Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

Thanks for the update daydream sounds good..
Still hope AF doesn't show for you mrs pttc. You dh sounds very supportive and it's great you guys are talking openly about all your possibilities.

Afm I'm not good at all. Not due my AF for another week and woke up to bright blood this morning. I am so confused. Can't put it down to anything else other than vitamins as that is the only thing I have changed. The only thing I had right was a regular 28 day cycle and now I have messed that up. Has this happened to anyone else?

I take B complex vitamins and it didn't really change my cycle that much. I keep taking them though since I don't eat meat and want to make sure I get all my vitamins.
Welcome back happyshopper! Glad you are back hun. I hoped you would have some baby news....but good news on your appointment. I hate with TTC you can't control your periods like you can on the pill! I've got a hospital appointment tomorrow to check out the other bits down there (TMI sorry) so I'm really hoping AF holds out til Tuesday or I don't know what to do :shrug:. Hope you get your BFP hun! x
Thank you jellycat, am in waiting room now, REALLY not looking forward to getting my ass checked :rofl:. At least AF has stayed away, but bfn again this morning x
LOL MrsP! I hope it goes well! Having anyone poking and prodding the ass is never fun.

Daydream, I have the same plan! Just want to make sure I O then, will stop with all temping and POAS until AF or 15DPO.

I don't think my +OPK actually meant I O'd. I had a nice temp spike on Sunday, but this morning it was back down. sigh... I need to stop paying such close attention to all of this because its just making me get my hopes up, only to crush them soon after. Maybe today was the fluke and yesterday was a real temperature? But that would provide hope for me, so I should not be thinking like that.
So my examination was fine & nothing to worry about. The :witch: is obviously a good witch this month as she let me away with no AF for my appointment, but she's on her way now, spotting is turning bloody and I have the cramps. I'm ok though, no tears, think I'm finally getting used to it!! I guess I'm just looking forward to my next FS after the 6th clomid month and hopefully will go with the IUI or more tests. I've just been to see a friend and her new baby and was telling her about my TTC journey as she knew we were trying. She says I seem to be handling it really well, which is a nice compliment.

Chloe, maybe you should stop the temping? It is very stressful! :hugs:

So my examination was fine & nothing to worry about. The :witch: is obviously a good witch this month as she let me away with no AF for my appointment, but she's on her way now, spotting is turning bloody and I have the cramps. I'm ok though, no tears, think I'm finally getting used to it!! I guess I'm just looking forward to my next FS after the 6th clomid month and hopefully will go with the IUI or more tests. I've just been to see a friend and her new baby and was telling her about my TTC journey as she knew we were trying. She says I seem to be handling it really well, which is a nice compliment.

Chloe, maybe you should stop the temping? It is very stressful! :hugs:


Sorry to hear AF is on her way, but glad to know you're taking it okay. :hugs:
Hi All,

Glad you're examination went OK MrsP I went back a few pages but couldn't see what was being checked,

Sorry AF arrived had been having my fingers crossed for you (and everyone else in the 2ww)

Mine arrived too yesterday ggrr after 5 days of spotting, had an extra day in my luteal phase which took it to 12 which is better but also an extra day spotting so they probably cancelled each other out!
Spotting started 7dpo like last cycle, don't think I will temp the whole month this cycle maybe just a week before O is due, then i can still count the dpo to check on luteal phase and when the spotting starts. Also think I have been waking up in the dead of night and taking my temp while still half asleep, DH has heard the beep go a couple of times! Can't be dealing with that!

Had my gynae appointment kind of went how I thought it would, he thinks everything is normal and i'm "a fit, young woman in my prime" so he didn't want to do any further tests so really gonna try and relax for a few mnths even though so hard to!
He also agreed it was uterine bleeding not cervical erosion, and said it was period starting early-even though that means periods are 11 days long including spotting he said that wasn't abnormal, hmmmmmm!

Anyway Good luck everyone, baby dust to all xxxxx
He also agreed it was uterine bleeding not cervical erosion, and said it was period starting early-even though that means periods are 11 days long including spotting he said that wasn't abnormal, hmmmmmm!

