Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Sounds good with it being pink! Good luck for testing Cosmos!! :thumbup: x
hi girls new to this group. since january I have been spotting 2/3 days before full on AF. i was reading about Projest cream anyone try this?
Tested this morning and got a :bfn: :cry:

I know it's still early though. I've had some more pink/red spotting (still way different, and a little more "watery" I guess?) than my normal spotting today. Also still very light and barely even on PL. AF is due either Tuesday or Wednesday depending on OV date (I only took a opk on Tuesday the 24 and got a +, so I'm wondering if it was actually Monday when it was first +). I'll wait until Thursday and if AF doesn't show try another test. I didn't test positive with my first until a full week after AF was due, so I still think I have some hope. Though I'm not sure if I want to be spotting like this if I AM pregnant, mixed feelings right now. Has anyone else gone through this? Still spotting, but maybe pregnant (and was)?
hi girls new to this group. since january I have been spotting 2/3 days before full on AF. i was reading about Projest cream anyone try this?

Welcome SNL, I have tried Serenity Progesterone Cream for 2 cycles (including this one) and unfortunately it hasn't made much difference to me. It could have made the spotting lighter but not changed the length of it. Ive started spotting today so I can let you know if anything changes in the next couple of days xxx
Sorry Cosmos that you got a :bfn: but its still early days. I think lots of ladies spot and still be pregnant. If you are a member of FF then you can look at the gallery for charts with midcycle spotting and still be pregnant. Good luck and FX you get your :bfp: this month xxx
Cosmos, I'm so sorry you got a BFN, I think the watery pink spotting sounds promising though so I hope AF stays away and you get your BFP. I googled lots and found quite a few woemn who spotted as normal (for them) but then AF never came. Lots of women also have intermittent brown spotting in their first trimester. FX for you :) :flower:

SNL, Hi and welcome. 2-4 days of spotting pre AF really is pretty normal and usually means there's plenty of time for implantation. Progesterone levels post ovulation are usually in a curve, they start off lowish rise to peak at 7dpo and then drop again a few days before AF, which is why you get a little spotting then. It's the spotting that starts when your progesterone *should* be at a peak or before implantation can take place (implantation is typically 8 -10 dpo) that is considered a possible LP defect.

Do you mointor/chart your cycles? if you could pinpoint O it would be useful to see how many days you have before the spotting starts? You could also get a 7dpo blood draw to check your progesterone levels too.

I tried emerita (think that's progest isn't it?) natural progesterone cream, my spotting came as normal but everyone is different I suppose. My 7dpo draw was normal too, but I just thought it was worth a try for one cycle. You'll need to confirm O by waiting for 2-3 days og high temps ideally before starting it though as starting it when you haven't actually O can delay ovulation.:flower:
Thanks Nell and HS. I'm still really confused this cycle, the spotting is still pink (almost a bright pink, but not red at all) and very sporadic. I've never had spotting like this before and my bbs are really sore. AF is due absolutely no later than Wednesday, so if she doesn't show I'll be testing again and then heading to the Dr. if I get a BFN. I almost don't want a BFP with this really strange spotting as I'm afraid something would just be wrong, though I know a lot of gals on this board and otherwise have had healthy babies even with spotting in the first trimester, it's just really scary! And this color is something new to me, even during my last MC it was never pink like this (always very dark, and then it was eventually just red bleeding). Thanks for the encouragement however, I'll keep you updated. :hugs:
hello ladies,

cosmos - sorry abt the bfn dear:hugs: many women do have some spotting all thru preg & had healthy babies so, u still have hope..fx 4r ya ! keep us posted !

snl- welcome :flower: as the ladies mentioned ,u can get a pro test on cd21 (7dpo) . all our's came back normal ! if u have never spoted before jan then did u strt takin any herbs or did somethin diff ? lukin @ ur ticker, i think it strtd after clonid...did u get an u/s recently ? if not, i suggest u get one to rule out everythin...hope u'll resolve this real the way, i'm going to try the cream this mnth too..

hs- sorry abt ur spoting ! did ur accupuncturist say anything abt this ? any change in spotting at all like the amount, color,cramps,temps with acupre & herbs ? if i remember correctly, u were supposed to go to doc today, right ! any updates ?

nell- how r the pesaries treating u ? u mentioned, if prog falls b4r af & hence, does it have to stay high till the day af arrives ? i wonder if its same with regular women ???

afm, havin a real confusin cycle..:dohh: tmi ! got a - opk on tue then + on wed but just .2 hike in temp & flat temp next 3 days..on sun got a .4 hike in temp & the cm was clear ew till sat..was stretchy on sun but not clear ! any ideas, ladies ???
i want to try the emerita progest so, wen did u guys start using like 3dpo ?? i din't wanted to strt that the cd21 pro was normal, i want to strt on cd23 ? do pitch in wat u ladies think ?

