Spotting week before AF every month - anyone else?

aw, your not out yet lilmisscheer!

Just curious ladies who are doing IUI's and IVF, how long until you had to start these processes? I know I am a bit early in, but wondering what my doctors will suggest about my spotting (just a reminder, I spot every cycle mid way through, so around 3/4 dpo and until af but only after sex...uhh maybe cervical erosion boo). So anyways, if it is not cervical erosion, I am wondering if they will run progesteron tests, can a regular obgyn do these tests for me? And then I am wondering if they will want DH to get his sperm checked and so on. Just nervous they might say wait another 6 months since its only been 6 months, or nervous, also, if they will say lets get you on clomid or something.....its like a lose lose I suppose!

I go in this coming Friday and am freaking out! I am excited to hopefully get some answers and reassurance for sure-although this may not happen. Just have to wait, time for me to put a ticker up, as I am going to start my opk's soon!
Hi everyone,
Thank you all for your support and kind words, it means a lot to me to get it off my chest. I feel heaps better since when I last posted. I'm going to try to get my HSG booked in this month. I think knowing that my tubes are ok will help me relax much more. I'm going to make sure I take painkillers though.
MrsPTTC, sorry the witch got you too. If clomid is anything like soya isoflavones (and I think it is) the later you take it the stronger the egg. I really hope it improves your chances this month xxx
Dreamin, I had my blood taken once and it was 69 but I have a confession to make as I was using internet bought progesterone cream at the time. I didnt want to waste a cycle and it was really silly. Progesterone cream made no difference to my LP though xxx
Sorry expat about the spotting. FX you have a bfp next time xxx
Good luck everyone and sending lots of :dust: xxx

I am sure you will be fine happyshopper. Hope you managed to get it booked. Wow 69 is great, even if you were using cream. Did you still spot that cycle?
Yes I started spotting the very next day. My spotting was related to cervical erosion which I found out later on xxx
Sorry Chloe that your spotting is getting worse. FX it goes away. EPO didn't do much for me at all except give me lumpy boobs and I tried maca but not for long enough as I didn't like the taste xxx
Lilmiss there is still hope, you are not out until the witch arrives. Good luck xxx
I decided not to go for the HSG this month. I thought I had better get my cervix sorted first and use these months to try to get as healthy as I can; lots of vegetables, exercise etc. My EWCM is a little late this month so I think I may ovulate later this month, probably down to stress though I don't really feel that stressed. Does anyone a tickly cough or cold when they ovulate? I've had a tickly cough for the past 4 months around ovulation, its really weird. I think ovulation takes a lot of energy and my body is struggling a bit. I thought I might try Co Q10 as that can help with boosting energy for ovulation and blood flow (which I also have issues with) xxx
Good luck everyone xxx
Almosthere: my process to getting treatment was I called at 10 months of trying and told them, they said of I guess ten months is close enough to a year. I had gone in at four for my annual, brought up the spotting and she was like oh this is normal, blah. And at four she didn't want to talk TTC at all and told me to call at a year.

At ten months she looked at my charts, said it was normal ovulatory. Wasn't concerned with the spotting, ordered DH a sperm analysis and then after the second one came back with better morphology she prescribed clomid without monitoring. I didn't feel comfortable with that and she hadn't tested my bloods at all so I called a local well known RE to schedule at appointment. After the waiting for the sperm analyses and to get into the new doctor it had happened to end up being exactly my one year mark.

So overall for you: six months might be too early, they may or may not care about the spotting, and if you can get into a RE I think you should. Or just make sure your OB runs all the CD3 tests, does SA for DH, and monitors the clomid cycle if they prescribe it.
aw, your not out yet lilmisscheer!

Just curious ladies who are doing IUI's and IVF, how long until you had to start these processes? I know I am a bit early in, but wondering what my doctors will suggest about my spotting (just a reminder, I spot every cycle mid way through, so around 3/4 dpo and until af but only after sex...uhh maybe cervical erosion boo). So anyways, if it is not cervical erosion, I am wondering if they will run progesteron tests, can a regular obgyn do these tests for me? And then I am wondering if they will want DH to get his sperm checked and so on. Just nervous they might say wait another 6 months since its only been 6 months, or nervous, also, if they will say lets get you on clomid or something.....its like a lose lose I suppose!

I go in this coming Friday and am freaking out! I am excited to hopefully get some answers and reassurance for sure-although this may not happen. Just have to wait, time for me to put a ticker up, as I am going to start my opk's soon!

