Spring Blossoms 2013 - 10 born; 5 pink and 5 blue rainbows!!

Hi all,

Sorry for inadvertently freaking you out bailey! I added a post to the original thread from a few months back when I first started bleeding and was panicking about mc, just so that if anyone came to it later it would have a nice positive ending rather than being just horribly depressing!

Think everything's still ok here. Have added being thristy all the time to my list of symptoms (I usually don't drink much at all - I'm getting through a litre or two a day at the moment). I think I'm losing a bit of weight because of the nausea/general aversion to consuming anything which probably isn't great. I'm going to be utterly hopeless if I actually start throwing up rather than just feeling sick!

I wish there was a way of speeding up time just a few weeks.....reckon I'm going to be more scared at this scan than the one for my last pregnancy though (it hadn't really sunk in there really could be something wrong...)

Hey ladies,
Haven't been on for a while, but I've been away for a few days and sleeping like sleeping beauty in the afternoons!

So from 4 weeks to now, (5 weeks 3 days) I seem to have morning sickness most days, on and off all day! Last Friday my nipples were so sore I cried! It felt like someone was slashing them with a razor blade! May sound a bit extreme but that is honestly what it felt like!
My nipples were hard all day and felt bruised to the touch.. That disappeared on Monday and now I just have bruised-feeling boobies! They hurt when I go down stairs.. (prob because I am a 34 DD and normally wobble a bit even in the most supportive bra!)

I'm sleeping most afternoons and have to set the alarm for an hour and a half max, otherwise I would sleep all day!

I'm hoping these symptoms all mean I have a little Raisin (as my DH calls it!) growing in there.. But as I had morning sickness and tiredness with last 2 pregnancies ending in blighted ovums, I'm trying to have a PMA, but obviously trying to be realistic too and not hyping myself up about it too much I case I am unlucky enough to have a 3rd MMC!

Hope you ladies are having lots of symptoms and I am keeping fingers crossed for all of us hoping to have Easter babies!

Cherry: I also had the very thirsty... first trimester! I hope these next weeks go fast for you. :hugs:

Jerseybean: I'm sorry for your losses. :hugs: I truly hope this bean is forever and you aren't third time unlucky. Will you get to see your Dr. earlier for a bit of reassurance. I sure hope so.
Stalking here!!!! Hope to join all you ladies soon. Congratulations on your BFPs :)
After whinging about my preg symptoms I'm now really nervous because they've pretty much disappeared.

I wasn't queasey when I woke up, my nipples are back to normal after being super sensitive, and the last couple of days I haven't been as knackered. I know symptoms can come and go but I didn't think it would happen so early, so obviously I'm fearing the worst. I know it could just be a "good" day - I don't have any cramps, pain or bleeding - but disappearing symptoms screams of mc and I'm not far off when it went wrong last time.

Maybe they'll reappear later... :(
Hey cherry,

Try not to worry too much, this can cause stress and your body will react in different ways, just try and be positive and don't worry too much about the symptoms, I'm sure they will rear their ugly head again in the next few days!

Cherry try not to worry (I should listen to my own advice!)

I've had hardly any MS compared to my last 2 pregnancies. I asked my GP about it and she said that the symptoms for each pregnancy is different and they don't indicate anything anyway.

I have a scan booked in for Monday - I'll be 6+5.... so nervous!
Thanks guys, I'm trying... I'm just nervous that they came and went - I'd be less freaked out if they'd never showed up at all. Really hoping they're just regrouping and will hit back tomorrow..... (if they do, I'm sure I'll regret saying that...)
Please don't worry cherry, mine come and go all the time. The other day I didn't feel pregnant at all, yet yesterday I had to have a nap and was still shattered by 9pm!! And today my boobs are the sorest they've been, yet yesterday they felt fine! Please try not to worry, I know it's hard but keep the faith! PMA all the way!!

