Krissie-welcome back!!! Mocha- sorry AF showed

Dogmommy-why do you take progesterone suppositories? I'm sorry you are feeling down!!!!! Redrose-I am crossing my fingers for you!!!!
AFM I got the HCG trigger yesterday (had a fellow nurse come in and give it to me). She is like what are we doing, and I explained to her, and she is like yeah I can't get pregnant either! It was so comforting to hear that also. She has a 3 year old daughter and hasn't gotten pregnant since

She was inspired by me to get some clomid from her obgyn lol.
Anyways, she gave me the trigger and I felt NOTHING I was like what!? I think I could give it to myself but the angle of trying to look over your shoulder and get right into your butt is a little tricky lol. After a few hours it felt like somebody punched me in the butt. hahaha!!!!
So tomorrow we go in at noon. Hubby does his part (been abstaining since Saturday. Can't wait to DTD when we get home tomorrow! LOL!!!!). Then they wash the semen and I come back at 1:30. They want me to have a full bladder (yay jk).
I plan on DTD after we get home and the next few days just to cover our bases

Feeling super positive!!!!!!!!