Spring Blossoms 2013 - 10 born; 5 pink and 5 blue rainbows!!

Hey ladies can I ask your opinion on something? I may just be being an emotionally silly pregnant lady lol!!

I am going out with my friend for her birthday, I told her that I was pg again today so I can't drink, and she text back saying congratulations, I didn't know that you were trying again. And that's it. I also text her saying I was really worried about miscarrying again so not to tell anyone. And all she replied with was "can I tell my bf though coz if not ooops, sorry" which is fine I don't mind her telling him, but she didn't sound excited, didn't say anything reassuring or supportive. Am I being overly sensitive? Bear in mind that this same friend was surprisingly absent during the time I miscarried, I thought she just didn't know what to say to me at the time but now I'm beginning to wonder if she just doesn't like the idea of my having a baby.

And then I think I'm being silly and how could I possibly get all this from a text message! You can't convey emotion through a text so how can I say she's not excited? *sigh*
Congrats, Roma! Don't worry about twinges....I have been having cramps on and off since I found out, and I've read everywhere that this is normal.

Bailey, you are a gem! your post really inspired me to get out of my pit of fear for a moment :) Just wondering, can you get your scan any earlier, considering you've had a loss? Or do you want to wait until week 12?

Curious about your friend....maybe she's had a loss of her own that she hasn't told you about, or is having a hard time TTC? I must admit after my loss I wasn't very receptive to my friends' announcements and I didn't go to a single baby shower (yes, four of them within two weeks of my D&C). Felt like the whole world was conspiring against me....though I know it's selfish to think that way.

10 days to my first scan. How to make the time go by?

Saw a nurse at my clinic today to see if there was anything they could prescribe me for migraines. I don't think she believed me when I said it was the worst pain of my life...recommended tylenol and caffeine. I was like, "not going to cut it." So then she said all that was left was narcotics (I assume she means codeine?)

Do you ladies think that is safe during pg? I would try anything at this point to avoid having that experience again :(

symptoms: bbs very sore now, slight nausea, headache gone for today (yay!), slight tiredness, slight cramping off and on, vivid dreams and dry mouth/swollen throat in the morrning.

How are you ladies faring?
Thanks ttc1at34 I thought that myself but she's really not the child-wanting type, she's always said she never wants kids, so I doubt she's ttc. Maybe it's just me misinterpreting the situation wrong. She's got loads of other friends who have kids so I don't get why she'd be ok with them and not me. It's probably all in my head!!

The symptoms sound good hun, except for the migraines!! Most are what I'm having as well, but I tend to have mine more in the evening and during the night strangely!! Still no ms which I should be happy about but I still really want it lol!!

And it's a definate no on an earlier scan for us British i'm afraid. Unless you have had 3 miscarriages then according to the nhs you are no more likely to have a miscarriae than anyone who hasn't so you don't get treated any differently. Which sucks. But as the midwife pointed out, if you are going to miscarry then having an earlier scan cant help in any way. To which I replied "yes but I had a mmc so at least I wouldn't have to wait until 12 weeks to find out my baby has died". She agreed but in my case my baby had died at 11 weeks so really an early scan would actually be useless to me.
I think it should be offered though coz for some women it could be helpful! I could go and pay for one but as I said, until I get to 12 weeks I wouldn't be able to relax anyway so there's no point.

Right well i'd best get my breakfast and get to work!

Hope you are all well and :dust: to all, remember to keep the PMA ladies!!
These are our rainbow babies and in April we will all be sharing birth stories xxx
hi everyone!

Glad to hear everyone is going well :) Trying to keep up the PMA - still nervous to let my guard down though!
Hey ladies can I ask your opinion on something? I may just be being an emotionally silly pregnant lady lol!!

I am going out with my friend for her birthday, I told her that I was pg again today so I can't drink, and she text back saying congratulations, I didn't know that you were trying again. And that's it. I also text her saying I was really worried about miscarrying again so not to tell anyone. And all she replied with was "can I tell my bf though coz if not ooops, sorry" which is fine I don't mind her telling him, but she didn't sound excited, didn't say anything reassuring or supportive. Am I being overly sensitive? Bear in mind that this same friend was surprisingly absent during the time I miscarried, I thought she just didn't know what to say to me at the time but now I'm beginning to wonder if she just doesn't like the idea of my having a baby.

And then I think I'm being silly and how could I possibly get all this from a text message! You can't convey emotion through a text so how can I say she's not excited? *sigh*

I don't know hun, but I'd be wondering how good of a friend she is. I wonder if she's having her own experiences TTC. Etc.

However, a true friend will be supportive and happy that you've concieved again. :hugs:
texts and emails are hard for sure...she could be in tears of happiness for you and you would never know :)

true, that twelve week scan says it all, but I think I will feel a little better knowing I can rule out BO (assuming things go well!). That was really hard, knowing that I was fooled into thinking I had a new life inside of me for three months and then finding out it was never there. Weird, I had ms and sore bbs and everything....what a cruel joke.

Still, I think I truly believe things will go well this time. Just a couple months to go before I can really start to relax :)

My symptoms are worse at night, too....funny why they call it morning sickness.

Just got a survey in the mail intended for new parents- funny how businesses know the most personal details of your life when you haven't even told your family and friends. I will hold on to it and fill it out in April :)

Anyone know any good excuses for not drinking in front of others? I told my mom I was ttc and finally told her about my loss (four months after the fact), but haven't told her I am pg. Dinner at her house next weekend, so I hope I can just say I'm on meds or something, as I usually am a champion wine drinker and she will for sure know something is up!

Hope everyone is positive and happy and healthy :)
I just had the same thing last night hun, ended up having to tell my best friend coz she kept asking questions (why are you in antibiotics? You can drink with some what did the doctor say? What does the leaflet say?)

