Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Thanks happyshopper :flower: The spotting is a bit different to previous months, more like the end of AF rather than the bitty stuff I normally get. Negative test again today, temps not too bad. Don't think its my month, but you never know until the fat :witch: sings lol x

That's the spirit! It ain't over til it's over. Will keep everything crossed that this is your month.

As for me, I had some EWCM this morning! On cd13! NEVER have I seen it so early! No smiley face on my OPK but will keep testing every morning. Really hope O is on it's way - if so then I know that 100mg of Clomid is at least bringing O forward signficantly.

BFN's & massive temp drop today :sad1:, just waiting for the :witch: to arrive, at least I've managed a 12 day LP though the spotting is worse. It's still different to the previous spotting, so I guess I feel more normal than when I was on the AC. So glad ive got my FS appointment in 9 days! (not that I'm counting lol) x
BFN's & massive temp drop today :sad1:, just waiting for the :witch: to arrive, at least I've managed a 12 day LP though the spotting is worse. It's still different to the previous spotting, so I guess I feel more normal than when I was on the AC. So glad ive got my FS appointment in 9 days! (not that I'm counting lol) x

It ain't over til it's over... I've seen charts before where there's a temp drop and then it picks back up again. But like you say - even if AF is round the corner then let's look on the bright side - that's a good LP and hopefully your fertility consultant will be able to reassure you further/give you some good advice/treatment.
MrsPTTC - Glad to hear you've managed a 12 day LP without spotting. Good luck on the appt.! I hope you get some answers.

MrsHY - Cycle sounds promising. FX.

AFM I went to see my doctor today. She has now referred me to a FS. However we are away for the next 5 weeks so it will be awhile before I get in to see him. On a brighter note she said we could start TTC right away since my hcg levels are back down and I had no complications from a natural miscarriage. Not sure how this cycle will go though since it can be a bit messed up after a miscarriage. She didn't prescribe any prog. as I was hoping since my levels at 7 dpo were fine but I get the feeling the FS will so I guess I'll just have to wait.
Thanks but she is here :growlmad: I thought I was in with a chance as I used the softcups, but I'll use them again. Thanks Islandgrl but its not a spot free LP, just a 12 day LP which I'm relieved at as I've had a few 11 day LP's. The spotting started 10DPO :dohh: x
MrsHy - Hope the ewcm is a good sign for an early O for you

MrsPTTC - sorry the horrid witch found you

Islandgirl - Good to hear you got a referral.

AFM - Just finished my first IVF cycle, whilst the injections weren't too bad the emotional stress and cost of it really hurt. I suppose we're back to natural cycles now until we're allowed/ready to try another.
Unfortunately it all went rather badly, and looking back seems more like a blimmin expensive practice run.
Firstly it wasn't a great cycle to start on, my E2 levels been much higher than when previously tested. I was told my AFC was 12.
Then after only 3 days of stimms I had 3 lead follicles at 16mm, they haven't admitted the drug dosage was way off but i expect they'll change it next time. Instead of cancelling the clinic chose to continue with 10days of stimms, follicles then ranged from 27mm (overcooked) to the smaller ones catching up to be a sensible 18mm.
24 eggs were collected - no idea how if my follicle count was 12!
He's the sucker though.....only 2 fertilized WTF, have we got double issues?!
I just don't know, DH's SA was 'perfect' 2 FS's said, but it seems the sperm in the dish had little interest in trying to get to my egg :( even though they were great movers and still moving 24hours later.
Next time we have to do ICSI (=more money), which implies natural cycles really are a waste of time trying with. Gutted on that front really.
I had my transfer anyway, they just put them stragiht back in me on day 2 before seeing if/how well they developed, another sad point because I then never got any indicator on how 'good' my egg quality is. Then, BFN which weirdly hurts a whole lot less than the whole 24eggs.2 fertilised drama. So close to having a good cycle (ie saving embryos for future use by freezing) and yet so far.

I don't mean to be dismissive of everyone else hopes, but for me *I* am not really sure I want children enough to warrant this tbh. I'm pretty happy with my life as is, sure I wanted a family but it's not *everything* to me :nope:
Oh Nell :hugs:, sorry you had a bad experience. I don't know much about IVF but it sounds really bad. Can you not go to another clinic if you're paying for it? You should ask for your money back as they continued with it when they shouldn't. So sorry but don't give up hope :flower: x
Hi Nell
I'm so sorry to hear what you've been through, the whole experience sound really draining. I think at the very least you should get a second opinion before embarking on another round - telling the new consultant everything that happened with this cycle and why you don't think it was appropriate.
I completely agree BTW - having kids isn't the be all and end all. You are a healthy young woman with, I've no doubt, plenty of friends and family members who love you. If you have to (and I stress have to - this was only your first attempt) you will adjust.
Best of luck with whatever you decide and you know where we are if you need us. x
I'm not sure it's the clinics fault tbh, it's just the way things go. No one quite knows how someone will respond to IVF until they start treatment and even then it could all go completely differently next time - even with the same drugs!

