Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Hi there,

Chloe - I've never taken AC so I can't really comment. Jealous of your cruise though :)

MrsHY - Welcome back and sounds like you had a nice relaxing break. I got pregnant after my holiday this spring/summer. FX for you. I'm not following my cycle this month either since I'm undergoing a series of tests and the doctor doesn't want me pregnant and I have to say I quite like it. It's a shame we can't try. Out of curiousity are you on progesterone and clomid?

HappyShopper - Good luck this month and yay for a referral :) It might bring you some piece of mind.

Just wondering if any of you have considered endo as the source? I know Nell mentioned she may have it and so did Molly. I'm going to ask my doctor at my next visit about the likelyhood. I don't seem to have any of the other symptoms besides spotting and some clots.
You can add me to the list. :(
This is the first time that I've had spotting from 8DPO all the way to AF.
I've never experienced this before, but all of the things you ladies are saying makes sense. :(

This sucks.
Hi there,

Chloe - I've never taken AC so I can't really comment. Jealous of your cruise though :)

MrsHY - Welcome back and sounds like you had a nice relaxing break. I got pregnant after my holiday this spring/summer. FX for you. I'm not following my cycle this month either since I'm undergoing a series of tests and the doctor doesn't want me pregnant and I have to say I quite like it. It's a shame we can't try. Out of curiousity are you on progesterone and clomid?

HappyShopper - Good luck this month and yay for a referral :) It might bring you some piece of mind.

Just wondering if any of you have considered endo as the source? I know Nell mentioned she may have it and so did Molly. I'm going to ask my doctor at my next visit about the likelyhood. I don't seem to have any of the other symptoms besides spotting and some clots.

Thanks IslandGirl! I'm just on Clomid - the cycle before last I had my progesterone tested at 7dpo and it was really high. Interestingly - I'd started spotting at 6dpo so you'd think it'd be lower but it wasn't. xx
hello ladies,

mrshy- glad to know u had a relaxed holiday & mnth ! i agree with the semen confusion ! gud luck this cycle !

happyshopper- yay to no spotting..must have been 4rm the procedure & with the appnmt & fx 4r no spotting & bfp !

mrspttc- wn r u gonna get ur test results back ? 3 more days to test ! gl ! ssbd !

chloe- i'm not sure abt ac but heard it can make ppl spot & so never tried ! sorry abt it :hugs: hope it gets sorted out !

ig- i did think abt endo.i askd my doc & she said i dont have any symptoms & u/s was gud but only way to find out 4r sure is to do a lap & she din't wanted to do it then( last nov)
a quick ques ? if endo is on the tubes or ovaries, would it cause spotting ? i think it should be inside to cause spotting, right ?

afm, i'm hoping not to spot 6 days like last 2 cycles but get back to atleast my normal 4 days spotting..due next thru so hoping i wont start spotting atleast till sun ! i sometimes spot after bd & it pushes me to a depressing state so trying not to check 4r spotting !

takecare ladies :flower:

Yum - Good question about the endo. I'm not sure.

AFM I got my bloodwork back today. FSH, LH, prolactin, test., estradiol all normal except I noticed I'm on the low end of estradiol and on the high end of prolactin. I actually had to redo the prolactin since the first result was over the range. I was pretty sick (bad chest cough) the day of the test so I think that may have altered it. The second result was in the range but still on the high end. Oh and bloodwork shows I don't have PCOS. He checked my ovaries through ultrasound and they look fine but he couldn't tell if they are PCO since I'm due to ovulate in 2 days. Does that make sense?

