Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Sorry I've been gone for a bit of time, me and the hubby went on vacation a few weeks ago and decided to just take it easy and try to stay away from the internet and such for awhile.

But I return with some great news, I finally got my :bfp: ! Doctor confirmed on Friday that my HcG is at 81, today I get to go back to find out what it's gone up to as of Monday (we're praying for AT LEAST a double). I'm so excited and just feel everything is going to go right this time. :happydance:

What I did differently this month was that we BD'd a record amount of times. Nearly every night from 5 days into my cycle until 10dpo (hubby was exhausted, haha). I CHANGED my vitamins, to ones with a lot more Vitamin B and hubby took Fertility vitamins for the entire month. Some combination of these changes has lead to the good news. And to all of you still trying, do NOT let the spotting make you believe you're over for the month. I spotted again from 14-17dpo (really late, as my AF usually came at 15dpo) and it turned out to me implantation! Late, but still good. :thumbup:
Cosmos that's such great news and we've all been saying recently how we need a spotting success story!!
Can you remind me (so I don't have to search through 81 pages, lol) how many dpo you started to spot from and what it was like?
Congrats again xx
Cosmos that's such great news and we've all been saying recently how we need a spotting success story!!
Can you remind me (so I don't have to search through 81 pages, lol) how many dpo you started to spot from and what it was like?
Congrats again xx

I'm so happy I can bring good news to the thread. :happydance:

I was spotting starting from 4-7dpo (it varied) all the way up to AF. My cycles were regular (at 35 days and no spotting) before I got pregnant in Oct/Nov. of 2010. I spotted ever since first AF after the MC in January and it stayed that way until this month. My cycles started at 44 days and got as short as 28 days (regular though LP, always AF 15dpo) for June and July. August was shaping up to be pretty in line as my OV was 7/23 and last AF 7/7. The spotting itself usually started as a brown (lighter) and got darker the longer it went on. One month is was light pink and started at 10dpo though and some months is was so dark, almost black. Never a lot, just enough for one PL a day (once in a great while two)

Also, I added the Robitussin trick for my high fertility days this cycle. What is was that did it who know! haha

olly - sorry abt the loss & welcome :flower: ! its gud that u got ur doc to listen to u & hope u get some ans ! i dont think spotting has anythin to do with age ! hope u get bfp real soon & gl with the ultrasound !
one quest - did u always spot even b4r u had ur ds ?

chloe- welcome :flower: ! mine is more like wat nell described ! hope the ac helps u ! gl !

nell- thanks 4r the welcome ! sorry abt all the pain but yay to the hsg ! why do they suspect endo? did they c anythin in the scan or hsg ? hope u get the dte early enough b4r ur vacation ! correct me if i'm wrong here, u spotted as always & had a little bleed even though u din't release a egg ? if u haven't released an egg, shud the prog be real low ? i just think all the meds
4r ivf messed up & nothing more ! with the hsg clearing up tubes, u shud have gud chance following cycles !

mrspttc- thanks 4r the welcome ! gl with the hsg ! hope it'll b pain free ! fx !

mrshy- i went to vegas so, it was more like a holiday & not vacation ! lol !
sorry abt the spotting :dohh: ! u r right , not out till the witch knocks on ur uterus ! ssbd !

cosmos - omggg ! congrattts ! :happydance: so happy 4r u dear ! have a healthy & happy preg ! :wohoo:
Sorry I've been gone for a bit of time, me and the hubby went on vacation a few weeks ago and decided to just take it easy and try to stay away from the internet and such for awhile.

But I return with some great news, I finally got my :bfp: ! Doctor confirmed on Friday that my HcG is at 81, today I get to go back to find out what it's gone up to as of Monday (we're praying for AT LEAST a double). I'm so excited and just feel everything is going to go right this time. :happydance:

What I did differently this month was that we BD'd a record amount of times. Nearly every night from 5 days into my cycle until 10dpo (hubby was exhausted, haha). I CHANGED my vitamins, to ones with a lot more Vitamin B and hubby took Fertility vitamins for the entire month. Some combination of these changes has lead to the good news. And to all of you still trying, do NOT let the spotting make you believe you're over for the month. I spotted again from 14-17dpo (really late, as my AF usually came at 15dpo) and it turned out to me implantation! Late, but still good. :thumbup:

Oh wow! Congratulations! :happydance: That gives us all a bit of hope. I am due to go on holiday in two weeks. So I'll copy you and BD like a maniac, if DH will allow it :blush:

Have a H&H 9months :hugs:
olly - sorry abt the loss & welcome :flower: ! its gud that u got ur doc to listen to u & hope u get some ans ! i dont think spotting has anythin to do with age ! hope u get bfp real soon & gl with the ultrasound !

