Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

MrsHY - yay for the smiley OPK and have a lovely time in iceland - it will help pass some of the TWW too.

Well I just had my first NHS fertility consult. My lovely GP referred me on the 12month off BCP to the day bless her (after hearing of my crappy amh score) and I got the hospital appointment in only 4 weeks. Impressed. I was back in my car in less than 15minutes :wacko:

It was surreal, I'm not an NHS fan from previous experience.
My appointment was in visiting hours so I was told i'd not get a parking space, but there were several.
So all in all I was an hour early.....for any US posters this is BAD as nhs appointments are typically running an hour late.
Oddly I was seen straightaway, I didn't even have to take a seat at all - I've had mcdonalds fast food orders take longer.

I was a little nervous about going tbh since my gynae apppointments thus far have been private and I'm currently planning private IVF treatment next felt a bit cheeky to be taking up an appointment and be asking what the NHS would do for me and a bit back-to-front to be going for a first consult now.
But the upshot of it was that anything I do privately won't affect me getting NHS support. It was very tick box and processy though, she instantly gave me a script for clomid (no monitoring though) and a script for cyclogests progesterone for my spotting and a little form to go for my HSG to 'complete' my private fertility investigations.
She then said she'd review me in 3months time to move onto the next stage. She said the wait for IVF wasn't long and our area offers 3 free cycles. I asked about the 3yr wait if your 'unexplained' fertility and she said 'that won't be a problem, we'll think of something to put on the form' :shock:

I asked her about my low AMH score and she just said the nhs don't do that and it's quite new. I asked if that meant it might be wrong and she replied very honestly and said 'I don't really follow studies tbh'.

So there we go. I'm having a bit of a dither about IVF tbh, what if this AMH stuff isn't accurate and i'm rushing into it? what if it's right though and I wave any chance of a family goodbye by waiting? My gynae and the fertility clinic told me clomid would be a waste of time for me, but I feel strangely comforted that I have the script to fall back on and try for a while if the IVF cycle fails
Hi Nell, Its fantastic that you had such good experience on the NHS, I wish all doctors were as good as yours. I don't know what you should do except do research as much as you can about AMH and go with your gut. Where do you live? Im from Co Durham and Ive heard we also get 3 free ivf tries too. FX you get your :bfp: with clomid xxx
Can I ask a really TMI question to everyone? When you are spotting and have a wee (so sorry this is really embarrassing) do you get long stringy bits at the bottom of the bowl. I've notice it before but now I'm getting a bit concerned that its endo.
Thanks in advance xxx
mrshy - thats gud news.. wish u a happy anniversary & havea great vacation !

nell- wow ! its gud news abt appont :thumbup:! its great that u don't have to wait & get 3 free cycles ! don't worry abt the quest..i'm sure they get them all the time..i wud rather ask quests than google my brains out :haha: i don't think u need clomid as u o regularly but i guess it wudn't hurt.. don't want that wud've,could've later ! there r many fertility clinics who don't follow amh..there is always the fsh vs amh debate..hsg is said to clear tubes & increase chances !

take ample time to consider all possibilities & i'm sure u'll make the best decision ! in the meanwhile, v r here to chip in & help ( or confuse ) :)
u might just get the bfp in the meanwhile ! fx 4r your bfp !

hope the spotting is still away !
Happyshopper, It was more like having an admin appointment tbh than a consult, I was expecting lots of barriers but it was just going through what tests i've had and what I need......maybe the barriers are in 3mths time!

No such thing as TMI in here! I don't get stringy bits in the bowl, but I am full of stringy gloop internally when I spot (sort of looks how i imagine lining to be and sometimes more like gloopy brown blood). I check internally so sometimes it comes out then - yuck! Never really checked the bowl tbh.

