Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

ur chart looks positive hun?

Yeah I had a big shift this morning, but I'm taking oral progesterone, so I'm not sure if it's because of that. Trying not to read too much into any symptoms this TWW just because it's my first one on progesterone. Staying optimistic though :)
Hope you don't mind me popping in (hello!) but I just wanted to say how much it has meant to me to find others girls who have early spotting... we are in our 3rd month now and both last month and this month I have started spotting around day 8/9 past ov for 4/5 days then af. I have been so confused by it and last month got quite excited that it may be implantation bleeding but alas no, it seems it is the norm for me too.

I have spoken to my doc who said that as long as I am happy I am ovulating then there is no point in testing my progesterone at day 7 as it will most probably be high. She said lots of girls who have similar spotting concieve and that I shouldn't worry (hmmm!).
MrsHY, i know the feeling! My spotting was never this bad, but always started earlier. Woke up this morning with more brown spotting, and it has progressed to a more reddish spotting throughout the day. I really don't think there is any way this much spotting could be IB. And i've been kinda crampy, so I'm pretty sure i'm out. And its only 8 DPO. AF can't come yet!!!

FerdalongGirl, thanks for the optimistic post! I hope there really is nothing to worry about with all of us spotters. Just seems to go against common sense, but I'm no doctor.
MrsPTTC - Hope you don't mind that I copied that last line of your siggy. Such a great idea! :)
:hugs2: Mrshy & chloe on the bloody spotting :growlmad:

TTCSPOTTING thanks for the positivity :thumbup:

Welcome Ferdalongirl, hope you get some answers to your spotting. My FS also said it won't stop me conceiving!

Daydream, no problem at all chick :flower:

:hi: ferdalongirl

Mrshy & Chloe :hugs: hope the spotting stops for you

Well wasn't going to go to doctors till march regarding my long cycles, spotting, sometimes anovulatory cycles. Booked an appointment this morning and went through everything with him. He's now booked a second bloodtest to retest hormone levels and an ultrasound to look at my ovaries etc to see if theirs any abnormalities. Feels good to think things are started to be looked at, as a friend changed her doctors as she kept being told there was no problem. Hopefully won't have to wait too long for the scan.
Wow Jellycat, that is really good news about your doctor re-testing and doing a scan to see your ovaries :thumbup:

Having gone through this whole TTC thing for a year before (5 years ago) with just one chemical pregnancy (at least we got that far :happydance:), my doctor has already tested me for lots of bloods (can't remember which ones - but definitely progesterone (and that was fine)) so I guess as it was OK then and I am sure I am ov now she thinks there would be no point re-testing yet.

Chloe597 I agree with you that is seems to go against common sense, I am completely obsessed that something is wrong with me and that if my endometrial lining is shedding early then a little bean wouldn't stand a chance. Even disregarding my doctor though, I have seen a handful of AMAZING pg announcements where the girls always used to spot (and still did so in early pg) so I guess I am trying to be positive, yes. On that note, you can't be out yet at 8DPO :nope: how long is your luteal phase usually?

I am currently on 11 or 12 DPO, haven't had spotting today but did have for three days before today, so started day 8 or 9... constantly going to the bathroom to see if it has started again!

Can't believe how lucky ladies are who fall pregnant straight away :shrug:
Well ladies, my doctor just put me on 150mg of Clomid. That seems like quite a steep step up! I am supposed to take a pregnancy test tomorrow, and if its negative, take aygestin (form of progesterone) for 10 days, then take 150mg clomid on days 5-9. I'm actually a little scared to jump up so much, I might just take 100mg instead, and 150 the following month if 100 doesn't work. What do you think?

My bleeding is pretty much the equivalent of a light AF, but a slightly different consistency, so thats how i know its not AF. I really don't see how this can result in any sort of healthy pregancy, as it really is more light flow than spotting at this point. DH needs to get his:spermy: counted before i take so many drugs!
OOh that does seem like quite a bump up Chloe - did he forget you're only on 50mg? I must admit - my first cycle on 150mg (this cycle) didn't get me excited - I perhaps ovulated a day earlier than I do on 100mg and held the spotting off for a day longer, but my spotting now sounds a lot like yours (a very light, brown flow) so I reckon I'm going to get the mother of all AFs!
It also sounds strange to me that he's making you take progesterone - can't you just wait for AF to come? Or does he not think you've ovulated and you're having a breakthrough bleed?
As for me - when the spotting started on Tuesday i had a horrible sleepless night and went through the usual self-indulgent fretting about whether I'd ever become a Mum. So, I've moved things forward and made an appointment to see the Consultant to have our chat about IVF. I don't think there's a waiting list in my area (and we get one funded cycle) so I think we're just going to get on with that. I'm seeing him on 19th Feb. I just can't take many more months of crushing disappointment, particularly because now I've got the mother in law on my case!!
Chloe, i agree, a massive step up, you would risk over stimulation & multiple pregnancy. But its up to you at the end of the day, its a tough one as you have trust in the doctors.
Mrshy, yay for the IVF appointment! :dance:

Hi There

Hope no-one minds me gatecrashing this thread!
Have been on so many forums but not many threads keep going, I read up to about page 30 (mostly at work on my phone-oops naughty!) and been reading tonight then skipped to the end otherwise I'd be up all night reading all the posts!

