Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

MrsPttc - Turkey sounds lovely, I could really do with a good holiday after our very very wet one earlier in the year.
Bless your DH, men just don't know how to share their feelings sensitively do they :nope:
For the HSG, I would plan to be 'ok' for work, if you are one of the unlucky ones i'd then call in sick on the day, as techincally you woul then be unfit for work.

Missp29 - Hi and welcome. I read somewhere that 80% of people who have pre menstural spotting have endo, good luck with the repeat lap and scope - it sounds like it did the trick for you last time so FX it will again :flower:

MrsHY - yay for the temp rise, FX you caught the eggy this cycle.

AFM - I officially hate my reproductive or rather unproductive organs. I'm going to type it a new post, as it'll be long and venty (and I want to figure how to attach a piccy :wacko:)
Hopefully you can see a chart below?
I think it's dinky small but can you see it's trend and it's a fairly standard chart for me (bar the big odd dip at 3dpo).
A positive OPK, Peak on CBFM, good temp rise, 7dpo progesterone indicating a follicle released, high LP temps and a big drop for AF starting......or so I thought.

It seems no egg was released even if the follicle was (ie it was unruptured) and AF is not here at all. I am wondering if this happens to me lots and my charts, cycles etc fool me into thinking there has been an egg (called LUFS). My spotting has been lighter this cycle too, but my cervix stayed high so I thought something was odd.

AF came, went for a few hours and then came back. Light red flow, pretty normal for me, then day 2 and now day 3 light brown bleed. My CD2 bloods however showed E2 at 2800 and FSH at 1.7. I was called in for an ultrasound today, my right ovary has 3 cysts, possibly unruptured follicles all around 20-23mm. My left ovary has a big, horrid cyst over 30mm, that's bleeding/oozing and looks suspiciously chocolate like (endo). Hmm. My lining is 5mm. No one has any idea where I really am in my cycle and I have to just wait and see if I get a period next month, then go back to check on these cysts/ follicles. If I get a bleed in the next week or so I'm to ignore it and wait another full cycle before going back to be checked.
The sonographer said a cyst post IVF is common, but 'not this mess' :wacko: and that a bleed usually indicates any cyst has now gone and your normal again.

I am clinging to the positives though, my fibroids are being good and have stayed quiet and not joined in the party in my abdomen by growing :thumbup:
Plus if the cyst does indicate endo, then the NHS might fund my sorry state of a uterus for treatment as i'll be officially 'explained' :thumbup:


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hello ladies, hope all r gud !
i'm back 4rm my was gud untill i spotted once after bd which pushed me off but it was ok..
so much happenin here

nell- sorry abt everythin dear :hugs: i lukd @ the chart & i c the dip but its not below it possible u o'ed that day instead ? may b u slept in slightly cold temp or sleep distr or ur mouth was open in sleep..anythin can tip off..try not to worry too much..any continous flow even light is considered day 1..may b its b/c of meds while ivf..the mnth i used npc my flow was real low.i used it this mnth too so its a possibility..abt ur cysts, many women have them 1 mnth & gone by next..i hope its not chocolate ! yes, endo would be the reason 90% of the time for spottin but most have real bad cramps & heavy bleed( not compulsory though).i hope its just 4rm ivf & be gone soon..hope u get normal soon ! :hugs:

mrshy- yay on the temp hike ! hope u caught the eggy ! ssbd ! gl

mrspttc- sorry abt the spotting being bad this mnth..did u get ur cd2 tests done ? gud luck with hsg..i hope it'll be easy & quick.many women get back to normal imm but as nell said u can call in sick if u feel like takin rest ! hope it wont get to that though ! men r so insensitive..they just say anythin which they don't mean most of the time..guess they are not as gud as v r at being sweet & sensitive :)
turkey sounds great !

hi soili- h r u ? gud to c u ! any progress with the cycle ?

missp- welcome & gud to hear lap did the trick..hope it'll do it !

afm, i strtd pink spotting today..i think i'm due on sun..dint temp..i'm hoping af will b here on sun.actually praying..last mnth i stopped bvits on day 11 as they made my cycle long & i spotted 4r 6.5 days..i generally had 3.5 days spotting b4r bvits & once or twice 5 days in 4 yrs..hope the supps dint make it worse then it already is:dohh: i tuk bvits this cycle so letc c ! \

gl to all of us ladies !
Welcome back Yum! Glad you enjoyed your vacation! Maybe your AF may not come at all, you never know! :flower: I really think supplements are a waste of time now. Plenty people get pg without them and I'm sure my spotting has been made worse. I'd just ordered another bag of Maca when AF came (if I was pg I wouldn't have stopped cold turkey as I would've had a progesterone drop) but I guess DH can still take them - I'm scared if he stops his :spermy: will be affected as we've both been on it for 6 months I think. I'll just take the pre-natals for now and see how it goes...

