Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Hi girls,

Well a turn for the worse for me...went for an ultrasound and I have a big (not sure how big yet) dermoid cyst on my left ovary which is stopping us getting preg and causing spotting. Don't google it, it's gross!!! But apparently not cancerous though I can't see how they know that til they take it out. I'm sick with worry and my next gyno app isn't til may 28th so gonna have to ring pleading to see someone earlier or I'll go out of my mind. The lady also said she wasn't sure if is be able to have kids so I can't eat sleep or anything. Sorry for outpouring but I'm in shock: really thought it was just a hormonal issue :(. Ill have to go private if I can't get seen this week I can't cope xX

Oh Jelly! I'm so sorry you are going through this! :( I am praying that you get in soon and get to the bottom of things. Are they planning on removing the cyst on May 28th (unless you can get in earlier) or would that be even later? I know how you are feeling. When I got my recent abnormal test results I got to my car and cried in the parking lot. Tomorrow is my d&c and I cannot sleep tonight. We will get through this and get our BFPs!
2moms2be - Boo on AF showing up! It sounds like the Vitex is really helping out. Fingers crossed for a birthday BFP for you! :) Let us know how your appt goes. The hysteroscopy is where they insert a camera and look at your uterine lining. It was a little painful, but the HSG was way worse.

DrCo - So you still got a pos OPK and did not ovulate? I always thought that if a surge is detected that you always ovulated?

plsBpositive - Thinking if you. Let us know how your blood work goes.

Greenleaf - Any update on the spotting with taking the royal jelly? Good luck with your upcoming appt. Let us know how it goes.

AFM, going in for my d&c tomorrow morning to remove polyps. Kinda nervous about it. Met with my doctor last Friday to go over results so far and I also have low testosterone. I will be adding a supplement to my existing cocktail. I am taking so many pills each day!

Baby dust to all of you wonderful ladies! Take care!
Jelly: So sorry you have to go through this but things may turn for the better after you had it removed. Getting rid of one obstacle at a time will bring you closer to the finish line :hugs:

Baileylove: How did your d&c go? Hope everything went well and you're on the road to recovery and BFP! :hugs: This month spotting started 4 days before AF which is an improvement from the previous 6-8 days. It also has less brown gunky stuff (sorry tmi).

I just started taking some chinese herb concoction (G99). My mom said her friend's daughter had ovarian cyst and had a m/c. She was scheduled for surgery to remove the cyst but her mother bought her this chinese herb concoction and she took it for a few months. By the time she went for her surgery, the doctors said the cyst had shrunk so much that she didn't need surgery. And then she got pregnant! So mom bought for me to try. It cost a bomb though!

They have a website but it's in chinese. Maybe you can google translate it?
Sorry to cut in, just stumbled across this thread. I had disgusting spotting for 2 weeks, every 2 weeks. After I stopped BCP it started a couple of days before AF, AF was light, then spotting for a few more days. It got progressively worse until I was spotting as much time as I was not spotting, and AF was pathetic. I had a pelvic ultrasound, HSG, hysteroscopy, endometrial biopsy, and a laparoscopy (over the course of 4 years of testing) and all kinds of blood tests. Everything was normal except they did find some Endo and cut it out, though it wasn't on any of my reproductive organs, and my body continued on spotting as though I hadn't had the surgery at all.

I saw a specialist last October who mentioned (in passing!!) that with Endo there's often inflammation. Well, I thought to myself I can try an anti-inflammatory diet. I cut out all processed foods, soy, and gluten. I started taking ginger root as it's a powerful anti-inflammatory. I started mid-cycle and my spotting stopped that same cycle. That was my incentive as not having junk food or bread has been HARD!

