Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

so i went to my doctor for my physical, then went to my ultrasound. my doctor, from what he saw said everything looked great - healthy weight, no bad habits, nothing inconsistent with my cycle (except spotting of course), good blood pressure, etc. I got a blood test done and will no more about my thyroid - but won't know about progesterone - as he didn't do that test. i'm only 1 dpo.

once he gets the results, he's going to send me to a obgyn.

so, if that wasn't invasive enough, i went to my ultrasound appt a couple hours later and told the technician about my ttc journey and the spotting. As she was doing the external and internal, she said everything looked "beautiful" (her words - not mine!!!! LOL) and she could not see anything that would cause abnormal bleeding.

this is great news. i walked out and cried tears of happiness that we can rule out any physiological problems.

In about a week or so, I'm going back to my doctors to get all the results and talk next steps with him.

DH is also going for an SA.

would love to hear if anyone else has made progress with their spotting!
Hi ladies...

I've also been having this same problem for the past two months. I get watery pink spotting after ovulation...then begin with the same thing at 9-12dpo...which turns to brown spotting and then AF after 4-5 days. This month, I took it upon myself to take soy from CD5-9ish (it's hard to tell when REALLY is CD1 with all the stupid spotting). I also happened to finally get a doctor's appointment this month, and have been getting bloodwork done all cycle. The soy gave me terrible diarrhea, and I didn't ovulate until CD20 (which might have been due to the soy, or just my body...sometimes I O really late), BUT I have had perfect hormone levels all month, according to the doctor. And today is 11dpo and not a drop of spotting this entire month. I don't know what did it, but this month is looking very promising. I'm also having some crazy symptoms, but tested BFN today. So you know, the doctor is planning to start me on Clomid next cycle if no BFP this month. He said that if he can move up ovulation, it should help produce a stronger egg, which will naturally increase progesterone and lengthen my LP.

Good luck to all of you!!
Just a quick update - today is 15 dpo - i have had no spotting at all on the progesterone. i tested again yesterday and BFN so i stopped the progesterone as consutants said it can sometimes totally delay AF, im now waiting for AF to come but i think its a huge success because for first time in over 15m i have had no spotting!! woo hoo.

cantwaitforyou - your scans etc all sound great, well done! one thing though my bloods all came back fine for progesterone but its pretty strange that this is the only month i have been on progesterone and its only month I have not spotted, so if yoru day 21 test is ok i might be tempted to ask for it anyway in case like me your levels just rise and fall too much?

im going to do the soy again days 2-6 and then progesterone again and see how i get on and then March if no BFP i start Clomid and progesterone!
Rainbow32 - I am SOOOOOOOOOO happy for you!!! While I am sorry for your BFN, not spotting before AF is a major battle to win, and finding a solution to it is icing on the cake. Your BFP is around the corner now that you have enough progesterone to get your through your LP.

I asked my doctor for it and he won't give it to me and is waiting for all my bloodtests, etc. he will then send me to my obgyn, who will hopefully be a bit more aggressive with thinking of treatments!

I'm really concerned though...I clearly ovulated on Jan 23 (cd15) - I had spotting, o pains and a waterfall of cm, and my temp rose yesterday (jan 24) - but I checked it at a different time in the morning - two hours later. it was 36.78.

this morning, I checked it and it was 36.54. This is a significant drop in celsius temping. I am not too sure what my coverline is, as I only temp around cd12 until AF. If it isn't one problem, it's another!!

anyway, I am thrilled about my ultrasound results. knowing there isn't anything physiologically wrong is a huge relief.
This is great news for you ladies! Hope you get your BFP's soon. If my spotting doesnt improve in a few months I'll go to the docs, no way I'm waiting 1yr TTC when I know that the spotting will most likely to be low progesterone and stop me getting pg! x
Bringing this up! I started spotting at 5DPO this month, it's been 3 days and it's still there. I don't know if it's earlier than before or not, because it's first month I'm charting and taking notes. It's barely anything, mostly tiny brown clots mixed with CM that I can see when I check for CM and a teeny bit on the liner. I've been taking Agnus Castus this cycle and started B-50 (just the day before spotting started). Well, so far neither had any effect, as it seems. My temps have been weird too, way low for LP. Gonna try to see if my doctor would be any help. It's private, so she can't brush me off :D

I have this theory that it's not low progesterone in my case, because my LP is not short, but too high estrogen instead. Basically I think I get enough progesterone to maintain normal length LP, but estrogen is trying to sabotage it big time. Yeah, very scientific! ;)
You're lucky you can force your doctor to pay attention to you like that!

