Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Hi guys
Gosh, I'm learning so much about fertility treatment on this thread! Pretty scary though don't you think? For example, I haven't had a HSG - the protocal in my assisted conception unit was bloods, semen analysis, then straight to treatment. I was offered a HSG but my consultant said it was only really advisable if there was a risk I could have previously suffered with a sexually transmitted infection. Mind you, if in 6 months we're still baby-free I will consider having one.

Yum, it's good to hear from you! How are you going?

As for me - I got my smiley OPK today - cd 17 which is the earliest it's ever been. I've also had a lot of EWCM since Sunday which I can't help but think is a good sign. We DTD last night, Tues night and Sunday night. We may miss tonight as I'm out for the evening (but then again I may wake OH up for a quickie when I get back, LOL!). Will also DTD tomorrow night as I suspect I may get a +OPK a good 48 hrs before O (this is the first time I've temped alongside OPKs so that should tell me more).
Here's hoping for a strong, long luteal phase (or ideally, a pregnancy!)

Hi ladies - sorry to butt in but need some advice?

background: 1 ds 4 years, 1 mmc at 10.5 wks (baby died 8+4), bfp both times within 1-2 months. finally bfp in june 2011 - started spotting last week, scan on frday- had baby and hb, now since monday - currently mid miscarrying (6 + 4 weeks)

Am all over the place at the moment - However, i dont feel like i am ready to give up. - seeing a consultant specialist privately on Monday.

My question is that since the last year mmc, my cycles have been "odd", in that i have been spotting for up to 5 days before full af, and af can be really clotty. I have had tests run via gp, even pelvic ultrasound (had fibroid 5 cm when pregnant with my son - this has now gone - they were "shocked" too). all my hormones are perfect levels. i wasn't perimenopausal etc since i had been pregnant recently etc

since feb this year, i have been using a cbfm, i ovulate every month, but the lp seems to shortend by the spotting. SOO, i started taking vitamin b6 the 3 /4 months bfore bfp. the spotting gradually got less, the last cycle before bfp, had no spotting and "perfect" 28 day cycle - 4 weeks later BFP.

M/w and gp told me to stop the b6, which i was relucatnt to, so i started every other day and then stopped - spotting started ??? conincidence?

I just don't know what to think, but i feel frustrated cos i really feel that there is something "not quite right" here

?? anyone got any suggestions?? thanks
Hi and welcome (please ignore my random thanks I meant to click 'reply' but thanks for joing us in any case!)

Firstly I am really sorry to hear of your repeated losses :hugs:

Spotting seems fairly common to start post hormonal changes, typically post BCP, miscarriage or birth/breastfeeding so my gut feel if I were you would still be that the spotting is hormones, especially as you've had pelvic checks to rule out physical problems.

Are you in the UK? I would suggest repeating your hormone bloods, one cycle check doesn't always pick things up.
Your day 3 FSH needs to be checked in combination with Estradiol if it hasn't already and ideally your progesterone should be checked more than at 7dpo, but instead in a 3 or 5 day profile (7dpo is a 'moment' in time blood test, typically it should be the peak but your progesterone could peak and trough so a longer profile gives a clearer picture).
You could also have your vitamin B levels checked too - which would give you a firmer answer re the B6?

In any case after repeated miscarriages I would be asking for luteal phase support progesterone for a next pregnancy if you haven't already been given that *just in case* as it won't do any harm.

I hope you don't mind me adding that it could all boil down to age unfortunately and just conicided with the m/c last year. The older we get the fewer good eggs we have, ovulation of a 'poor' egg will often result in a poor or degraded quality corpus luteum, that then doesn't sustain progesterone in the LP hence spotting - but obviously you still have some better quality eggs, that might explain why you are having the odd spot free cycle and obviously pg too for you? . Similarly once we turn 40 typically 50% of embryos will have aneuploidy resulting in loss.

Good luck with the consult, do let us know how it goes and if you get some answers?
MrsHy - yep sorry I do tend to pour out all in this thread and then forget it's meant ot be about the spotting :wacko: hope you caught that eggy this cycle - did the extra clomid give you any issues or has it suited you better do you think with the lots of ewcm? Are your clinic still monitoring you this cycle so you can see if it looks better lining/follicle size wise than last month?
FX the 100mg did the trick for you :flower:
Welcome Whyme. I'm with Nell, I would get hormone levels tested again and maybe an ultrasound. Let us know how your appointment goes on Monday.