But with everyone else it was so hard, I kept getting offered drinks and people couldn't understand me just saying no, it's as if they needed a reason!

I'd try antibiotics as an excuse but make sure your mum doesn't know that you can actually drink with most antibiotics like my friend did lol!!
I have the same problem - we've got THREE weddings in the next month and I somehow have to make excuses at all of them! Recently I just said I'd had a really heavy drinking session the night before and was still feeling fragile - a bit of a white lie but seems to be accepted more easily than antibiotics!
Yeah I agree that one would be accepted much better!

Other people I was out with last night just kept asking if I wanted a drink and it was getting annoying lol!

Also it's amazing how many people question what you eat too!! We went to a Thai restaurant and someone had king prawns in the shell etc and offered me one, now I don't like prawns anyway but they wouldn't let go of the fact that I didn't want one. I felt like standing up and saying "I'm pregnant and can't eat them ok!!"
And then they were trying to get me to have a coffee, and then the worst was they decided to play a drinking game! Which I tried to say I'm not joining in with because i'm not drinking but I had to play, do you know how crap it is playing fuzzy duck when you are sober and everyone else is drunk. It's really not as funny as everyone seems to think it is!!
Oh leinzlove by the way I meant to ask if you would like to be our rainbow baby guru as you always have loads of reassuring answers for us teeny bit preggers ladies?! What's your edd again? I know it's January but I will put you at the beginning of the thread too as baby guru lol!!
Hey ladies,

How's everyone doing?

I am feeling quite achey today and still no ms! I keep thinking that I don't feel pregnant but then I remember that I'm tired, have backache and achey uterus so there is something going on!!
Sorry, I've been MIA. DH was off yesterday and DD has been keeping me on my toes. :) I'm honored, Bailey. But, I am no guru. Just PAL.

I was terrified the whole first trimester. I felt better after my 13w2d scan. And have just had a few days of worry since.

I'm sorry you had such trouble hiding your newfound wonderful state from friends. It can be hard. I had it quite easy because I stayed away from most. I did pretend drinking at a home party one night. I played it so well, everyone thought I was drunk. I was drinking apple juice in my red cup instead of thier beer. :) I'm also a SAHM, so I didn't have to hide sickness at work or anything.

I still have achy uterus, excessive urination, headaches, and fatigue. MS has eased up alot though... Now its food adversions. Some days baby girl doesn't like anything.

I'm due January 20.
Morning all, hope everyone's doing well :)

Sore boobs and nausea still my main symptoms here. Though yesterday I developed a overactive sense of smell! Someone in the office was eating an orange, which usually I quite like the smell of, but yesterday it brutally assaulted my nose. And then someone started on cheese and chive Pringles. I think. Up until yesterday, eating something cured my nausea instantly (just had to convince myself to put something in my mouth and swallow it..) but today it doesn't seem to be working. As horrible as it is (and I've only got mild ms, nothing major) a bit of me is kind of grateful for a sign things might be going normally. Every so often I keep prodding my boobs to check they're still sore and - ow - yup, they are.

This pregnancy feels so incredibly different to the one I mc'd. They're not even in the same ball park. Which I guess is a good thing given how the last one turned out.

Today is day is cd50. It was cd60 when it started to go wrong last time. If I can make it through the next 10 days I'll be a tiny bit less paranoid. Only a tiny bit, mind. It'll take the 12 week scan to convince me there really is a baby in there. And then another 26 weeks or so before I relax a bit!
Lol, my sense of smell is amazing me at the moment!! I could smell petrol the other day that I thought was a gas leak coz it was that strong (well it was to me!!) but it was just next doors motorbike!! I love some smells but hate others!

My pregnancy so far is exactly the same as the last, but I'm not going to see that as a bad sign because my mmc wasn't until 12 weeks so I don't think my hcg or progesterone were a problem, I think it was just that the baby wasn't meant to be, maybe something wrong with the chromosomes. So I wouldn't expect a difference. Oh I do have slight queasiness that I didn't have last time, but that always seems to get better when I've eaten so I think I'm queasy coz I'm hungry lol!!

I could sleep for England at the moment!! I went to bed at midnight (quite late for me ATM!!) and didn't wake up til 12 noon!! Well except to go pee during the night!

I'm gonna be a nervous wreck until my 12 week scan, in one way I can't wait and in another in petrified as I did get to see my baby last time she was just not moving :-( but the odds of that happening again are so slim that I'm trying to keep positive!!

Leinzlove you always have good answers for us though so that makes you a little bit of a guru lol!! And I hope that you are feeling much more reassured now hun xx
Hey ladies someone has just pointed out to me that our babies are due around Easter, Easter Monday is 1st April 2013. We are expecting Easter babies!!!
Yay for the Easter Babies! :happydance: I had a baby born on Easter Monday 2011. :) This one I'm calling my snowbaby! :)

There are still days bailey that I get worried and freak out, really. It really is awful what loss does to us. There was nothing like that first scan... I was crying before I even entered the Dr. office.

Cherry: I'm sorry for your loss, hun! :hugs:
Leinzlove you freaked me out then I thought I'd missed a terrible post by cherry then (we have chatted for ages on another thread you see). Phew! Panic over!

And I know it's so sad that we get affected by mc in such a sad way. I know I will be a blubbering wreck the day of my 12 week scan, my last one was just horrible. I don't think I'll be able to look this time until I know the baby is ok. But you should be proud you have done so well and managed to get so far! Yay for your little sticky bean xxx
Thanks Bailey! :hugs: I didn't mean to freak you out, hun! I've never ran into Cherry before. :hugs: I definitley can see where that would. I'm sorry, hun.
No worries leinzlove, it was a momentary panic lol!

Hope you are all well today!

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