tia !:flower:
Hi Yum,
The spotting stopped not long after I noticed it and almost 2 days later its still holding off so I'm feeling pretty good. I would be ok if it starts tomorrow properly (8DPO) as it will be the latest start date for a couple of months. If I get to 10DPO without spotting I will be delighted. My acupuncturist says that she is confident she can help me but it will take time. I'm not sure if I will still go as its so expensive and I have no idea if its helping me or not. I had a blood test today to get my progesterone levels checked and get my results on Thursday so I will let you know what she says xxx
Thanks Nell and HS. I'm still really confused this cycle, the spotting is still pink (almost a bright pink, but not red at all) and very sporadic. I've never had spotting like this before and my bbs are really sore. AF is due absolutely no later than Wednesday, so if she doesn't show I'll be testing again and then heading to the Dr. if I get a BFN. I almost don't want a BFP with this really strange spotting as I'm afraid something would just be wrong, though I know a lot of gals on this board and otherwise have had healthy babies even with spotting in the first trimester, it's just really scary! And this color is something new to me, even during my last MC it was never pink like this (always very dark, and then it was eventually just red bleeding). Thanks for the encouragement however, I'll keep you updated. :hugs:

I had something similar to this a couple of months ago. It was like a very light AF but it only happened in the morning. My proper AF started about 2 days later. I think my spotting changed because I was much more stressed that month than usual xxx
Well :witch: got me this morning, right on time. My cycle did go from 35 days (prior two) to a 31 day cycle this month (14 day LP, instead of 15). I wonder if it really could still just be getting "back on track" from the MC like my OB/GYN said. I'm going to give it one more cycle before going back to the doctor, maybe the pink was a good sign this month. :thumbup:

Trying to keep my head up about all this, really thought this would be my month with the way things were going though. Good luck and :dust: to you all that are still waiting.
hello all,

hs- thats great news abt the spotting..hope it'll stay away ! i know, the accupu is so expensive..were u spotting the day u got ur blood drawn ? gud luck with everythin dear !

cosmos - so sorry abt the witch dear ! may b ur body is just taking time to get back to normal after mc ! i think its a gud sign that it went from brown to pink ! hope it'll get sorted out by this cycle !
Hi ladies, nothing to do with the spotting as I'm still waiting to ovulate DH rang the doctors today and the SA results are in. I'm so worried...the receptionist said she didn't understand them (which I can imagine as it does sound complicated) so DH had to make an appointment to see the doctor and we can't get one until next tuesday! Surely the doctor would've had a chance to look at the results and if it were fine she just would've said over the phone?! Or maybe the doctor hasn't had the chance to check them yet... But what a waste of an appointment if it's fine :shrug: :dohh: I am really worried, I don't think DH is though! I'm scared the last 9 months have been for nothing and we need treatment :sad1: Roll on tuesday!!! x
Thanks Yum, as expected my spotting started this morning on 8DPO which I suppose is the best it has been for the past couple of months. I know AC doesn't help everyone but I think it helped me this month so I think I will continue it for the next couple of months. I got my bloods drawn the day before the spotting started so I hope that it is will still diagnose a hormone deficiency. Otherwise, I will have to go for more tests. Good luck to you too and I hope you get a :bfp: soon xxx
Hi MrsPTTC, please try not to stress, I'm sure its just procedure. Even if the SA results don't bring good news there are lots of things that can improve sperm count and motility.
I'm sure everything will be fine though and I wish you the very best of luck for your appointment xxx
Thanks for the reassurance Happyshopper :flower:. I know I'm being silly, & I guess there is plenty that can be done for low count & motility. I'm just glad we've got it checked so at least we know either way :) x I hope they have some news for you from your blood tests hun x
Cosmos - sorry the witch found you (why does that little icon thingy have to look so blimmin happy too - couldn't they find a rotten witch?!)

Yum - I think progesterone suppementing is always started once O is confirmed to support the whole LP rather than just when you would spot. Not sure why tbh.

Happyshopper - Hope the bloods show something easilt fiexeable IYSWIM.

MrsPTTC - I think that's standard NHS procedure tbh. Usually if a blood tests result is 'clear' the receptionists will just say 'oh it's all fine the dr's seen it' and if it's not they would give you an appointment - BUT an SA result is more complex, it needs talking through good or bad I think :) FX for you. Not wishing it on you but I always think MFI is more easily treatable than some of the complex issues we women get.

MrsHY - hope you got your dominany follie? Or have I missed an update?

AFM, I got a cancellation so had my pre-treatment appointment with the nurse. I can start IVF next cycle. I am not excited, nor confident about this tbh. I'm just going to try to stay relaxed and treat this as an exercise in assessing my egg quality and response to drugs, it'll be a bonus and a freakin' miracle if i get pg through it!

