Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

I should have post this to my story but i forgot!!!
About my eating habits after searching hours online what helps to get me pregnant :-) i also added pineaaple juice to my daily routine and kiwis!!!!!!!!!
Thats what many women with spotting said it helped
And when it comes to bathing i never bath because we only have a shower cabin(if i say it correctly)
I have also read that doctors tell to women who are doing ivf to never bath during implantation period or to shower with high temperature water for too long...i think it has something to do with the increased temperature and its relation to blood circulation in the area

Thanks Trela
I know what I am adding to my shopping list this week then! I do tend to have the shower temperature a bit high so will make sure I have it a bit lower.

Thanks for your tips, definitely worth a try.

How are you? How many weeks are you now? x
I should have post this to my story but i forgot!!!
About my eating habits after searching hours online what helps to get me pregnant :-) i also added pineaaple juice to my daily routine and kiwis!!!!!!!!!
Thats what many women with spotting said it helped
And when it comes to bathing i never bath because we only have a shower cabin(if i say it correctly)
I have also read that doctors tell to women who are doing ivf to never bath during implantation period or to shower with high temperature water for too long...i think it has something to do with the increased temperature and its relation to blood circulation in the area

Thanks Trela
I know what I am adding to my shopping list this week then! I do tend to have the shower temperature a bit high so will make sure I have it a bit lower.

Thanks for your tips, definitely worth a try.

How are you? How many weeks are you now? x

I love hot water too i used to lower the temperature around that area but increased it in the other ones...i couldnt cut that habit when showering lol
Now i have totally... i have showers with normal temperature

I am 21 weeks and hoping my placenta will rise so that i get rid of the spotting!!!!
Baileylove: Yes agnus castus is a strange one. FF has put my ovulation as CD17 (usually 14) but my temps haven't risen as much as usual still (I'm on CD20 today) and until yesterday I was still getting EWCM. VERY ODD. Been having ovary twinges (or so it feels) for a few days. Will be interested to see if my LP will be longer or the same due to the AC. Bit worried I have messed things up before my hospital apps and will annoy the gyneo! I had to try something though I'm too impatient!

Trela: Good tips for diet and drink, will give all this a try! Good luck with your pregnancy :)

PlsBPositive: I meant your cycles before the you say you have low progesterone in your LP - what were your temperatures like with it? Did they go up much and were they erratic? I'm trying to work out if low progest is linked to low/erratic temps or whether it's just different for different people.

At the end of my 2ww and my mood has been dropping down with my bbt. Spotting started last night (9dpo) and continuing today. BFN this morning just made me hit my all month low. I am trying to get used to the fact that I will not have a baby for this Christmas and most likely my baby's birthday will be in 2015 or later. Praying for 2015! Also there will be only one more cycle before May which is the month I got pregnant last year. I am now considering stopping using ovulation tests and temping. I seem to be ovulating every month around the same time anyway. I had my blood test for progesterone a few days ago (coincidentally it was a day with the highest bbt! one day before my spotting started) so if it confirms I ovulated then I think I try to stop obsessing for 3 cycles. And also see what my other blood tests results are.
How are you all coping? Has anybody tested yet? Fx for you all as I am out now just waiting for my period.
I'm at 7dpo. Had my wisdom tooth extracted yesterday with local anesthesia and now I'm actually hoping for BFN this month. I'm not sure why everyone says cannot have tooth extraction while pregnant. Does anyone know the reason?

My blood test (FSH, LH, Progesterone ) all came back within normal range. Hubby tested normal too. So the only thing I can think of us the endometriosis and hydrosalpinx. I'm expecting spotting to start any day now. The only thing I did differently this month is I started taking royal jelly at CD1. let's see if it would help the spotting.

Good luck to those in their tww. Baby dust to all you lovely ladies :hugs:
I'm at 7dpo. Had my wisdom tooth extracted yesterday with local anesthesia and now I'm actually hoping for BFN this month. I'm not sure why everyone says cannot have tooth extraction while pregnant. Does anyone know the reason?

