Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Your experience gives mehope. In the meantime,perhaps you can hear my story and offer me some feedback that helped you.

I've always spotted before my period. Years ago, I actually had two uterine fibroid/polyps removed. I've been off the pill for three or four months now, and I continue to spot about 5-7 days before my period. I'm fairly new to ttc, but I've done enough homework to know that my spotting can be normal or it can point to a luetal cycle defect or more. I just ordered fertilitea to balance it out and I'm due to see my ob/gyn in a couple of weeks. I'm going for my annual, but I plan on talking to her about my concerns. I just hope she doesnt suggest be to wait it out a few more months bc I've only been ttc for a few months. I'd like to think that she'll take into consideration my age (33) and my history with spotting and fibroids/polyps.

Here's my last month just so you get an idea of what's going on:
January 12-starting spotting
January 17-spotting got heavy enough to call it my period for a few days
January 27-according to OPK, I was low fertility. We tried anyway.
January 28-according to OPK, I was at my peak. What happened to the inbetween stage?! Anyway, we tried again
January 29-tried again
February 5-started spotting
Today (February 8)-still heavier and I expect my period in a couple of days.

Should I try fertilitea or just take some vit b? Can anyone help?! Offer me some hopeful words?!

If i were you i would take b6 it can help you with the spotting issue and if you are and i wish you are:-) pregnant it can help the implantantion!!!in any case it cant do any harm i took 50 per day after ovulation

Also, have you checked your thyroid?
Ok. Thanks for your advice. I wonder if taking B6 and fertilitea would overdo it?!

Haven't checked my thyroid, so that's all great advice. I guess I was secretly hoping it was nothing that would impact my fertility :(
Ok. Thanks for your advice. I wonder if taking B6 and fertilitea would overdo it?!

Haven't checked my thyroid, so that's all great advice. I guess I was secretly hoping it was nothing that would impact my fertility :(

I have read stories where spotting was not an issue in achieving a pregnancy...however statistically speaking spotting especially when it lasts over 5days can be linked with infertility...
In my case b6 helped ...i got pregnant the second month!and also balancing my thyroid helped(as i mentioned TSH should definetely be between 1and 2)
Hi AMV and welcome!!!!

Sorry to hear about your spotting. But first.....age is NOT a factor (so convince yourself now of that...I'm now 39), and a lot of us ladies have spotted and got our BFP's.

In my case it took me 11months. I guess it is within the "normal" range of time. We all hope that it happens immediately, but I've read that that's not always so.
My spotting gradually got worse over time (it started after an op of the cervix). I ovulated always on time, so that wasn¡t a problem. To this day I don't know why I spot. I live in HK so the month before BFP I started taking some chinese herbs, and I spotted a lot less. The month of my BFP I didn't spot. But I'm sure that in my case, it was my "mind"....I finally relaxed after being told I didn't have to go in for another operation, I was sure I had already O, so when I got back to DH in Hong Kong....we didn't "do the deed"....we made relaxed passionate (blush) love. And it happened!
Sorry I can't help you. We all have different reasons for spotting, and very few of us know why. You're young, just started TTC, so relax and enjoy!! Do talk to your Dr if it helps....but try to relax!
Hi AMV and welcome!!!!

Sorry to hear about your spotting. But first.....age is NOT a factor (so convince yourself now of that...I'm now 39), and a lot of us ladies have spotted and got our BFP's.

In my case it took me 11months. I guess it is within the "normal" range of time. We all hope that it happens immediately, but I've read that that's not always so.
My spotting gradually got worse over time (it started after an op of the cervix). I ovulated always on time, so that wasn¡t a problem. To this day I don't know why I spot. I live in HK so the month before BFP I started taking some chinese herbs, and I spotted a lot less. The month of my BFP I didn't spot. But I'm sure that in my case, it was my "mind"....I finally relaxed after being told I didn't have to go in for another operation, I was sure I had already O, so when I got back to DH in Hong Kong....we didn't "do the deed"....we made relaxed passionate (blush) love. And it happened!
Sorry I can't help you. We all have different reasons for spotting, and very few of us know why. You're young, just started TTC, so relax and enjoy!! Do talk to your Dr if it helps....but try to relax!