Yum- I asked about the clomid and she just said 'we give it to every patient' and that sometimes it can 'boost' O. I have to say I'm not comfortable taking it with no monitoring on the first cycle - i'd like a scan to check for OHSS and to see that my lining and follie size is normal. I guess I might have to pay for that, but it'll be worth it for peace of mind.
Yes, 12dpo and still no spotting. Very crampy but I hope AF will stay away until I finish the progesterone on sunday. Pg test yesterday before my appointment and BFN.
Hi Sister Spotters,
Well I got my blood test results back and the receptionist said my progesterone levels were fine!!! I couldn't ask any further as my boss walked in right at that moment. I'm a bit gutted as low progesterone seemed to fit all my symptons.
I've made an another appointment for next Friday and I'm determined to get as many tests as the NHS will allow to get to the bottom of this spotting. I'll keep you all informed xxx
hs- thats gud news abt pro ! i know how u feel, i wntd mine to be low too but wen u take some time & think, u'll b glad its normal..low can mean no strong O & hence otr issues ! abt ur otr quest-don't laugh @ me guys but i don't understand ur quest ??
gud luck with ur appont. howz ur spotting ? hope its not as bad as last cycles !

nell- if u think it'll give u peace of mind then u shud monitor them.. sorry abt bfn but it could b too early..yayyy to no spotting ! hope the witch leaves u alone !

have a gud weekend !
Nell it may have been too early if you were only 11DPO yesterday, good luck, but even if it's not your month it's fantastic to have no spotting! :happydance: I'm POAS now (opk's) but don't really expect to get a positive until next week. I've just had a practice of using Softcups, as I've heard a few people getting BFP's on their first cycle using them. It wasn't so bad, but I'm not confident on how I'm going to use them when I'm in bed after DTD! Has anyone used a home Fertility Test for women? Apparently it tells you if you've got a low ovarian reserve. I think I might order one, depending on how DH SA results are on Monday. Have a lovely weekend everyone :dust: x
Hi MrsPTTC, I tried the Babystart fertility test about a year ago and it was negative. It was very easy, just like doing an OPK. I cant say how accurate they are though xxx
Thanks Happyshopper! Yeah it's funny as it's the only test you want to be NEGATIVE!! :haha: x
Hi all,

Thought I'd join the group since I experience spotting before my period. Anywhere from 3-7 days.

A little background on me. I believe I've been spotting since I ever got my period although my memory is a bit fuzzy (could be due to age ;) I'm 35). Went on BC for 5 years then got off to TTC. I only had one period in 10 months and then conceived my son after not having a period for 4 months! I went on to have pregnancy issues so it was a long, difficult road but we made it and he's now 3.5! Fast Forward a few years. We decide to try for #2 in Feb 2011.

After getting my period back after pregnancy I always spot. Mentioned it to the doc and she dismissed me. I went to see her in April and now she thinks it's a problem?? Just had day 21 test and I'm going for day 3 soon. I had testing done after getting off BC and the specialist was close to diagnosing me with PCOS but I got pregnant that month so we didn't pursue it. The only indicator I had was high LH level to FSH (the same month I got pregnant). But I also hadn't had a period in 4 months.

My desire to have a second is as great as it was with the first. I have 4 friends which recently had babies and 3 fell pregnant on the first try (they're all in their mid 30's). 2 more just announced they are pregnant (one honeymoon baby, one accident). Clearly there is something in the water I'm not getting ;).
Welcome Island Girl, I hope you get your :bfp: soon xxxx

I hate this time between spotting and AF. I just wish the :witch: would get here so I can start again. The spotting is really yucky this month, really black and clotty. Oh well, she should be here tomorrow xxx
Good luck everyone x
MrsPTTC - I think the home fertility tests just measure FSH and as they're urine tests they're not too accurate but just alerting you to high FSH - not particularly the best method of ovarian reserve tbh.
You be better asking for CD3 bloods (FSF,LH and E2) tbh, although the modern gold standard for ovarian reserve is an AMH blood test and an ultrasound to measure your antral follicles :)

AFM, well the last few days the crinone clumps have gone, I think my own progesterone must have been lower and so my body was absprbing the gel better leaving less residue. I was meant to take the pessary until 15dpo then test and stop if a BFN.
But it seem there's no escaping the witch, she arrived today so still a 13 day LP which is fairly normal. AF seems abnormally heavy, horribly so tbh like the stuff of my teens - I guess that's what happens when i have no spotting.