My blood test (FSH, LH, Progesterone ) all came back within normal range. Hubby tested normal too. So the only thing I can think of us the endometriosis and hydrosalpinx. I'm expecting spotting to start any day now. The only thing I did differently this month is I started taking royal jelly at CD1. let's see if it would help the spotting.

Good luck to those in their tww. Baby dust to all you lovely ladies :hugs:

Greenleaf, do not worry about your extraction at all. I am a dentist and I can tell you that it is absolutely safe provided you just have local anaesthetic. The only things that are not advisable to do in pregnancy are xrays (but I would assume they took them in advance) and sedetion/general anaesthesia. Make sure you only take paracetamol as a pain relieve and you will be fine.
I am curious what the jelly do for you. Let us know please. And good luck.
11DPO and no spotting yet! Last two cycles it started at 8DPO, so this is a nice break :p Longest I've ever gone is 12DPO, so if there's no spotting tomorrow, I might actually let myself test on Tuesday. Ha. I did test at 9 DPO and got a BFN (couldn't help myself when I didn't wake up to the spotting lol). I've been taking Vitex for 2 cycles now -- maybe that's helping? Who knows. My body is strange. Some cycles are good, like this one, and some are miserable.

I made an appointment to see my doctor on April 9th; I plan to ask her for a thyroid and progesterone check, as well as a pelvic ultrasound to see if anything seems abnormal. Anything else I should ask for, do you think?
Well today I am 11 dpo and the spotting started 3 days ago, but it has been very light (almost non-existent) until today. :( I hate it so much! I am pretty sure I am out this month. I am just waiting on the :witch: to show on Wednesday of this week. My doctor's appt is on Friday of this week to go over all the testing results DH and I have done so far. I will let you all know how it goes. My d&c is scheduled for a week from this Tuesday. I have started taking the vitamin D and neoq-10 supplements prescribed by my doc as well. I am also still just taking the prenatal and fish oil that I have been on for months.

2moms2be - Hooray for no spotting! The recent testing I have had done were the day 3 and 21 bloods, 2 pelvic ultrasounds (one had to be done on day 3 to check follicles I think), HSG and a hysteroscopy which found the polyps that could be the cause of my spotting every month. Not sure if any of these would be useful to you, but please let me know if you have any questions.

Greenleaf - Hoping your spotting stays at bay this month! Are you planning on doing any further testing? What is the royal jelly you are taking?

DrCo - Sorry to hear about your spotting starting this month. I am with ya. I thought maybe last month when I got the evap line which I thought was a BFP that it was going to be my second chance as my due date would have been in Nov like with my first loss. I am so scared it is never going to happen. The only thing keeping me going right now is that finally they found something that may be the cause of our troubles with ttc. We'll see though. Please let us know how your blood tests go. Hang in there!

Jelly84 - My positive OPKs have been fluctuating the past few months and my luteal phase adjusts, but remains consistent at 14 days. One month I was at 11 dpo and then 15 dpo and then this month was 12 dpo. It is so crazy if the Angus Castus had that much of an affect on your cycle this month. Is that common with taking it? I would not worry too much about your upcoming gyno appts. My doctors have had to be flexible with my appts too because of my cycles being wacko lately. Totally understandable with giving a the Angus Castus a shot. I am beyond impatient with all of this too! :) Let us know how the appts go.

Buninmyoven - I have had to make lots of recent changes with my diet and supplements per my doctors request as well. Also, he told me no hard core exercising which has been tough since I was an avid runner. Maybe I will give yoga a try like you. Let us know how everything goes for you this month and how the appeal goes.

plsBpositive - How is your cycle going with the low dose of Clomid? Did you do your day 21 tests this month yet?

trela - Spotting gets on my nerves too! :) Keep taking it easy and let us know how your getting on. How many weeks are you? I am really appreciating your helpful tips on getting preggo! I will be implementing some of them.

Sorry for such a long post. Baby dust to everyone! Take care all!
Quick update from me before I go to work,

I don't think I have even ovulated yet but I had bright red blood last night when I wiped after going to the loo (sorry if tmi). So I'm feeling what's the point I'm obviously out before I've even started. It's starting to feel like it will never happen and I'm 34 in a couple of days :( I started going to the gym recently and yesterday afternoon I had quite a vigorous session at the gym. I'm wondering if that's what caused the bleeding? I hope I haven't ruined my chances/ stopped myself ovulating. The thing is I have noticed I have put on weight over the last year I think because of the various fertility drugs I have been taking so it's made me feel even worse.