I too have the dreaded spotting issue, =0( I used to have a bit of spotting while on BCP, had smears,swabs and a colposcopy procedue but eberything came back normal so stayed on the same one,now am scared the pill has been masking something all these years as have had spotting for at least 4 consecutive cycles since coming off BCP, didn't really notice if i had it the first couple of cycles as thought it would take a while to settle down NOT THIS LONG THOUGH!, then thought it might settle down but have been off for 8 months now and its still going strong. Nearly always 4 days before AF is due, have only charted for one month but looks like my luteal phase is 10 days, had a 28 day cycle O'ing on day 17 but with 4 days of spotting =0/ normally browny discharge before going into full on red flow-like everyone else always get my hopes up it could be IB then google frantically every combination I can think of to try and get some answers!

I am just starting cycle 5 of trying to conceive,not even that long but am already obsessed and had alot of tears already, just convinced somethings not right in there!

Luckily I have already managed to wangle a thyroid test-normal a day 21 test-normal at 44.9 (although was 4dpo not 7, and started spotting 2 days later argh! would be interesting to see what it is when am actually spotting-has anyone had that done?) Seemed to raise more questions than answers though, have an appointment tomorrow after a brief discussion on the phone,
Dr has done swabs etc and an examination same day I had day 21 test done -swabs came back all fine, even though he thought i had thrush due to alot of yellow discharge in my cervix-embarassing! He also did say I had a cervical erosion (a previous Dr has also mentioned that) that could cause spotting which I think he will probably try and push tomorrow and say thats the cause, I'm not sure though, feel the spotting is more uterine as get mild cramps before it starts and the odd bit of tissuelike matter in discharge (sorry if TMI) Also never bleed after sex which I thought was more common with a cervical erosion-guess thats a whole other can of worms though!

Probably will be pushing my luck tomorrow but am hoping to push for some more blood test maybe another day 21 when spotting has started and maybe the LH/FSH in the early cycle- maybe the egg isn't good enough quality and the corpus luteum doesnt last, or maybe my uterus lining isn't the right many what ifs! If not am prepared to go private and see a speacialist maybe even try and get an ultrasound, just to get things moving, every month feels like a lifetime!

Am also on B6, started last cycle 100mg but have bumped it up to 200, and AC started partway through last cycle, to see if it can help the luteal phase.
Have also ordered some raspberry leaf tea, and high dose Vit C&E

If I get any info from the Dr tomorrow will post back,

Sorry for the long rant just read it back and is very me me me, needed to get it off my chest, hate the fact it is our bodies but all the answers lie in someone elses hands and is pretty much out of our control other than downing a million vitamin supplements!

Will be reading this thread with interest-good luck everybody!!
Now off to google "can a cervical erosion cause spotting before period" to arm myself for tomorrows appointment ha!
Chloe, i agree, a massive step up, you would risk over stimulation & multiple pregnancy. But its up to you at the end of the day, its a tough one as you have trust in the doctors.
Mrshy, yay for the IVF appointment! :dance:


Yes I would too worry about over stimulation. Chloe - are you having u/s monitoring throughout?
Thanks for the support, MrsHY, MRSPTTC, and daydream!:hugs::hugs:

No, no monitoring! Can you believe it? Doc's in the US just fix everything with drugs and no actual brains. I was shocked that she put me on such a high dose. I think what i am going to do is skip the progesterone as I know i O'd and i don't feel it is necessary to bring on AF. I am just going to take 100mg maybe on day 4 since i'm really not sure if i'm going to know when AF is here given the heavy spotting. If i can tell then i'll go with day 5-9 still. I have also had horrible skin breakouts since going off BCP and even worse since starting clomid so i fear what my face will look like if i did 150mg! I called because i O'd so late i felt like the clomid wasn't doing what it was supposed to do and I wanted to O earlier. Still bugging DH to get his SA done. he is reluctant because he says I am the problem, but i have reminded him that in 20% of the cases its both the man and woman who have issues, so he has agreed.
Chloe - Are you going to a RE or through your OB? I first got my clomid through my OB, but she wouldn't prescribe until DH got a SA (no point in putting your body through the stress of clomid if there were MF issues as well). However, she did 50mg with no monitoring, which I wasn't completely comfortable with. So I made a appt with my RE, and she did much more testing will be doing u/s monitoring when I take femara (she said it has less side effects than clomid). Is there a good RE in your area?
Hi There

Hope no-one minds me gatecrashing this thread!
Have been on so many forums but not many threads keep going, I read up to about page 30 (mostly at work on my phone-oops naughty!) and been reading tonight then skipped to the end otherwise I'd be up all night reading all the posts!

