Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Hi everyone,

Welcome bec - Hope your tests are all fine! Keep us posted.

Yum - Glad to hear your mum is better :) Have a nice time away. I can't believe December is right around the corner.

MrsPTTC - Sorry to hear about the weather on your trip and for the early arrival of you know who but at least you're giving clomid a try. I'm not looking forward to the side effects of clomid. FX it does the trick for you...this month!

MrsHY - Good luck with the HSG. I'm sure you'll be fine. It's over pretty quick which is nice. Like you said you're not out until she arrives. I spotted like usual the month I got my bfp. It stopped all of a sudden on the day before my af so I had a feeling something was up. FX!

AFM I'm finally over strep but now have a cold. When will it end?? The rest of my family got the flu so we've been one sick household. We're off for a quick trip next week and I should be ov'ing while we're away....I hope! I don't want another long cycle.
Hi Ladies, do you mind if I join your group? I typically spot from 8dpo to the :witch: shows her face full force, which is about 5 to 6 days of spotting until :AF: . I started trying AC and Red Raspberry capsules last month but I stopped taking both after I O'ed as I was reading conflicting information on the AC after O was achieved that it could possibly cause a miscarriage so I don't know if I am going to take it this cycle. I am currently on day 2 of pre AF spotting. In additon to the spotting issue I had a tubal reversal in May so I am not sure if the surgery is having an effect on my ability to conceive
Hello there ladies, I'd also like to join the group if possible! I normally get 2 days of light brown spotting (when I wipe) before my AF, but since TTC there seems to be more days of spotting than usual... For example, this month on CD25 (approx. 10 dpo) I had a bit of bright red spotting, then every day after until getting AF yesterday I had light brown. I had light cramps the entire way through. I have yet to get my progesterone tests done, but will do this month, plus scans, etc.

I think the worst thing about spotting for me is how easy I can convince myself that it's nothing or even (!!) implantation bleeding, that AF may still not show up, that there is still a chance that I will have a BFP, that my sore breasts may be due to pregnancy rather than my period... I'm hoping that by learning more through the group I might be able to learn more about the reasons for the spotting and also work through them.
So 4dpo and my spotting arrived as usual :nope:, I think 4dpo is the new 'normal' for me, i'm sure when i was firt ttc it was lighter and arrived around 7dpo.
I've even got some fresh red spotting this time. I'm truly sick of wearing some form of sanitary protection for half of my cycle :growlmad: and for not being able to DTD in the LP, DH doesn't care but the idea of all this brown gunk and sexiness doesn't go together for me.

Does anyone else find themselves on a repetitive cycle of moods with their spotting? I start of feeling all 'ok' about spotting, positive, relaxed, then it arrives and i feel black and full of doom, then a few days in i'm sort 'c'est la vie' about it and then just awaiting AF to start all over.

As others have said a few pages back, despite OPK's, and temps shifts i'm seriously starting to doubt if I actually O each cycle :shrug:
Welcome expat and mrzladyk!

Nell, I could have written that myself. I go through the exact same emotions each cycle with the spotting. I too hate wearing liners for half my cycle and dh won't go near me when I'm spotting. I feel like it's taken over my life.
So 4dpo and my spotting arrived as usual :nope:, I think 4dpo is the new 'normal' for me, i'm sure when i was firt ttc it was lighter and arrived around 7dpo.
I've even got some fresh red spotting this time. I'm truly sick of wearing some form of sanitary protection for half of my cycle :growlmad: and for not being able to DTD in the LP, DH doesn't care but the idea of all this brown gunk and sexiness doesn't go together for me.

Does anyone else find themselves on a repetitive cycle of moods with their spotting? I start of feeling all 'ok' about spotting, positive, relaxed, then it arrives and i feel black and full of doom, then a few days in i'm sort 'c'est la vie' about it and then just awaiting AF to start all over.

As others have said a few pages back, despite OPK's, and temps shifts i'm seriously starting to doubt if I actually O each cycle :shrug:

Hi Nell
Sorry to hear that. It is totally rubbish, isn't it. And yes - I go through EXACTLY the same each month - that first 'wipe' (sorry!) when I spot the dreaded spotting, my stomach just falls through the floor and I want to scream and shout and cry and swear and take myself off to a cave and sit there fuming.
Then I'm like 'whatever - maybe this will be one of those cycles where the spotting dries up and leads to a BFP', only to go back to the scream/shout/cry/swear/cave/fuming behaviour when AF properly gets going.

Welcome to the new ladies!!

As for me - 9dpo today and the brown spotting is still in full force but hasn't got any heavier. Not getting my hopes up though - either tomorrow or 11dpo it will become darker, 11/12 dpo I'll have a blob of red and 12/13 dpo I'll be in full blown period city. Bleurgh.