Me and DH got a letter from the CCG confirming they have received the appeal. We should know 5-10 days after the meeting which means I will know if it's been accepted or not by the end of April.

Take care ladies x
DrCo: Thanks for the reassurance. :hugs: I didn't have any x-rays taken. My dentist just gave me a tablet of mefenamic acid before the procedure and that was the only painkiller I took as it was not that painful. :)

Baileylove: My mom bought it from this Taiwanese company that is promoting their own product. It's called RX101 Royal Jelly manufactured in my country (Malaysia) but not sure where the main ingredients came from. Maybe Taiwan. It's mainly for my father. I'm just pinching half the recommended dose. ;) Let's see if it's gonna shorten my spotting days. I've an appointment with the Medically Assisted Centre on the 16th April.

Buninmyoven: I heard that you sometimes bleed/spot during ovulation so don't write yourself out so soon! :hugs: Good things may creep up to you when you're least expecting it. :)
2moms2be - Hooray for no spotting! The recent testing I have had done were the day 3 and 21 bloods, 2 pelvic ultrasounds (one had to be done on day 3 to check follicles I think), HSG and a hysteroscopy which found the polyps that could be the cause of my spotting every month. Not sure if any of these would be useful to you, but please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you, Baileylove. My appointment will be around CD9, so too late for CD3 bloods, but maybe she'll want me to get them next cycle? I'm afraid of anything too invasive, so I'll stick with a needle and a u/s to start with :wacko:

I'm sorry to sound ignorant, but what's a hysteroscopy? I've heard of an HSG (and gotten terrified LOL), but that one's new.
Well my spotting started on 7DPO too booooo. It's so annoying - out again for this month ! (i know some people still spot and get pregnant but it's very unlikely for me, it is the same as every month!) My bbs don't hurt yet though which is strange as they usually do for at least a week before AF. And my mood is better, I feel less depressed than I usually do when the dreaded spotting appears. I can't decide whether to give vitex another month to see as some people says it takes a while, or just put myself in the care of the doctors....We'll see! Ultrasound on Saturday x

2moms2be: your graph is looking good this month and no spotting yet! That's amazing!

DrCo: Sorry to hear about your spotting too. It's so hard to keep spirits up isn't it. It's rubbish and everyone around is getting pregnant at the drop of a hat arggg.

Baileylove: Let us know how your appointment goes on Friday!

Good luck everyone and big hugs - we will get there...!


I'm sorry about the spotting :( It's so disheartening. And I know how hard it is to stay hopeful, but... it's not over til it's over!

I've been taking Vitex now for about 2.5 cycles, 440mg/day. And I'm not sure if it's the Vitex or not, but I'm now 12DPO, and no spotting yet!! I've heard it can take awhile to work, so I wouldn't give up yet! Last cycle my spotting started at 8DPO. I kept taking it, and it's much better this month. I say it can't hurt to give it some more time... I've heard it can take up to six months, though I'm not sure I've the patience for that!!
Hi 2moms2be - so you took it and had spotting the first month...interesting! I think each of my tablets is 1000mg so perhaps I'll get some weaker ones. Did you notice later ovulation? Any other changes? When did you usually spot from when you weren't taking it? Finally do you take it all month?Thanks for your info :) X
Hi 2moms2be - so you took it and had spotting the first month...interesting! I think each of my tablets is 1000mg so perhaps I'll get some weaker ones. Did you notice later ovulation? Any other changes? When did you usually spot from when you weren't taking it? Finally do you take it all month?Thanks for your info :) X

Well, my very first cycle, I was taking 1200mg. I stopped that, because when AF came, I bled an insane amount. So heavy that it actually scared me. I realized that my dose was probably too high, so I cut it down to 440mg on the advice of my naturopath. That was, I believe, at the start of last month's cycle (Feb). I was told to take it in the morning on an empty stomach (I take it when I get up to temp, then go back to sleep for an hour or so), and to stop when AF arrived... so I take it through the spotting, but when I start to actually bleed, I stop, then start again when AF is done.