I am totally convinced I have a progesterone (or weak ovulation whichever way you look at it) problem. My 7dpo progesterone was great (52 on UK scale or 17 on US) but i don't know, that's a snaphsot in time maybe mine peaks and crashes lots giving the spotting? either way the progesterone cream gave me zero spotting for the first time in well over a year. For one LP I felt normal!
Hi all,

New to this board. I have a little girl 2 but been TTC #2 for nearly a year now.

Have always had spotting 2/3 days before which I know is normal for lots of people and nothing to worry about but its been getting longer and now I start spotting 7 days before AF due and continue until arrives every month.

OF course I always hope its IB which it never is.

Have now read maybe due to low progesterone? and this may make implantation difficult?

Have been to Dr's for something else and asked about stuff but given we already have a child they are not interested until we have been trying 2 years.

Does anyone have an experience or advice for this? Have you tried anything that helped... don't want to have to be pushy with Dr but if there is something wrong dont really want to wait another year to find out.

Any advice much appreciated

Good luck everyone

Welcome! I too have the spotting for 5 to 6 days before AF. Even though my AF doesn't start until 14 or 15 dpo, I start spotting at 10 or 11 dpo which I guess shortens my luteal phase. I did get pregnant with my son 6 years ago and I was spotting then too. That was the one month I didn't spot! But I can't remember if I spotted as long before AF as I am now. I also get the cramping and other AF symptoms pretty early on. I have been taking B6 and angus cactus for close to 3 cycles now and don't see a change with the spotting. But I believe it has caused me to ovulate earlier and lengthen my luteal phase. Well, I have been TTC for #2 for 6 cycles now where I conceived my son first cycle! THough, I am 37 years old now and believe that maybe why it's taking longer for me. If I don't get my BFP this month, I will be going to visit my OB next month and see what's next. I really don't know if it could be caused by low progesterone...I have been charting my temps for few months and my temps remain high during my luteal phase until AF arrives (even on the spotting days). I think my temps would be lower if my progesterone was low. Now I am afraid it may have endo because my Mom had it and I have been experiencing a lot of pain during my AF including heavy, clotty (sorry TMI) AF. I am praying that is not what it is. I have read that spotting is one symptom of endo. I am sorry you are going through this. I know it is frustrating as you don't know if the spotting is keeping you from conceiving or not. I hope you get some answers soon!
Morning all,
Sorry Nell that the :witch: got you. The hag got me too unfortunately. FX we have better luck next time. Its great news that the prog cream prevented your spotting. In fact, I have the same conclusion re progesterone levels (either that or I have endo and not low progesterone at all). I have read recently that your levels can drop quite suddenly and I will post the link when I find it.
Hi Kari, I think endo is a real possibility for me also but I found a very interesting website called with lots of self help ideas.
This cycle I'm changing my diet and excluding wheat, grains, dairy and sugar. I'm not too good at diets so it would probably last until Wednesday. My conclusion is that both endo and estrogen dominance can be affected by excess weight (as estrogen is stored in fat cells) and I could afford to lose a few pounds for the summer hols. I'm not holding out much hope but I am determined to get diagnosed (hoping to get referred to FS on Friday) so I guess this is the last roll of the dice before medical intervention.
Good luck everyone xxx
I started spotting today which means I should be getting my AF on Father's Day :( It's disappointing since I had a pos OPK, my temps were good, I had ewcm, etc....