Thank you, Thank you! Why is it so much easier to think negatively than to have hope! I just maybe believed that this month would be the "one" because I didn't get sore BBs or any other PMS symptoms. AF is expected to arrive anywhere from tomorrow-Wednesday. Ironically, my spotting has decreased (just a bit) in the last 24 hours. That doesn't mean a thing though. Thank you, though. It was refreshing to read!
AMV, i saw you on the other thread as well. Just wanted to wish you luck and tel you that as much as spotting sucks, it doesn't always mean you can't get pregnant. i spotted really heavily from O to when AF was supposed to arrive and then got my BFP, and spotting stopped after that. The only thing that has ever helped my spotting was BCP, and for the one cycle i took progesterone, that seemed to help too. No real explanation of spotting tho. I am hoping that after having my daughter and being done breast feeding, my cycles will magically become normal. It took me about 10 months, or 6-7 cycles to get my BFP. I do not have a normal 28 day cycle. Good luck with the fertilitea. I have heard about B6 helping as well, but I believe you have to take it with other B vitamins for proper absorption. B12 maybe? Google should be able to answer that one. I would be careful with Vitex (angus cactus) if you ever stumble upon that. It has helped some, but has also made things worse for quite a few. I hope you get your bfp soon!
Hey Gobs,

You're almost there! So excited for you :D Boy or girl? :)

No news on my part yet :( So disheartening. :cry: But after taking the prenatal vitamins, my spotting has gotten lighter. I think some ingredients in there are helping although I have no idea what. Could be all the vitamin Bs.
AMV, i saw you on the other thread as well. Just wanted to wish you luck and tel you that as much as spotting sucks, it doesn't always mean you can't get pregnant. i spotted really heavily from O to when AF was supposed to arrive and then got my BFP, and spotting stopped after that. The only thing that has ever helped my spotting was BCP, and for the one cycle i took progesterone, that seemed to help too. No real explanation of spotting tho. I am hoping that after having my daughter and being done breast feeding, my cycles will magically become normal. It took me about 10 months, or 6-7 cycles to get my BFP. I do not have a normal 28 day cycle. Good luck with the fertilitea. I have heard about B6 helping as well, but I believe you have to take it with other B vitamins for proper absorption. B12 maybe? Google should be able to answer that one. I would be careful with Vitex (angus cactus) if you ever stumble upon that. It has helped some, but has also made things worse for quite a few. I hope you get your bfp soon!

THANK YOU. It really helps to hear someone who has experienced similar issues but still got their BFP! Im going to my dr next week, so Im going to ask her about b6, b12, etc. Im so happy to hear that next time I start spotting, I dont have to get down on myself!
Hey Gobs,

You're almost there! So excited for you :D Boy or girl? :)

No news on my part yet :( So disheartening. :cry: But after taking the prenatal vitamins, my spotting has gotten lighter. I think some ingredients in there are helping although I have no idea what. Could be all the vitamin Bs.

So sorry Greenleaf...was really hoping to have some good news from you soon. Glad about the spotting though. :hugs:
Boy by the way!
Hope you get your BFP soon greenleaf! I was sad to notice the thread had gone a little stale. It means a lot to me as this is where I started over 3 years ago! OMG that is scary & makes me a little emotional! :cry:

Congrats jenny! Nice to hear of another spotter BFP!

AMV good luck in your journey, I echo what Chloe said about Vitex (AC) it messed with me & gave me bright red mid cycle spitting. I tried b complex & it didn't seem to help. If honest I think it was all about relaxation with me . I went on holiday on cycle 7 of clomid, spotting was excellent, then the next month I thought due to scans I hadn't ovulated so DH & I were were thinking the worst & bam! BFP! Next time around I certainly won't be taking all the vits etc.. Using Opk's nor timing bd, at least for the first 6 months. I do think my spotting was what prevented conception despite what my FS said but I think stress was a major factor...