4th cycle after that I got pregnant.
Lilaala: That sounds interesting! I need to give that a go after my surgery! Your AF sounds like mine. Did they ever mention the thickness of your lining?X

I don't recall them saying anything except that it was normal, on the pelvic ultrasound, the hysteroscopy, and the endometrial biopsy, all normal. :flower:

May your recovery be swift and painless! Mine wasn't bad just had to find a comfortable position because with the laparoscopy they fill you with air so they can see, the pain meds take care of the surgical discomfort, but the physical discomfort of the residual air (they can't get all of it out, has to dissipate on it's own) causes shoulder pain. For me lying on my side on the couch with a pillow under my ribs and another under my head was perfect. So long as I stayed like that I felt fine just a bit weak. I hope yours is at least as comfortable! :flower:
Baileylove: blood work shows I ovulated. Too bad it wasn't bfp last cycle. Now I'm on CD 6 of round 2 of clomid at same dosage. Clomid did help with my spotting. During the course of clomid, I did not have any mid cycle spotting but it shortened my period to 2 days.

Also, I did an ultrasound at CD5 and found out I had PCOS. That would explain the spotting for a week before period and low progesterone.
Hi everyone,

I thought I would come on here and see how everyone is doing and I'm really sad to see that noone has got their BFP yet. Its so disheartening and I really hope we get some goods news soon. Jelly, it sounds positive that they have found a potential cause for your spotting. I hope they manage to sort it for you and that you get your BFP soon.

As for me, our appeal hearing for our NHS funding happened mid-April. The CCG wrote to our consultant in reply to the appeal he had written and we were copied in. They said what date the appeal meeting would take place and they also said that we would hear back between 5 to 10 working days after the appeal. Well it took much longer than 10 working days, even taking the bank holidays into account. I rang up to enquire as to when we found out and the woman on the phone told me she would call me back and when she did she told me that they hadn't even sent out the letter till the 2nd May and she was very nice to me when she called me back which instantly made me realise that it was going to be bad news and it was.

Basically my consultant wrote to them to say that he thinks that my fallopian tubes are diseased but they continue to refuse to fund our treatment on the basis that there is no proof that diseased tubes are whats causing our infertility - but surely you could argue that is the case for other leading cause for infertility? Take someone who has PCOS or endometriosis for example? If they had a diagnosis of that I can't see how they would be refused funding so how is my case any different?

Their interpretation is that I am not considered infertile until we have been trying for 3 years (not 2 as per the NICE guidance). Had I not got pregnant in December 2011 (and lost it) then I wouldn't be in this position and the funding would have been approved. If I was less than a year older than I am now (i.e. 35) they would also have approved the funding because I would only have had to wait for 2 years if aged 35 and over.

So I have now basically given up with the NHS. We originally started trying when I was 30 (about 2 months away from when I turned 31) and I am now 34. Time is precious and in hindsight I wish I had never even bothered with the NHS. I also wish I had never even told my GP when I had got pregnant because all that has happened is that they have used that pregnancy against me. Losing a baby is hard enough - but to have it used against you when you need funding for fertility treatment is callous in the extreme.

I am writing to my MP next, although I know it won't make any difference as far as my individual case is concerned. When I look back at when I went to the GP countess times in the early days TTC because I was spotting 2-3 weeks of every month and they told me I was worrying over nothing - it makes me so angry!

We are going private now but it will cost us every penny we have and more.

And to make things worse I have started spotting today! :(

All those doctors who say spotting is normal are complete idiots. Good luck everyone and I hope with all my heart that someone on here gets a bfp soon.
Hi, I am very sorry to hear that. I am booked for mini ivf next cycle as I found out I have diminished ovarian reserve, so there is no time to waist even though I'm just 28. I'm not eligible on the Nhs either but I am having it abroad and it is going to cost me £1200 at most. Going to the Czech Republic where I originally come from, so I know I can trust the clinics there. They have better results than the uk ones and are much cheaper. Mini ivf in the uk costs around £5000. If u want any more info just send me a private message. Hope all goes well for you.

Hi everyone,

I thought I would come on here and see how everyone is doing and I'm really sad to see that noone has got their BFP yet. Its so disheartening and I really hope we get some goods news soon. Jelly, it sounds positive that they have found a potential cause for your spotting. I hope they manage to sort it for you and that you get your BFP soon.

As for me, our appeal hearing for our NHS funding happened mid-April. The CCG wrote to our consultant in reply to the appeal he had written and we were copied in. They said what date the appeal meeting would take place and they also said that we would hear back between 5 to 10 working days after the appeal. Well it took much longer than 10 working days, even taking the bank holidays into account. I rang up to enquire as to when we found out and the woman on the phone told me she would call me back and when she did she told me that they hadn't even sent out the letter till the 2nd May and she was very nice to me when she called me back which instantly made me realise that it was going to be bad news and it was.