Nell I found it really hard to read your chart with it not being a FF one lol. You get so used to looking at the same charts I was baffled he he :wacko: but yes I see the pattern and it does look like you ovulated even though the tests you've had say otherwise! :hugs: to you for those horrible cysts, they sound yak! Hope it is endo and you get "explained" and they can laser it or whatever they do.

I decided to take a half day at work and go in at 4pm but I will call in sick if need be. It should be fine. I laughed when my letter came and it said I quote "The procedure may be a little uncomfortable but should not be painful..." Erm, that's not what I heard lol!

I had my CD 2/3 bloods taken today, so that's all my blood tests out of the way. DH has finally rang the consultant who wanted his SA results emailing over to them which he's done. Now we're just waiting to hear back whether he needs another SA and then only my HSG to go! :happydance: xx
hi ladies,
so good to hear from you all.. Nell: you wrote "It seems no egg was released even though I got a positive OPK".. how did they find this out?-is it because of the cysts they saw and just realized they formed due to that?

As for me, I'm hanging in there...... trying to stay positive...
Hopefully you can see a chart below?
I think it's dinky small but can you see it's trend and it's a fairly standard chart for me (bar the big odd dip at 3dpo).
A positive OPK, Peak on CBFM, good temp rise, 7dpo progesterone indicating a follicle released, high LP temps and a big drop for AF starting......or so I thought.

It seems no egg was released even if the follicle was (ie it was unruptured) and AF is not here at all. I am wondering if this happens to me lots and my charts, cycles etc fool me into thinking there has been an egg (called LUFS). My spotting has been lighter this cycle too, but my cervix stayed high so I thought something was odd.

AF came, went for a few hours and then came back. Light red flow, pretty normal for me, then day 2 and now day 3 light brown bleed. My CD2 bloods however showed E2 at 2800 and FSH at 1.7. I was called in for an ultrasound today, my right ovary has 3 cysts, possibly unruptured follicles all around 20-23mm. My left ovary has a big, horrid cyst over 30mm, that's bleeding/oozing and looks suspiciously chocolate like (endo). Hmm. My lining is 5mm. No one has any idea where I really am in my cycle and I have to just wait and see if I get a period next month, then go back to check on these cysts/ follicles. If I get a bleed in the next week or so I'm to ignore it and wait another full cycle before going back to be checked.
The sonographer said a cyst post IVF is common, but 'not this mess' :wacko: and that a bleed usually indicates any cyst has now gone and your normal again.

I am clinging to the positives though, my fibroids are being good and have stayed quiet and not joined in the party in my abdomen by growing :thumbup:
Plus if the cyst does indicate endo, then the NHS might fund my sorry state of a uterus for treatment as i'll be officially 'explained' :thumbup:

Nell that's so crazy! Temp rise, + OPK, good progesterone results would all indicate ovulation. I have heard of LUFS - it's pretty rare isn't it? You think you've ovulated and get told you haven't - I get told I have when I know I haven't! It's all so bonkers.

Did they give you an u/s after your IVF cycle? Or if not, and they had, would they have seen the cysts then? Guess now you just wait to see if they clear up?

At least it's good news on the fibroid front :flower:

Keep us posted x
hello ladies, hope all r gud !
i'm back 4rm my was gud untill i spotted once after bd which pushed me off but it was ok..
so much happenin here

nell- sorry abt everythin dear :hugs: i lukd @ the chart & i c the dip but its not below it possible u o'ed that day instead ? may b u slept in slightly cold temp or sleep distr or ur mouth was open in sleep..anythin can tip off..try not to worry too much..any continous flow even light is considered day 1..may b its b/c of meds while ivf..the mnth i used npc my flow was real low.i used it this mnth too so its a possibility..abt ur cysts, many women have them 1 mnth & gone by next..i hope its not chocolate ! yes, endo would be the reason 90% of the time for spottin but most have real bad cramps & heavy bleed( not compulsory though).i hope its just 4rm ivf & be gone soon..hope u get normal soon ! :hugs:

mrshy- yay on the temp hike ! hope u caught the eggy ! ssbd ! gl

mrspttc- sorry abt the spotting being bad this mnth..did u get ur cd2 tests done ? gud luck with hsg..i hope it'll be easy & quick.many women get back to normal imm but as nell said u can call in sick if u feel like takin rest ! hope it wont get to that though ! men r so insensitive..they just say anythin which they don't mean most of the time..guess they are not as gud as v r at being sweet & sensitive :)
turkey sounds great !