I swear I feel like you guys are in the room with me. Thats EXACTLY how I feel right before my period. I have a WHOLE lot more then yall do. I have a burn right before my period when I wipe (my np doctor says its my I have been LC)I have spotting 2-3 days then period. Then it will almost dry up and then start again with a Blood clot. and then a light flow....So I dont think I ovaluate and my doc wants to do a scan and I will as soon as I get the 6hundred plus that he wants not to mention I do have insurance that is my ded. I have taken Spirulana and Maca hopefully they will kick in. ASAP...I try not to be angry but I just keep praying......I will have the money by the end of the month so I can see exactly what this is...
Moving - ((hugs)) it's so stressful that not only do we have this, it costs money (lots too) to have it all looke at and investigated.

MrsHY - sorry the spotting found you too, I really thought the clomid would fix things for you hun. Good luck with the HSG.

Islandgirl - sorry you've been sick, i hope you feel better soon and catch that egg while you're away :)

I do find some comfort that we all go through the same feelings and emotions, though i wish none of us had to of course.
My spotting has been heavier yesterday and today, bits of red too and I think it might be one of those cycles where it's hard to tell when it's spotting and when it's AF (my AF can be short and light).

I think i've decided after our next ivf i'll go ahead with the lap. I'm not sure for me this is just about TTC anymore, my health comes into it too and i just don't see how this is healthy. Now they've seen a cyst on u/s and this wretched spotting isn't going i feel i should probably just get checked out properly and have any endo they find removed. The down side is removing endo from my ovaries will reduce my egg supply and it's already low, but i'm sort of reluctantly thinking health comes first now.

It's been over a year of spotting now, initially i had spots on my face in my LP too and so felt sure my hormones would settle but now i have no other signs of my hormones being off, just the pre menstrual bleeding.

I can't actually belive how much proddling and poking i've had done in the last year! I swore i'd never go back on the BCP again, but i'm seriously re thinking that for the future tbh.
Bleargh indeed. What frustration, but I have to admit, it's comforting knowing I'm not the only one out there looking at this spotting and wondering what it means...dreading finding out; i'm going to do a progesterone test this month on day 24, and as today is day 3, have just had some blood drawn to be sent away for some other hormonal tests...I'm based way in the middle of nowhere, so will only have a chance to see a proper doctor in 10 days in Bangkok, which at least is cheaper than what it would be to see someone for a speciality issue back in Canada. I can't wait just to at least have someone tell me what a pap says, what an ultrasound says. I hope I'm left with more answers than questions...
Welcome new ladies :flower:

Hugs to Nell & Mrshy on your spotting :growlmad:.

Nell I totally agree with your post about the spotting cycle & wearing liners. But we don't BD in the 2ww anyway (the deed is done ha) so that doesn't affect us, I just pleasure DH other ways :blush:.

Islandgrl - thanks. So far the clomid effects are fine, teeny bit moody but not much & haven't noticed any hot flashes. However yesterday I thought my left ovary felt different, though it might of been in my head. Have any of you that have used clomid noticed any feelings in your ovaries?

Hello again ladies,

Just been reading through the new posts, I to have the same feelings as you all each month when the spotting begins, and it's definatly comforting knowing there are others in the same boat especially as when i first googled it for info i found nothing and thought it must be the only one!!

expatttc: I'm waiting for a 24day progesterone blood test to its 1st Nov im on cd10 so a while away yet, i'm kind of excited as it could mean answers!
I think I'm not ovulating so going to beg for clomid if tests confirm it.

I feel lucky to be in England with the NHS reading that some of u are having to pay for all these tests, only draw back is i think i could be put on a waiting list for any treatment needed.

Also, you have all said about it being browny, mine starts as a pinkish tinge and progresses to a few spots of blood onto a very light flow of fresh blood and then onto AF, is that the same as any of you?

Hope everyones well (apart from the spotting obviously) xxxx
Bec mine is mostly brown, bitty cm but more recently its been an orangey brown & when checking cervix its been a bit bloody. Mine is very light but some poor ladies on here have lots & clots & things so I think I'm lucky x Good luck with your progesterone test, that's how I got my clomid. I'm also in the UK & thank heavens for the nhs. However I heard a 3 year wait for IVF for 'unexplained' fertility which is ridiculous! x
Thanks MrsP, I'm lucky enough to already have a 2yr old so i wouldnt go as far as ivf.
Did ur doc give u clomid straight away after ur blood test or did u have to wait? Im goin to ask for that, or if I am ovulating I'm gonna ask for progesterone tablets to keep my levels up to give me better chance of BFP! X
Hi, yes he did offer for me to have follicle scans for 3 months then start clomid, but i didn't want to delay things any further & he suggested I start it now rather than later. I've got 34 day cycles too & though he said its still classed as normal its on the long side so I think he'd have given me clomid anyway. You shouldn't have a problem with getting clomid as I've read its so cheap they hand it out like sweets! You might have a fight on your hands with the progesterone though as my FS said the specialists have all dismissed luteal phase defects now & they don't tend to give out progesterone much these days. When I suggested LPD he rolled his eyes & said I'd been googling too much! :haha: x
Afternoon all!
CD1 for me today... cry. Full flow started this morning. Really thought I was in with a chance this cycle - I don't know, I just felt a bit different. Had massive amounts of cramping yesterday morning but AF didn't show (beyond the normal amount of pre-AF spotting I get) so I had managed to convince myself that I was experiencing some kind of implantation cramps. Thought my boobs felt differently as well. Oh well, all wishful thinking I guess!

