Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

il - sorry i confused u ! no ! not at all ! it seems they do a pap 4r every prg woman as a standard ! so, dont worry its ok ! wen u said friable, i remember someone on the thread had cervical erosion which can cause spotting in, was curious abt u !

mrspttc- sorry abt the cramps :hugs: get well soon ! i forgot that u can"t request a copy of reports directly mailed to u in uk :dohh:
hope all is gud ! tc now !
Yum - No i never had any endo visible on earlier scans. Endo only shows once it gets to stage 3 on a scan, where you then have chocolate cysts (endometrioma). It's likely I had it all along and that is whats been damaging my egg reserve , but the extra estrogen from the IVF drugs has now made it progress to stage 3 (or 4 maybe won't know that until a lap).
I wouldn't ordinarily be worried about a standard lap, it's just the endo is actually on my ovaries, there's a risk i could lose an ovary or will at least lose some ovarian tissue in removing the cysts, so my egg reserve will then get lower still.

Accu is fine, I don't get much from it tbh, i'm going to give it a few weeks more and stop i think, i just don't see the benefit.

MrsPttc - The 3 years wait is for NHS ivf treatment. For 'unexplained' infertility in my area you have to have been TTC for 3 years before they'll refer you for treatment. They don't do IUI's etc so it's clomid, then a wait, then IVF.
I paid for my own IVF last month because 2 private consultants told me i need it and don't have time to wait for the NHS as by then I may have none of my own eggs left - i'm the equivalent of being 41 apparently :nope:.

If the cysts / endo were my only problem then yes removing those could help a natural pg, except that it's in my ovaries and I have already damaged my egg supply and removing them will damage it further. After a lap I have approx 3-4 months (maybe less, maybe more it varies from person to person) before it all starts to grow back to get pg, with the low reserve they would still advise IVF. Repeat laps can be very damaging as you then get scar tissue problems affecting fertility.

It's really annoying how the NHS in my area consider everything 'unexplained' when it's blatantly not! Apparently unless I had 2 (not 1 even!) blocked tubes or male factor you have to wait the 3yrs. The tubes I can understand but a lot of low sperm counts can be remedied from lifestyle changes, diet and supplements as sperm takes 70days to 'make' it can even be quite fast......I can't magic more eggs :(

I'm sorry you have cramping - take some ibuprofen, I was told it would help? I hope it passes soon and you don't get any spotting :flower:.
Omg Nell I am shocked by how terrible the nhs is!! 3 years?! I assumed your IVF was on the nhs, didn't realise it was private. And how they can say you are unexplained with all your problems is beyond me!! So if I don't get my BFP naturally this is what's in store for me eh? DH will have a fit if I tell him 3 years! If you don't mind me asking, how much did you pay privately? Can you get iui any quicker or would that be no good for you?

My pain is now a dull ache, kind of feels like I'm bruised so I'm sure I'll be much better by tomorrow, thanks x
Hi everyone,
Sorry I haven't been on in a while but I'm back now and with an slightly changed user name all because of stupid Sky broadband.
Nell ... Im sorry that you are having such a hard time with getting your cysts and endo looked at by the NHS. Is there anyone you can write to to appeal that you have to wait 3 years before getting treatment? I'm probably being naive though. There is a useful website called endoresolved which has ways that you can reduce endo xxx
Islandgirl ... if your cervix is 'friable' then that could definately cause spotting. Get it cauterised but after ovulation as you can't BD for 2 weeks (or I couldnt as I bled for that long). I have read that an eroded cervix can also prevent you getting pregnant as your body floods the area with white blood cells which kills sperm so get it fixed asap xxx
Many congratulations Cosmo, hope you have a perfect 9 months xxx
Yum ... sorry about the :witch: getting you. B bits didn't do much for me either. Hopefully you will have a better time of it next month xxx
MrsPTTC, glad your HSG came out clear. Blocked fallopian tubes must be one of the hardest things to treat so at least yours are clear. Have a lovely holiday xxx
The month just gone was the first month after cauterisation and I didn't spot until a whopping 11DPO and I only spotted 1.5 days before my AF arrived. I even took a HPT on 10DPO which was very novel as I have never had any hope before. It was -ve but I'm so pleased that my spotting improved. I really hope it continues this month xxx
Good luck everyone xxx
Welcome back HS - Great news about your spotting, 1.5 days is definitely now 'normal' a huge proportion of woemn get a day or so of spotting before AF and at 11dpo you're unlikely to affect implantation too. I bet you are thrilled you went ahead with the cauterisation?
If I thought an appeal would help I would try, but i doubt it'll make a difference a policy is a policy. I suspect the NHS would do the surgery on my endo if i faked up the pain level (they'd do it for pain not for fertility!) but in all honesty I want a fertility specialist i've chosen doing the op if i go ahead not a general gynae, with it being on my ovaries affected.