Hi there! As you can see I am still a newbie when it comes to posting. Still haven't figured out how to add multiple quotes :dohh:
Thanks for the warm welcome. You're right and my idiot GP was soo wrong! It has nothing to do with age but something is not right. Sometimes I wonder if this is stress-related. But to be honest my spotting started over a year and a half ago after coming off BC. I've only been trying for 9mths. G'luck to you as well with getting your BFP :flower:
Cosmos - Woohoo! :thumbup: Congratulations, praying this is a sticky one for you :flower:

Yum - They suspect endo because they can see endometriosis cysts on my ovaries (these are bloody and chocolate coloured so diff to normal cysts). It's likely I had endo and the extra estrogen from IVF drugs has ramped it up. My progesterone was low that cycle too, they like to see 30 and mine was 25,so my Dr said 'something' happened, just not a good solid O.
Hi ladies
Witch is here - 9dpo today.
Thought I'd make myself feel better by calling that expensive ultrasound centre in Harley St and having a go at that sonographer who told me that I'd ovulated when I hadn't.
Anyway, she pulled up my file and looked at the photos again. She's absolutely certain that she saw a corpeus luteum with blood flowing around it (this was cd14). She said there's no way that would be any other kind of cyst. But she can't explain why I then got a +OPK 3 days after that and a temp spike 5 days after.
So - I have no idea. Did I ovulate earlier than cd14 this cycle? And if so I had a textbook 13-14 day LP. But if I did, why the second LH surge, and why did it take near on 7 days to show a temp spike?
Just SOOOOO confused. Guess the only thing for it next cycle is to BD every other day from cd9/10 until temp spike! Hope my hubby's going to be up to the job!!
MrsHY - Sorry the witch arrived :(. You seem to have a similar confusing cycle to me and tbh it's made me totally lose faith in OPK's / charting.
From everything they tell me a corpus luteum is really hard to get wrong as it's so distinctive so I'd lean towards the sonographer being correct - especially as she's checked back at the piccies. it might mean you don't have a short LP / O late after all.
Do I recall you have slight PCOS? Can't that interfere with OPK's?

I don't know what to suggest really. Like you I'm thinking of just BDing every day for around day 8 to about 18 and hoping that covers it from now on, no more daily BD around what I think is fertile time as it hasn't done me any good so far!
:hugs: MrsHY

So I had my HSG today! It was fine, just a bit uncomfortable and I'm getting the odd cramps every now and then. TBH I woke up with a bad back this morning and it's hurting more than my you know what!! :haha: Well my tubes are all clear. Just waiting to hear back from the consultant for an appointment to discuss all my results including my blood tests. I know it's good news but I was kinda hoping there'd be something so they could fix it and get my :bfp:!! DH also been told he doesn't need another SA as the consultant is happy with the first results from the other hospital. He is OVER the moon lol x
Hi ladies,

Welcome newcomers :)

Cosmo - Congrats!! H&H 9 months :)

MrsPTTC - glad the HSG went well. I'll be having one next month. He mentioned I could go under for it but I opted to stay awake so I'm happy to hear it's not that painful.

Nell and MrsHY - Sorry to hear about your wacky cycles this month. I'll likely be on clomid in October so I'm a bit concerned what it will do to my cycles. Like you I'm starting to not have much faith in OPK's or charting. Maybe it's b/c I'm getting a bit tired of TTC.

I had my appt. today. I have to re-do bloodwork on CD3. He has scheduled a saline ultrasound and lining biopsy. I also have an HSG scheduled. Not to mention I had my pap today and he mentioned my cervix was "friable" and could contribute to the spotting. I feel like a science experiment! He was very open to fertility treatments however I'm not sure I'm there yet. I'm considering clomid but I'm not 100% convinced.
Thanks islandgrl, yes I'm sure you'll be fine, the Dr offered me a lap instead but am glad I decided to stick with the HSG as it was nothing. Good luck with all your tests hun! :dust:
MrsHY - just realised i said every day from cd 8- 18, I meant every other day - i'm getting old and tired now ;)

MrsPttc - so pleased yours was easy too and your tubes were good, although I know what you mean re hoping to find a reason - especially one that the nhs will then treat!

Islandgirl - Glad your appointment went well, fx your HSG is pain free with good results too.