MrsHY - Sounds promising. FX. I'm hoping you have a good outcome as it looks like I'll be taking clomid in the near future. Are they monitoring you?

HS - Glad the procedure went well.

AFM I got a cancellation appt. with morning with the FS :) Good thing as we leave on holiday soon. He pretty much confirmed the PCOS diagnosis but I will have another blood test done when I'm back. I'll also have an HSG and DH will have a SA. Next step is clomid. He thinks b/c I'm 35 I don't have much time left :( even though I've gotten pregnant twice on my own. He said the progesterone won't get me pregnant but the clomid will help. He'd give me progesterone once I am pregnant to help sustain the pregnancy. I've heard conflicting info on this. Most say it's more effective to take progesterone while you are TTC. I don't want to jump into clomid but I don't know if I have any other choice with all my issues.
It took over two years and four doctors before I FINALLY got a Low Progesterone diagnosis based on my spotting. It got worse and worse over time and got to the point where I would have two full weeks of spotting with a super short and super light less than one day long AF. Since the spotting started at 8 or 9 DPO my CD 21 bloods showed my levels were fine.

I had a Laparoscopy, they found Endo everywhere EXCEPT my reproductive organs, removed all of it, and the spotting didn't change in the slightest. That Gyno told me to call him when I wanted IVF and left me to rot in the meantime.

This last cycle I was given Prometrium (a brand of progesterone), to take twice a day, 100mg each. I have had NO spotting, for the first time in two and a half years I have had more than two weeks without bleeding of any kind!
nell & mrshy- i'm gud ! thanks 4r asking..having a real confusing cycle..last cycle my spotting was less but not in length..used natural pro cream..

mrshy- hope u caught the eggy ! fx 4r ya !

hs- glad the test went gud ! hope ur issues r fixed !

ig- thats gud u got an appnt..i don't understand ??? the reason for prog is to support preg & so strt using after o..why does he wanna wait till u get bfp ? doesn't make sense to me ! try nt to wrry aby age..most of us r in the same boat ! if its meant to be,it'll happen no matter how wise v get !

whyme- so sorry abt the losses ! bigg huggs ! welcome to the thread ! i'm with nell on this one !

lilaala- welcome & thanks 4r the info ! yaaay to no spotting :) hope u get bfp real did u convince them finally ? didu get any tests done other than day21 ? sometimes i wish i could walk in to drug store & just buy the *** prog & strt using it..huh !
i'm tired of spotting 5/6 days b4r af & sometimes after bd in second half of cycle..i feel like i dont enjoy intimacy anymore :(

takecare ladies
Island girl - it's good you got a confirmed diagnosis. What your FS has said about the clomid makes sense to me, I've read good things about it for PCOS patients.
The clomid should strengthen your O, better egg= better corpus luteum= less LP spotting.

I've had no spotting at all on my progesterone supplements but I think it just masks the symptom, the spotting. I don't think it will help get me pg, it's the follicular phase that needs a boost for that I reckon.
First of all, sorry to hear everyone is having such a hard time lately, it's really hard to get through this. At least we're all here for each other, right? :thumbup:

Cosmo- I've just switched from a Women's One a Day to one B50 Complex and an Omega 3. Just wondering if you ever had fertility/hormone tests done for the spotting?

My Dr. did a CD3 blood test back in April for the spotting, everything came out "completely normal" so he told me at that time to just keep trying + not to worry about it (yeah, right). I was a little confused what exactly he was hoping to see at CD3 since my spotting/issues arise ONLY in the TWW, I'm completely normal for the first half of my cycle. o_O ...I plan to go back again during my "spotting" phase if it happens again next month *fingers crossed it doesn't come to that*

My AF came on Wednesday, which begs ANOTHER question for you ladies, I've been used the ticker since I started here, so I've been trying my cycles much more closely. Today I noticed this odd event of my cycles getting shorter and shorter:

