Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

daydream FX it's implantation then :)

saline sonagram, but the aquascan sounds much cooler

It seems to be the new name for it at a few london clinics, I think calling it an aquascan sounds gentler somehow!
It's normally done in the follicular phase when the lining is thin so it's easier to spot issues. Some studies have shown if done a few days before the AF pre starting an IVF cycle it aids implantation by causing a sort of repair action in the lining. As my lining is thin anyway my Dr should be able to see even in my LP so she's trying to sort of kill 2 birds with one stone as they say.
Daydream - FX the witch doesn't find you.

Chloe - I think that sounds really promising for you!

Liz - My spotting starts 4-6dpo every single month. It is so annoyingly reliable tbh that this cycle i haven't manage to get a positive OPK and so if my spotting arrives i'll work back to feel confident in my O date.

MrsHY - Yay for a plan! It's pretty normal to feel excited - the IVF odds are great after all :)

AFM - Gah! As said above I seem to have missed my O this month on OPK's, even though i've done my cbfm every morning and a smiley clear blue each afternoon. It wouldn't usually matter except i'm having an aquascan and need to have it at 7dpo.
I know i had an estrogen surge as i saw it on the test sticks and felt it around my ovaries and a bit of CM.....but then no LH surge showed. I'm a bit confused as my O is reliably early, never late not even after screwing my body up with IVF cycle.

So my plan is that my spotting will arrive at 4-6dpo as it has done every single cycle since the BCP and i'll count back to figure O and schedule my scan. I know it's not ideal and I know lots of TTCers would say not reliable......please reassure me fellow spotters would any of you feel you could or would do similar? I have never spotted around or pre O so if my spotting arrives i figure it's 99% i'm in my LP.

Hello chick
Thanks for that, yes I know to temper my excitement a bit, especially given your IVF experience, which has been less than ideal hasn't it.
I would probably do what you're doing and count back - but (and I don't mean this meanly), if on a remote chance nature intervened and you got pregnant naturally this cycle, then you're not supposed to have an HSG or anything like that are you? But I guess if you've timed it for 7dpo you're well aware of those risks?
Keeping everything crossed for you - you could really do with a break!
MRSHY, thats so exciting! Those chances are still better than the 20% chance that a normal healthy young woman has of conceiving naturally. What is PCT? Fertility and health care work very differently in the US than the UK it seems (I'm assuming thats where you are, even though it doesnt say so in your info....?)

LilMissCheer, good luck with the B100!

If I am in fact 12 DPO, I haven't seen a spot of blood, so that would mean this is a spot free cycle so far, which is almost too good to believe and makes me think I am just setting myself up for disappointment.

Thanks so much Chloe. I am indeed in the UK, in London! A PCT or Primary Care Trust is basically the bit of the National Health Service that governs the area of London that I live in. Each PCT (I think there are around 50 in the UK) will have different rules about what they fund, so it can be a bit of a minefield. Waiting lists seem to vary enormously too. The NHS actually recommends that women under 35 (I think) should be allowed three fully funded IVF cycles, but hardly anywhere these days will do that because of the cost.

A spot free cycle is sounding GOOD IF YOU ASK ME!! x
Congrats MrsHY!! That makes me so giddy for you!

Chloe - Yay for spotfree! I hope that is true and your counting is right

_Nell - Seems like that could work. What is an aquascan?

AFM: Holy moly, so much spotting this morning, almost to full flow. I'm still taking my progesterone, so not supposed to happen yet. I'm going to call the dr this morning when they open. I took an extra progesterone, hoping I can get it to stop. Today was my test date, nothing except for MAYBE shadowy line on the FRER. But with bleeding like this, I'm feeling completely out and frustrated.

Thank you!
Sorry to hear about your heavy spotting but maybe it could be implantation bleeding? We need some more good news on here!
Hi everyone

I've been lurking on this thread for a while now but this is my first post, I feel like a bit of a fraudster because I'm not TTC at the mo, but I spot for 3-4 days a month starting 10-11DPO. It started when I came off BCP nearly two years ago, I'd been on it for about 7 years and before that my cycle would be 28-33 days, AF would always arrive suddenly and painfully and be relatively heavy with no spotting. Now I have 3-4 days of mainly dark brown gunky (sorry TMI) spotting followed by only one day of proper medium flow AF with mild cramps which gradually tails off over the next 3-4 days. I worry that I have low progesterone and a thin lining and that it will affect my chances of conceiving when the time comes but apart from that it's just so inconvenient and unpleasant - I don't want my OH anywhere near when I've got it. I mentioned it to my GP last time I was there, she fobbed me off saying it was caused by cervical erosion, which I already knew I had, but I've never heard of cervical erosion causing spotting, except after sex which doesn't correlate with my pattern. I'm reluctant to go back as I think I'd just get fobbed off again. I have no symptoms of endo/PCOS/fibroids and I'm pretty sure I'm ovulating. This is going to sound ridiculous but I'd give anything to go back to the heady days of sudden, heavy painful periods and wish I'd never gone anywhere near BCP, as I'm convinced that's what triggered it.