Basically my consultant wrote to them to say that he thinks that my fallopian tubes are diseased but they continue to refuse to fund our treatment on the basis that there is no proof that diseased tubes are whats causing our infertility - but surely you could argue that is the case for other leading cause for infertility? Take someone who has PCOS or endometriosis for example? If they had a diagnosis of that I can't see how they would be refused funding so how is my case any different?

Their interpretation is that I am not considered infertile until we have been trying for 3 years (not 2 as per the NICE guidance). Had I not got pregnant in December 2011 (and lost it) then I wouldn't be in this position and the funding would have been approved. If I was less than a year older than I am now (i.e. 35) they would also have approved the funding because I would only have had to wait for 2 years if aged 35 and over.

So I have now basically given up with the NHS. We originally started trying when I was 30 (about 2 months away from when I turned 31) and I am now 34. Time is precious and in hindsight I wish I had never even bothered with the NHS. I also wish I had never even told my GP when I had got pregnant because all that has happened is that they have used that pregnancy against me. Losing a baby is hard enough - but to have it used against you when you need funding for fertility treatment is callous in the extreme.

I am writing to my MP next, although I know it won't make any difference as far as my individual case is concerned. When I look back at when I went to the GP countess times in the early days TTC because I was spotting 2-3 weeks of every month and they told me I was worrying over nothing - it makes me so angry!

We are going private now but it will cost us every penny we have and more.

And to make things worse I have started spotting today! :(

All those doctors who say spotting is normal are complete idiots. Good luck everyone and I hope with all my heart that someone on here gets a bfp soon.
Hi everyone,

I've been monitoring this thread for the past few months and wanted to read through the entire thing before I decided to post. Like everyone on here, I am also a spotter and this thread has helped boost my confidence that you can still spot and get a BFP.

I recently started spotting beofre AF after I got off birth control in December 2013. I have been on and off BC for approx. 12 years and never had a problem with spotting until now. I have been to the OBGYN and she said it's probably just my cycle trying to regulate itself, but it's been over 6 months and there is no change in the spotting. I spot anywhere from 3 - 5 days before AF and I have a very short period of about 2 days. I also temp and I have a very slow BBT rise after ovulation (3-4 days) with low temps after O ranging from 97.5 to 97.8 F.

I think I may have had a chemical pregnancy in January because I got a light BFP with spotting at 9 DPO, but the when I retested a few days later it got lighter and lighter and then AF arrived.

I'm in my second month of taking vitamins B-6, D, and zinc and it doesn't seem to be helping. I'm thinking of trying progesterone cream next cycle to see if that helps.

I'm starting to get really discouraged that the spotting and low BBT is keeping me from getting pregnant. I know you ladies are all going through the same thing and know how frustrating it is. I'm glad I found this forum as a source of support.

Best of luck to all of you in your TTC journeys! :flower:
Hi ladies

I've been stalking this thread for the last few months and now feel brave enough to actually write something as it may give others hope.

I was on the pill for 10 yrs before finally coming off it 4 yrs ago in preparation for eventually TTC. Me and DH started trying six months ago and I was so worried it just wouldn't happen because of my weird cycles. Basically since coming off the pill I have spotting for about a week (starts off v light brown then goes red/black) before my period goes full flow for another five days or so. So basically I was bleeding for 12 days inc spotting. Even before I started using OPKs I thought this can't be normal! So then I started OPKs and found my spotting starts 8 days after ovulation, not great for implantation I thought.:nope:

So anyway, we decided to keep trying and that next month I would go see my GP about these crazy long cycles and short luteal phase. In the end I didn't have to as this month I got a BFP 12dpo. :happydance:

The weird thing is I totally thought I was out this month as the light brown spotting had started 8dpo like clockwork. However unlike other months it stayed super light ( barely there when I wiped with TP and not enough to even touch a pad). Then I started feeling dizzy at about 10dpo and I knew something was off. I took the pregnancy test fully expecting it to be negative however to my shock I got a BFP on a clearblue digital. Today at 15dpo I am still getting positives. Light brown spotting is still here but retreating slowing and v v light. I have no cramps or pain at all. I know it is still v early days and I could still go on to miscarry however the point is I have gotten pregnant and spotting has not got in the way of that.