MrsPttc - My PCT doesn't offer any IUI at all as the success rates are poor. We talked it through with 2 consultants privately and felt on balance the costs v's success rates taking into account it would mean more injections too it wouldn't be worthwhile for me - especially as we have no male issues.
I don't mind sharing the cost of IVF, they are all comparable really price wise and most clinics put their prices on their webbys. My IVF cycle was £5200, bear in mind £1700 of that was my drugs - I needed a lot, a regular person would save a heap of money there. It's a hell of a lot for just trying and nothing to show for it though :(

I hope the pain passes soon for you hun, I haven't noticed anything really, but then my ovaries are so sore maybe that's masking it!
nell- 3 yrs ? they still consider it unexplained ? huh ! may b u don't need all the ivf's..once u get it removed hope u'll get preg on ur own ! u said removing them would damage the egg supply but u just need one, right ! hope 4r the best !

hs- welcome back ! i had no idea u got cauterised..guess i missed it ! so, how did they find out it is cervical erosion ? are u still going to the accu sessions ? yaaay to 1.5 days of spotting..i'll take it any time ! its pretty common to spot just 4r a day b4r af ! 11 dpo is gud time 4r implantation ! hope u get the bfp this mnth ! still on vits & herbs ?

mrspttc- how r u feeling ? hope u r better !
Hi happyshopper, nice to see you back and FANTASTIC news about the spotting! Sounds like your spotting is now classed as "explained!" :happydance: x

Nell - wowza that is expensive! I thought about the 3k mark but hoped cheaper! :dohh: But I'm getting carried away with myself as it's very unlikely it'll get to that point anyway. I am wondering though at what point would they consider you "infertile" :shrug: A year, 18 months, 2 years? Hmmm... x

Thanks for asking Yum. I'm fine, I can still feel it, but now seems to be like when you're dying for the toilet, so much that you have pain (but not bad pain) lol. It's funny, I hope it goes soon, but it's just uncomfortable more than anything. Nell I have had some pain around my ovaries too, do you think that's down to your HSG? I had a big (TMI warning!) blob of brown bloody CM before, I thought it was EWCM at first and nearly died as I don't usually ovulate until CD21 but the texture's not the same, it just looked like it! x

Good luck ladies x :dust: x
Happyshopper - The doctor said he'll wait until the pap results to see if the friable cervix is an issue. I have to admit I have been thinking about it alot since the smear. I have an incompetent cervix so it doesn't work properly as it is ;) I wouldn't be suprised if I had some other issue with it. My next appt. is in 3 weeks and I'll be asking him about it again.
MrsPttc - did they give you antibiotics? they should have - just that sounds like the start of a UTI or something. No my ovary pains started last thursday, so 3 or 4 days before the HSG - they were worse over the weekend but have been more bearable since.
I think officially in medical speak 1 year is considered 'subfertile' and 2 years is considered 'infertile'. Half of women who don't conceive in year one go on to conceive in year 2. I have no idea why my PCT make you be 3yrs of TTC.
The NHS is great in som many ways but this whole fertility thing has made me realise it's very selective about what sort of modern medicine / findings it wishes to acknowledge.
There is no FS on this planet who would advise me to wait 3yrs until my eggs might have gone to then have IVF with donor eggs, when I could try now with my own.
Nell, weren't they suspecting premature ovarian failure? That's not exactly "unexplained", is it? I would think that sort of diagnosis should get you in sooner rather than later?
Hi Nell, yes I got 4 x antibiotics to take the night before, which made me feel really giddy & sick! But no ongoing antibiotics. Feel better this morning, still got tiny bit pain around my right ovary, but I'm hoping its a good sign that the HSG cleared me out! :thumbup: No more dodgy CM anyway so maybe it just took a while for it to make its way out as I know spotting is common after it x Yes 2years would make sense for classing it as infertility. How long you been trying Nell? x
Coming up for 17months now, with charting, OPK's, vits, lube the lot - I can't even console myself that in the early months we weren't trying hard....because we were :(