I've been taking B50 for the past couple of months but haven't noticed any difference yet. Before that I tried AC which made my LP 2-3 days longer but actually made the spotting heavier, so I stopped.

I don't suppose any of the above will help anyone but just thought I would share my experience. I feel all your frustrations and fully expect to go through it myself one day. FXd for you all to get your BFPs soon.
redhead81 - your spotting/AF sounds very similar to mine!

I get about 2-3 days of brown type spotting (sometimes it seems like light flow but brown not red?), then a few days of actual AF and then back to brown for a couple of days.

This also started for me once I came off BC - when I was on BC and before that I had a 28 day cycle with at the most one day of spotting before AF started, and then AF was, medium heavy and lasted for 7 days. To give you some home though I did fall pg with my DS even while experiencing these new types of cycles. I never spotted once after I fell pg with him either!

Have you tried temping? That way you can see if you are definately Oing.
I spoke too soon about my lack of spotting. Had some beige spotting today and am a little crampy. Oh well. I'm not out yet I suppose, it's just a little disheartening. Next time I won't open my big mouth about how happy I am that I'm not spotting!
Redhead - Your spotting/AF is like mine, only my spotting starts at 4-6dpo, so a good week before AF. My AF is light and short now too and I blame the BCP , it either causes this or masked it so I didn't notice my body changing gradually maybe.

Chloe - beinge and crampy still sounds quite promising to me, but i know how it feels when 'you just know' you're out....I hope you're wrong though, different is good I think.

Thanks for that, yes I know to temper my excitement a bit, especially given your IVF experience, which has been less than ideal hasn't it.
MrsHY - Don't be put off by my rotten luck, in the ART forum there are heaps and heaps of women who get BFP's first round - the odds are great and you should feel positive and excited :)
Re possible pg by guessing 7dpo.....yes I hear you - I think the same - and despite it not having happened so far I do still worry.....but not enough to not BD on a cycle!

My plan was to BD as normal and then have a scan at O, if I had crappy lining (which is 99% guranteed) then I wasn't going to worry, if by chance I had a miracle and my lining looked good I was going to delay the scan until 12dpo where i'd feel fairly confident a BFN was a BFN. So, I had a plan and it went t*ts up!
As it is I don't yet know if /when I O'd until I either see a late +OPK or spot. We've only BD'd last sunday and valentines day....then I got a horrid UTI yesterday so my every other day plan has ceased :(
Not that you need to know all this, but you know how it is going around in circles trying to decide what's best to balance having procedures but still TTC!
I'm going to see if my spotting arrives over the weekend and if it doesn't i'll cancel the scan as it should be next wednesday.
Nell, I never thought about BC that way ie. masking gradual changes. I've always blamed it for changing my cycles. Interesting point - thanks :)
I started my spotting last night :cry: so much for my B100 complex! ha ha!

Still spotting this morning and feelin a little crampy but my temp went up this morning so I don't quite understand that. I'm not thinking for a second IB as that's what I tell myself every month and it never is! Due to my blood results, I'm not expecting to be pregnant this month anyway - still a bit gutting though :nope:
LilMisCheer - sorry the spotting started :(

Ginny - Yeah BCP is an artificial cycle I think, no O, no proper lining etc just a regulated bleed. It's possible to stop BCP abd find yourself in menopause even. I never really thought about it when i was taking BCP tbh, all those times Dr.s routinely asked if I had regular periods, pain, heavy flow etc it's rubbish really because the answer isn't an indicator of my body and my health, just how my body is reacting to the BCP. I'm quite angry tbh, I asked repeatedly about taking breaks and Dr.s always dismissed the idea, now I realise if you don't take breaks you dont know what your ovaries are capable of!
I would never take it again (and likely don't need to in any case it seems)
Welcome lilmisscheer! I love your avatar, and also yours Almosthere – sooo cute! Lilmisscheer I’m laughing at your no hanging about comment, DH and I were chatting the other day about when we’ve had one and want another (if we’re able to that is) and we said we’ll need to start trying again almost straight away! We’d like a 2nd when I’m under 35 if possible (nearly 31 now.) Though my mum had my younger brother at 40 and there’s nothing wrong with older parents!