10dpo today and.......drumroll spotting :happydance:
First time in 15 cycles I have made it this far.
Nothing at all, even internally. Not even any browny-beige CM that usually preceeds my spotting.
I still feel sore and crampy like when I have my spotting and I still have my LP acne, but the brown gunk is totally absent :thumbup:

So......why? :shrug:

A few things different this cycle....
1. I O'd the latest I ever have in 15 cycles, CD 15 (v's CD11/12) so maybe a stronger/better O and so no LPD?
2. I had a hysteroscopy, maybe my spotting was old blood and this cleared me out this cycle. I've alsoe read these procedures can correct hormone imbalances, much like a miscarriage or D&C can cause them.
3. The crinone progesterone. But then my 7dpo progesterone was good and I was spotting the day I was tested, so why would this fix it?

Unfortunately I got a BFN -I tested early as I need time to accept and embrace that I might be starting IVF now next week. I'm also not going to be able to know if it continues next cycle because of course i'll be pumped with injectibles. I'm not even going to be able to ask my dr why she thinks it's stopped because I've swopped clinics to start IVF and it was the previous dr that gave me the crinone.

It's so hard not to cling onto this spot-free LP as a sign of hope though, try a few more cycles naturally and cancel the IVF, but my head knows that would be silly and risky.
Hi Nell, that's fab news about your spotting!!! :yipee: And great news about the IVF too! Good luck! :thumbup: Well I've been looking up low sperm count/motility & I know what is normal so when the doc is talking figures I know what he's on about! DH didn't want me to go with him but I've told him I'm going! You know what men are like, if there's a problem he'll not ask the right questions! After all I was the driving force behind this TTC though DH is happy to TTC too! x
Hi all
Sorry I've been AWOL!
MrsPTTC - try not to worry - I know when my OH's results came back they are a list of things on a paper and you'd need a good understanding of the context to translate them - it's not just a case of 'normal' or not. But as Nell says, usually any sperm probs can be relatively easily fixed so fx-ed that you get some progress from this.
Happyshopper - glad the AC seems to be doing something for you - as you say, response can be very individual - more's the pity otherwise we'd all know exactly what we SHOULD and SHOULDN't be doing!
Nell - sounds like the appointment went really well, and really pleased to hear that your spotting was better this cycle. You do know that the vast majority of preggie tests performed at 10dpo would be BFN though, right? You're going to re-test in 4 days time? Just putting it out there...
As for me, well - five ultrasounds later and FINALLY something is happening! I have a dominant follicle on my left ovary which has reached a size which could rupture (i.e. so I ovulate), and for the past two days I've had a little bit of EWCM too. So, I need to BD like crazy and also carry on with OPKs every day to confirm ovulation. It's cd 21 today - so Clomid at 50mg has not moved my ovulation forward - but let's see if it makes any difference to my LP/spotting!
I've got to call the unit on day one of AF (assuming she comes) to ask whether I should up the dose to 100mg. Don't shoot me down ladies - but if they don't want me to (I can't really see why not - I'm not a candidate for over-stimulation) I'm probably going to do it anyway!
MrsHy - yay for the dominant follie but boo it's not been quicker than usual. It does sound like you'd benefit from upping the dose (though I'm pretty sure it can take 2months to see an effect so you might be wise to just hang on first). Like you though i'd up it if nothing happened the 2nd month in.
I do know what you mean about 10dpo being too early and I will test again - I have to test before stopping my progesterone as stopping it would end any pregnancy so will test again at 14dpo. I don't feel any different though and our timing and my cm was all off, so I feel it'll be a BFN IYSWIM?!

MrsPTTC - ask for a copy of your SA if you're not given one, it can be a lot to digest if someone just talks you through it, but much easier when you look at the numbers (and the all important reference ranges alongside)
hello ladies,

mrspttc- i don't know abt the sa analysis but i'm sure its nothin to worry abt..i know wat u mean by men not askin questions:haha: its gud that u r going along ! i agree with others, men & their issues r not as complicated as v r :)

hs- its gud that ac is wrkin 4r u ! yay to 8dpo !

nell- thanks 4r the info ! wow thats great news abt spotting & ivf too :happydance: may b u just needed the proges all along ! they'll put u on prog anyways as a standard 4r ivf ( here in usa )..hope u don't need to go to ivf at all & get :bfp: i know it might take some time to sync in the facts abt ivf & all but try to be positive..u sure do have the right attitude :flower: one of frn's got pregs with 2nd round ivf & had a baby this feb !

mrshy- gud news abt the folli & time to get busy :winkwink: i feel that increasing ur dosage woud do the trick but as nell said may b ur body just needs some time !

gud luck to all !
I got a smiley face on my clearblue digi OPK this morning! Sooo happy. OK, so I'm still ovulating ridiculously late (cd22 today), but at least I'm ovulating! BD last night and will do so again tonight, and tomorrow night too for good measure. We're flying to Iceland tomorrow night for our anniversary so won't get to BD until late - but at least we'll be chilled as it's the start of our 5 day anniversary mini-break! x

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