hi soili- h r u ? gud to c u ! any progress with the cycle ?

missp- welcome & gud to hear lap did the trick..hope it'll do it !

afm, i strtd pink spotting today..i think i'm due on sun..dint temp..i'm hoping af will b here on sun.actually praying..last mnth i stopped bvits on day 11 as they made my cycle long & i spotted 4r 6.5 days..i generally had 3.5 days spotting b4r bvits & once or twice 5 days in 4 yrs..hope the supps dint make it worse then it already is:dohh: i tuk bvits this cycle so letc c ! \

gl to all of us ladies !

Hey Yum! Welcome back. Great to hear you had a good holiday (As a Brit I couldn't type 'vacation' with a straight face) :haha:

Do you know, I swear my spotting has got worse since TTC - and the only things I've been doing since TTC is have more sex :blush: and take prenatals. I read somewhere once that spotting can be a 'layer of nutrients coming away from the lining' so I just wonder whether I get a bit of a nutrient build up from all the vits contained in my prenatal! I'd love to stop them and see what happens but I don't want to risk getting preggers when I've not been properly preparing for it (my lifestyle is a bit hectic and I don't think I'd get what I need from my diet alone).

3dpo today and lovely big temp jump this morning - but I know it's way too early to be implantation or anything like that! Still nice to see though :)
Hi Ladies,
I'm new to the site, and fairly new with TTC, but I have had spotting as long as I'm not on birth control. From when I was young (~16) it was always there, and I had an ultrasound to rule out polyps, and then the doc put me on birth control which 'fixed' the problem. Now I'm 30 and I want to have a baby. So I went off of birth control in May '11. I began temp charting immediately because I am anal like that and want to know exactly what my chances were of conceiving.

For both cycles, I have found that I Ov at CD26, and my LP was 12 days both times. I began taking AC and red raspberry leaf supplements along with a womans multi in mid June. In the past 2 weeks i have added a B complex with 50mg B6 to my routine. I have spotted the day after seeing a temp spike both this month and last month, and the spotting continues for the most part until AF. The consistency is not like my period. It is almost flaky, not blobby, if that makes any sense, and it varies in color from red to brown. some days its only there in the morning, others it seems to last all day. I am currently in CD11, so I don't expect ov any time soon. But i'm anxious to see what month 2 of AC and B6 bring as far as spotting is concerned.

I know its early in my TTC, but i am already frustrated, as all of my friends seem to be preggers right now after only 1 month of TTC. I'm afraid to go to doc because i haven't been TTC for more than a year, and in the US it seems that is the time frame, but even if i wasn't TTC, i think all of this spotting would drive me to a doc anyway. I have a vacation scheduled for 8/25, which is why i should normally start spotting, and I am dreading it. Almost went on birth control just so I could avoid spotting, but I decided I will deal with the spotting.

I have read through a lot of the posts on this site and it sounds like many here don't start spotting until 5 or 6 days after ovulation. Anyone spot more frequently or know of anyone who does who has had success with pregnancy? I have no idea what is going on with my body, but I dont think its my body adjusting after birth control since spotting is the whole reason I went on birth control so many years ago!

Good luck to everyone! I look forward to reporting a reduction in spotting this month (hopefully!!)
Hi all :hi:

DH and I have been TTC for almost 8 months. I usually spot about 4-5 days before AF. My cycles are normally around 26-28 days, although the last one was 30 days. Today I bled during a BM (sorry TMI) and it is only 6dpo :nope: I'm convinced this is the reason why I'm not getting pregnant.

I've had all the bloods done and they have come back as normal. DS has had his SA done last week, seemed fine except for lower than average Morphology.
So now my next step is to have a scan done and possibly a fertility clinic.
As you can see I am 38 and haven't got much time left. So stressed.

Anyway So glad to have found others with the same annoying problem. I wish we didn't have this problem :growlmad:. Definitely helps to read all your experiences. :flower:
Hi Curious, welcome back :flower:

Hi Ladies,
For both cycles, I have found that I Ov at CD26, and my LP was 12 days both times. I began taking AC and red raspberry leaf supplements along with a womans multi in mid June. In the past 2 weeks i have added a B complex with 50mg B6 to my routine. I have spotted the day after seeing a temp spike both this month and last month, and the spotting continues for the most part until AF. The consistency is not like my period. It is almost flaky, not blobby, if that makes any sense, and it varies in color from red to brown. some days its only there in the morning, others it seems to last all day. I am currently in CD11, so I don't expect ov any time soon. But i'm anxious to see what month 2 of AC and B6 bring as far as spotting is concerned.