Hope this is helpful to anyone worrying that spotting will stop you getting pg. GL to everyone and thanks to all who have posted advice on here, it gave me hope.
Hi ladies

I've been stalking this thread for the last few months and now feel brave enough to actually write something as it may give others hope.

I was on the pill for 10 yrs before finally coming off it 4 yrs ago in preparation for eventually TTC. Me and DH started trying six months ago and I was so worried it just wouldn't happen because of my weird cycles. Basically since coming off the pill I have spotting for about a week (starts off v light brown then goes red/black) before my period goes full flow for another five days or so. So basically I was bleeding for 12 days inc spotting. Even before I started using OPKs I thought this can't be normal! So then I started OPKs and found my spotting starts 8 days after ovulation, not great for implantation I thought.:nope:

So anyway, we decided to keep trying and that next month I would go see my GP about these crazy long cycles and short luteal phase. In the end I didn't have to as this month I got a BFP 12dpo. :happydance:

The weird thing is I totally thought I was out this month as the light brown spotting had started 8dpo like clockwork. However unlike other months it stayed super light ( barely there when I wiped with TP and not enough to even touch a pad). Then I started feeling dizzy at about 10dpo and I knew something was off. I took the pregnancy test fully expecting it to be negative however to my shock I got a BFP on a clearblue digital. Today at 15dpo I am still getting positives. Light brown spotting is still here but retreating slowing and v v light. I have no cramps or pain at all. I know it is still v early days and I could still go on to miscarry however the point is I have gotten pregnant and spotting has not got in the way of that.

Hope this is helpful to anyone worrying that spotting will stop you getting pg. GL to everyone and thanks to all who have posted advice on here, it gave me hope.

Glad to see another fellow spotter has got a BFP! Congrats!!!
Sad to see the thread's gone stale girls :sad1: Hope you're all doing ok. Any more BFP's we should know about? I got my BFP #2 this morning, still in shock, only 4 months TTC this time! x
Congratulations MrsP that is very encouraging. Well after several years trying we got fed up of being strung along by the NHS and decided to pay for our own ?IVF treatment. They actually wanted me to wait another year??!!! (they really have no idea what it feels like on a day to day basis it has been hell). Anyway I responded well to the treatment and we ended up with 8 blastocysts. 4 were good enough to freeze and I had one put back on Monday do now I'm in the dreaded two week wait dreading every visit to the bathroom. Since having my treatment I did find out I have a slightly below average egg reserve for my age (but my Dr said this would not have caused our infertility) - they got 14 eggs after egg collection so that must prove that. I also found out I have mild pcos - I'm of slight build but even so I have been saying all along I think I have it because I've got very greasy skin and always have a spot or two. I'm using Crinone as my progesterone support. If this cycle doesn't work then we are having 2 frozen embies put back and hope to get this done before Christmas (after a holiday!) and if that doesn't work then fingers crossed we will get our NHS treatment in the new year x
Hi bun! Sorry you've not had much luck with the nhs Hun, but great you're PUPO! Artesting at all before the 2 weeks? I know they say not to... Fingers crossed for you Hun :dust: x
Thanks Mrs P. No I'm not tempted to test early - I'm dreading it! Really glad to see you got pregnant after only 4 months this time x

P.s I hope you don't mind me asking but do you still get the spotting and did you have any before you got your BFP this time?
No of course I don't mind. My spotting pretty much stopped just before my last BFP, the last couple of clomid rounds. And since having P I didn't really spot, maybe a day or a few hours before AF :thumbup: x
Thanks Chloe :)

Mrs P that's really good that you don't get the spotting anymore. I think the fact that you got pregnant so quickly when you didn't have the spotting anymore proves that the spotting is linked to difficulty getting pregnant. I did get pregnant 3 years ago (sadly ended in MC) and that was after I had a vast improvement in my spotting two months before and yet I've lost count of the times that doctors have said that the spotting isn't relevant.

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