Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Welcome Liz :hi:.

Where is Nell & happyshopper?! They haven't been on in a while, especially HS.

Happy weekend everyone, I'm going to have a good drink :wine: tomorrow. Had a tough week at work & clomid is just making me so down, I need to de stress :thumbup: x
MrsPTTC, Nell pops up in assisted conception! But I haven't seen happyshopper for awhile too. I too worry when people I know online get quiet, because there's no other way of finding out if they're doing fine. I always hope that the gals that disappear from BnB are just happily pregnant :)

10DPO here and not having any symptoms at all. I tested at 8DPO like a complete idiot LOL Planning to just wait and see what happens now, AF is due Tuesday-Wednesday, that is if I have a consistent LP.
Ooh no symptoms is often a GOOD sign soili! FXd for you!

Yes I hope HS is ok, she had 2 accounts cos of a technical problem but she's been on under neither since I think well before xmas x
Ooh no symptoms is often a GOOD sign soili! FXd for you!

Thank you!! :hugs: I never get any symptoms in TWW though, so kinda waiting for something to make me at least suspect that I might be pregnant. Oh well, still a few day to go! ;)
:hi: I'm here, I just haven't been posting much lately, as Soili says hanging i've been out in assisted conception while I *was* doing a FET, unfortunately my lining has done nothing, just 5mm, stupid uterus.
Looks like i'll be cancelled but will know for sure on wednesday.

I do read, I just don't have much to add as when i'm on assisted cycles i'm spot free.
Hi Nell! Sorry for my ignorance but what is FET? When you say assisted cycles, exactly what do you mean? Funny how you're spot free with them! What's the cure I wonder? x
Hi everyone,

So glad I have found this forum and I hope it would be ok to join you. It has taken me about a week here and there to read the forum from start to finish and have learned so much from you all. Thank you thank you thank you. You all seem an excellent bunch of ladies and I wish you all BFPs in 2012. It has also been wonderful to follow fellow spotters who have managed to get BFPs.

If you are interested… my TTC story….
I came of BCP March 2011 and I and hubby have been TTC since July 2012. It has only been since TTC that I noticed premenstrual spotting 7 days before AF. I have a 28 day cycle. Initially I wasn’t too concerned but when nothing happened I started doing some online research.

In November I spoke to my doctor who told me to come back for 21 day bloods which I did. That cycle I ovulated really early CD 10 and got a BFP 13 DPO. My spotting that cycle started as it normally does. Sadly spotting continued and I had a chemical pregnancy at 18 DPO. My progesterone when my bloods had been taken was 34 (I think I was 10 DPO).

I also believe that spotting before AF reduces the likelihood of implantation and the only reason we were able to conceive was because I spookily ovulated really early.

Been up and down. AF has finally shown her face and spotting, like clockwork started 7 days ago.

Since reading this forum, I have decided to take vitamin b complex this cycle along with my prenatal although it also appears to delay ovulation which I really don’t want to do but have decided to just run with it.

On a positive note, my GP is a lovely man and was happy to refer me to genealogical department before standard 12 months. Obviously concerned that spotting was linked to my chemical pregnancy or could indicate polyps, PCOS, fibroids etc. I really feel for some of you ladies with not very sympathetic GPs.

Anyway look forward to hearing how you are all getting on.

This TTC business is so tough. My hubby is amazing and supportive but even he is getting a bit fed up with the hi’s and low’s of positive OPKs, constant spot watching and POAS. Gosh if only he knew how much of our budget went on tests lol.

Well fellow spotters, sorry for the long winded first post and hope your all having a lovely weekend. I am away to pour myself a lovely glass of wine (we need to enjoy some of the benefits of not being preggers eh)

sorry for all the typos. I have used my phone and for some reason it sent before proof reading x
Hi Nell! Sorry for my ignorance but what is FET? When you say assisted cycles, exactly what do you mean? Funny how you're spot free with them! What's the cure I wonder? x

Sorry, i'm an official ART nerd with the lingo and terms now :amartass: (ART = assisted reproductive therapy)

FET = frozen embryo transfer, so the frozen embryos from a previous IVF cycle.

Assisted cycles = IVF / IUI or a FET, ie where the Dr.s assist you in having a normal cycle.

I'm spot free with them because they effectively take over my body completely with all the meds, my crappy hormones are irrelevant then!. They shut my ovaries down, give me tablets or patches of estrogen, stop me ovulating until they decide i'm ready, then give me a shot to bring on ovulation, then post O (or egg collection as I do IVF not IUI) they give me progesterone instead of my corpus luteums having to do anything. It's all controlled and so usually spot free in my TWW, although I get a little spotting a day or so before AF but nothing like normal.
With a FET or IVF there's no need to even BD if I didn't feel like it :haha:
Hi Nell!
I'm sorry about your stupid uterus. If I could have a word with her, I really would.
I have an appt to discuss IVF in Feb - we get one funded cycle here (sorry - I've probably harped on about this in an earlier post). I downloaded a book all about IVF onto my Kindle today and intend to read it so I can ask lots of questions. CD1/2 today (I never really know because the flipping spotting and AF just kind of merge into one mess). My spotting seems to have been a lot heavier this cycle - my first using 150mg of Clomid. It's made me wonder whether my spotting is worse the MORE progesterone my body produces, rather than less! I wonder if I have endo/fibroids and that's what's being stimulated by the progesterone and bleeding? I don't know. Nothing has been found yet but then I haven't had a laproscopy to definitively rule it out.
Welcome dreaminghopin! Happy to have you here, though always sad to hear someone else is struggling with spotting. Good to hear that your GP is going to refer you! When do you go to that dr?
Welcome back Nell! My next cycle will be my first with ART so when that comes I may be picking your brain a bit. Still hoping we get a BFP this cycle so that we don't need to go that route
Spotting started today pretty heavy. 9dpo. Sigh. I really thought that with the progesterone this wouldn't happen this cycle. :(
Spotting started today pretty heavy. 9dpo. Sigh. I really thought that with the progesterone this wouldn't happen this cycle. :(