Jun. 7, 2011 Jun. 22, 2011 [CD 16] 29 days
May 7, 2011 May 24, 2011 [CD 18] 31 days
Apr. 2, 2011 Apr. 22, 2011 [CD 21] 35 days

I had my first cycle in January after the MC and it was (I think) 42 days, it seems I've been losing 2/3 days a cycle every since then. Before my MC and after getting off the pill, my cycles were 35 days on the spot, so this is making me even more confused! Anyone have this going on as well?
MrsHy - yep sorry I do tend to pour out all in this thread and then forget it's meant ot be about the spotting :wacko: hope you caught that eggy this cycle - did the extra clomid give you any issues or has it suited you better do you think with the lots of ewcm? Are your clinic still monitoring you this cycle so you can see if it looks better lining/follicle size wise than last month?
FX the 100mg did the trick for you :flower:

Hi Nell

I think the 100mg dose has really worked much better for me - I have ovulated earlier and I think it's a 'strong' ovulation as I have had achy pains in both sides since Sunday! No side-effects to report at all and yes, nice quantity of EWCM too.

The clinic don't know I upped my own dose :nope: so I've gone without monitoring this cycle - which I know is a risk, but it was a calculated risk based on the fact that on 50mg, my lining was good and I only had the one dominant follicle. I had a word with one of the nurses who did my last ultrasound during cycle one and she said that the chances of doubling the dose leading to more than 4 dominants was pretty low. So hopefully risk of multiples low (but can't help thinking I'm ovulating from both ovaries this cycle given aches on both sides).

I'm going to see a private GP on Monday that I've already had a phone consult with and am going to ask her to prescribe another 5 cycles worth at 100mg. If she's at all worried then I'm going to offer to have follicle tracking done privately - there are several ultrasound centres in London that do this at a reasonable cost.

Really hope it's done the trick too - have DTD every night since Tues and OH is worn out - he's back 'on the job' tonight again too, LOL!
MrsHY- I have my FX for you! I only know one person who had twins on clomid, the other two only had one baby. I'm still on the fence on what I should do but I'm leaning towards taking the clomid after all my tests. Sounds like it's working for you.

Cosmo - Maybe it's a good thing that your cycles are shorter. I know pregnancy can change your cycles, usually for the better.

Yum - If I do take the clomid and nothing happens or the spotting continues while on it then I'm going to ask for the progesterone for after ovulation. A good friend of mine took only clomid and had 2 mc's. On the last round she asked for prog. and he gave it to her reluctantly and got pregnant and no mc. I don't think it's a coincidence.

Lilala - I would love to have no spotting. That's awesome news :)

I'm off on holidays after the weekend and I'll have limited access to a computer. Sending lots of luck your way!
I hope everyone is ok.
Cosmos .... I would ask the doctor for a CD21 test (or 7DPO) to check your progesterone levels but at least you know your fsh levels are ok. I don't know why your follicular phase has shortened but your luteal phase has stayed the same (well sort of) so I think it should be ok xxx
MrsHY, its great that upping clomid seems to have improved your ovulation. FX it will be second time lucky xxx
Well I'm spotting and have done since the day after the cauterisation so I'm not sure if its my usual spotting. It looks the same but its like when its 3/4 days in. Anyway it says I can bleed for 2/3 weeks and I should refrain from sex and swimming until a week after the bleeding has stopped. The doctor never mentioned anything like this so I'm not best pleased, especially with my holidays coming up. It stings a little too.I knew I spoke too soon xxx
Thanks for your replies ladies. I am a (hospital laboratory) scientist myself, so i fully appreciate the age factor etc, but then have also seen so many very young ladies have repeatedly high risk pregnancies - Down's syndrome etc. Sometimes, the extra knowledge can be a detrimental, when you are a patient yourself!

I am just bugged that something is not right hormonally, and the spotting defo shortens the lp. The FS may not be able to do anything, but i just need his advice, ahead of trying again, which i defo feel we will - i'm not ready to give up yet and live with "what if" further down the line. Keep you posted with the outcome, although i am not hopeful, he will say anything more than bad luck/stress, the usual lol
Hi all

How is everyone today?

Happyshopper - are you still spotting? When is it that you go on your hols? Fxed it will clear up...