Re the cancelling, I get the feeling the US clinics cancel cycles (they are much more detailed in their monitoring and procedures too) much more than the UK. I'm not sure it's 'better' as such as I imagine having several cancelled will be frustrating.
Because I have low reserve it's just a case of trying the best they's just I overcame that bit, I got 24eggs and then fell at the next hurdle!

I'm seeing the consultant again (you don't see them during the cycle just nurses!) in a few weeks and will say that I want more discussion (with me) throughout next time. I like to know the detail.

In the meantime I have put DH on wellman conception vits and have asked if he would consider cutting alcohol back even more in prep for our next cycle so 2-3 months (he only drinks 1 day a week but a pub lunch with beer plus a few evening wines easily adds up to 14units still). He was not impressed and I was even less so at his reaction tbh - this was the man who originally said he'd cut alcohol through pregnancy in solidarity.

I also have my NHS stuff going on too, HSG next cycle (so back to front I know but they insist on ticking the box so i have to have it). I'm dreading that tbh, IVF was all pain free really. Also need to decided whether to give the clomid a go, the NHS gave me 6 cycles of 50mg to try unmonitored.

Anyone had a HSG?

Will be interesting to see where my spottings at as this will be my first natural cycle since my hysteroscopy without crinone progesterone.
Nell, I'm sorry if you have already done it and I'm just missing a part of information, but have you got your low-reserve diagnosis confirmed again with another AMH test? I don't know, it just seems rather inconsistent that they've been able to harvest 24 eggs on your IVF cycle with low-reserve, don't you think? I very well understand that you don't wanna fool around if the low-reserve thingy is true, but if there's a chance it's not, then maybe you would benefit from not having to hear the countdown to the deadline every passing month?

I'm there with you on coming to conclusion that perhaps not having kids would not automatically translate to the end of the world. The last year really have made me reevaluate a lot of things, all thanks to this TTC road turning up to be a lot bumpier than I expected.
Soili - yeah I had a re-test, my Dr thought I was nuts but i figured if i was going down the IVF route the least I could do was spend another £100. It actually came back double, 16 (v's 8). At first I was thrilled and then my Dr pointed out that both results were very much in the low fertility range and out of synch for my age so it didn't change the plan.
This cycle my E2 was elevated too which fits in with poor reserve.

I'm going to ask about how I got 24 eggs though, my AFC on day 3 was 12 (they count 2-6mm) so what does that mean, some smaller than 2mm magically grew into eggs too? I'm wondering if I was over stimmed hence the poor fertilization. I'm also worried they've used up eggs that would have been for other cycle, they told me this wouldn't deplete my reserve further but i don't know where did 24come from?!

I don't know what to think, AMH measures the signal given off by our reserve of follicles (inc primordial for future cycles) so what does that mean, my reserve is good now but going to disappear quite suddenly in future, ie few primordial. Is it possible my eggs are just crappy and not giving off AMH properly?
I have heaps of questions for my consultant tbh, who will be a new FS although at the same clinic. I haven't really got the energy to sign up to a new clinic, initial consults are £200 plus and require DH to have time off work (most insist we both go) I'm fast learning they are all doctors come salemen really.

You're right though I was reassured by my follicle count and was planning on going back to ttc naturally for the next 6mths again.....but now I know we have fertilization issues too. Urgh!

How are you anyway?
Hmm, can this AMH be affected by other factors, like I don't know, diet, vitamins, just plain season of the year?? I'm not sure, but I would think that the number of follicles produced should vary each cycle. Women who take same dose of Clomid and get monitored each cycle tend to get different number of follicles, so I would assume it might be kinda random at times. It just seems to me a bit that you doctor was happy he found SOME answer for you and we all know how doctors don't like to be contradicted and don't like to have their opinion questioned. I do understand though that getting a second opinion would be a lot of money and trouble too... But I think you gotta get great reassurance from the fact that you got higher number of AMH and that they've been able to retrieve 24 eggs! You never know if they might have screwed something up there in the clinic, that being the reason that only 2 fertilized.

I'm doing ok! :) I'm still trying to figure out what could be the reason for not ovulating, aside from PCOS. I know I ovulated before just fine, not perfectly regular cycle, but ovulating from CD14 to CD24. I just need to exclude things I might have changed last year to get to the bottom of it. My doctor was totally useless at helping me figure it out. She just said that I do have PCOS (after I insisted to be tested for it) and that she would put me of Clomid after HSG and SA. I decided I didn't wanna go that route yet and instead I'm trying to figure out how to start ovulating again. I tried Soy last month, figured I might need a bit of a boost, but it seems it had the opposite effect on me. So this month I'm on AC and just charting, hoping to get that temp shift :)
Yeah lab error for fertilization has crossed my mind. AMH is mesnt to be very static and unaffected - it's why they all love it. I saw 2 clinics with both test results and both said ivf, I'll see what my FS now says about the 24 eggs (haven't spoken yet). You're right AFC does fluctuate, I had 18 on a previous cycle and 12 (or 24!) on this one....maybe they just counted badly on CD3.