Hi daydream,
Sorry to hear about your spotting. Maybe things just need a fee cycles to kick in. Is it to the same degree?

Not sure when my appointment is. My gp said that waiting times are ok but didn't get him to quantify it. Hope it's not too long.

AF in full flow an heavier than ever. First one post miscarriage so to be expected I suppose.

Have a lovely Sunday everyone.

Spotting started today pretty heavy. 9dpo. Sigh. I really thought that with the progesterone this wouldn't happen this cycle. :(

H daydream - sorry to hear that :hugs:
But maybe that shows that low progesterone isn't your issue? Fxed. xx
Would like to join this thread!!
I am having problems with spotting too :( and it's really getting me down.
I have a 19 month old son and before him I never had issues with spotting before period. About 4 months ago I came off the pill and I start spotting 7 days after ovulation every month. I'm really worried and dont know what could be causing it? Could it be low progesterone? I never had this before :/ I went to the doctors and they are sending me for an ultrasound to see if that shows anything. Iv had smear and swabs and they were fine.
Any advice would be appreciated xx
Hi Charlene_b

I am new to this post too, sorry to hear you too suffer from spotting and it's getting you down, hopefully we can all find a bit of comfort knowing it is not just us and feel a bit more 'normal'

I ordered a book called Taking charge of your fertility, and it said women coming off the pill can sometimes have short luteal phases (spotting pre AF can be a symptom) while their bodies are readjusting their hormones, fingers crossed maybe this is the case for you,
Do you use charting or OPK's to pinpoint your ovulation? If you aren't already maybe you can work out your luteal phase and that will provide some extra info for the Dr to take into account? I can't claim to know much about all this, just what i have read in said book and online so no expert by any means but I am just trying to record as much info as possible to give to the Dr!

Did the Dr mention doing any blood tests like the Day 21 (or 7dpo depending on cycle length?) Not sure if there is an order they tend to do tests in, but I asked for a day 21 test and the results came back normal along with swabs for infection so the dr has referred me to a gynae too.
I have asked for my first consultation privately as desperate to talk to a specialist asap and am hoping they might suggest an ultrasound too.

Maybe us and Dreaminghopin can compare what happens at our referrals as sounds like we are at a similar stage? (I have been off the pill 8months and TTC no.1, this will be 5th month trying)

MrsHY thanks for the reply you posted, I agree with you maybe it is just the way our bodies are, so baffling.

Do you mind me asking, as all your tests came back normal, and you thought maybe it wasn't an ovulation/progesterone problem, did your Drs ever suggest what they thought might be causing the spotting?
And I don't know much about Clomid, was this prescribed rather than progesterone because your prog levels were high enough already?

Fingers crossed 2012 is the year of the babies for everyone =0)
Hi lizc123,
Thanks for your response.
I use opks so I know that I am ovulating, I start spotting 7 days after then have my af 7 days after that. My cycle is 28/29 days I'm very regular.
My doctor hasn't suggested blood tests yet but I guess that will be the next thing if the ultrasound comes back ok.
I'm just hoping it's an effect oF coming off the pill and that it stops soon!!
I don't think the doctors are concerned as I have conceived before but I am quite worried to be honest. I have been pregnant twice before (sadly one ended in mmc) and I conceived first month of trying so I just feel something is wrong now.

how long have you had spotting for?

Thanks you guys. I will tell my dr for next cycle. From my googling some people need 400 mg v the 200 mg to get the spotting to stop. It's just been in the morning, yesterday it was heavier (had spots on undies), today just when I wiped. I'm just not sure what to think. :(

Will be happy to compare notes ladies.

Charlene your little boy is beautiful. I am guessing with a 19 month you might not have the luxury of time to read through this forum but I have learned so much and it does appear that there are some who spot and still manage to conceive so please try and stay positive. It also appears that spotting can indicate a number of things such as low progesterone, fibroids, polyps, endo so I think it is best to discuss your concerns with your GP. Although there are also a lot of females who continue to have unexplained spotting. There also appears to be a range of things that women have done on this site that has reduced spotting such as vitamin B complex, Angus Castus, Vitamin D and Maca. Unfortunately for some, this may have increased their spotting or played havoc with their cycle. This TTC business aint easy!!

My progesterone level at day 21 was 34. The doc told me this was fine. Would others concur?? I have been referred to a gynecologist and in the meantime have decided to start taking Vitamin B this cylce.

keep in touch ladies x

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