I had spotting with both previous cycles - the 1200mg and the last 440mg - and it started 8DPO both times. My ovulation is kind of all over the place at times, but I O'd on CD15 first cycle on Vitex, CD22 second cycle, and CD15 this cycle. Didn't seem to delay it at all -- if anything, it kinda helped, as my normal cycle seems to be a CD15 ovulation, but oftentimes it's a bit later (as late as CD27 once.)

I didn't notice any other changes, other than the heavy bleeding that first time. This cycle, I'm halfway through 12DPO, and no spotting at all yet. Not sure if it's the Vitex, if I'm going to get a BFP, or if it's just a good cycle. I start spotting anywhere from 2DPO to 12DPO, so it's not too consistent. It used to be that I'd start spotting later the earlier I O'd, but my last CD15 O before this one, I started spotting 8DPO. So there's no real consistent pattern to my crazy body.

I hope this was some help! Good luck... I know Vitex works miracles for some ladies. I'd say stick with it, give it 3-6 cycles, and see how you feel. <3
Ah thank you so much that really helps! Are you taking the tablet form?

Your cycle sounds really good! I think I will continue. I have very light periods so hoping it helps those too. Keep us posted!! X
Update on clomid low dose:
Pimples started on CD13. Positive opk on CD10-11 and on CD16-17. It seems low dose still has some effects on my system. I just hope that lab work next week will show that I really ovulated.

Jelly84: I just started temping last cycle and I haven't figure out yet any pattern. With last cycle I wasn't able to temp on some days, around CD15, that I was out of town and forgot to bring my thermometer with me... And so far, my temps have been really confusing.

Baileylove: progesterone lab work will be on CD23, Monday since CD21 falls on a weekend.
CD1 today and just found out my progesterone results from my last cycle ... it says I didn't ovulate :-O
The figure was 26 and it is supposed to be above 30 to show ovulation.
I am rather confused as my temperature rose (however slowly and not much above cover line) and had positive ovulation tests and peak on ovulation monitor. Last time, over a year ago, my result was I think about 32 or 35 (I might have been temping or using opk then but do not remember it and haven't got it written down anywhere).
This past cycle, when it comes to temping (I never get a proper dip and high rise), opk, pms symptoms, ewcm etc, was very similar to my usual cycle. Shame I didn't temp on my pregnancy cycle, as I definitely ovulated then, at least I would have known how my ovulatory chart looks like for comparison!
Well, I am very happy about this result. It is much better to suffer from explained fertility than unexplained. I might have not ovulated for many cycles then.... my body obviously tries to ovulate (+opk) but it doesn't happen... maybe I do ovulate only a few times in the year and last year my lucky month was May! (funny enough my longest cycle and with no spotting the year before my bfp - just before we started ttc - was in May, how weird).
Last month spotting started a day after my test (* - spotting, # - test on my chart).
I have added a link to my chart, hope it will work.
Your opinions are welcome.
Thank you!
Any BFP out there?

My Ovulation Chart[/URL]
Ah thank you so much that really helps! Are you taking the tablet form?

Your cycle sounds really good! I think I will continue. I have very light periods so hoping it helps those too. Keep us posted!! X

Yes, I take Oregon's Wild Harvest brand (vegetarian capsules, organic, non-gmo), 440mg a day. I forgot to mention, also... last cycle, the Vitex also shortened my period by a day. Along with the spotting before, I usually bleed for six days, then spot for one afterwards. Last cycle, I bled for five, spotted for one after. Much nicer! Hoping it will do the same this time.

AF arrived this morning... which is a bummer, but I'm encouraged by my chart. Temp stayed nice and high until the big drop this morning announcing her arrival :wacko: Usually I have a slower rise (big one this time!) and a slower drop... so I really think the Vitex is doing something positive, despite the lack of a BFP.

Good luck!

I go in for my first appointment on the 9th. Going to have them check my progesterone. Maybe I'll get a BFP for my birthday next month :)

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