I have read through a lot of the posts on this site and it sounds like many here don't start spotting until 5 or 6 days after ovulation. Anyone spot more frequently or know of anyone who does who has had success with pregnancy? I have no idea what is going on with my body, but I dont think its my body adjusting after birth control since spotting is the whole reason I went on birth control so many years ago!

Good luck to everyone! I look forward to reporting a reduction in spotting this month (hopefully!!)

Hi Chloe :hi: Welcome to our Thread. By flaky do you mean “bitty” as mine is a bit like that, just CM with brown bits in it. Saying that, it used to be like that but then I came OFF AC and it’s gone back to off coloured CM which from what I remember it was like before I started the AC. Good luck with the AC and B6 – I’ve never tried B6 but came off the AC 3 months ago (I think, as the months go on I forget what I was doing and when :rofl: though I have it in a diary somewhere.) The AC was fab for bringing my ovulation forward and shortening my cycles, I used to take it up to ovulation, then began taking it after ovulation to see if it would improve my spotting but it only made it worse :dohh: I’ve been on Maca about 6 months now but have also stopped that. I’m seeing a FS so want to keep myself as natural as possible if you know what I mean, I’ll also be interested to see if it improves my spotting. I didn’t really give myself a chance to conceive without the vits/herbs as I think I started them on month 3 of TTC. Good luck hun x

Hi all :hi:

DH and I have been TTC for almost 8 months. I usually spot about 4-5 days before AF. My cycles are normally around 26-28 days, although the last one was 30 days. Today I bled during a BM (sorry TMI) and it is only 6dpo :nope: I'm convinced this is the reason why I'm not getting pregnant.

I've had all the bloods done and they have come back as normal. DS has had his SA done last week, seemed fine except for lower than average Morphology.
So now my next step is to have a scan done and possibly a fertility clinic.
As you can see I am 38 and haven't got much time left. So stressed.

Anyway So glad to have found others with the same annoying problem. I wish we didn't have this problem :growlmad:. Definitely helps to read all your experiences. :flower:

Welcome ollysmom :hi: This is a nice thread :) Good luck at the fertility clinic and with the scan. Are you taking anything or doing anything to help TTC? x
Welcome ollysmom :hi: This is a nice thread :) Good luck at the fertility clinic and with the scan. Are you taking anything or doing anything to help TTC? x

Hiya, thanks for the lovely welcome :flower:

The only thing I am taking is folic acid 5mg and I was taking aspirin but have stopped. Will start that as soon as I get a BFP. This month's cycle has been particularly strange with regards to bleeding/spotting this early. Not sure what is up. The scan will hopefully be in about two weeks time and after that my doctor will probably send me to the fertility clinic. The three times I became pregnant was on the first or second try. But my period was like clock work and no spotting. This has been happening for about a year and a half. I also have stomach issues (IBS) and bleed very heavier for two days during my proper period, then spot again for two to three days. I hate my wacky body :growlmad:
Hi Yum - welcome back from your vacation.

MrsPttc - I had my HSG this morning, it was fine no pain or discomfort and over in a few minutes. It's just the speculum that was a bit pinchy. Hope yours is nice and easy too :)

MrsHY - Yep LUFS is pretty rare, though more common with endo sufferers. I don't know if it's happened every month, but i've had similar pain on at least 3 occasions and they are pretty sure I didn't release an egg from the follicle this cycle. I gather the normal cysts will clear up, but the endo one will stay until removed, boo :(
Yay for the temp jump, a bit early but you never know - either way a temo increase is a good thing.

Chloe - Hi and welcome, I spot a bit more frequently, usually from 4dpo, this month from 3dpo.

Curious - It's because there was no corpus luteum visible on a scan in my LP, then the follicle cysts still present on what I thought was day 2, yet I still had a temp jump and progesterone spike.