That's really interesting that you think it could be you have too much estrogen. That's how my spotting starts: brown specks that are barely noticable when I wipe, then it turns into brown in my cm - like streaks, then it goes kinda stringy or tissue like. I hate it!!!!!

Stay in touch - I'm so interested in this problem and really like to hear from others on how their gp is helping them with it, how long it takes to resolve and most importantly, when one of us finally gets pg.

I'm going back to my doctor on Thursday to get blood test, pap and ultrasound results, then arrange for an appt with my ob/gyn. I started spotting at 8 dpo this month. AF is due tomorrow, but I feel like she won't show up until probably Saturday, which would make this cycle 28 days.

Good luck Soili!! :)
cantwaitforu, I'll keep this thread updated! :) Got some more tissue like spotting this morning, just like you describe yours!

I'm thinking about high estrogen also because I'm having fertile CM way after ovulation. I had EWCM on 1DPO, 3DPO and 6DPO. And it's high levels of estrogen that signal cervix to produce it. I can't wait to get some blood tests done. I even know already which ones I need and when to do them and I considered popping up at the tests lab and asking them if they could run those tests without doctor's note and if my insurance would cover them anyway :D Yeah, I'm that confident in my medical knowledge LOL I'm afraid they'd wrap me up right there and send me to a shrink, hehe. Although you would think that these days with internet people are generally big on self-diagnosing, doctors should be used to it already.
Yes, let's keep this thread going! There are a few other threads about us spotters, but they haven't kept the same momentum.

Good for you! We know our bodies best, and Google helps us even more! I've diagnosed myself with an LPD and low progesterone and I don't think my gp has the slightest clue in what I'm talking about.

That's interesting about the estrogen. This month, I noticed I had cm after ov - it kinda threw me off because my temps were rising slowly as well.

What would your doctor do to help balance out your estrogen levels?

On a side note, I'm on cd 27, usually af would have arrived today, so I do think the 250 mg of B6 I've been taking has helped ever so slightly. I have been spotting since 8 dpo clearly didn't help with that! Hoping she can hold off her stupid visit until tomorrow - making this cycle a whole 28 days.
Hi everyone!

I'm in the same boat :( and looking for some answers too.

I started spotting on dpo 5 and continued every day until dpo 11, af just arrived today dpo12.

Anyone on soya iso wonder if it help with the spotting?
Hi Sunnysun,
I took soy this month and will find out if it helps with spotting in about 4 days. I am also taking b-vits as well. I also get spotting at around 5DPO and lasts until my AF arrives. The soy did delay my ov by 5 days so my ticker is out of step.
I will let you know if soy helped xxx
Yes, let's keep this thread going! There are a few other threads about us spotters, but they haven't kept the same momentum.

Good for you! We know our bodies best, and Google helps us even more! I've diagnosed myself with an LPD and low progesterone and I don't think my gp has the slightest clue in what I'm talking about.

That's interesting about the estrogen. This month, I noticed I had cm after ov - it kinda threw me off because my temps were rising slowly as well.

What would your doctor do to help balance out your estrogen levels?

On a side note, I'm on cd 27, usually af would have arrived today, so I do think the 250 mg of B6 I've been taking has helped ever so slightly. I have been spotting since 8 dpo clearly didn't help with that! Hoping she can hold off her stupid visit until tomorrow - making this cycle a whole 28 days.

Thank heavens for the internet and BnB. If I hadn't come across this site I would still not see spotting as a big issue. xxx
Welcome Sunnysun!

I'm not on soy as I am not too sure how my body would react to it. I've heard good things and bad things about it, and I can't risk anymore bad things happening to me!

Are you taking B6 or Bcomplex at all? How long has this been happening for you?

Unfortunately, I've always thought this was normal until TTC and I've learned so much more about cycles, hormones and ovulation. Do you chart?
Yes, let's keep this thread going! There are a few other threads about us spotters, but they haven't kept the same momentum.

Good for you! We know our bodies best, and Google helps us even more! I've diagnosed myself with an LPD and low progesterone and I don't think my gp has the slightest clue in what I'm talking about.

That's interesting about the estrogen. This month, I noticed I had cm after ov - it kinda threw me off because my temps were rising slowly as well.

What would your doctor do to help balance out your estrogen levels?

On a side note, I'm on cd 27, usually af would have arrived today, so I do think the 250 mg of B6 I've been taking has helped ever so slightly. I have been spotting since 8 dpo clearly didn't help with that! Hoping she can hold off her stupid visit until tomorrow - making this cycle a whole 28 days.