Sending you lots of :dust: ladies

Hello everyone!
I just wanted to join in to tell you my story hoping my experience will help some of you and we can share our ttc troubles.
I stopped oral contraceptives (after about 10y with breaks) in Jan 2012. Started ttc Aug/Sept 2012.
I don't remember if I had the awful spotting (can last 1-4 days prior to onset of period, cycles are around 26-28d long) before ttc but know that my mum and sister suffered from it too. My sister got pregnant the month she got engaged, first time ntnp about 13y ago but since hasn't tried for another baby. Mum took 6months and then she was prescribed something (what might have been progesterone) and conceived my sister 3 months later. She then had two more pregnancies when she conceived without medical help each within a year and she remembers having some spotting in early pregnancy however not sure about details as it was long time ago.
Anyway back to myself...
After 5 cycles of bfn I went to my gynaecologist and showed him two charts and told him about the spotting. He said I most likely have LP defect and prescribed me progesterone tabs to take twice daily orally for 10 days from about cd17 and keep taking it until the end of first trimester if I get bfp. He gave it to me for 3 cycles (ttc cycle 6,7,8) to see if it helps. Well it prolonged my LP a couple of days but I still started spotting the last day of taking the tablets and it continued for 3 days until I got my period. In addition on cycle 8 I started spotting around ovulation for a couple of days but it stopped after I started the tablets. Which definitely never happened before.
Then I took a break from the tablets and my first cycle after it (cycle 9) was only 21 days long (only 7d ish long LP, 1 day of spotting). Then cycle 10 was good, only one day of spotting, unfortunately my dh was away during my fertile time, so no BD.
Cycle 11 was my "lucky one" with bfp. We only BD cd12 and 14, I didn't temp nor did I do opk, because from previous charting and opks I know I can go with my EWCM and usually ovulate around cd15. That month I started spotting 6dpo which I found weird as it was very early for me (I normally start spotting around 9dpo). Spotting lasted 2 days (6 and 7dpo) and I thought I was out. When it suddenly stopped I got my hopes up as it has never happened before - spotting always gets heavier into proper AF. I waited 3 days and tested 11dpo with BFP. Then couple of days later I started spotting again and it started with period like pain, within 2 days it tapered off. This happened once more and it lasted 3 days (dark brow - light brown - beige). Had ultrasound 6w5d and we saw a heartbeat. I started spotting a few days after that and was worried again. They did a blood test and found out my hcg wasn't doubling so I had another ultrasound at 7w5d and there was no heartbeat and the embryo hasn't grown since the last US. I was given medication to induce the miscarriage and it worked. Not a nice experience but I preferred it over D&C.
Since July I have been back ttc, I still had positive pregnancy test for almost two cycles and didn't ovulate (no temp shift). So my ttc journey officially started again in Sept 2013. I started taking a different kind of progesterone already in August - 3 times a day vaginally and it got rid of my spotting completely for the first 2 cycles. Then my mid cycle spotting returned and I spotted from 1dpo for 2-3 days until the end of my first day of progesterone. After another 3 cycles I got fed up with the midcycle spotting and bfns and decided to stop it. My first cycle after it was only 17 days long (and I ovulated on day 10 already). My second was 26 days long with two days of spotting and bfn. Today I am in my third cycle after stopping progesterone on cd 12 and suffering from uti (which has been troubling me a lot during ttc).
The conclusion - you can get pregnant with spotting and progesterone doesn't always help and may throw your cycle off similarly to hormonal contraception. I am not sure if my problem is really lack of progesterone as I had it checked 7dpo and had 32 which they said is ok. I think that it might be connected with high oestrogen during LP and the ratio between the two hormones. What causes the dysbalance I don't know but I suspect endometriosis. I had various blood tests and US all fine, didn't have hsg or laparoscopy.
I am 28, live in the UK but have my gynaecologist in the Czech Republic because you don't get one here on the NHS.
Hope you all had a good weekend.
DrCo hello !
Your progesterone is great i dont understand why puts you on progesterone without checking it...imagine here in greece anything over 19 on the 7th day after ovulation is considered normal and of course you dont need any meds...
Anyway dont worry just relax and you know what they say if you get pregnant once you will get pregnant again
What i would check if i were you is the uti factor!(i used to have big problem too) and the antibiotics messed with my cycle and with my since my husband wasnt treated at the same time as me, we continued giving the infection to one another(it was the ecoli type UTI)Unfortunately it messed with his sperm and the morphology went to 0% which means there cant be a pregnancy with 0%...and we had no idea!until ecoli was found in his sperm...and ecoli is very bad in men it can cause no symptoms at all!
Plus bad sperm is a cause for miscarriages!
Just a quick note from me before I go to work. I had to take a pregnancy test this morning and it was a BFN. We have now been trying two years since my miscarriage. I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong? Had no spotting this month either but that's only because I've been on progesterone. I'm starting to wonder if it will ever happen.
Just a quick note from me before I go to work. I had to take a pregnancy test this morning and it was a BFN. We have now been trying two years since my miscarriage. I just don't understand what I'm doing wrong? Had no spotting this month either but that's only because I've been on progesterone. I'm starting to wonder if it will ever happen.