I called to make my HSG appt but they are fully booked this month - so have booked in November. Think I'll do a Clomid cycle this month and see how that goes, even though this cycle was natural and although no BFP, ovulation was early and LP was long for me (11 days).

Just debating whether to go back to my private GP and ask for a cyclogest (progesterone) prescription for post-ovulation. I saw on another thread that a girl with a luteal phase of only 8 days has got to 11 days and has seen a second line on a test. Just wonder if it's worth it though - my hospital consultant told me there's no evidence that progesterone in the lp improves pregnancy rates and I know from my last day 21 results that my own progesterone was really good at 65 (albeit I'd started to spot already!).

Grrr. Just don't know what to do for the best really!

Hello there! Fellow spotter here sitting at day two of spotting at 9dpo. It's amazing to read other people's posts. It's like you guys are in my head!

This morning I was like oh I'm fine. It's not a big deal. Then this afternoon feel like a huge failure.

We're currently waiting on my husband's SA results to come in. If they're normal, then my ob is going to prescribe clomid for a couple of months. If I don't get any results after two months, I'm going to contact a RE to get testing. My OB wasn't concerned about me because my charts show I'm ovulating (well have been since I started BBTing).

Hoping that this early spotting doesn't mean my AF is going start before Monday.. I really would like to be able to be on clomid for this next cycle!
:hugs: Mrshy! Sorry AF got you. Yeah my FS told me the same thing about progesterone & also they don't believe in LPD anymore! But i do wonder... Good luck with the HSG, sorry you cant get in sooner. Yay to the clomid! Here's to some clomid babies! :thumbup:

Welcome daydream! This is a great group. FX'd you get your clomid for next cycle. I'm on my first round of clomid x
So ladies, here is my update. Follicle scan this morning (was internal but I had expected external :dohh:. So I have a cyst on my left ovary, it was blocking their view of the follicles on that ovary but on my right ovary there are THREE follicles, 2 good size & 1 small. They said they don't think the 3rd will develop which is lucky otherwise a risk of triplets! Apparently I'm overreacting to the clomid so they might recommend half a tablet (25mg) next month. I'm going back for another scan on monday to see how they're developing. So I 'may' have a reason for my spotting! I know during 'ovulation' & sometimes during the LP I get pain in my left side so I assume its that x
So ladies, here is my update. Follicle scan this morning (was internal but I had expected external :dohh:. So I have a cyst on my left ovary, it was blocking their view of the follicles on that ovary but on my right ovary there are THREE follicles, 2 good size & 1 small. They said they don't think the 3rd will develop which is lucky otherwise a risk of triplets! Apparently I'm overreacting to the clomid so they might recommend half a tablet (25mg) next month. I'm going back for another scan on monday to see how they're developing. So I 'may' have a reason for my spotting! I know during 'ovulation' & sometimes during the LP I get pain in my left side so I assume its that x

Wow you're a good responder! Even on 100mg I didn't have more than one dominant follicle - well at least I didn't on the cycle they scanned me (only had the one scan though). Did they say the cyst had been caused by the Clomid or was it there before do they think?

Thanks for your good wishes - true to form I'm feeling a lot more positive today! Am going to take my Clomid tonight and am seeing my GP about progesterone tablets in the next couple of weeks. I kind of think that they can't hurt - and if it does nothing for a BFP but prevents some spotting at least I'll save some cash on unwanted pantyliners!

Lol, yes I think anything is worth a try hun! Well I'm still not so sure I don't ovulate every month & that it wasn't a one off so maybe thats why I'm responding so well? Who knows. I'd like to think now that I haven't been ovulating & its the reason for lack of BFP & that the clomid is a miracle cure but it might not be. I'm thinking positive though. I'm looking forward to Monday for the next scan & so I can ask more questions as I'm still not sure what it all means, and I have no idea when I'll ovulate. I hope Monday is not too late to BD. When I told DH about 3 follicles he said he'd rather wait til then as we dont want to risk triplets! Monday will be cd12 & I don't usually ovulate til cd21 :shrug: x

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