11 day periods aren't abnormal?! Yikes. What is it with obgyn's not wanting to address the spotting issue? :shrug:
hello ladies:hi:

missed u all :)

sorry for the long absence here..was caught up with all kinds of stuff( not gud atall) :cry:
so much going on here..trying to catch up !

ttcspotting- congrats & fx 4r u ! [-o<

mrsp- sorry abt the crappy cycle:hugs: howz the spotting ? glad ur exam went well..i din't quiet understand wat it was for but did u get a TVS? i always wondered if they could just scan during spotting & c where its comin from & fix it !

daydeam- hope iui does the trick ! gl !

soili-congrats on the ovulatory cycles :thumbup: hope u caught that eggy !
draminhopin- gl with this cycle !

mrshy- yay to the +o..time for :sex:

jellycat- sorry abt the awful appnmt & the doc hun ! any changes with the cycle yet ?

liz- 11 days of periods is sooo not normal but they always tend to say it is :dohh: i'm spotting almost 18 days a month & i wonder how thats normal :nope:

happyshopper - i was thinking abt cauterization as i sometimes spot after sex( only in lp) but dont knw if its worth it..hope the witch stays away hun !

nell- sorry abt all the stuff with meds,ivf hun :hugs: luks like u r takin a much needed break from all this.. any signs of full blown af yet ? hope everythin sorts out next cycle !

afm- same, same :dohh: i stopped bcomplex & tuk b6 with multivit this cycle & have been spotting for 5.5 days now insted of my usual 4 but there was no runny brown blood this time around or cramps..will stop b6 & just take multi vit next cycle..i stopped rrl tea too as it did nothin !
i got amh test & cd3's retested wen i was back home..i cant seem to find the report though..amh came back just satisfactory not great..i'll try & post the xact result soon !

tc ladies & catch u later !

Thank you ladies :hugs: I honestly think this is one of the first cycles in a long time where I haven't cried! I think I have resigned myself to needing IUI or something to get a BFP :shrug: Oh well only 2 cycles to go before I find out the next step...

I didn't say exactly what it was I was getting checked for, but it wasn't gynae, I've had some bleeding from my bottom :blush: TMI, so I went for an examination - typical it was a male consultant and male nurse! But everything fine, he thinks I've had a tear. I knew it was nothing to worry about but thought I'd better get checked out.

Liz, :rofl: at you taking your temp in the night! I thought I had TTC on MY mind! (last few nights been dreaming I tested and got a BFP, then woke up and was v disappointed!) Strange that your doc would say spotting is early AF as my FS says spotting it not AF unless full flow :shrug: and 11 days normal :saywhat:. Sorry AF got you too :hugs2:.

Yum, welcome back hun! I hope it wasn't anything too bad why you've been off hun, hope everything is ok now :hugs: I've had TV u/s before when I was monitored on the first clomid cycle and nothing to cause the spotting was noted. Sorry your AMH wasn't great - is that the test for the number of eggs or the quality?

So ladies based on last cycle I defo belong on this thread! I have my good months and bad months, but a lovely 6 days before AF, great! :dohh:

Ouchie sounds painful MrsPttc, hope it heals soon. Glad you are more positive this cycle :flower:

Lizc - how can 11 days be normal !!

YUM - What is a amh?

AFM - CD81, no spotting, no pmt, no nothing..... even my sex drive has gone awol at the moment. Have doc appoinment Wednesday to find out my ultrasound results
Hi ladies, hope you are all doing well, looks like some of you are starting to get some answers from the doctors and taking the next step with ttc! I started my AF spotting today finally, which unfortunately means I am officially in my 6th month of TTC. I broke down crying on the way home from work today and had to stop my car I was crying so hard. I just keep thinking the reason I am not getting pregnant is because something is wrong with my body, because of the spotting and super light periods and that I am never going to get to hold my own baby in my arms one day. I think once I see my doctor this month-(hurry up feb 24th!!!) which will be around cycle 6 of my OV time/my tww, I will feel better-at this point I just want to make sure everything is on track down there seeing as I am 22 and no luck yet...

hope you ladies are holding up better than I am, sorry for the long rant!
Hi ladies, hope you are all doing well, looks like some of you are starting to get some answers from the doctors and taking the next step with ttc! I started my AF spotting today finally, which unfortunately means I am officially in my 6th month of TTC. I broke down crying on the way home from work today and had to stop my car I was crying so hard. I just keep thinking the reason I am not getting pregnant is because something is wrong with my body, because of the spotting and super light periods and that I am never going to get to hold my own baby in my arms one day. I think once I see my doctor this month-(hurry up feb 24th!!!) which will be around cycle 6 of my OV time/my tww, I will feel better-at this point I just want to make sure everything is on track down there seeing as I am 22 and no luck yet...

hope you ladies are holding up better than I am, sorry for the long rant!