I too have the dreaded spotting issue, =0( I used to have a bit of spotting while on BCP, had smears,swabs and a colposcopy procedue but eberything came back normal so stayed on the same one,now am scared the pill has been masking something all these years as have had spotting for at least 4 consecutive cycles since coming off BCP, didn't really notice if i had it the first couple of cycles as thought it would take a while to settle down NOT THIS LONG THOUGH!, then thought it might settle down but have been off for 8 months now and its still going strong. Nearly always 4 days before AF is due, have only charted for one month but looks like my luteal phase is 10 days, had a 28 day cycle O'ing on day 17 but with 4 days of spotting =0/ normally browny discharge before going into full on red flow-like everyone else always get my hopes up it could be IB then google frantically every combination I can think of to try and get some answers!

I am just starting cycle 5 of trying to conceive,not even that long but am already obsessed and had alot of tears already, just convinced somethings not right in there!

Luckily I have already managed to wangle a thyroid test-normal a day 21 test-normal at 44.9 (although was 4dpo not 7, and started spotting 2 days later argh! would be interesting to see what it is when am actually spotting-has anyone had that done?) Seemed to raise more questions than answers though, have an appointment tomorrow after a brief discussion on the phone,
Dr has done swabs etc and an examination same day I had day 21 test done -swabs came back all fine, even though he thought i had thrush due to alot of yellow discharge in my cervix-embarassing! He also did say I had a cervical erosion (a previous Dr has also mentioned that) that could cause spotting which I think he will probably try and push tomorrow and say thats the cause, I'm not sure though, feel the spotting is more uterine as get mild cramps before it starts and the odd bit of tissuelike matter in discharge (sorry if TMI) Also never bleed after sex which I thought was more common with a cervical erosion-guess thats a whole other can of worms though!

Probably will be pushing my luck tomorrow but am hoping to push for some more blood test maybe another day 21 when spotting has started and maybe the LH/FSH in the early cycle- maybe the egg isn't good enough quality and the corpus luteum doesnt last, or maybe my uterus lining isn't the right many what ifs! If not am prepared to go private and see a speacialist maybe even try and get an ultrasound, just to get things moving, every month feels like a lifetime!

Am also on B6, started last cycle 100mg but have bumped it up to 200, and AC started partway through last cycle, to see if it can help the luteal phase.
Have also ordered some raspberry leaf tea, and high dose Vit C&E

If I get any info from the Dr tomorrow will post back,

Sorry for the long rant just read it back and is very me me me, needed to get it off my chest, hate the fact it is our bodies but all the answers lie in someone elses hands and is pretty much out of our control other than downing a million vitamin supplements!

Will be reading this thread with interest-good luck everybody!!

Hello, and welcome! Gatecrash away!
We sound like we have very similar cycles although I haven't been on the pill since the late 90s! I ovulate anywhere from cd17 to cd 25 and have a luteal phase of between 8 and 12 days - with spotting starting from 4-6 dpo (the spotting itself also sounds like yours). I too have had bloodwork done - all normal - and have had my progesterone tested at 7dpo (you asked if anyone has had their progesterone tested after spotting has started - on this cycle spotting had started quite heavily at 5dpo - so 2 days later and my score was still 65!). So not sure it's a progesterone/ovulation issue in my case.
As for treatments I've tried, well I'm now on cycle 5 or 6 (to be honest, I've totally lost count) of Clomid at a range of doses (currently at 150mg) and it hasn't seemed to make much difference to spotting - it maybe starts a day or so later but then seems to be heavier!). Also have tried vit B and progesterone cream - again, doesn't seem to be doing much.
My spotting is also accompanied by some cramping, and I get the 'tissue' stuff too! I know from various ultrasounds though that my lining by the time of O looks in good shape. Oh, and my LH/FSH stuff is all normal too.
So, who knows? Maybe it's just how we're designed?? :dohh:
Chloe - Are you going to a RE or through your OB? I first got my clomid through my OB, but she wouldn't prescribe until DH got a SA (no point in putting your body through the stress of clomid if there were MF issues as well). However, she did 50mg with no monitoring, which I wasn't completely comfortable with. So I made a appt with my RE, and she did much more testing will be doing u/s monitoring when I take femara (she said it has less side effects than clomid). Is there a good RE in your area?

Yeah, its my OB. What does RE stand for? I assume some sort of fertility specialist? I haven't looked for one in my area yet. I also fear that any sort of fertility specialist will not want to see me yet as i haven't been TTC for a year yet. But i figure if i know i have wacko cycles, I shoudn't be forced to try for a year. If everything was normal then i could see trying on my own, unassisted, for a while.

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