Update from me - I definitely ovulated at some point on Friday (got my smiley face on Thurs) as I had my temp rise on Saturday morning. We did DTD on the Thursday night after all, so I've got everything crossed that we catch the egg.

Saw a private GP this evening who is happy to prescribe me more Clomid at 100mg - she's given me two more cycles at 100mg then we'll review - with a view to prescribing three more (the hospital were always a bit funny about increasing my dose as I was ovulating anyway - REALLY late though, so I didn't fit into one of their protocols). I have agreed that next cycle I'll have follicle tracking to make sure I've not developed loads of dominant follicles, so am going to a private centre in London.

Am also going to have a 7dpo progesterone test - the first time I've been offered one - to assess whether I could also benefit from progesterone tabs (reckon I can given my naturally short LP and spotting).

So am feeling pretty positive right now :)
Hi MrsHY, its great that things are starting to look up for you. Is private healthcare expensive? I would like to get things moving but NHS works at a snails pace. FX this is your lucky month xxx
Well I'm down in the dumps. My spotting is just going on and on and now I'm pretty sure that the cauterisation isn't the cause of it. I felt like jacking it all in today but I feel a bit better this evening. Why does our bodies do this to us? We should be on the same team xxx
Hi ladies, just popping in to say Hi.

Miscarriage is physically now over, after - but feeling optimistic after seeing a FS privately this evening. He was amazing - gave us a list of investigations to consider - thrombophilia screen, chromasomes and biospsy for NK cells. I asked him about progesterone and showed him the info re my cyles (i have spotted for five days before AF, since mmc last year), he explained that the lh/fsh ratio is the important issue and suggested that i have this measured at day 2-6 f my next cycle. He said that two subsequent mc isn't down to "bad luck" and quite often is down to clotting - he also suggested taking 150 mg of aspirin from cd 14 until week 13 if bfp. He has also written to my gp, to get as much of the blood tests done with them, ie free of charge, if possible. He says after 42, chance of successful pregnancy (after 3 mc) is still 60%, so after 2 mine, and as am slightly younger would be higher than that. He was interested in the vit b6 i have been taking to help with spotting and told me to continue. He then gave me a u/s to check status of uterus - there is till more lining/clots to come, but said no need for d&c, phew! but he recommended not trying ttc until next af (should be 4-6 weeks).

Feeling alot more positive and not ready to give up just yet x
hello ladies,
mrshy- thats gud progress ! wish this is ur lucky mnth :) fx 4r u !

hs- sorry abt the spotting witch..hope its gone by now ! i'm with ya abt our bodies wrkin the way they r supposed to be ! hopefully ur prob is solved 4rm cauterisation ! ur ticker shows cd31..wen is af due ?

whyme- thinking positive..thats the way to go ! ppl with thrombophilia have clots forming ! hope its nothing & all is normal. gud luck with everything !
Saw a private GP this evening who is happy to prescribe me more Clomid at 100mg - she's given me two more cycles at 100mg then we'll review - with a view to prescribing three more (the hospital were always a bit funny about increasing my dose as I was ovulating anyway - REALLY late though, so I didn't fit into one of their protocols).

Whoa, that's really great your doctor is so agreeing! Mine was private too and she wouldn't give me no Clomid unless I brought her HSG and SA results (and for those I would have to pay myself) even though we have no reason to suspect there would be any problems there (I never had any STD or any abdominal surgery). Some time later this month I'm planning to try public health service here, find out if they can help with anything at all. At least I would like to have my HSG and SA covered if I really need them. But I doubt I'll want to go back to my private doctor again, will have to find one that knows more about PCOS. I thought she was competent and nice when I was on the pill and only need check-ups, but turned out pretty disappointing when I needed help with my problems.
Well the wicker witch got me today and its a stinker. Oh well, I guess I will have to wait until next month to see if I will see an improvement. I'm looking forward to my holidays and taking my mind off all this xxx
Well the wicker witch got me today and its a stinker. Oh well, I guess I will have to wait until next month to see if I will see an improvement. I'm looking forward to my holidays and taking my mind off all this xxx

Have a brilliant holiday xx :flower:

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