I feel for you. I think month six was the hardest for me thus far. I felt very stuck because my ob would not do anything until we'd been trying for a year, which seems SO FAR when you're stuck in the middle of it. I hope your appt on the 24th gives you some answers :hugs:
almostthere, I know that feeling. Sending you loads of warm thoughts.
I think im going to spot any day now, af is due in 4 days, i think i am out! ;(
Hi ladies, hope you are all doing well, looks like some of you are starting to get some answers from the doctors and taking the next step with ttc! I started my AF spotting today finally, which unfortunately means I am officially in my 6th month of TTC. I broke down crying on the way home from work today and had to stop my car I was crying so hard. I just keep thinking the reason I am not getting pregnant is because something is wrong with my body, because of the spotting and super light periods and that I am never going to get to hold my own baby in my arms one day. I think once I see my doctor this month-(hurry up feb 24th!!!) which will be around cycle 6 of my OV time/my tww, I will feel better-at this point I just want to make sure everything is on track down there seeing as I am 22 and no luck yet...

hope you ladies are holding up better than
I am, sorry for the long rant!

I think the first day of spotting is always the worst. I started spotting last Thursday and broke down at work too. I always build my hopes up thinking
this could be it. It's also hard because you also hear the odd tale of someone
spotting like normal then going on to get their bfp. It's unbearable and we are all hear for you. A good cry and planning the strategy for the next month with dh always helps me. My strategy next month is relax and exercise (i know i am rolling my eyes as i type this). Going to visit dh's family in Spain. Think I will be ovulating just before we leave so have booked an overnight stay at nice hotel near airport. We are also prepared to join the mile high club if req lol.

Also have my first gyno on Thursday and I have been preparing all weekend lol. I really hope the spotting is acknowledged.

Glad your appointment is soon too Hun. We can compare notes.

Take care x
Hi ladies, hope I can join you all :)

I have a 12 month old boy and this is our first cycle ttc#2 (last cycle we had one oops moment, but we we're really "trying").

I stopped BC about 4 months before conceiving DS and since off BC I started spotting a few days before and after AF. I'm still not 100% sure if it's just very light AF or spotting? So I end up having 3 days of spotting, then AF for about 5 days, and then 1 or 2 days of spotting at the end - not sure if this is normal, but since I got pregnant once with a cycle like this I figure it mustn't be too bad.

I was hoping after having DS my AF would go back to normal - but nope, once my AF started coming back I still got the spotting before and after :(
MrsPTTC, I had some blood like that before, a few years ago! Just make sure you're eating a lot of veggies (soups, salads) in the next weeks, so it makes it easier to use bathroom. Then it'll heal in no time and you won't even remember you had it! I love how you talk about it btw!! :D When I get embarrassed by something, I tend to hide, but your way is A LOT better. Joking about things always makes everything not so gloomy, doesn't it??

Sorry AF got you! But kudos for not getting down about it! If IUI is the next step, then so be it!
Hello all
Welcome back to Yum! But sorry you're not here reporting a BFP (YET!!).
MrsP, that is soooo weird, I have also had, ahem, a slight tear myself recently! Oops! And well done for your positive attitude - it will happen for you and it'll be all the sweeter when it does :)
Ginny83 - welcome! I take it that the spotting didn't stop you getting pregnant with your DS (he's very cute if that's him in the picture!). How long were you trying with him?
Dreaminghopin - I totally agree that the first day of spotting is the worst. I find it more troubling than AF itself - as by the time that comes I've kind of accepted it as being a negative cycle.
Waves to everyone else - I'm so sorry not to name check everyone!
AFM, cd 24 today and had a nice temp shift this morning. Had a nearly pos OPK on Sunday and a smiley face on Monday (lovely start to the week :)) so we BD (the traditonal way - haven't used the AI kit yet!) on Sunday and Monday. Was also planning on BD tonight but DH is out with work and will be back late - I don't think either of us will really fancy it and I'm hoping my temp shift has indicated that it's not that necessary either.
I also saw a reflexologist last night and I found it soooo relaxing, it was lovely. She has advised me to cut out caffeine and alcohol, and I think I can do the former, but I'll really miss my occasional glasses of wine I think! Mind you, might as well give it a shot in my last few cycles before we get on the IVF band-wagon.
Good luck to all x

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