Well today I am 11 dpo and the spotting started 3 days ago, but it has been very light (almost non-existent) until today.

I hate it so much! I am pretty sure I am out this month. I am just waiting on the

to show on Wednesday of this week. My doctor's appt is on Friday of this week to go over all the testing results DH and I have done so far. I will let you all know how it goes. My d&c is scheduled for a week from this Tuesday. I have started taking the vitamin D and neoq-10 supplements prescribed by my doc as well. I am also still just taking the prenatal and fish oil that I have been on for months.
2moms2be - Hooray for no spotting! The recent testing I have had done were the day 3 and 21 bloods, 2 pelvic ultrasounds (one had to be done on day 3 to check follicles I think), HSG and a hysteroscopy which found the polyps that could be the cause of my spotting every month. Not sure if any of these would be useful to you, but please let me know if you have any questions.
Greenleaf - Hoping your spotting stays at bay this month! Are you planning on doing any further testing? What is the royal jelly you are taking?
DrCo - Sorry to hear about your spotting starting this month. I am with ya. I thought maybe last month when I got the evap line which I thought was a BFP that it was going to be my second chance as my due date would have been in Nov like with my first loss. I am so scared it is never going to happen. The only thing keeping me going right now is that finally they found something that may be the cause of our troubles with ttc. We'll see though. Please let us know how your blood tests go. Hang in there!
Jelly84 - My positive OPKs have been fluctuating the past few months and my luteal phase adjusts, but remains consistent at 14 days. One month I was at 11 dpo and then 15 dpo and then this month was 12 dpo. It is so crazy if the Angus Castus had that much of an affect on your cycle this month. Is that common with taking it? I would not worry too much about your upcoming gyno appts. My doctors have had to be flexible with my appts too because of my cycles being wacko lately. Totally understandable with giving a the Angus Castus a shot. I am beyond impatient with all of this too!

Let us know how the appts go.
Buninmyoven - I have had to make lots of recent changes with my diet and supplements per my doctors request as well. Also, he told me no hard core exercising which has been tough since I was an avid runner. Maybe I will give yoga a try like you. Let us know how everything goes for you this month and how the appeal goes.
plsBpositive - How is your cycle going with the low dose of Clomid? Did you do your day 21 tests this month yet?
trela - Spotting gets on my nerves too!

Keep taking it easy and let us know how your getting on. How many weeks are you? I am really appreciating your helpful tips on getting preggo! I will be implementing some of them.
Sorry for such a long post. Baby dust to everyone! Take care all!