How's everyone getting on? I'm well jel of all you ladies having early scans. I tried my hardest but I'm being treated no differently to last time :-(
I did get my booking appointment through the post today, August 21st but all they will do at that is go through all by medical history and family history and take bloods. Roll on 12 weeks!!!
Cherry, I had a couple days earlier this week with NO symptoms, and I freaked out too, assumed it was over. Then yesterday I woke up with the ladies hurting worse than ever, sore nipples to boot, and nausea by the evening.

I feel the hormones go in surges, body adjusts, and then another surge.....def nothing to be worried about.

Ladies, I am so scared for the scan on Monday! I am afraid of PMA, cause I don't want to feel the shock and surprise again. I am trying to stay calm and not think about it, focus on DHs birthday. I am scared that DHs low morphology caused the first BO and now will have the same result :(

Symptoms: tried to go running yesterday, felt like I was wearing a 100-pound body suit and running through cement. Ugh. Had to alternate walking.

BBs are now extremely tender, getting bigger, nice to finally feel like they're there. ;) slight nausea, no physical energy whatsoever, thirsty and dry mouth in the morning, vivid dreams that I remember every single morning.

Please cross your fingers for me on Monday....hoping there is a tiny heartbeat in there :)

Bailey, i think you aren't so bad off....I won't feel secure until twelve weeks anyway, so at least when you see your LO you will know you are in the clear!
ttc1 - I have my scan on Monday also and I'm exactly the same as you - scared to have a PMA in case I'm actually setting myself up for disappointment
Aw ladies I've got everything crossed for Monday for you, I hope it all goes ok! I'm sure it will though for us all! It's hard to have PMA and feel we are setting ourselves up for a fall, so maybe trying thinking what it would mean for the worst outcome, how you would react etc what things would change and so on. So then when you do see those lovely heartbeats then you will all the more excited and happ! I hope that made sense!
Thanks Ttc1at34, it's reassuring to hear that you had something similar. A small part of me is clinging to the fact that I don't have any cramps/pain, though I know that doesn't necessarily mean much. If nothing's started up again in the next few days I might call my GP and see if she takes pity on me and lets me have an early scan...or I might bite the bullet and have one done privately. I don't think I could handle another 6 weeks or so waiting with nothing happening and finding out the worst at my 12 week scan.

In happier news, one of my good friends had her baby yesterday which made me really happy (still suffering with a little envy/grumpiness at other people's baby news...). She gave birth at 5.10pm and was home an hour or so later to catch up on the Olympics!

Someone asked me if I had thought about getting a private scan cherry. And it's not that I couldn't afford it, I could, I just don't know if it would make me feel better. Coz my baby passed at 11 weeks last time I probably wouldn't feel safe until then anyway, but then I think if I have an earlier scan at least I could possibly have a nice image of my baby alive and well (if i were lucky and that were the case) rather than the horrible image I still have in my head now from my 12 week scan. Does that make sense?
And for you too leinzlove with the op!

Hope it's all ok for you, and you feel better about it. I know it must be really hard. I've had issue with my teeth and have false ones at the front that I hate. It will all be ok though Hun I'm sure xxxxx
Hello ladies. Can I join you? I'm due on the 24th. I'm pregnant after a mmc in January and a chemical in May.
Welcome, York!

Cherry, don't sweat it either if you do get some cramps- that's totally normal too. You should get the early scan if it will give you some comfort. My fear is another BO/MMC...so I think the scan will at least rule that one out.

Ginny, do you know what kind of scan they will do for you? I just realized they told me to have a full bladder, which must mean an abdominal scan...but I read that seven weeks might be too early for anything to show on an abdominal scan? I think I will demand a TV scan if we don't see anything on the first one.

Do you ladies think seven weeks is too soon to throw in the towel if we don't see anything on either scan? I guess I am just trying to prepare myself for the worst :(. I am pretty certain about my dates, used OPKs and got a positive HPT 11DPO.

Two more days to go...hard to stay sane right now. Symptoms getting worse...nausea throughout the day now, almost lost it when I walked into the ladies bathroom yesterday, and when I had to pick up after my dog.

I guess most folks have food aversions...I seem to have poop aversions instead :)

Hope you ladies are well! PMA and looking forward to our April miracles!

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