Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Hi Yum, to tell you the truth the spotting was horrid. Its usually a gradual decline from beige through to dark brown and tarry, but this time it went straight to yucky brown. I hope the diet works but I'm not getting my hopes up. Anyway, I'm only on day 2 and I've already had a lapse; I had a piece of shortbread and it was yummy xxx

Islandgirl, I had the same problem (I ov on day 16/17) but like you I got my progesterone checked on 7DPO xxx
Thanks girls! That's what I thought.

Yum - He didn't get into detail. He's not my doc...yet, so I didn't want to keep him on the phone but he said something about it being an "old" test and it's only done on one day which wouldn't show the whole picture. He said that I should be given prog. supplement since he suspects a LPD.
Hi ladies :hi: I come back with good news! DH SA results came back fine, in fact they were pretty good, the only thing I'm not convinced about is the morphology as ive seen conflicting info on what is normal.... I'm at work so don't have the results with me but when I get the chance I'll post them. The really amazing thing was I asked the Dr about me and if its still 16months & he said no, because I'm 30 I can get checked NOW!! I'm not sure what to do as I'm happy to leave it a couple more months & see if the spotting subsides, or should I get checked now?! :shrug: x x
hs- that sounds bad :( hope its a gud sign of heeling ! i can never stick to diets !

ig- ohk.. do u chart or use opk ? may b the prog suppli wud help incase of lpd !

mrspttc- that's gr8 news ! u worried 4r nothing :) i can't tell u wat to do but if u r happy just give it some time..wat does it mean by checking it out ? u had all the tests done, right ?
Hi Yum, no I've had no tests done myself. In the UK your doctor won't refer until you've been trying so many months. I was originally told 16 months by another doctor as I think she was a bit out of touch, but last night was told anytime :happydance: I've not had my spotting checked out yet as its not as bad as you ladies, and it seems to change every month depending on the vits/herbs I've been taking. Now I've stopped the AC I'm hoping it'll make a difference x
Almost forgot, I did get my thyroid checked which was fine x
MrsPTTC - That's great news! I'm sure it was such a relief to hear it. At least you can scratch that off your list. As for getting checked out, it's up to you but I have to admit I'm not a very patient person (as DH likes to remind me ;))

yum - Yes I use OPK's and only started charting the last 2 months but not every day. Although it appears I do ovulate since I get a temp. rise. Last month temps started slowly falling when the spotting started. This month the are still up. I guess it's not an exact science and I usually get up to pee at least once.
Hi all
Well, I'm back from my anniversary trip away - although I didn't really 'switch off' from the whole TTC thing!
I got my smiley face on Thursday AM and then got more EWCM as late as Saturday night, so we BD Weds, Thurs and Sat early afternoon ;-). Sadly, from Sunday night I started to get my light beige spotting, and today (a paltry 6 dpo) it's turned darker and there's more of it. I reckon AF will show her face on Saturday - 8 dpo. So, my conclusion is that Clomid at 50mg is making no difference to my O date, luteal phase or spotting! I put a call in to the Unit earlier and am waiting for a callback to see whether they're happy increasing my dose to 100mg.

I hope everyone else is feeling more positive about their own situation than I am right now!

Sorry to be moody and not ask you guys about yourselves... just run out of energy to type :-(

Hi Ladies,
Nell mentioned this thread so I thought I'd hop on... Like most of you, I also suffer from spotting 7 days before AF... TMI: starts very light almost beige, then gets darker brown until light red before AF. I just started spotting in Jan when my husband and I started TTC... I though it may be stress but it continued so I went to an RE this month. I got an ultrasound and a few blood tests with an HSG and He said I had DOR. Diminished Ovarian Reserve. AMH=0.38. I am so devastated.. Ultrasound showed only 3 eggs on left and 8 on right and my HSG revealed my left tube is blocked ( I had surgery for a cyst years ago on that side). My husband is in total denial of the situation and thinks we will still be able to get pregannt naturally....since the doc said my right side looks fine---good egg count, clean tube. I'm just so upset... but at least with you ladies, I don't feel as alone anymore. :nope:
Hi Curiouscat - glad you dropped in. I wish there was a similar group to this for DOR, but i've not found one. No matter, you qualify for here with the spotting ;)

Happyshopper - so sorry the spotting was so bad for you when it arrived.