We tried to do the saline ultrasound twice but it wouldn't work :( The water kept coming out. He said my uterine muscles are too tight and are contracting. So after my AF I'm going under for an hsg, hysterscope, and D&C mainly to check my lining (biopsy). I'm a little worried about going under but I need to get checked out. I asked him if he thought the spotting was physical or hormonal and he said likely hormonal but we need to rule out everything.
I hope everyone had a great weekend!!!
Yum - Could it be possible that you have cervical erosion as you are spotting after BDing which happened to me too? Spotting can be depressing but there are lots of things that it could be and its doesn't always mean that you are out. Good luck this month xxx
IG - going under is a bit of scary prospect but at least you will get some answers. I hope the procedures goes well xxx
Welcome Pinkchucks, you're right spotting well and truly sucks xxx
Well I started spotting yesterday 10DPO so at least that confirms that cervical erosion was the cause. The witch should be here tomorrow and I don't feel like it will be my month this time. FX its soon though as this is getting really disheartening. Good luck to everyone xxx
Hi Girls,
Well, i'm on day 12 of spotting :( No :witch: yet, but i'm fully expecting her arrival any day. I decided to make a doctor's appointment, even though I haven't been TTC for that long. I called today and instead of the usual one and a half month wait, there was a cancellation, so i get to go in tomorrow! I hope she schedules blood work. I really want to know what is causing this evil spotting and my 40 day cycles!
Hi ladies,

Not a good day for me:( I've been spotting/bleeding since the useless procedure and it's getting me down. It's bad enough I spot for 7 days before af now this. I also don't know when I ovulated since the cm is all mixed in with blood and getting negative opk's. I should have ov'd yesterday. To make matters worse this might affect my next test since he doesn't want me bleeding at all. How's that supposed to happen when it seems I'm bleeding all the time now? Sorry for the negative post. Just annoyed.

Chloe - Good luck with the appt.
HS - Glad to hear you spotting is better :)
Hi girlies

Yum - I get all my results back on 21st September, the day before our wedding anniversary lol.

Happyshopper - I totally know what you mean about it being disheartening, I am so sick now. :hugs: When is it gonna be our turn?!

Chloe - hope your appointment goes well. You might wanna bend the truth a bit about how long you've been trying. But TBH your cycle/spotting don't sound normal so she'll probably be good about referring/testing you.

Islandgrl - so sorry about your spotting sweetie :hugs:

AFM - bit of a sad month...My HSG cycle, my new "clean" food diet, my moonstone bracelet - I was feeling very confident...But no the damn :witch: got me today. I knew she was on her way with 3 days of very low temps. I didn't think I would be too bothered as I'm on my holiday in 3 weeks and I would enjoy myself better if I wasn't pg, but god I was praying I got a BFP this cycle. :nope: On the plus side I've had no odd cramping mid luteal phase (like I get every month and it never means anything) and no spotting until 11DPO!! Perhaps it's the new diet or the moonstone, or the omega 3 I've been taking as part of the diet but hope it continues :thumbup: x
MrsPttC- Yay for the spotting staying away until 11 dpo! but boo for no bfp. Personally I'm getting tired of ttc. It's taking it's toll on me emotionally and physically. I'm fine most days but the days I'm not suck. I hope we all get a bfp soon! Although that won't happen for me for at least a couple of months due to the tests next week and the recovery.
I usually eat fairly well but I'm starting to eat more vegetarian food. Hopefully that helps but if not I still think it's a good change.

hs- i was thinking abt erosion too but then i think to myself that they would have found it during my scope so, no hope there..yay to spotting free 10dpo..keep us posted !

chloe- oh gosh ! so sorry abt the spotting dear ! big hugss ! hope u got some answrs !

ig- don't worry abt the post..v have all been there ! hope the spotting is gone by now ! i know its scary but u won't feel a'll b over within no time..its gud that u r gonna get hsg wen u r under so u wont feel any pain..i had a scope 4r my cervical polyp removal & it went well..was in & out in 3 hrs..had bleeding 4r 5 hrs & af cramps. u'll b back to normal in 2 days..i wish i had known abt hsg back then so that i wud have got that !

mrspttc- sorry abt the witch ! may b all u need is that break with no charting (that was swell). have fun @ ur holiday..if u don't mind me asking,were r u visiting ? was there a change in spotting this mnth , like in no# of days or amount ?

afm, started spotting with some blood now & then ( so annoying) on sun with little cramps so.,waiting 4r af to come quickly !
Thanks Islandgrl - know exactly what you mean, I am so :sick: now. Hope it's your turn soon :thumbup:

Yum - Thank you hun, I'm going to Turkey for a week all inclusive. I can't wait. It's supposed to be very cheap as the currency is not the Euro (like the majority of the sun holidays in Europe) and there's some fantastic trips we can go on. I'll be ovulating just before we go so am hoping as I'll be relaxed it'll help with the 2WW and my chances of course! Re the spotting - well I am so up and down! It started with spotting from 10DPO but with a longer LP, then as I took the AC my LP shortened. When I took AC all the way through the cycle as opposed to up to ovulation I then got spotting from about 6DPO on and off until AF. Then I stopped the AC and the spotting went back to 10DPO but has been as early as 9DPO and my LP has remained at about 11 or 12 days. Last month I increased my Maca intake and spotted from 6DPO again! So I'm off Maca now, and on the diet and moonstone etc.. and this month my spotting was different, not bitty tinged CM like before, now proper pre & post AF spotting (if that makes sense!) If I can get to 11DPO every month I'll be a very happy girl! :)

Welcome to the group Pinkchucks! :flower:

Oh and ladies, do you feel like you've been left behind whilst everyone joins the 1st tri? I've gone back over some old threads and nearly everyone is preggo!! I'm happy for them obviously, but the majority of people on the TTC forums now haven't been trying that long and it's a bit frustrating! x
MrsPTTC - have fun in Turkey! I spent a day there on my cruise and I would love to go back! Such an amazing place. Stress can do so many bad things to our bodies, so please enjoy the time away :) I have never heard of Maca until I came on this thread. I will have to keep that in mind, although it sounds about as helpful as AC!

Yum - sorry about the spotting :(

IG - which useless procedure did you have? The saline ultrasound? How is that different than a regular ultrasound? What were they looking for?

AFM - my appointment went surprisingly well. My doctor initially told me it was early for me to be coming in with problems, but since i explained to her that I had spotting like this prior to going on birth control, she changed her tune and became very nice and helpful. They drew 5 vials of blood to test for every hormone imagineable, and then she gave me 3 months of progesterone to take for 10 days at the end of every month. She said this would help keep my lining from shedding early, in the form of spotting, and also increase my chances of getting pregnant. And if after 3 months i'm not seeing any help or am not pregnant, she will give me clomid. So all in all, not a bad appointment.

Has anyone on here ever taken progesterone for their spotting?
MrsPTTC - I know you're not going for a bit yet but have fun in Turkey! Sounds very exotic. Yes, I've looked back at some threads and noticed the same thing. Hopefully someone will look back at our thread and realize the same thing about all of us!

Chloe - I'd say that was a great appointment. Even though my doctor thinks I have issues with progesterone he won't give me anything until we go through blood work, hsg, ultrasound, hysterscope, SA. Then if everything checks out fine he'll start me on clomid and I'll beg for progesterone too :) I'm thinking if I shed some tears he might agree ;) Actually I heard he and his wife had a lot of issues getting pregnant but finally did and have one boy. Apparently it's the reason he got into fertility.
The procedure involved him inserting a catheder into my cervix and pouring water through it to inflate my uterus to give him a better picture of my uterus (through ultrasound). It didn't work the first time so the second time around he poked my uterus with the catheder so hard I jumped and let out a little scream. I think it was an accident but since then I have pain in that area and I'm bleeding :(
Thanks ladies! :hugs:

Chloe, DH is continuing to take Maca as it helps improve :spermy: and he did pretty well on his SA a few months back so I'm scared for him to stop it! He also takes Wellman Conception. God to think weve thrown all these tablets down our necks for the last 10/11 months or so and we're STILL waiting for a :bfp:! :dohh: x
Hi everyone,

I've found the group thanks to Islandgrl :)

I have had such unusual cycles since having my son 4 years ago.

Just a little history, i was diagnosed via lap with stage four endo seven years ago. Went through various laps for treatment and false menopauses to achieve conceiving my son.

Started trying ttc #2 ntnp just over three years ago. Have been actively trying for 21 cycles (mixture of some months taking it easy and others temping,opks etc).

I seem to spot for three days then bleed for three every month. But the bleeding always seems to begin at 10 dpo and like some of yoou have said it's heartbreaking convincing yourself it's not ib.