Ollysmum - welcome :)


As I said above I had a HSG this morning, it was fine and I'm glad it's done. It seems a bit daft having it as I guess I'm likely now going to need a lap to look at these cysts anyway, hop if I do need one it's not months and months wait on the NHS. Feeling v full around my ovaries and stabbing pains when I bend or squat, urgh!
Trying to sweet talk my consultants secretary to see if I can bring my follow up appointment forward, not least because it clashes with when we'd like to take a holiday in september.
Hi ladies
Well, temp still up nice and high but beige spotting started with a vengeance overnight - 7dpo today - boo.
I'm clinging on to hope, as I always do, that until the witch shows I'm in with a chance - but I just have a funny feeling that the month I get my BFP (and it will happen - I have to believe that) I'll be spot-free.
Sorry to hear you're in pain from your cysts Nell, but good news the HSG wasn't too bad.
Thanks for the welcome, MrsPTTC! When i say 'flaky' its almost like fish food flakes clumped together. No CM with it. Very different from my normal period. So frustrating! I'm on CD15, still 10 to go before i expect a temp spike. I do hope the AC moves it forward a bit! I had a bit of a twinge near my left ovary a couple days ago that lasted for about half a day, so i was hopeful that meant I was ovulating and i would see a temp spike, but no such luck.

_Nell, I hope the HCG works for you! do you spot every month that early?

Have a lovely day, all!:hugs:
Chloe - yep around 4dpo every cycle. Mine varies in colour, quantity, texture throughout my LP. Typically it starts as a beige cm, going to thick brown gunky 'stuff', then some days it can be watery and blood coloured, other days watery brown. Sometimes it can be more brown flakes sort of thing.

MrsHy - sorry the spottings arrived. Like you I have a gut feel my BFP month will be spot free, of course I won't care either way just a hunch!
The only thing I am taking is folic acid 5mg and I was taking aspirin but have stopped. Will start that as soon as I get a BFP. This month's cycle has been particularly strange with regards to bleeding/spotting this early. Not sure what is up. The scan will hopefully be in about two weeks time and after that my doctor will probably send me to the fertility clinic. The three times I became pregnant was on the first or second try. But my period was like clock work and no spotting. This has been happening for about a year and a half. I also have stomach issues (IBS) and bleed very heavier for two days during my proper period, then spot again for two to three days. I hate my wacky body :growlmad:

I’ve heard of the baby aspirin thing but I’m too scared to try it, it seems to be more common in the US than the UK. Defo sounds like there’s something up and the spotting is not just a case of bad luck. Some of the ladies on here is unexplained. I can’t wait for my HSG and progesterone results back as I’m sure something’s up with me. I’ve got a dull pain today and I’m sure last cycle around the same time – a few days after AF had gone – I had it too :shrug: Good luck!

MrsPttc - I had my HSG this morning, it was fine no pain or discomfort and over in a few minutes. It's just the speculum that was a bit pinchy. Hope yours is nice and easy too :)

Thanks hun! Yay yours wasn’t painful! Sounds like it went like a dream! Fingers crossed for you this cycle as there’s a good success rate after a HSG :thumbup:

Thanks for the welcome, MrsPTTC! When i say 'flaky' its almost like fish food flakes clumped together. No CM with it

Ah it doesn’t sound similar after all to my spotting Chloe, funny how it’s dry?! Is it dry all during your LP too?

Nell and mrsHY – that was exactly what I said last cycle – no spotting before :bfp: expected and would be very welcome lol.

MrsPttc - unfortunately i don't think I can benefit from the allegd extra fertility after a HSG with these cysts, everythings just all out of whack.

My temps yesterday and today are 98.3 and 98.6 on CD7 & 8 - these would be post O temps for me. It's all v odd.
Hi all:wave:

I finally have dates for my ultrasound, 13th of September, bit of a wait but it was the quickest they could fit me in.
Also popped into my doctors yesterday. Decided to go to another doctor as the previous one had not referred me to a specialist (idiot alert!). I explained to her my spotting situation and asked her if it could have an effect on my TTC and if it was normal. Previous doctor said no and to keep on trying, he also said he had never heard of Luteal phase defect and that my spotting was probably due to age :growlmad:

Yesterdays doctor said it looked like my lining of my uterus was shedding early and therefore probably could not support a pregnancy. Which was what I had been saying to them for three months! So now she is sending me off to the gynecologist for further investigations. My feelings are of frustration but at the same time relief that something is finally going to be done.

Af is due to arrive Friday/Saturday and I am pretty sure she'll raise her ugly head. I had a tiny bit of spotting yesterday but only when I wiped. Lasted about an hour and was bright red mixed with discharge (sorry TMI).

Anyway, hope you're all good today :flower:
Brilliant news ollysmom!! So frustrating the previous doc didn't listen to you but at least you have progress! Fingers crossed it is IB rather than AF or normal spotting! X

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