MrsPttc - Yay for the SA being all good! I can't really say whether you ahould jump into tests tbh, though in my mind better to jump in too early than too late IYSWIM as sometimes it can take months on the NHS and so better to start while still patient! I'm not a patient person and whilst I don't like what my tests revealed i figure it's better i know now rather than 2 years down the line.

MrsHY - so sorry the clomid did diddly-squat for you. Hope the FS agrees to up the dose for this cycle.

AFM well it's official no spotting at all last cycle with the crinone post my hysteroscopy - I know I told you that but I have to celebrate still. AF had also been different, more crampy (usually only get cramps with my spotting) and crazy heavy, also lasted 5 days and is normally 2 or 3. I'm not temping this cycle and enjoying the break from that tbh.

Babydust for all!
Welcome curiouscat6. Sorry to hear about your situation. But as you said you the right ovary looks good and plenty of women get pregnant with only one. The journey to TTC is not an easy one. It's difficult on us and our partners. I'm pretty sure my DH is tired of me talking about this. I haven't told anyone else we are TTC so he gets to hear it all. Lucky guy ;)

Nell - Glad the crinone helped. I get the feeling I'll be on it soon.

MrsHY - Hope the next round of clomid is more successful.

AFM I'm just wondering if any of you have spotting of 4-5 days and then it stops for a day and then AF starts up. My spotting has been doing this the last few cycles. It's like my body figures out it shouldn't be spotting and decides to stop. Not even a drop.
Hi guys
Nell - enjoy the break from temping! I didn't temp this cycle although now I wish I had, because I'd like to know definitely when I ovulated. Because - Islandgirl - I'm in the same boat as you - my spotting which started at 3-4 dpo on this Clomid assisted cycle has now dried up (sorry!) today at 7dpo. I'd love to think that this is an indication that an egg has implanted and I'm actually up the duff, but when I cast my mind back to my previous 3 cycles I was always given a day or so of respite from the spotting and then it would come back again in earnest. AGH!
I guess I'll just have to wait to see what the weekend brings..!
hello all,

curiouscat- welcome dear ! sorry to hear abt ur situation..on the bright side, u have a gud right ov,eggs & tube & thats all a woman need :)

nell- r u continuing with prog this cycle too ! any new changes this cycle ? njoy the brk !

mrshy- hope that's ib ! fx 4r ya ! ssbd !

ig- mine doesn't do that !

AFM, i had beige cm on tue nite & nothin till wed nite & strd spotting 4rm y'day..i don't have cramps or irri i generally do..i'm guessing its b/c of natu pro cream..i hope i get af on sat.accr to my opk i shud get af on sat( prvs 5 cycles ) but my temp rise & ff says tue..if ff is right then it'll b a week of spotting :(

i have a quest, ladies - do i need to stop using the cream to get af ? did u guys use the natural pro cream even wen spotting ? i'm confused ??? help me out here ! i've been using even wen spotting now but..
Thanks ladies, I'm going to see how this month goes. I'm back to temping again, just until ovulation anyway as I'd like to be armed with my evidence when I go back to the doctor, and just for peace of mind that I am ovulating each month. It'll also give me a more accurate way to calculate my LP as some cycles I ovulate the day after my +OPK, sometimes 2 days after, and last month was 3! If the spotting is still there this month & I get no BFP then I'm off to the docs. As you ladies say, better to know now than further down the line, and I should count myself lucky my doc has been so great about referring me...
RE my hubby SA results. The morphology came back as 6% and says normal is 4 or over, however I've found some websites that say 30% or 40% are normal :shrug: but everything else is great, I'm just not convinced on his morphology but they are the experts!! x
Hi ladies,

I'm still in shock but I tested today and I got a BFP!? I'm a bit concerned since I spotted for 3 1/2 days, starting on 9dpo. It stopped on 12dpo and nothing since. I even had cramps and the spotting was red (fresh blood). I've had spotting start and stop before AF so I'm pretty shocked. I had IB with my son but it was 4dpo and was only brown for 2 days. I only tested since I'm due today, nauseated, tired and I have a strange taste in my mouth. Last time my breasts were killing me, this time they don't feel any different. I'll let you all know how I get on. Hopefully it's good news! Oh, besides the fact that I'll have to do 3 months of bedrest again and have a cerclage put in. Fun times ;)....but it's worth it :)

yum - Sorry I've never used prog. cream. I only used the supp. once I was pregnant last time due to an incompetent cervix.