Thank heavens for the internet and BnB. If I hadn't come across this site I would still not see spotting as a big issue. xxx

I concur! I went crazy cycle #2 to learn more. I think BnB alone could qualify for a Ph.D in reproductive endocrinology! There are thousands of brilliant and caring women on this forum who can diagnose you in just a few postings within a thread :)
Hi Sunnysun,
I took soy this month and will find out if it helps with spotting in about 4 days. I am also taking b-vits as well. I also get spotting at around 5DPO and lasts until my AF arrives. The soy did delay my ov by 5 days so my ticker is out of step.
I will let you know if soy helped xxx

happyshopper, please keep us posted on your progress!

That is annoying about the ovulation delay. Which cd do you usually ov?
Hello this is my first post EVER. I lurk in the shadows generally but thought I'd add my tuppence worth. I have two children and am ttc my 3rd (14 months at least). I am 38 and feeling time has perhaps run out. But, prior to conceiving my second child I would spot for a week before AF...and conceived in 5th cycle. So pretty quickly really. No spotting at all now before af arrives.
Thank you so much for posting! It's lovely to hear that it isn't always a problem.
I posted on another thread so apologies if you ladies have read this already (I know happyshopper has!) but I have been TTC for a few months now and through BBT charting (and generally becoming more aware of my cycle) am OV around day 20, starting to spot at day 25 and getting AF at day 30. However, I do know back in October that I didn't spot at all - but not sure when I ovulated as wasn't charting and had no idea about mucus!!!
This is the second month that I've been taking agnus castus, vit B, vit B complex and pregnacare so I'm hoping to see some differences. I'm also having acupuncture and reflexology. It's costing me a fortune!
I saw my GP this morning and she said to throw ovulation sticks into the mix and didn't seem overly concerned about the spotting. She said to keep trying for another three months and if I'm not pregnant by then she'll refer me to a consultant (I have PCOS and am on metformin so she's happier to refer me a little earlier than usual).
Good luck to everyone - it's reassuring to know I'm not the only one with these issues. I'll let you know this cycle (I'm on day 7) whether anything changes. x
Hi Sunnysun,
I took soy this month and will find out if it helps with spotting in about 4 days. I am also taking b-vits as well. I also get spotting at around 5DPO and lasts until my AF arrives. The soy did delay my ov by 5 days so my ticker is out of step.
I will let you know if soy helped xxx

happyshopper, please keep us posted on your progress!

That is annoying about the ovulation delay. Which cd do you usually ov?
Last month it was on CD18 but this month it was around CD23. I was getting really worried that it would be an anovulationary cycle so when ov eventually came I felt so relieved. I will definitely keep you all posted and wish everyone luck in overcoming the spotting xxx
happyshopper- what days did you start taking soy?
yes pls, keep us update..will be really intersting to know, thanks!

cantwaitforu- thank you!:flower:
yeah, i take wellwoman supplements which has three types of vitams B, incl 10mcg of vitamin b6 (not sure if this is enough?) and 20mcg of B12, plus folic acid 400mcg, zinc, selenium, evening primrose oil and other stuff that it's meant to help you.

I started charting few months ago and helps a lot with O.. I have PCOS so irregulare cycles are normal for me!:growlmad:

I've done acupuncture for months, i see a chinese doct and I am on chinese medicine herbs that a drink twice a day, it helps with O and fertility (pls feel free to real all my story on my journal).:coffee:

This is the first time i started spotting at 5dpo but i normally start at 10 to 11dpo and it last for few days which i think it's not that normal??:wacko:

bemybabe- thank you for popping in and letting us about your experience, it gives me hope!:thumbup:
Hello this is my first post EVER. I lurk in the shadows generally but thought I'd add my tuppence worth. I have two children and am ttc my 3rd (14 months at least). I am 38 and feeling time has perhaps run out. But, prior to conceiving my second child I would spot for a week before AF...and conceived in 5th cycle. So pretty quickly really. No spotting at all now before af arrives.

Hi bemybaby! Thanks for sharing your story! You are the second person to actually post a success story about conceiving and spotting. May I ask what kind of spotting you have (not that it makes a difference...but I would like to know if perhaps there is a difference???)

My spotting usually starts as brown specks - barely noticeable. Then, it turns into brown stringy tissue and then becomes a little darker and a little more abundant until you see some pink and red in it. Usually by the second day of spotting, I need to wear a liner. this has started as early as 5 dpo and as late as 8dpo, with an average lp of 10 days.

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