I think I have a progesterone problem due to weak ovulation. I don't think my hormones are strong enough in my LP. Guess I'll see what the doc says after my bloodwork. I have considered endo as well. I know 3 people who have/had it and only 1 out of 3 spotted before her AF but only for a day or two. After she got it removed last summer she didn't spot anymore and got her BFP after 4 months.
Happyshopper - sorry the witch found you too. I cut carbs (inc sugars) and dairy out from my diet for 2 full cycles just to see if my spotting might be lighter or start later, but it didn't work for me unfortunately.

Island girl - sorry the spotting has started for you, it's horrible to feel you're 'out' so early. I have read some people spot like we do for days and then stop in the same cycle and get there BFP. FX you're not out and AF doesn't turn up.

MrsPttc - good luck for tomorrow re the SA

I'ts interesting that after 50 odd pages of this thread there's a few of us have settled on the same conclusion for ourselves progesterone or endo.
Because of my cramping with the spotting I really felt endo was a possibility - but i'm guessing if i managed a cycle spot free then that's now out? endo can't magically stop bleeding one month could it? I don't know much about endo, i'll have to check.

I'd love to have a scan around O to see my follicle size, I wonder with my early O if something odd is happening and my O is weak, ie a small follie or something?
However I can't really justify the cost of a scan on a nice-to-know basis and here in the UK Dr's don't seem keen to pursue the 'why' of the problem, more just treat the infertility.
Hi Nell,
This is the link I was talking about:
This bit rang a bell when I read your post: "Premature failure of the corpus luteum can occur even when the initial quality of the follicle/corpus luteum is adequate. In some women the corpus luteum sometimes does not persist as long as it should. Here, initial progesterone levels at five to seven days past ovulation may be low; even if they are adequate, the levels drop precipitously soon thereafter, again leading to early onset of menses and hence a luteal phase defect." If it is a weak ovulation then I think clomid will help.
Also, the following website says that progesterone cream can stop the growth of endo but I don't think it would stop your spotting in one cycle:
islandgirl- welcome to the thread ! sorry abt ur spotting so early..its so frustrating..v just want it gone, right ! gudluck with the reports ! keep us posted..

nell- sorry abt r u feeling ? but great news abt spotting ! now that spotting is gone, u'll have gud time 4r implantation ! i agree with all of u abt pro & endo ! i always wanted to get a pro check wen i'm spottin ,hoping it to be low ! r u taking clomid this cycle?

hs- sorry abt thw witch dear ! howazz the spotting this time around? thanks 4r the info ! gud luck with the diet !

mrspttc- hope the appnt went gud !

ssbd !!
Just need some advice/clarification from you all. My family doctor told me to go for day 21 bloodwork. I went on 7 DPO. I called the doctor's office to confirm which day I should go but she was on vacation and they told me to call the FS who is a gyno. He actually answered the phone since I called early and I guess his receptionist wasn't in yet. He advised me to go 7 DPO if checking for progesterone but he mentioned they don't really do that test anymore since it's not a very good/reliable indicator. Anyone else hear this? Did I go on the right day? I ovulated on day 18.
Just need some advice/clarification from you all. My family doctor told me to go for day 21 bloodwork. I went on 7 DPO. I called the doctor's office to confirm which day I should go but she was on vacation and they told me to call the FS who is a gyno. He actually answered the phone since I called early and I guess his receptionist wasn't in yet. He advised me to go 7 DPO if checking for progesterone but he mentioned they don't really do that test anymore since it's not a very good/reliable indicator. Anyone else hear this? Did I go on the right day? I ovulated on day 18.

ig- u shud get it done on 7dpo.. 21day is just a blind approx date assuming one o on day14 which doesn't happen to everyone..i haven't heard anything like that ? wat does he mean by not a good indicator( of wat ??) as per my knowledge,i think he meant to say that some fertility centers wud check p levels 3/4 times on 5dpo,7dpo,10dpo just to make sure the levels r maintained..this is done if a woman is having multiple miscarriages..

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