LizC – I’ve noticed I spot around the same CD every month rather than the same DPO, which is very weird. When I had my super short cycle in December I only spotted from day 10 though my LP was only 11 if I remember right.

Chloe – how is the clomid treating you? I am sick sickety sick. My mood swings are terrible, I’ve got horrible spots, and I even had the hot flashes for the first time this cycle (#5.) Will be glad to get off it I tell you!

Daydream was it you that had your first IUI cycle? Or was it dreaminhoping??

MrsHY – so glad your appointment went well and you’ve got the IVF ball rolling! :dance:

Nell – sorry you missed your +OPK this month :hugs: and yes I would do the same as you and count back.

Welcome to redhead81! :wave: I think you may not have any problem TTC once you start, as spotting at 10DPO-ish means it would start after implantation? But I could be wrong :shrug:

How is everyone else?

AFM I don’t know what CD I’m on unless I check my ticker or count back and you know what? It feels GREAT! Though I am truly sick of TTC and just wish my 6 months of clomid would hurry up so I can go back and see my not-so-nice FS! Looking forward to my holiday though, 11 weeks and 6 days and counting! x
Nice to hear from you MrsPTTC and must admit I'm a little envious of your carefree attitude! And yes, I was the one who did the IUI.

_Nell & Ginny - Totally agree about the BCP! I was on them for 7 years and now I'm wondering what my cycles were like beforehand. I do remember having painful cramping, but I don't remember if I had spotting like I do now.

AFM - Still have the heavy spotting, I think the only reason AF hasn't come in full force is because I upped my progesterone per the doctor's order to 2 pills a day once the spotting started. I'm supposed to test again tomorrow morning one last time before stopping the progesterone. Feeling like it's definitely going to be a BFN. We're going to go into the RE on Monday and discuss the pros/cons of going on straight to IVF from here or doing another IUI.
I thought it was daydream, I've got everything crossed for you to get a shy BFP tomorrow. Have you felt any difference this 2ww compared to others. Can you tell me what happened with your IUI? Did it take long, did it hurt? Did you take meds? Sorry for all the questions but I think that will be next for me x
Well girls, my spotting has only gotten heavier, and AF has to be just around the corner. Assuming she shows up today or tomorrow, I can at least say I didn't start spotting until 12 DPO, which is a new record for me!

I'm thinking since my RE apt is March 13, maybe I shouldn't take Clomid this cycle, in case she wants to test for hormone levels or something. I would also like to stop taking Clomid unmonitored.

Who has tried Maca/EPO, and did anyone find that it made you feel any different or help your cycles? I remember talk of it on here, and I'm thinking it may be you, MrsP, or MrsHY? I'm thinking of going that route for the next month and seeing if I can O on my own. If not, at least I know 100mg of Clomid on CD4-8 will get me to O on CD15.

GL, daydream!
BFN this morning. IUI #1 was a bust :(

MrsP: definitely! First of all it was not painful. So the day I got my LH surge (which happened a day earlier than I expected at CD13, I went in and she did a ultrasound to see how many follicles I had that were mature. We also did the hcg trigger shot to make sure that they did mature timely. We did the IUI the next morning bc I was afraid that with my own LH surge that I may ovulate faster but usually you do the IUI 12 - 36 hours after the trigger. That morning DH produced his sample and we brought it in. They have to wash it which took about thirty minutes, so we just went over to Starbucks and came back. For the actual procedure you lie down, and they do the speculum just like your annual. The catheter goes up, there was a little adjusting to get it up there in the right place and then before you know it it's all done! She had me lay there for 15-20 minutes and then we were out the door! She told us to BD the night of the trigger and the day after the IUI as well.
Thanks for sharing that Daydream! What did you do about work? Did you just ring in that morning and say you had to go to the doctors? My manager knows about my problems so I'm sure if it comes to it, it will be fine. So sorry about the BFN hun :hugs:.

Chloe - sorry it looks like AF will show :hugs:. Yes it was me, I've used EPO to improve my CM, didn't make much difference until last month when I upped my dose, though it could be coincidence. I'm not taking anything this month. I tried Maca for a good 8 months, it didn't help anything really, and now I daren't go back onto it as I don't know if it's a good idea with the clomid? :shrug:

My work is very flexible, so when I got my LH surge I just left and brought my laptop and worked from home after the trigger and then took all of the IUI day off and worked from the couch.
Hey girls :wave:

Well, my spotting stopped yesterday and my temp went up this moning BUUUTTT...:bfn: this morning and really feel like the :witch: is gonna arrive. :cry:

Seein the docs to talk about my blood results tomorrow thought so hopefully tomorrow i'll get some answers :kiss:

How's everyone else doing?

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