Glad the spotting has gone, although i gather anything up to a normal af type bleed is normal post hsg. I got 4 antibiotics too.
Thanks everyone, I really hope it continues but I'm not counting my chickens just yet. Yum ... I didn't take any supplements at all last month but this month is a different story to try to lengthen my LP, 150mg of B complex, royal jelly, EPO, pycnogenol (just in case I have endo but good for lots of other things too). They diagnosed cervical erosion during a coploscopy and cauterised it there and then. I haven't done acupuncture for a few months now, I was getting really frustrated that I always started spotting after a session during my LP. But then she was assuming my spotting was progesterone related xxx
:hugs: Nell. Your time will come, and very soon hopefully!! We've been "properly" trying from the beginning too, which makes it all the more frustrating! Sending you lots of :dust: x
Add me to the list of we unfortunate women who spot days before af :cry: This has been going on for over a year now, ever since I came off bcp's and I am CONVINCED those damn things are what caused all this hormonal crap. I thought for sure I was having IB today (af isn't due until the 29th) but nope, the spotting is increasing. I'm thinking of taking Fertilaid but I'm at a loss as what to do because my periods are regular and come at the same time each month. It's the spotting that needs to get under control though...I'm positive it is the reason I am not conceiving :nope:
Add me to the list of we unfortunate women who spot days before af :cry: This has been going on for over a year now, ever since I came off bcp's and I am CONVINCED those damn things are what caused all this hormonal crap. I thought for sure I was having IB today (af isn't due until the 29th) but nope, the spotting is increasing. I'm thinking of taking Fertilaid but I'm at a loss as what to do because my periods are regular and come at the same time each month. It's the spotting that needs to get under control though...I'm positive it is the reason I am not conceiving :nope:

:hugs: and welcome to the thread Molly :flower:

Have you seen your doctor about the spotting? Yeah that old IB trick gets me every time! :rofl: x
. It's the spotting that needs to get under control though...I'm positive it is the reason I am not conceiving :nope:

Hi Molly, like you I blame the BCP's for spotting. Even though i've since (starting TTC) found out i have low egg reserve and possibly endo i'm still convinced it's the spotting that stops a pg.

How long have you been TTC2? I love your siggie - the fact you're waiting for an actual little person with a name :flower:
Hi Molly, welcome. Looks like we're on the same schedule. I started spotting last night and af isn't due until the 27th so it will be 7 days this month :( It's so discouraging. Normal women get at least 2 weeks to hold on to some hope.

I agree with the sentiments above. The pill was the worse thing I could have taken.
Add me to the list of we unfortunate women who spot days before af :cry: This has been going on for over a year now, ever since I came off bcp's and I am CONVINCED those damn things are what caused all this hormonal crap. I thought for sure I was having IB today (af isn't due until the 29th) but nope, the spotting is increasing. I'm thinking of taking Fertilaid but I'm at a loss as what to do because my periods are regular and come at the same time each month. It's the spotting that needs to get under control though...I'm positive it is the reason I am not conceiving :nope:

:hugs: and welcome to the thread Molly :flower:

Have you seen your doctor about the spotting? Yeah that old IB trick gets me every time! :rofl: x

Yes and every time I go in there they look at me like I'm :wacko:! Finally I've been keeping track though and she wants me to have cd21 bloods done..which for me is going to be CD23 (tomorrow). I'm sure I O, I mean pretty odd af shows same time each month sooo if it is low progesterone it still better show up!!
. It's the spotting that needs to get under control though...I'm positive it is the reason I am not conceiving :nope:

Hi Molly, like you I blame the BCP's for spotting. Even though i've since (starting TTC) found out i have low egg reserve and possibly endo i'm still convinced it's the spotting that stops a pg.

How long have you been TTC2? I love your siggie - the fact you're waiting for an actual little person with a name :flower:

I too was diagnosed with Endo after I came off bcp...thankfully it wasn't bad though and I had a lap done in December 2008. Fast forward THREE years and I had another lap done juuuuust in case, except this time they ran dye through my tubes and everything, including the endo came back perfectly fine. SO, the spotting...which I'm almost positive is low progesterone, has to be the reason I'm not pregnant yet :cry:

How did you find out about low egg reserve?

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