As it's only been 6 months (although I know it feels like a lifetime when you're trying to get pregnant!) you might want to give it a bit longer - I'm nearly up to the 18 month mark which is why I feel like moving forwards with IVF is my best option.
A 7dpo progesterone test is easily done and may put your mind at rest on that front at least.
Good luck! x
FX'd your AF doesnt arrive lilmisscheer.

Almosthere - I'm not up to IUI/IVF stage just yet but I think it will be on the cards in a few months. If you're under 30 I don't think they will do anything for you except extra tests for the spotting. Unless your FS is like mine and says it's normal.

Happyshopper - I haven't had anything like that but find myself needing to pee a bit more frequently. It's strange what goes on with our bodies.

Hi ladies, thanks for all the information! I feel so much better!!! I will turn 23 in June, and suppose I am just worried that because I am so young I should have conceived already-also seeing people in my DH's family getting pregnant their first time trying and they are 30, makes me think something is wrong with my body-then there is the spotting after sex! And there's also my BF who got pregnant without trying right away, so I guess I need to stop comparing myself and my age to others and just relax and hope it happens within this year.
Aw bless youre a spring chick compared to me lol. In general you are more fertile when you're younger but I've seen plenty girls on here, some as young as 19 or 20 that take a while hun. I think no matter what your age up to a year is normal, but its still hard, I remember feeling it at 6 months when it hadn't happened. Sending hugs your way x
Yes, i suppose everyone is different and that age is only a minimal factor (well, between 20-30 i suppose!)

And I see you mention flax-seed in your strategy for this month happyshopper, how is this beneficial? Funny I saw that today, as I have began eating bread with oats and flax seed and i get it on natural frozen yogurt when i am at the yogurt shop! Lovvve flaxseed! I have had 2 grapefruits in the past week, and am preparing to O hopefully no later than cd 22, but I have a feeling its been happening earlier and earlier for me since coming off BCPS. FX this is it with all my healthy eating!!
almosthere - remember it's a 15-25% chance of falling pg each month - even if everything is working properly and timed right. Here are some more stats:

Approximately 40% of couples who are starting out TTC will conceive during the first three months of trying, and about 70% of couples TTC will conceive during the first six months. Up to 85% of couples will conceive within the first year of TTC.

So for lots of people it takes more than six months. Of course no one wants to be in that category, but at least you know that it is probably more common than you think.
thanks ginny! Well looks like my chances will be going up 15% according to the stats if this month is not a success!

and of course I hope we all get lucky soon and start baking a bun!
almosthere - hang in there hun, you still have great chances of a natural pg without treatment.

All - can I ask for those of you who've had 7dpo progesterone checks, what were the results?
I can see Happyshoppers at 69 which is great, well above the guideline of 30.....just curious how others compare.

My previous results have been 52 and 30, because the 52 was well in range and I still spotted I have been told mine isn't a low progesterone issue.......just an imbalance likely from my endo or diminshed egg reserve.

But today is CD21 and I had a draw, don't know if it's 7dpo or not as I didn't get a +opk this's come back as 80 and I have no spotting. Sort of makes me think that maybe mine is at least partly progesterone related after all, bit of a conicidence I have a great result and no spotting (yet!) for the first cycle in 2 years.
Hi Nell, things are sounding good for you this cycle, hope your spotting stays away!

Well I got my next FS appt through yesterday for after my 6th clomid round! 25th April, 9 weeks tomorrow and CAN'T wait! It's 2 weeks before we go on holiday so hopefully we can get something started after our hols. I feel like a weight has been lifted.

So I'm in my fertile window, still not taking any supplements except folic acid, I've had a small amount of EWCM but mostly wet, so maybe the EPO was helping last month with it after all. But I feel better I'm not rattling with pills, and though I've been sooo tempted to use OPK's I've stayed away. And it's good not knowing if I'm in the 2WW yet or not. I did check my CP though and it was HSO yesterday so i think O is imminent! (And much earlier than last month thank god!)

Hope everyone is well

Yes, i suppose everyone is different and that age is only a minimal factor (well, between 20-30 i suppose!)