AFM - Well I booked a private gynae/FS consult as I've been getting in a bit of a flap and immense pain with these cysts and have so many questions and not enough patience to wait to see the NHS gynae at the end of any case she told me at my first appointment she didn't 'follow fertility' so I wasn't hopeful for her answering my Q's again.
The lady I saw today is the NHS FS I should have been referred to who has a private clinic too (rather than a general gynae like mine who specialises in post-natal care :wacko:)

She was really lovely and answered all my questions and we talked through the pros and cons of another ivf treatment with the endo v's having a lap and excision to remove the cyst and any other endo first. There is no clear choice tbh, but in any case we're going to wait for my next AF and re-scan and make a decision which route to take then.

We also discussed the NHS fertility support and she answered all my Q's re treatment and it seems endo isn't classed as 'explained' infertility and so I would still have a 3yr wait (or rather 2yrs now!). She said she felt clomid was a waste of time for me as I ovulate and might do more harm than good, she is the 3rd private consultant to have told me this and I'm inclined to agree so the little tablets will remain unused for now - besides the leaflet advises against taking them with unknown bleeding, cysts and endometriosis.
So I'm at least prepared for the bad wait list news I'll be told at the end of september now and won't pin any hopes on that being helpful and will insetad keep saving my pennies :haha:
Nell - Just a quick one for you. Why did your fs tell you clomid might do more harm than good? Just wondering as my fs is suggesting I try it even though I ovulate. As you know I'm on the fence.
Island girl...... in list format as it's easier ;)

I already ovulate and clomid is most effective for people who don't ovulate / have pcos/ have low progesterone or LPD / have sporadic cycles so hard to time BD.

I had a thin lining on IVf so there's a risk from clomid it could make that worse/ be a waste of time.

My PCT doesn't monitor clomid so I wouldn't really know how it's affecting me good or bad.

I have low ovarian reserve which means my ovaries need a lot of drugs to ramp up ie extra follicles) so clomid would likely not improve my ovulation but i might get the side effects.

I have unexplained bleeding, this is contraindicated on the drug data sheet.

I currently have cysts so a big no-no right now.

I possibly have endo, clomid can cause extra estrogen so speed up endo growth - the same happens with IVF drugs except to balance the risk there is greater chance of pg too.

I've been told any FS would prefer low dose injectibles for effectiveness/ side effects over clomid. But clomid is cheaper and less invasive (popping a pill v's self injecting) and so often offered. One FS (not todays) said the NHS nice guidelines state a heap of info on what they don't offer due to insufficient evidence but oddly they dish out clomid to virtually everyone, he felt because it's cheap and gives an illusion of 'treatment'.
hello, i finally got my af late last nite after 6 horrid days of spotting..luks like i messed up spotting even more with all the bvits as it went from 3.5 days to 6 but i'm going to continue with the bvits 4r another 2 cycles & then stop.

mrspttc- gud to know it went well & all is clear ! did u get ur prog levels back ?

ig-i know wat u mean by feeling like an experiment ! are u in lp wen u got ur pap ? gl with blood work & hoping 4r a painfree hsg !

mrshy- sorry abt the witch & confusing cycle ! big hugs ! how abt the spotting this cycle ? hope v all have better cycles this mnth !

nell- yeah, clomid wudn't be of much help to someone who's already o'ng on their own.. gud that u found someone who can listen & answer u ! u never had any endo in earlier scans, right ? i somehow have a gut feeling its 4rm all the ivf drugs..anyways, its a gud plan to wait & rescan & decide..lap wouldn't b that of my frn's got it done along with hysteroscope to get endo& polyps removed & was back to normal real soon..its gud procedure as they can have better luk of the insides ! hope everythn goes well !
nell- i almost forgot, how r ur accu sessions goin on ? see any change so far ?
Thanks Nell and Yum. So Nell - this 3 year wait - is this to remove the cysts?! I don't get why they'd make you wait so long when they're giving you IVF - surely if they'd just sort the cysts out then you could get pg on your own and therefore save money on IVF?! I realise cos of your low ovarian reserve it's still gonna be hard, but seems to me like they're doing things backwards! :shrug:

Yum I'm just waiting to hear back from the consultant about all the test results - I think I'll have to go and see him and see what the next step is...I also had my - is it - FSH, LH & E2 levels checked in the other blood test? Looking forward to the results... I have a feeling if everything is ok he'll tell me to go away and keep trying for another 6 months, but we'll see. They do seem to hand out Clomid like candy these days so maybe he'll give me that, though I "seem" to ovulate fine...

Gosh I have quite irritating cramping tonight after the HSG! Funny how it was better after the op and NOW I'm getting the pains. Oucha! x
Yum - Yes I'm in my lp and had a pap. Should I be concerned about it affecting implantation? I haven't started spotting yet as I'm only 4dpo.

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