 30 minutes after bd i used baby wipes but carefully not to kill any sperm
In these 30 minutes after bd i layed for 5minutes with a pillow under my b**t but for the next 25 minutes i turned around facing the bed with the pillow under my belly because i have a tipped forward uterus THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT since i read that women with tipped forward uterus help the sperm move when lying on their belly its because of this uterus anatomy the have ...i had read women who had actually tried IVF without success and had unexplained infertility got pregnant this way!!!!

So you see its a combination of factors...each woman is unique but i am sure i will help many women with my post...dont lose hope!!!
I had lost mine...but you see even i gave up hope i was trying to find info because its the worst thing the doctors to tell you you are fine not be able to find the cause of the spotting...i always wished to tell me you have this problm take this medication and you will be fine...i cried myself to sleep everynight...the worst days were the ones af arrived...and the ones i was informed about other women pregnancies...
I wish you all from the bottom of my heart to get your bfp!!!!!and i am sure you will just dont give up like i did!!!!

Hi Jenny,

Thank you so much for posting your news on here. It will offer a lot of hope to many of us. Wishing you all the very best xx
Thanks for your story.....I'm hoping to see more BFP's on here soon.
Hello ladies,

This is so strange. I'm not getting any notifications for posts and thought the list has gone quiet. Just when I wanted to hop on and say hi, I saw all the posts!

Anyway, a belated Happy New Year to all and Happy Chinese New Year to those who celebrates. :)
Hello ladies,

This is so strange. I'm not getting any notifications for posts and thought the list has gone quiet. Just when I wanted to hop on and say hi, I saw all the posts!

Anyway, a belated Happy New Year to all and Happy Chinese New Year to those who celebrates. :)

Hope you are well Greenleaf!!!!!
Your experience gives me hope. In the meantime,perhaps you can hear my story and offer me some feedback that helped you.

I've always spotted before my period. Years ago, I actually had two uterine fibroid/polyps removed. I've been off the pill for three or four months now, and I continue to spot about 5-7 days before my period. I'm fairly new to ttc, but I've done enough homework to know that my spotting can be normal or it can point to a luetal cycle defect or more. I just ordered fertilitea to balance it out and I'm due to see my ob/gyn in a couple of weeks. I'm going for my annual, but I plan on talking to her about my concerns. I just hope she doesnt suggest be to wait it out a few more months bc I've only been ttc for a few months. I'd like to think that she'll take into consideration my age (33) and my history with spotting and fibroids/polyps.

Here's my last month just so you get an idea of what's going on:
January 12-starting spotting
January 17-spotting got heavy enough to call it my period for a few days
January 27-according to OPK, I was low fertility. We tried anyway.
January 28-according to OPK, I was at my peak. What happened to the inbetween stage?! Anyway, we tried again
January 29-tried again
February 5-started spotting
Today (February 8)-still heavier and I expect my period in a couple of days.

Should I try fertilitea or just take some vit b? Can anyone help?! Offer me some hopeful words?!

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