And I see you mention flax-seed in your strategy for this month happyshopper, how is this beneficial? Funny I saw that today, as I have began eating bread with oats and flax seed and i get it on natural frozen yogurt when i am at the yogurt shop! Lovvve flaxseed! I have had 2 grapefruits in the past week, and am preparing to O hopefully no later than cd 22, but I have a feeling its been happening earlier and earlier for me since coming off BCPS. FX this is it with all my healthy eating!!
Hi Almostthere, here is the link which says there is a link between flaxseed and progesterone. I'm not sure if it will improve anything but hopefully it will at least help with my period pains
Nell, FX the spotting stays away. That is a great progesterone level and I really hope you see some improvement xxx
Good luck everyone xxx
Hi Nell,
My prog was tested at 4dpo and was 44.9 Dr said it was normal and good for before 7dpo-my spotting always seems to start 7dpo so not sure what it would have been that day!
80 sounds really good, really hope the spotting does one!!! FX

Almost There-I am on my 5th cycle properly TTC ie charting etc to try and pinpoint OV, sometimes it so all consuming, but trying to take a step back this month, can't be bothered with temping so just using OPKS, am expecting to OV in a couple of days, day 19! But no much of a line as yet, normally gets gradually darker for me.

Even though I haven't been trying that long I asked for Day 21 test as had been researching it, I questioned everything with all the info I had discovered so I would say don't let them dismiss it!

Fingers crossed it may be the cervical erosion, I have one also which my GP tried to say was causing the spotting but I knew it wasn't as I get a but crampy with the spotting and can tell it comes from the uterus (which a gynae agreed with) I don't spot after sex which can be a symptom of the erosion but good news is Dr told me it doesn't affect fertility, so hopefully it is just a matter of time for you til you get your BFP, =0)

One of my close friends is having a baby am over the moon for her, she was lucky enough to conceive first month of trying, guess all the stars were aligned for her hopefully we will all get lucky, there are so many things that have to happen at exactly the right time and place in order for it to happen is a bit of a comfort to me

So glad to hear about the no spotting _Nell! I hope it keeps up!!

MrsPTTC - Yay for fertile times! Are you doing the soft cups again?

AFM: Just met with my RE and either IUI or IVF is an option for this cycle, but just weighing everything, I think we will do another Femara IUI. I'm surprised with myself that I'm deciding to go this route, but when it came time to pull the trigger and say I wanted IVF, it just didn't FEEL right. Plus the IVF cycle is going to be a bit longer, taking BCP for ten days to give the ovaries a rest first, and so I'll need to develop patience anyway.

We're going to put everything into this IUI cycle though: vitamins for DH, no drinking for me, exercise for everyone during the FP, and eating healthy. She's also going to send the semen to do a morphology check before the IUI just so that we know what we are working with. Count and motility for the last one were good, but they don't check the morphology for the IUI wash. I think getting that done will at least give us better knowledge for what to do next if this doesn't work. So now, I'm going to start the Femara tonight. Onto a new cycle!
Hi ladies,

Life been pretty busy at the moment so not had much of a chance keep up with everyone. Off on holiday for a week as of tomorrow, in the middle of two week wait so really hoping that I will be distracted in a good way.

Daydream - so sorry that first IUI was not successful. I was totally rooting for you and hope you have better luck next time. Thanks for letting us know about the procedure.

Nell - my 7dpo progesterone was 34. This was the cycle that I had a miscarriage so I am really concerned about my progesterone although doc has advised that it is within the normal range but lower than average. I have been prescribed cyclogest (progesterone) from 6 dpo so will let you know how I get on. Anyone else taking this?

Happyshopper - no tickly cough that I can recall but will look out for it next time.

Would be great to come back to some BFPs!!!
Don't think there will be a bfp for me this month due to lack of sperm! Am due to ov on the next couple of days but hubby is working away tonight so we were going to do the bd this morning but think the pressure is getting to him :0( if u know what I mean. Some sperm did arrive but let's say it missed the target, I started crying which won't have helped as he is quite sensitive, but so frustrated as it happened last month at the crucial time too, so have deliberately tried to be chilled this month do he doesn't feel pressure, and I'm not like I need your sperm anyway!!! Just say oh we should maybe try and do it this day or that day, like this morning as think I will I either today or tomorrow . Bd'd Monday which don't know if there are still any lurking around up there alive! Gutted. Thurs might be too late by the time we get back from work. Sorry if tmi in this post, lying here waiting for alarm to go off feeling like crap!
Just did an opk and line is getting darker will test again tonight, not sure if it would be better to O today and have sperm around from Monday night or O tomorrow and not have any sperm in reserve and BD tomorrow night and hope they get to the egg in time!!! Any thoughts?!
Never thought I would be doing this!
lizc123, hun, just BD whenever you feel like! There are so many stories of couples only doing it once around O and getting pregnant and others trying every day/every other day/whatever schedule for months with no luck. So I say, it's really all up to a chance anyway and as long as you at least did it once in your fertile window, the chances are about the same!

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