This month i thought i would try Soy. 160mg cd 3-7. I'm currently cd 5. I'm hoping it will bring o forward by at least a day to try and lengthen my lp. I already take b vitamins in my multi vits and i also use conceive +.

Even with my history i need to wait until the end of the year before a fertility referal. I think the anxiety of having to face that prospect is making me more frustrated that each month is going by as a bfn.

Thank you for listening, it feels like i'm all alone everyday as my other half is very relaxed and optimistic and i try to be that way too but i can't help but feel like i'm letting him down.

Sorry for jumping on the wagon so late in the chat! I'm relatively new to bab.

Hello all! I am back again with yet another month of this ridiculous spotting. I am 7dpo today and I noticed my CM is slightly tinged brown which means that yup it's starting again. Does anyone have any opinions or ideas on things to try that may make this stop??? I'm getting to the point that I just want to have a hysterectomy and get it over with (I have history of Endo, had a lap in May and everything was fine). It's getting frustrating with the whole ttc process and it's taking a toll on me :cry:
Hi all
Welcome to the new ladies - Chloe597, Molly5186 and Casperess! Hugs to Molly. I know exactly how you feel - my spotting starts brownish tinged CM around 7dpo (on my Clomid cycles - I've just finished my third) and 4-5dpo on my natural cycles. It's just that horrible moment when you wipe (sorry if TMI) and see it - and think 'here we go again, another month wasted.' It's like you get a really horrible warning that AF is on her way and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

Hi Islandgirl - have you recovered from your procedure yet? The jab you got to the uterus sounds horrible! I've had some rather aggressive internal exams before and they were bad enough!

MrsPTTC - have an amazing hols in Turkey and a relaxing 2ww xx

As for me - well, my third cycle of Clomid 100mg has drawn to a close and BFN. Knew it was BFN from 7dpo when the spotting started - increased in itensity and then turned into a blackish sludge yesterday. This morning it had turned red and very clotty (sorry TMI). Did have a 11 day LP though (which is good for me - and if you count cd1 as 'full flow' rather than the brown sludge).

Am going to have a natural cycle this cycle to give my body a break, and then do another three months. My private GP seems happy to keep prescribing Clomid until I decide that IUI/IVF is the next step - so will probably do another 3 months after this lot. At that point, I think that we'll look into other options. Age isn't a massive factor (I'm nearly 32) and my egg reserve is good, but in an ideal world we'd like a couple of children so if they're both going to come to this earth via IVF then we need to brace ourselves (and our bank balance!) for a long and rocky road ahead.

Anyway, still trying to stay positive that I'll get my BFP without that and all will be well. Hugs to all x
Welcome Casperess :flower:

:hugs: Mollie.

Thanks MrsHY, hope next month the Clomid does the trick! :thumbup:.

AFM, so I had my FS appointment today and the results weren't what I was expecting.. I think I'm in shock... No ovulation last month! :cry: I said "but I temp & it confirmed ovulation" and he says temping is a load of rubbish, there's so many things that affect your temperature it's the worst way to check for ovulation. So that's my thermometer going back in it's box! Due to my longer cycles and the crap progesterone levels he says he has evidence of "irregular ovulation" and is putting me on Clomid for 6 months and we're doing follicle tracking next cycle. He said if I wanted to we could just do the follicle tracking & see what happens but suggested I start the Clomid right away. I was so not expecting that and have been a little upset. He said the Clomid has 25% chance of twins, I knew it increased your chances but not by that much! When I told DH on the phone he went very quiet - neither of us want twins & he doesn't know how we'd cope. Anyway, we're gonna have a chat about it tonight. I just think if I don't start it now it's delaying things even more. I had a feeling they'd give me Clomid anyway as they hand it out like sweets but to be told no ovulation is a kick in the guts. Also, he says not to believe everything I read and says Luteal Phase Defect is not something they believe in anymore as there is no evidence - he said it used to be "in the book" but not now and didn't seem concerned about the spotting one little bit (though I am not now either as it seems to have subsided.) He's got a good reputation too, when I was in the waiting room there were newspaper articles with him in, and loads of photos of babies I assume born with his help :) xx

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