MrsPTTC - Unfortunately I don't know much about SA.
Hi ladies,

I'm still in shock but I tested today and I got a BFP!? I'm a bit concerned since I spotted for 3 1/2 days, starting on 9dpo. It stopped on 12dpo and nothing since. I even had cramps and the spotting was red (fresh blood). I've had spotting start and stop before AF so I'm pretty shocked. I had IB with my son but it was 4dpo and was only brown for 2 days. I only tested since I'm due today, nauseated, tired and I have a strange taste in my mouth. Last time my breasts were killing me, this time they don't feel any different. I'll let you all know how I get on. Hopefully it's good news! Oh, besides the fact that I'll have to do 3 months of bedrest again and have a cerclage put in. Fun times ;)....but it's worth it :)

yum - Sorry I've never used prog. cream. I only used the supp. once I was pregnant last time due to an incompetent cervix.

MrsPTTC - Unfortunately I don't know much about SA.

Awesome news!! Congratulations! I've been reading this thread for a while now because of my own spotting and had wondered if it was possible to start spotting and still get pregnant... I am very reassured! Keep us posted!
Thats wonderful news Island Girl, I hope you have a perfect pregnancy. Many congratulations and FX we get a few more :bfp: xxx
Yum, when I took prog cream my AF arrived anyway without stopping the cream. I used the cream when spotting too and it seemed to lessen it but it still carried on so try it and see if it works for you xxx
Well I went to see a doctor on Friday and she seemed pretty concerned about the spotting but she says that it shouldn't affect my fertility . I've been booked it for a swab on Monday and if my cervix is ok she will refer me to a fertility specialist. I also got my progesterone levels back from the other week; they were 69 which is pretty high (over 50 can sustain a pregnancy) so I doubt its a progesterone issue anymore. I will let you knows what happens on Monday xxx
Congratulations Islandgirl!! H&H 9 months!

I've decided I'm gonna get myself referred for tests now,I would rather know sooner than later, and if I wait for AF then I might have to wait another month to have the blood tests on the correct days...A very good friend of mine who was on a TTC journey with me has just got her BFP on month 7, DH and her OH are very good friends and DH said it would be great for us to have a baby around the same time, so gotta get cracking :sex: lol. I'm still yet to get my smiley but it should be any day now...I think I know what's going on with my cycle, the AC was shortening it, and now I'm off it I'm back to my 34ish day cycle hence the later ovulation, I hope it was worth coming off it and the spotting gets better! :thumbup: x
ig- wow that's great news :) have a happy & healthy preg !

hs- thanks 4r the info..i had no idea so i stopped the cream on fri nite & got my af lte nite sat..cramps r mild till now..i think the spotting was light too..i'm nt sure as i was busy & din't pay much attention but def better but no change in length though..its gud news abt pro & my doc said the same that spoting wudn't cause any fert issues..did u get ur cd3 tests done earlier & u/s ? gud luck with the appnt on mon ! fx 4r ya !

mrspttc- its gud decision ! u'll have peace of mind once all is clear ! hope u don't have to get to that & get bfp this cycle :) gud luck with this cycle ! ssbd !

mrshy- any updates ? did u test yet ?
Hi ladies

Islandgirl - CONGRATULATIONS!! That's amazing news and gives us spotters hope that we might experience spotting that turns into a BFP rather than dreaded AF! Have a very happy and healthy nine months!

Yum - glad to hear that the prog cream made a bit of a - will you do it next cycle do you think?

As for me - 9dpo today and no AF yet. Still spotting a beigey-rusty colour but no red blood yet which is unheard of for me at 9dpo (although the day's not over yet!). No cramps or other signs that AF is on her way though. For the last few days I've felt a bit of nausea but not in the morning - later on in the day. But I'm not kidding myself - I refuse to get my hopes up too much! I think Clomid has helped to extend my LP - which is brilliant.

The mind plays all kinds of tricks on you doesn't it. I'm now wondering if I ovulated at all - even though I did get a smiley face OPK and had a bit of EWCM - and that this is a breakthrough bleed. But then I keep reminding myself that I saw my big follice and thick uterine lining on the ultrasound - so it's likely I released an egg and all that lining has got to come out sometime - which would be red and heavy! Sorry TMI!!

Anyway - will see what happens in the next few days - prob won't test until 14 dpo which is next Friday - seems like an AGE away and I'd be amazed if AF stays away until then!!

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