Did the prgesterone not kick start a regular O for you then? I'd read such good things about that.
I understand about not wanting the HSG, clomid route - me neither! Bizarrely i feel more worried about clomid than i did ivf.
hs- hope the scope went well & u got some ans ! hope the spotting is away !

mrspttc- sorry the witch got u ! was the spotting or af any diff ?

mrshy- any updates with ur o ? hope u caught it ! fx !

soili- long time, hw hve u been ? i don't understnd why u din't o as u always did earlier ??? hope ac does some magic !

nell- so sorry u had to go thru with this ! big hugsss ! i don't know much abt abt ivf & reserve ! on the very bright side, ur amh is higher & 24 eggs is gud :) my frnd got bfp on second ivf ( don't be mad at me 4r sayin this.just tryin to pump u up a bit ) one of my frns had hsg & said it wasn't that dreadful..could be painful if one has any blockage..did u schedule that yet ? hope it'll go smooth ! i'm sure ur doc wud mention but u can take some pain killr/muscle relaxant before the to ur doc.i think someone had it done on here nt sure who ?? where r u in the cycle ? if u don't mind me asking how much is elevated e2 ?? watever it is, v r here to totally support u !
Hi Yum - how are you doing? :)

You're right I think the benchmark is 3 ivf cycles before worrying too much, maybe more if i respond poor tbh (think my odds are deemed a bit lower with low amh). It's just really hard to justify the cost and not worry about that side of it really.....of course if you get a baby then 2 or 3 cycles will seem fine, it's if you don't and you've just spent money on trying.
Haven't booked the HSG yet, I have to call them on CD1 and make an appointment then, i'm in that bizarre limbo of not being pg from the IVF but waiting for all the meds to disappear to start a fresh cycle - should be by the weekend i hope :)

My elevated E2 isn't scary high, just higher than previous cycle and 'lower' is better for success with IVF cycles. I think on the US scale normal is 25-75, I've been 30 and 45 before but this time it was 65. My clinic usually insist on <60 to use that cycle but let me through. I've been reading today that omega 3 could have raised my E2 levels, i never knew that so should maybe stop it the cycle beforehand next time to see.

How's your spotting been?
HS - just realised your colposcopy was today - hope it went ok and wasn't too painful?
FX you get any results from it back asap and they are all good :)
Hi Nell,

I'm sorry your first IVF cycle didn't go well. Unfortunately I don't know much about the IVF process but I just wanted to lend you some support. Keeping my FX for the next cycle.
Hi Nell,
I wanted to chime in here.. AMH is an extremely fickle test and should be taken with a grain of salt. Did you know the FDA here in the states doesn't even support it?! I know you're in the UK but I just wanted to let you know.. there's still a lot of sketchiness behind it. I had mine done last month and am now thinking of having it done again. Why? AMH samples are supposed to be frozen immediately and processed very quickly--I found out my NY sample was shipped to CA and never processed until 3 days later.... so I have no idea if it's accurate. I bring this up because I want you to feel better knowing it's a very murky test and judging from your recent egg retrieval I think you are in much better shape than you think.

Nell, have you ever had a laproscopy to remove endo or scar tissue--is it possible that's a problem for you?About the HSG--it's pretty painful BUT many women fall pregnant right after since it cleans you out and can show endo and fibroids/polyps. i'm sending good thoughts your way.

About me: I've just started seeing a new ob who's put me on a progesterone suppository. It's 100mg and I have to take it 3 days after ovulation. This is my first cycle taking it so fingers crossed it works. My DH and I have decided to try this strategy until late Oct. then, come Nov we'll be seeking a second opinion with an RE--and likely push for IUIs with injectibles or IVF or a lap at that time.
Hi everyone,
I'm so sorry Nell that you had such a heart wrenching experience with your first attempt at IVF and I don't know much about it but I think Curiouscat has a point. It may be worth asking a second test xxx :hugs:
Sorry MrsPTTC that the wicked :witch: got you. I wish she would take an extended holiday xxx
I had my coploscopy and everything is fine. I had some erosion which he cauterised but other than that it went pretty well. I spotted very, very slightly today but I don't think its my usual spotting but the procedure that caused it. So far, so good but its early days
HS - so pleased your procedure went well and wasn't too painful.

Curious - yeah I have thought about a 3rd test, but you know, how many do you do?! Plus I'm not sure I can have it now post drugs as I'm not sure if you have to leave a delay so it doesn't affect results.
I might have done a 3rd test, post the 24eggs thing, if everything else had gone well but I feel like it's irrelevant now because whatever my AMH is we've found out that despite a great SA DH's sperm aren't really capable of fertilizing my eggs.
I sort of feel like we have to do a 2nd IVF )with ICSI now based on that alone :(

I can believe the FDA don't support it because neither really do the NHS (free healthcare) here in the UK.

Haven't had a lap btw (have had a hysteroscopy though so had the good uterus clean out before and not beenfited with a pg!). Laps aren't commonly done here as investigative due to the cost unless someone is really sufferring from endo symptoms that need treatment. The NHS prefers to move onto treatment for the symptom (infertility) rather than find the root cause of why we're not conceivng, it's quite frustrating. The general process is SA, bloods, HSG, Clomid, IVF.

Let me know how your re-test goes? :)

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