Wait a little longer my test became bfp on 17dpo !i had 2 bfn until then...after all the stories i read i believed that from 11 or 14 dpo something might appear a faint line but i was wrong...are you sure about the day of ovulation?
I'm re-starting progesterone this month for early spotting DPO 8-9/ LP usually only 11-12 days. My GYN had given me a low dose 100 mg per day before which did not stop spotting from turning into AF, so we're doubling it this month to 200 mg per day. Wondering what dosage have you ladies been prescribed?
Hi ladies! I started to read this thread after I had a few months with spotting before af came. I wanted to understand what was going on. It started after I had a chemical pregnancy in June :cry:, after that every month I would spot before af. My doctor didn't think it was a problem, but it bugged me.
In December I had a HSG done and since then I haven't had any spotting!!
I don't know how it started and why it stopped after the hsg, but it makes me feel much better about my chances of getting pregnant again! I don't take any supplements but folic acid, so I am betting is the hsg that did the trick.
I also had my progesterone checked and it is ok.
Good luck to all and I hope this helps someone! :flower:
I had no spotting this month. AF started yesterday. I take 400 mg progesterone (Cyclogest) twice a day. I have noticed the spotting has improved since I had a laparoscopy in December (even though nothing was done). I've been taking Clomid for a while now. I'm going to try it one more month and then stop. I don't want it to affect my egg reserve.
Trela: My gyn said that it might be a dysbalance between progesterone and oestrogen, so even if progesterone is high, what is important is the ratio between them. Or as I was tested 7dpo and normally start spotting around 9dpo, it might just be dropping early. Well as I said it only helped me when I was taking it vaginally. Still don't know why I started spotting mid cycle, but should hopefully get answers on my next exam in April. My husband had 2 sperm analysis 6 months apart and they were ok, so I don't think that the infections had any detrimental effects on it. How far in your pregnancy are you?

Buninmyoven: I am very sorry to hear your last cycle wasn't successful. For me it has been 7 months since my miscarriage, however the first 2 cycles i didn't ovulate due to hcg in my body, so in reality it has been 5 months but it is dragging and I am nowhere near 2 years like you, it must be very hard. My due date was a couple of weeks ago and as you do I was hoping to be pregnant by then but it didn't happen. How long did it take you to conceive before? Has your partner had a sperm analysis recently?

Nelttc: I was presribed 100mg 3dly

Pampas: Sorry for your chemical, maybe your body was just a bit out of whack after the chemical pregnancy and it might have been a coincidence that it disappeared after the hsg. Well hopefully it won't come back and you will be pregnant soon.
DrCo hi again!
Its good to hear that you have already checked the sperm and it came out clear of infections!
i know about how important is the ratio between estradiol-estrogen and progesterone...i was also checked on the 2nd day of the cycle (thats when they also check fsh etc) and in my case estrogen came out normal...but still i also had early spotting in that cycle too...for me the only explaining i had for my spotting was the b-vitamin factor...b6really helped and i truly believe it made my endometrium thicker to support the pregnancy...i also spotted the month of my bfp but it never got heavier or turned into af ,so who can tell i might have been pregnant in a earlier cycle too the egg was actually fertilised i had all the pregnancy symptoms in some cycles but i "lost" that fertilised egg since the endometrium was already " collapsing" (spotting starting around the time of implantation so environment is hostile for the fertilised egg)
I am entering the 5th month of my pregnancy in a few days when i posted my story here i was pregnant and i had no idea!so this thread is lucky :-)
Just a quick update from me. We got a letter from our local CCG today saying we have to wait another YEAR for NHS funding for IVF because of our early miscarriage two years ago. We are devastated. If I wait another year I will be 35 by the time I have the damn IVF. I've looked at the online stats. Under 35 years old and the success rate at my local clinic is 32%. Age 35 to 37 the success rates are only 27% so waiting another year really affects our chances; not that the CCG cares about that of course. I found out that if you have been diagnosed as unexplained and been ttc 2 years, you only have a 1% chance of getting of getting pregnant in year 3. So basically this is blatant rationing of funding. I've never asked for any help before and the one time I do I'm told to go away and come back a year later when my chances will be a lot lower. So basically if in the unlikely event I do get pregnant before then, I will not be telling any doctor or GP until I have reached at least the 20 week mark. I'm really at a loss as to what to do. I don't know how I will cope another year of this I feel so depressed about the whole thing :nope:

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